
  • Imaging Software to Control our Multiphoton and Confocal Microscope Systems
  • Customizable Interface with Diverse Functionality

ThorImageLS is used to control all of our microscope systems.

See Overview Tab Below for Image Information

See Overview Tab Below for Image Details

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イメージング用ソフトウェア ThorImage®LS





  • 上段左:海馬細胞内のニューロフィラメント(緑)、グリア細胞(赤)、DAPI染色した核 (青)のマルチチャンネル共焦点イメージ
  • 下段左:GCaMP6f(緑)およびC1V1(赤)を共発現した細胞100個への光同時刺激(画像ご提供:Lloyd Russell, Dr. Adam Packer, and Prof. Michael Häusser, University College London, United Kingdom)
  • 上段右:thy1-YFP発現マウスの歯状回の2光子3D画像スタック(画像ご提供:2017 Imaging Structure and Function in the Nervous System Course at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY)
  • 下段右:コヒーレント反ストークスラマン散乱(CARS、赤)、第2高調波発生(SHG、緑および紫)、および和周波発生(SFG、青)によるニワトリ心臓の画像




ThorImageLS Application WorkspaceMulti-Modality SupportMulti-Modality SupportAutomated Image CaptureIntuitive Data VisualizationThorImageLS workspace customizationThorImageLS workspace customizationThorImageLS workspace customizationSignal GeneratorROI ToolsSoftware TechniquesAutomated Image CaptureROI ToolsMulti-Modality SupportIntuitive Data VisualizationROI ToolsROI ToolsIntuitive Data Visualization




  • 関心領域を様々な形状で選択可能
  • 強度の時間変化
  • 強度の平均値、最小値および最大値
  • 標準偏差
  • 数値演算





  • 時間
  • Bergamoからのトリガ信号
  • カスタム仕様の入力トリガ信号




  • 各イメージング手法に適した作業スペースにカスタマイズ可能
  • イメージング手法の切り替えを高速化して作業時間の短縮化
  • ワイドフィールド画像と共に設定したレーザ走査画像を同時に取得
  • 画像と試料の動きとの相関を見るために、顕微鏡の画像データに同期した外部カメラのデータを取得

ThorImageLSで試料を容易にイメージングする方法についての詳細は、「性能」および「 ThorSync™」タブをご覧ください。




  • ドラッグ&ドロップによるスクリプトインターフェイスを使用してコマンドシーケンスを作成
  • ThorImageLSからデータのエクスポートやサードパーティによるスクリプトの実行が直接可能
  • Fiji/ImageJマクロやMATLABスクリプトの実行
  • オープンソースSDKによりお手持ちのデバイス用プラグインのコード作成が可能
  • オープンソースコードにより、フルカスタマイズおよび外部処理との統合が可能





  • X-Y、YZ、X-Z面での2Dスライス画像の同時走査
  • 3Dでのレンダリングおよび画像回転により試料全体の可視化と非直交性の特定
  • イメージセットはVR環境に対応
  • イメージセットとデータは一般的なファイルフォーマットで保存
  • 4D、3D、2D、ライン、ポリライン、ポイントでのデータ取得

詳細については「性能」 および「インターオペラビリティ」タブをご覧ください。




  • 直観的なデザインによりハードウェア制御素子に容易にアクセス可能
  • ユーザやイメージング手法に応じてカスタマイズできる複数の設定欄のレイアウト
  • ワークステーションの共有時に複数ユーザの設定を保存

ThorImageLSの動作の様子は「概要」 および「性能」タブの動画でご覧いただけます。




  • 光刺激:マルチポイント同時、全視野、およびシーケンスマルチポイント
  • 広域イメージをモザイク状にタイリング
  • リアルタイムでの関心領域のマスキング、解析および画像修正
  • Z-スタックおよびボリュームデータを高速で取得
  • マルチモーダル画像
  • レーザーパワーのランピングおよび迅速な波長切り替え
  • 外部のハードウェアおよびソフトウェアによる制御に適したイメージング

さらに詳しい情報については「性能」および 「ThorSync」タブをご覧ください。


ThorImageLSは様々な機能を一つに統合化したイメージングソフトウェアで、以下ではそのいくつかの機能をご紹介しています。 ソフトウェアのすべての機能は「仕様」タブにリスト表示しております


Quick Links
Data-Dense Acquisitions
5D Visualization
Modalities Supported
Sequential Imaging
Images Coordinated with Experimentation
Photoactivation and Masking
High-Speed Video
Deep Physiological Scans
Simultaneous Image Processing
Real-Time Analysis and Image Correction
Large-Area Mosaic Tiling



DIC and Confocal Fluorescence Kidney Cells
Click to Enlarge






  • レーザ走査(ガルバノ-ガルバノおよびガルバノ-レゾナント)
    • 蛍光
    • Dodt
    • 第2高調波発生(SHG)/2光子
    • 第3高調波発生(THG)/3光子
  • ワイドフィールド
    • 蛍光
    • 明視野
    • ハイパースペクトル
    • 微分干渉顕微鏡(DIC)
    • Dodt
    • 暗視野
    • 位相差







In Vivo 3D Mouse Brain Stack
Click to Enlarge

マウスの1次体性感覚野の厚さ1.2 mmのin vivo3D画像。thy1-YFP発現マウス(H line)のニューロンを黄色、スルホローダミン101によって染色した血管を赤で示しています(画像ご提供:Dr. Hajime Hirase, Katsuya Ozawa, and YOU. H, RIKEN Brain Institute, Wako, Japan)。
Photostimulation with Spatial Light Modulator
Click to Enlarge

