New Lab Discount Application Form
New Lab DiscountGiving back to the scientific community is important to Thorlabs. The new lab discount program is an effort to contribute to the establishment of new labs both in research and teaching. Understanding that starting a new lab is a huge challenge in and of itself, Thorlabs would like to contribute to those scientists starting a new lab by providing a 10% discount. Discounts are provided within 12 months from the initiation of the laboratory to give the necessary time for planning, initiation, and completion.

Who is eligible for the program?

Your lab can be eligible for the program if
  • You are starting a new lab
  • You are the principal researcher for that lab
  • Your organization is a College/University or a not-for-profit research center

To apply, complete the form below and submit. The New Lab Discount is available when placing orders direct and cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion. If granted, one offer is available per Principal Researcher.

Thorlabs provides over 20,000 products, ranging from mechanical components to advanced measurement systems. This New Lab Discount applies to most Thorlabs products.* If we don’t have the product you are looking for, let us know. Over 30% of our new products are inspired by conversations with our customers, and vertical infrastructure makes it possible to offer custom products with reasonable lead times.

* The following items are not included in the new lab program: Specials, custom orders, and items deemed non-discountable by Thorlabs. Non-discountable items include Nikon and Olympus imaging objectives; deformable mirrors manufactured by our strategic partner, Boston Micromachines Inc. and the adaptive optics kits that contain them; and systems-level products (e.g., laser systems, imaging systems, etc.). If you have a question about a specific product, please contact your local sales office.

* お名前:
* Email:
* TEL:
* Position:
* Institution:
* Department:
* Shipping Address:
 Is your Billing Address the same as your Shipping Address?:
* Billing Address:
 If applicable, please enter your VAT Number:
* Brief Description of the Research that is going to be conducted:
* Start Date of New Lab:
* Please list the group members and administrative / purchasing personnel who will be authorized to purchase on behalf of your account. Please note purchasing personnel separately:
While we can’t visit every lab, would it be okay to ask for a tour of your lab if one of our engineers is in the area at some point in the future?:
Yes or   No
*  必須項目

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