GCaMP6f(緑)およびC1V1(赤)を共発現した細胞100個への光同時刺激(画像ご提供:Lloyd Russell, Dr. Adam Packer, and Prof. Michael Häusser, University College London, United Kingdom)。





ガルバノ-レゾナントスキャナ方式のレーザ走査顕微鏡の場合には、位置ごとのレーザ光の滞在時間が一様でなくなり、特に走査領域の末端においてそれが顕著に現れます。ThorImageLSはポッケルスセルを制御して(Bergamo IIIシステムで使用可能)エッジの消去および関心領域の高速マスキングを行うことで、領域内のレーザ励起の均一性を向上させるとともに、領域外の不要な露光を防止します。関心領域はライブ画像内を単にドラッグ&ドロップするだけで指定できます。


画像セットは最大400 fpsで取得できますが、保存可能な容量は対応するハードドライブのサイズよって制限されます。ボリューム画像取得時は、顕微鏡のピエゾによる高速なZ方向移動量とデータ取得を同期させ、ユーザ定義のステップサイズで正確に走査することができます。データの取得途中でも、そのビデオフレームレートでそれまでに取得された画像セットあるいはストリーミングの画像セットに対して、関心領域のリアルタイム解析を行うことができます。そのため高感度なin vivoの実験における停止時間を短縮できます。






Large-Area Mosaic Tiled Image of a Rat Retina
Click to View Full-Resolution Image

DAPI、イソレクチン、GFAPで染色したラットの網膜のスティッチング処理された共焦点蛍光画像。重ねて表示されている白い線はタイリングされた個々の画像を示しています(画像ご提供:Jennifer Kielczewski, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD)。



  • 強度の時間変化
  • 強度の平均値、最小値および最大値
  • 標準偏差
  • 数値演算
    • dF/F
    • レシオメトリックイメージング



Click for Details

係留されたショウジョウバエの飛行をThorSyncで記録し、視覚刺激に対して素早く動く様子を観察(画像ご提供:Dr. Michael Dickinson and Dr. Ivo Ros from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA)。


ThorSyncは、デジタル信号とアナログ信号を最大2 MHzの速度でモニタし保存します。このソフトウェアアドオンはThorImage®LSと連携して動作するように設計されており、顕微鏡のデータ取得と補助的なハードウェアを連携させその処理プロセスを同期させます。ThorImageLS同様に、ThorSyncのアプリケーションコードもご提供しているので、ソフトウェアのフルカスタマイズが可能です。

このソフトウェアパッケージは、光励起/光刺激などの実験を開始したり調整したりするために、任意のデジタル波形を出力します。デジタル信号やアナログ信号のサンプリングには同じベースクロックが使われており、得られたデータはPCのハードドライブに保存されます。データサンプリング用に、アナログ入力チャンネル(AI)が16、デジタルTTL入力チャンネル(DI)が32あります。アナログ信号は+/-10Vに対して16 bitの分解能でサンプリングできます。光とシャッタの制御用デジタル出力信号(DO)のリフレッシュレートは最大2 MHzです。このソフトウェアは、顕微鏡のメインPCに組み込まれたPCIeベースのDAQを利用します。


Execute MATLAB Scripts and ImageJ Macros Directly from ThorImageLS
Click to Enlarge

Open Acquired Images Directly in Fiji/ImageJ or MATLAB
Click to Enlarge





当社のソフトウェアは、MATLABおよびFiji/ImageJを用いて画像取得と解析の自動化を容易に行うことができます。取得したデータセットは、ThorImageLSソフトウェア内のquick connectボタンを使用して、MATLABまたはFiji/ImageJで直接開くことができます。このソフトウェアでMATLABスクリプトとFiji/ImageJマクロを直接実行することもできます。




研究コミュニティのニーズにお応えして、ThorImageLSおよびそのアドオンのThorSyncはオープンソースとし、対応する当社の顕微鏡システムに付属しています。プログラムはMicrosoft C#およびC++で書かれており、お客様のニーズに合わせてフルカスタマイズすることが可能です。当社のソフトウェアについては長期にわたるサポートをご提供しております。製品の詳細情報、あるいはGitLabにアクセスして最新のThorImageLS(バージョン4.3)やThorSyncソフトウェアのソースコードをダウンロードする方法については、以下の様式で当社までお問い合わせください。お客様からのご提案やバグに関するレポートもお待ちしております。ThorImageLSバージョン3.0およびそれ以降のバージョンは、バージョン2.xおよび 1.xに比べて大幅に新機能が追加されているため、バージョン3.0およびそれ以降のバージョンは当社の旧モデルの顕微鏡には対応しておりませんのでご注意ください。当社では旧モデルをお持ちのお客様のために旧バージョンのソフトウェアのサポートを継続しております。

ThorImageLSおよびThorSyncと統合して作られたコードの一例として、ユーザによって開発されたThorViewer GUIをご覧ください。こういったことも当社のオープンソースコードを利用することで可能になります。スクリプト、あるいはMATLABやImageJのようなサードパーティのソフトウェアを用いてThorImageLSの操作を自動化する方法については、「インターオペラビリティ」のタブをご覧ください。

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*  必須項目

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ThorImage®LS Version 4.3 Specifications
Laser Scanning
  • Multiphoton Imaging
    • Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) / Two-Photon Fluorescence
    • Third Harmonic Generation (THG) / Three-Photon Fluorescence
  • Confocal
  • Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
  • Dodt Gradient Contrast
  • Fluorescence
  • Epi-Fluorescence
  • Brightfield
  • Reflected Light
  • Hyperspectral
  • Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
  • Dodt Gradient Contrast
  • Phase Contrast
  • Darkfield
  • 2D and 3D Simultaneous Multi-Point with Spatial Light Modulator
  • Sequential Multi-Point with Galvo-Galvo Scanner
  • Full Field
  • Protein Uncaging
Electrophysiology Signaling
Fast Deep-Tissue Scanning
Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows® 10 (64-Bit)
(Click for Details)
Software Capabilities
  • Frame Rates up to 400 fps
  • Series Data Limited Only by the Capacity of the Hard Drive
  • Synchronization Options
    • Start Triggers
    • Stimulus Triggers
  • Coordinated ROI Masking and Analysis
  • Access to Image Data by Third-Party Applications While the Experiment is Active
  • Specify Idle Times up to Hours Between Captures
  • Synchronize with Shutter Hardware to Avoid Photobleaching
  • Synchronization Options
    • Trigger First
    • Trigger Each
3D Physiological Scans
  • Piezo or Stepper Motor Control
  • Step Sizes Down to 100 nm
  • User-Defined Laser Power Ramping in Z
Large-Area Mosaic Tiling
  • Image Areas up to the Full Travel Range of the XY Stage
  • Multiplex with Time Series and Z-Stacks
  • Join, Overlay, or Space Tiles to Aid Analysis and Post-Processing in Fiji / ImageJ
  • Enable Tilt Adjustment to Correct for Samples Not Orthogonal to the Objective
  • Simultaneously Obtain Laser-Scanned Images Co-Registered with Widefield Images
  • Acquire External Camera Data Synced with Microscopy Image Data to Correlate Image Features with Specimen Behavior
  • Quickly Switch Between Modalities to Reduce Wait Times over a Single Run
  • Create Output Signals to Trigger Image Acquisition, Experiment Stimulation, and Auxiliary Equipment
    • 16 Input Analog Channels and 32 Digital TTL I/O Channels
    • 16 Bit Analog Resolution Over ±10 V
    • 2 MHz Digital Signal Resolution
  • Data Stored in Non-Proprietary HDF5 Format
  • Script for Iterative or Custom Acquisition Protocols
  • Customize Display Settings to Improve Signal Interpretation
  • View Signal Statistics upon Rollover
  • Measure Time and Y-Axis Values Using Location Indicators
  • Create or Respond to Signals from Behavioral Devices
Supplementary Hardware
Feature Integration
  • Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging with KURIOS®
  • Simultaneously Photoactivate Hundreds of Cells in User-Defined Groups using Spatial Light Modulator
  • Control Beam Width Using Spatial Light Modulator
AnalysisRatiometric Acquisition / Calculations
  • Simultaneous Capture of up to Four Channels
  • Define up to 65 535 Regions of Interest (ROIs)
  • Plot Statistics of ROIs Live or After Acquisition
  • Create Custom Equations for Statistics, Such as Ratios and Subtractions
  • Multi-Column Customizable Workspace
  • Multi-User Settings Saved for Shared Workstations
  • Switch Modality-Specific Settings Quickly to Reduce Wait Times
File Export
  • Images Stored as 16-Bit TIFFs
  • Image Calibration Values Stored in TIFF Metadata
  • OME-TIFF Header Support for Multi-Image Experiments
  • Additional Instrument and Experiment Info Stored in Open XML Format
  • ROI Statistics Stored in HDF5 Data File
Third-Party Integration
  • Launch and Immediately Open Files in Supported 3rd Party Applications using a Quick Connect Button
  • Simplify Hardware Integration through 3rd Party Scripts
  • Create ThorImageLS Scripts that Execute Fiji/ImageJ and MATLAB Scripts Synchronously or Asynchronously
  • Open SDK Enables Users to Code Their Own Device Plugins
SupportOpen Source
  • Software Code Hosted on GitLab
  • Available with a Thorlabs Microscope System Purchase
Technical Support
  • Lifetime Software Technical Support
  • Multiple Software Updates per Calendar Year




Quick Links
ThorImageLS VersionRelease Date
4.3January 4, 2024
4.1September 13, 2021
4.0October 15, 2019
3.2April 26, 2018
3.1November 3, 2017
3.0October 13, 2016
2.4March 1, 2016
2.3June 9, 2015
2.2December 8, 2014
2.1September 10, 2014
2.0June 20, 2014
1.5October 30, 2013


Version 4.3 - January 4, 2024

New Hardware Support
  • Added Support for the Toptica iChrome CLE-50 Laser
  • Added Support for 3P Imaging
  • Added Support for the CS126MU, CS165MU, and CC505MU Monochrome Cameras
  • Added Support for a Mini-Circuits® Switch Box
  • Added Support for PMT3100R (Included in Some Bergamo Multiphoton Imaging Systems)
User Interface (UI) Improvements
  • Added Configurable Channel View Layout (Horizontal and Vertical)
  • Added Improved Scan Path Realignment and Added Ability to Save Multiple Reference Images for Multiple Targets
    • Allows for Simplified Relocation to Same Target Day to Day
  • Added New Features for SLM Operation
    • Added 3D Mode Toggle
    • Added Z Offset
    • Added Ability to Export Patterns
    • Added Set Zero% and Delete All Buttons
    • Added Pattern Center to Display as "0" Point
      • Added SLM Control Panel Advanced Mode Enhancement
        • Added New Optional Delay Between Epochs
      • Added SLM Control Panel Import/Export Enhancement
        • Ability to Export Table of SLM Patterns
      • Added New SLM Settings
        • Added to ThorSLMSettings.xml and Application Settings
      • Added Ability to Offset the Z Position of Pattern Points in New 3D Mode
    • Enhanced ORCA Fusion Features
      • Updated Exposure Calculation for Master Pulse Mode
      • Added Option to Enable Water Cooling Control
    • Added Improved Performance When Switching Modalities
    • Enhanced Two-Way Scanning
      • Two-Way Scanning is Now Allowed Up to a Pixel Density of 4096 x 4096 When Only One Channel is Selected
      • Only Selectable by Dragging the Slider Bar to the Desired Pixel Density in One-Way Before Switching to Two-Way
    New Features
    • Added Camera Frame Rate Control
    • Added UI Control of Two Blue Mini-Circuits® Switch Boxes
    • Added 3D SLM
    • Added Continuous Preview and Enhanced Orthogonal Views for Z-Stacks
    • Added Improved Laser Safety Control for Digital Switches When Switches Are Configured for Laser Switching
    • Added Control for Stimulus Shutter Operation When Using Stimulus Capture Mode
    • Added Camera Frame Rate Control
      • Added a New Section to Control the Frame Rate for CMOS Cameras with this Functionality
    • Added Image-Based Autofocus
      • Added Ability to Find the Optimal Focus Point of the Sample Based on Image Contrast
    • Added Automatic Version Update Checker
      • When Connected to Internet a Version Update Check Will Occur as the Splash Screen Loads When ThorImageLS Is Started Up
    • Added Signal Generator Analog Mode
      • Allows Custom Control of Analog Modulation
    • Added New Continuous Button for Repeated Preview
      • Allows for Fast Location Sample in XZ and YZ Line Scan Mode
    • Added Enhanced IPC Communication
      • Added IPC Command to Load an Experiment or a Template
      • Added IPC Commands to Move X, Y, Z, and Secondary Z Stages
      • Added IPC Commands that Get Sent from ThorImageLS Every Time a File Is Saved During T Series Experiments


    Version 4.1 - September 13, 2021

    New Hardware Support
    • Added Support for the Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash Camera (Model C13440)
      • Due to this Camera Not Running for a Finite Number of Frames, There Will Always Be Extra Frame Triggers at the End of a Capture
    • Added Support for the Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion Camera (Model C14440)
    • Added Support for Thorlabs' Chrolis™ 6-Wavelength High-Power LED Source
    • Added Support for Bergamo 2P Systems with Galvo-Resonant Scanners  
    • Added Support for Bergamo 3P Systems with Galvo-Galvo Scanners
    • Added Support for the MCM6000 Motor Controller
      • Supports X, Y, and Z Motors
      • Supports Digital Flipper Mirror
    User Interface (UI) Improvements
    • Added Button in Inverted Light Path Control to Move the NDD Mirror In and Out
    • Added Ability to Use Wavelengths from the Chrolis Settings' File as Labels for Each LED
      • Peak Wavelength Will Show When Hovering Over the Top of Each Label
    • Separated Galvo-Resonant and Galvo-Galvo Alazar Features in Multiphoton Mode
    • Added Option in DC2200 GUI to Enable the LED
    • Added Selection of Windows® 7 or Windows® 10 Operating System to the SLM Feature
    • Added Ability to Display Images as a Rolling Average in the Capture Tab
      • Allows Images to Update Quicker (For Display Only)
      • Cumulative and Non-Cumulative Data is Still Saved as Configured
    • Added DDR05 Features Back to the Installer
      • Used for the DDR25 Direct Drive Rotation Mount
    • Enhanced the Line Profile Window
      • Added an Auto Y-Scaling Option
      • Added Option to Show X-Axis in Microns or Pixel Number
    • Added Setting to Always Append Index to the Experiment Name for the First Instance of Using a New Name
    • Added Option to Zoom into ROI
    • Added Features to Pinhole Panel
      • Allow Users to Display Size in ADU or Microns
      • Fixed Homing Issue when Selecting Calibrate Button
    • Updated Quick Support to TeamViewer 15
    New Features
    • Added Ability to Check PMT2100 Amplifier Saturation Count
    • Added Features for MCM600 Controller
      • Added Support for New Cards, Shutter, and Piezo
      • Card Type Auto-Detection Based on Slot Name Given by Configuration in MCM6000UI
      • Added Support for a MCM6000 Condenser Module
    • Added Option to Pre-Move Galvo Scanners to Start Position for ThorDAQ GR
    • Added Background Worker to Monitor Interlock for the Inverted Microscope
    • Added Log File Handling Upon Startup to Keep Files from Growing Too Large
    • Added Ability to Stop Capture When Interlock Disconnect Is Detected for the Inverted Microscope
    • Added Speed Selection Options for the ORCA Camera
      • Modes Added are Ultra Quiet, Standard, and Fast
    • Added Galvo-Resonant Image Rotation Features
      • Allows the Rotation in an Image to Be Set to Match the Stage Motion on Cerna® Microscopes
    • Added Ability for 1 Flyback for Fast-Z Imaging at 12 kHz
    • Added Enhancements to Field in the ROI Feature
      • Allows for the Pixel Density to Change to the Size of the ROI for Faster Imaging
    • Added Ability to Rotate Galvo Resonant Image
      • Supports a Rotated Mounted Scan Head on the Cerna® Body
    • Added Enhanced Time-Based Line Scan


    Version 4.0 - October 15, 2019

    New Hardware Support
    • Added Support for Windows® 10 OS
    • Added Support for CS895MU and CS505MUMonochrome Cameras (Requires ThorCAM 3.2)
      • Allows for Hot Pixel Correction
    • Added Support for CSN210 Motorized Dual-Objective Nosepiece
      • Allows for Improved Objective Setup and Control
    • Added Support for Secondary Three Channel Controller
    • Added Support for Second LED of the DC2200 LED Driver
    • Added Support for New Version of  Thorlabs' Tiberius® Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser (No Longer Available)
      (Up to 1060 nm)
    • Added Support for Second Channel for GGNI (Allows for Sequential Imaging with 2 Channels)
    • Added Support for Controlling Up to 6 Digital Shutters (ThorShutterDig)
    • Added Support for Resonant-Galvo-Galvo Scan-Head (Galvo-Resonant or Galvo-Galvo Scan Modes Only)
    • Added Support for Coherent® Discovery with AOM Support (Requires Coherent® Discovery GUI Version 1.8.3 and 3rd Party Virtual Serial Port Software)
    User Interface (UI) Improvements
    • Renamed “Bleaching” to “Stimulation”
    • Added Scale Bar in Image
    • Added Help Menu Features
      • Allows User to Check for Updates
      • Allows User to View Log File for Trouble-Shooting
    • Added Shortcuts to Hardware Settings and Application Settings in Hardware Connections Window and Edit Under Settings Menu
    • Changed Capture Preview of Image to Show Averaged if Cumulative Mode is Used
    • Added Control Digital Switches within Script
    • Updated Digital Switch Configuration to be Saved in Experiment Settings and Viewable in Experiment Settings Browser
    • Updated Extend Filing Numbering Index Out to 6 Digits
    New Features
    • Added Ability to Save Experiment Data in Multi-Page TIFF Format (OME TIFF)
    • Added Rapid Image Update for Galvo-Galvo Scanner
      • Updates Image Every 16 Scan Lines During Acquisition
    • Added Galvo-Galvo External Trigger Sync (Minimum 1 MHz) (GGNI Not Supported)
    • Added Improved Galvo-Galvo and Galvo-Resonant Triggering Times
    • Added Ability to Read Resonant Frequency Probe
    • Added Configurable Trigger Output (Signal Generator) Based on Time or Other Digital Events
    • Added Auto Update for Histograms
    • Added Dedicated Bleach Shutter Control for Galvo-Galvo and GGNI
    • Added Stimulation Epoch Control
    • Added Additional Stimulation Features (Pre Idle, Post Idle) and Control Lines (Active, Cycle Output, Epoch)
    • Added SLM Multiple Epoch Control (Random Epoch)
    • Added Ability to Invert Z Control’s Plus and Minus Buttons (Supports Both Primary and Secondary Z Controllers)
    • Added Ability to Display X and Y Positions in Microns or Millimeters
    • Added BCM-PA Slider Step Size
      • Allows for Setting Slide Step Size When Using Slider Plus and Minus Buttons for Power Adjustment.
    • Added Auto Saving of Changed Fine Alignment Values
    • Added Ability to Save Image Location and Zoom Level When Switching Image Modalities
    • Added ThorSync Changes
      • Stack Panel Option
      • Virtual Channel


    Version 3.2 - April 26, 2018

    New Hardware Support
    • Added Support for Thorlabs CSE2000 Epi-Illuminator Module
    • Added Support for Thorlabs DC2200 High-Power LED Driver
    • Added Support for Thorlabs CS2100M-USB Quantalux® sCMOS Scientific Camera
    • Added Support for Second Thorlabs Motorized Laser Attenuator Control
    New Features
    • Added Option for Interleave Scanning for Galvo/Galvo Systems
    • Added Ability to Configure Galvo Lines for X or Y
    • Enhanced the Loading of Galvo Waveforms (Active Loading) to Increase Performance and Allow for Faster Operation
    • Changed Galvo/Galvo Two-Way Line Scan to One-Way with Retrace
    • Added Option to Turn Off Pockels Blanking for Galvo/Resonant Scanning Using One Way Scan Mode
    • Changed PMT Applied Voltage During Sequential Capture
      • Allows PMT Voltage to be Applied Even if Not Selected per Specific Sequence
    • Added Option 'Staircase' Mode for Fast Z Operation
      • Allows the Piezo to Move to the Next Location and Stop While Acquisition Occur
      • Eliminates the Moving of the Piezo During Acquisition
    • Added Flyback Time Adjustment for Fast Z Operation
      • Allows User to Adjust Timing of Piezo Waveform to Have Better Synchronization with Acquisition
    • Added New Features for SLM Operation
      • Added Epoch Option: This option decreases time between repeated pattern sets.
      • Added Pre and Post Pattern Idle Times: Allows for configurable delay before and after SLM Patterns.
      • Added Configurable Galvo Buffer Size
      • Added Power Density Display Based on Measured Power
      • Added Ability to Hide SLM ROIs When Bleacher is Configured for Galvo/Galvo and Not SLM
      • Changed the Operation of the 'Start Capture' Button in Capture Setup
    • Added More Color LUTs: Red Hot, Magenta Hot, and Orange Hot
    • Added Ability to Configure Quick Access Template Buttons for Saving and Loading Commonly Used Workspace Templates
    • Added Ability to Run Matlab Scripts from within ThorImage
    • Added More Information to Experiment Settings Viewer
      • Allows User to View the Information without Editing the Experiment.xml
    • Added Common Pixel Size Pull Down for Camera Modality


    Version 3.1 - November 3, 2017

    New Hardware Support
    • Added Support for Thorlabs' Scientific Monochrome CCD Cameras
      • Allows Imaging With Supported Cameras
    • Added Support for Spectra-Physics® Insight Dual Port Laser
    • Added Support for Coherent® Discovery Dual Port Laser
    • Added Support for Thorlabs' Tiberius® Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser (No Longer Available)
      • Allows for Fast Sequence Capture
    • Added Support for Thorlabs' Hyperspectral Imaging System (No Longer Available as a Preconfigured System)
      • Allows Capture of a Hyperspectral Sequential Image Stack
    • Added Support for Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) Photoactivation
      • Allows for Calibration and User Interface for ROI Generated Patterns
      • Includes Additional Digital Outputs for Galvo-Galvo Scanner
    • Added Support for Thorlabs' Beam Stabilizer
    • Added Support for External USB National Instruments™ Cards (USB-6363 and USB-6341)
    • Added Support for Two Additional Digital Shutters (Configured Similarly as Previous ThorShutterDig)
    User Interface (UI) Improvements
    • Added Quick Access Icon for Hardware Settings Window
    • Enhanced Displayed Device Feature
      • Allows User to Configure Which Devices are Displayed in Hardware Setup
    • Added PMT Polarity Option to the UI Under the PMT More Panel
    • Added Search Capability When Editing Application and Device Settings
    • Added Display of Bergamo® Rotation Value in Secondary Z Panel (Value Saved in Experiment.xml)
    • Added Pockels Cell Minimum Power Indicator on Pockels Cell Slider
      • Gives Indication if Pockels Cell is Operating Below Recommended Minimum Power
    • Added Ability to Control a Fourth Pockels Cell Cell for Galvo-Galvo Configurations
    • Added Custom Configuration of Pixel Density List
    • Added Center Bleach Scanner and Pockels Cell Power Control to Bleach Panel
    • Added 'Do Not Show' Message to 'Fiji' (ImageJ) Install Location Message
    • Enhanced ROI Calculations
      • Note: Changed Calculations May be Slightly Different From Previous Versions, up to 3 Decimal Places
    New Features
    • Added Disconnect State for Available Devices Not to be Controlled by ThorImageLS
    • Added Multiple Modalities
      • Allows User to Configure and Switch Between Different Imaging Modalities Easily
    • Added Digital Offset Capability for PMT2000
      • Adjustment Allows for Same Dynamic Range Between Galvo-Resonant and Galvo-Galvo Scanners
    • Added Pockels Cell Digital Output for Galvo-Resonant Scanner
      • Includes Output of Digital Line During Bleaching and Image Acquisition
      • Similar to Previous Galvo-Galvo Functionality
    • Added Pockels Cell Digital Output to be Active During Image Acquisition for Galvo-Galvo Scanner (Previously Only Available During Bleaching)
    • Added Configurable Software Buttons to Control National Instruments™ Digital PFI lines
    • Added Focus Tilt Adjustment for Tile Capture
      • Allows User to Configure 3 Point Focus Plane to be Used During Capture
      • Ensures Focus Across All Tiles
    • Added Ability to Set the Pockels Cell Power Mapping to Linear
    • Added Option to Turn Off Pockels Cell Blanking at 0% for Galvo-Galvo
    • Added Pockels Cell Phase Shift Setting to Galvo-Galvo (Previously Only Available for Galvo-Resonant)
    • Added Ability to Configure Min and Max Field Size for Scanners
    • Added PMTSelection for Simultaneous Bleach Imaging
      • Allows Users to Select PMT to be Used for Simultaneous Bleach Imaging
    • Added Improved Hardware Triggering to Start Acquisition
    • Added Linearization Table for MCLS Laser
    • Added Estimated Bleach Duration for Each Bleaching ROI
      • Located in Bleach Setup


    Version 3.0 - October 13, 2016

    New Features
    • Added Support for DDR05 Fast Power Control Device
      • Allows for Faster Power Ramping Acquisitions
    • Added Support for Spectra-Physics® Mai Tai Laser
    • Added Support for Entry Level Galvo-Galvo Confocal System (Previously Separate Digital Acquisition Board Necessary)
    • Added Fine Two-Way Calibration
      • Allows for Less Two-Way Adjustment When Changing Field Sizes
    • Added Ability to Save Galvo-Galvo Offset and Scale Values to ThorConfocalGalvoSettings.xml File
    • Added Option to Save .tiff Files Compressed or Uncompressed
    • Added Option to Save Only Enabled Channels as Raw
    • Added Ability to Save Snapshot Image, Either as Single Image or as Experiment
    • Added Ability for Multi-Location Imaging on Platforms With Supporting Stages (Bergamo, MCM3000 Series and MLS Stage)
      • Includes New UI for Defining and Navigating Multi-Location Regions
      • Capability to Invert Scanners (Flip Horizontal and Vertical) for Galvo-Resonant and Galvo-Galvo Systems
      • Capability to Invert Stage Directions for Bergamo, MCM3000 and MLS Devices
    • Added Ability to Use ROI Mask (ROIMask.raw) as Pockels Cell Mask
      • Includes Updating Mask in UI
    • Added Ability to use Pockels Cell Power Ramping During Fast Z Acquisitions
    • Added High Temporal Resolution Image Capture Spacing
      • Allows to Set Delay Between Frame Acquisitions
    • Added Ability to Sequentially Capture Images Using Different Hardware Settings Such as Channel, PMT, Laser and Power
    • Added Ability for MCLS Laser Calibration to Linearize Power Output
    • Added Support for Secondary Z Panel
    • Added Offset Control Support for PMT2000 Devices
    • Added Ability to Image and Bleach Simultaneously
    • Added Option to Save Bleach Images in Raw Format
    • Added Ability to Turn off Monitor When Starting Experiment Capture
    • Added Ability to Synchronize the Start and Stop of ThorSync With Start and Stop of ThorImageLS Capture
    • Added Orthogonal View Functionality for Z Stack Acquisitions in Image Review
    • Added New Script Commands to Move X, Y and Z Motors Between Script Acquisition
    User Interface (UI) Improvements
    • Changed Layout for Hardware Setup Window
    • Added Mouse Scrolling in Settings Editor
    • Removed Unnecessary .xml Files in Settings Editor View
    • Moved Center Scanners and Resonance Scanner Always on Functionality to Area Control Advanced Panel in Capture Setup
    • Added Second Column Option for Capture Setup Display
    • Moved Field Size Entry to Under Scan Area Cartoon
    • Added Dropdown List for Most Popular Pixel Density Settings
    • Added +/- Buttons for Galvo-Galvo Angle Control
    • Changed Z Slider Bar to Objective Graphical
    • Replaced Coarse/Fine Buttons With Increase/Decrease Buttons
    • Changed Z units from mm (millimeter) to µm (microns)
    • Added Visibility Option for "Set Zero" Feature in XY and Z Panels
    • Added Visibility for Invert Option in Z Control Panel
    • Added Visibility Option Individual Light Path Controls
    • Renamed Coherent® Control Panel to Multiphoton Laser Control
    • Display Summary and Status for Collapsed Panels in Capture Setup
    • Added features to Histogram Control Such as:
      • Black and White Point Fields
      • Connector Between Black and White Point Fields to Help Locate Mid-Point
      • Ability to Enlarge Single or all Histograms
      • Log Scale Display Option
    • Stats Chart and Stats Window Changes
      • Change How They are Displayed (Selecting to Close the Window No Deselects Visibility)
      • Added Ability to Save Chart as .jpg
      • Added Ability to Save Table Data as .csv, .txt or .raw
      • Change Chart Y Scale to Scientific Notation
      • Set Chart X Axis Limit to Range of Data
    • Added Display Option for Line Profile Window
      • Color Settings Changes
    • Added More LUT Colors (BlueStat, CyanHot, GrayStat, GreenStat and RedStat)
    • Allow Same LUT for Multiple Colors
    • Enhanced Display of Min and Max When Viewing Gray Scale of Single Image Feature
    • Eliminated Zoom Level Edit Dialog and Replaced With User Entered Zoom Field
    • Changed Experiment Naming by Adding Separate Iteration Field
    • Added Dialog to Suppress "File Name Exists" Prompt
    • Changed Browsers to More Useful Interface
    • Removed Intermediate Menu When Selecting Image Review
    • Saving More Experiment Information Such as Galvo-Galvo Angle Value and Pinhole Size
    • Z stack Experiments Open Z Slider to Mid-Range
    • Added Z and T Unit Display for Z and T index
    • Image Review Play is Now in Continuous Loop Until Manually Stopped
    • Changed Galvo-Galvo Pixel Dwell Time Scale Bar to Single Bar


    Version 2.4 - March 1, 2016

    New Features
    • Added Support for USB Controlled Compact PMTs (PMT2100)
    • Added Ability to Scan User Drawn Square, Rectangle, Kymograph, Line and Polyline ROIs (Line and Polyline Scanning Requires Galvo-Galvo Scan System)
    • Added Ability to Scan ROIs at Any Angle (Requires Galvo-Galvo Scan System)
    • Added Software Support for Thorlabs Variable Beam Expander and Power Attenuator
    • Added New Logic for Linearization for ThorPowerControl
    • Added Ability to Open Multiple Experiment Review Windows 
    • Added Ability to Review Experiments Saved in Raw Image Format
    • Added User Defined Hotkey Shortcuts for Popular Commands Such as Start/Stop Scan, Stage Motion (X,Y and Z) and Power Control
    • Added Ability for User to Define Experiment Notes
    • Added Nyquist Calculator for Defining Optimal Scan Settings
    • Added Scale Bar Option to Display Length (µm) for Line and Polyline ROIs
    • Added Configurable Digital Pulse Output Upon Completion of Saving Image Frames to Disk
    • Added Configurable Digital Output during Capture Active to Synchronize With Other Equipment
      • Normal or Inverted
    • Added Time, Pixel Size and Frame Rate Metadata Now Stored With Experiment File and Displayed in Experiment Review Info Panel
    • Added Galvo-Galvo Pockels Cell Setting to Keep Pockels Cell at Power When Capture Complete (ParkAtMinimum) Similar to Galvo-Resonant Setting
    • Added Support for Tiberius Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser (No Longer Available)
    • Added UI Enhancements
      • Histogram Up/Down Buttons in Addition to Slider Control
      • Additional Configurable Wavelength Selections for Coherent® Laser Control Panel (Increase from 4 to 8)
      • Tile Position Indicator in XY Map
      • Abililty to Resize ROIs
      • Using Shift Key When Drawing ROIs Forces Shapes to be Square, Circle or Vertical and Horizontal
      • Display Status/State of Collapsed Control Panels (Helps to Reduce Scrolling Curing Setup Process)
      • Added Reset Button for Control Panel Visibility
      • Added Current Power Level Display for Pockels Cell and Power Regulator During Capture of Experiment
      • Increased Experiment Settings Browser Width
      • Added Message Indicating When Max Number of Frames is Exceeded


    Version 2.3 - March 9, 2015

    New Features
    • Added Ability to Generate High Zoom Image of an ROI Area
    • Added Additional Color LUT Options Such as Rainbow, Fire and Yellow Hot (for 2D and 3D Images)
    • Added Z Position Display During Capture
    • Added Circle and Oval ROI Shapes
    • Added User defined Arithmetic Measurements for ROIs
    • Added PMT On/Off Status and Voltage Display in UI
    • Added Additional Bleaching Features (Bleaching per Point of ROI Shapes, Added Bleaching Fill for ROIs, Added Bleaching FIll Types of Raster and Tornado for Rectangles)
    • Added Additional Features for ROI Stats Chart and Table (Display or Hide Cursor Statistics, Display or Hide Table or Chart, Pan Option for Navigating Chart)
    • Added X and Y Home Location in XY Control Panel
    • Added Saved Bergamo Rotation Value in Experiment.xml File
    • Changed Stimulus Mode Functionality
    • Added True Line Scan Functionality (Renamed Existing Line Scan to Kymograph)
    • Added Wait Feature to Scripting Functionality
    • Added Support for New Variable Beam Expander


    Version 2.2 - December 8, 2014

    New Features
    • Added Capability for Adding Multiple ROIs With Statistics
    • Added Capability for Multi-Point Bleaching (Requires Galvo-Galvo Scanner)
    • Added Real-Time ROI Statistics Calculations During Capture
    • Added ROI Statics Table and Chart Plotter to Image Review (Post Processing)
    • Added Option for Turning on Resonance Scanner at Software Startup
    • Added Feature to Set X and Y Stage Positions to "0" Similar to Z Function
    • Added Feature to Select Which Z Position Image is Displayed During Fast Z Imaging
    • Added Capability to Increase Frame Rate Capture to 8 fps (Default is 4 fps and Does Not Work)


    Version 2.1 - September 10, 2014

    New Features
    • Added Control for Multiple Pockels Cell and Simultaneous Power
    • Added Power Feedback Capability for Pockels Cell
    • Added Interface for New MCM3000 Controller
    • Added Visual Indication of if X, Y or Z Position is Out of Range in Capture Setup
    • Added Support for Mixed Polarity Detectors
    • Added Interface for Scanimage to Control the Lightpath Elements on Bergamo Microscopes
    • Added Saving of Z Stage Invert Option
    • Added 16X Objective to Objective List


    Version 2.0 - June 20, 2014

    New Features
    • Added Streaming Finite Mode With Hardware Trigger for Thorephydata
    • Added Enhanced Experiment Browser Interface
    • Added 'Open Experiment Folder' Button Using Windows Explorer in Experiment Review
    • Added Open Experiment in 'Fiji' (ImageJ) Button in Experiment Review
    • Added Database Interface for Saved Experiments
    • Added Enhanced Channel Selection Operation in Capture Setup
    • Enhanced Stimulus Mode by Changing Max Frames to Time Based Values
    • Added Rotation Tool for 3D Viewing
    • Added Up / Down Indicators for Channels Black/White Points in 3D Viewer
    • Added Persistence to Output Path in 3D Viewer
    • Updated Visibility Attribute for Coarse Panel to Be Collapsed in Applicationsettings.Xml
    • Added Output Path Persistence Between Thorimage Sessions
    • Enhancement to Hide Tile View Icon in Capture Setup Toolbar When XY Panel is Not Enabled in Display Options
    • Added 100% Button to Image Review. Resizes Image to Full Size.
    • Added Enter Key Function for All Text Boxes
    • Enhanced Hardware Triggering for Capture Modes
    • Added Bleaching Control to Display Options


    Version 1.5 - October 30, 2013

    New Features
    • Galvo-Galvo Imaging Support
    • Pockels Cell Logic With Galvo-Galvo
    • Bergamo Communication Support
    • Generation 2 ECU Controller Support
    • Trigger Each Triggering Mode for Z and T Series Experiments
    • Dual Scanner (Galvo-Galvo and Galvo-Resonant) Support (Switchable Via Software Selection)
    • Bleaching, Activation and Uncaging of ROIs Support
    • User Can Save a Copy of Previewed 3D Experiment from the Capture Setup Panel
    • Line Profile Upgraded to Display Multiple Channels Simultaneously
    • Stimulus Streaming Capture Mode
    • Fast Z Acquisition Option for Streaming Modes
    • Zoom Factor for Field Size Adjustment
    • Reticle Overlay

    Posted Comments:
    user  (posted 2021-09-08 00:05:20.363)
    Do you have a user manual for the ThorImageLS software? If you do, could you post the manual somewhere on the website where it is easy to access. If not--that is absurd--and it would be great if you could write on.
    Caroline Muellenbroich  (posted 2019-11-14 10:08:50.317)
    Hi Bergamo team, we are running Thorimage on our Bergamo and the system was initially setup with a resonant galvo. We now want to switch to a galvo-galvo system. Is there an easy way to change this hardware change in the Thorimage software? Thanks!
    nbayconich  (posted 2019-11-18 10:09:26.0)
    Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Our Imaging Tech Support team will reach out to you directly to help configure your Bergamo system.
    ji3g4xupaog0  (posted 2018-10-31 02:48:36.977)
    您好,我想請問幾個問題。 ThorImage®LS這套軟體,是提供購買您們產品的客戶免費下載的嗎?還是需要另外再購買呢? 官網上介紹的工作區介面,是軟體自帶的嗎?還是用戶必須自己去寫呢? 我們主要是想通過「ThorImage®LS→DAQ→Galvo Scanning System」再去掃描sample,在ThorImage®LS上面顯示galvo scanning system掃描到的成像圖,不知道實際上能不能這樣操作....? 謝謝。
    nbayconich  (posted 2018-11-12 12:46:25.0)
    Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. At the moment our Thorimage software is only available when included with one of our imaging systems and we do not have a version of the Thorimage software to download separately for DIY projects. Access to the open source project is limited to existing customers looking to customize Thorimage to their needs with Thorlabs microscope. The scanning parts Thorimage is not open source and cannot be customized to function with other scanners and digitizing hardware. If you currently have one of our microscope systems and need a system software reinstall or update please contact us at