
  • Pure Rotational Motion About a Fixed Point Above the Stage
  • 1° Graduation Marking on Side
  • Accuracy of 10 arcmin


Single-Axis, 1" to Point of Rotation


Single-Axis, 1" to Point of Rotation


Single-Axis, 1/2" to Point of Rotation


Single-Axis, 1.75" to Point of Rotation


Dual-Axis, 1" to Point of Rotation


Dual-Axis, 1/2" to Point of Rotation

Related Items

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Point of Rotation Diagram


  • 回転ポイントを中心に真の回転運動が可能
  • 側面に1°単位の目盛
  • バックラッシュのないバネ式設計
  • 固定可能
  • 小型プラットフォームゴニオステージ:25.4 mm x 25.4 mm (1インチx1インチ)
  • 大型プラットフォームゴニオステージ:38.1 mm x 38.1 mm (1.5インチx1.5インチ)

ゴニオステージは、小さな角度範囲内で空中にある固定ポイントを中心に物体を精密に回転させるために使われる機器です。ゴニオステージはリニアステージに似ていますが、線形運動ではなくステージの取付け面上の固定ポイントを中心に部分的に回転します。当社製品には2つのシリーズがありますが、回転ポイントから取付け面までの距離が異なる2種類のゴニオステージがXY構成で積み重ねられて、同じポイントで回転できるように設計されています。当社のゴニオステージでは、小型GNシリーズでバックラッシュのない親ネジを、大型GNLシリーズでは上部プレートの角度位置決め用 に精密マイクロメータをそれぞれ使用しています。

当社のゴニオステージは、回転ポイントを中心に全回転角度にわたり真の回転運動を行ないます(右写真参照)。コンパクトで積重ね可能な設計により、回転ポイントの位置を合わせてゴニオステージを別のゴニオステージの上部プレートに固定することができます。GNシリーズでは、GN05/Mは GN1/Mの上に取付け可能で、GNLシリーズでは、GNL10/MはGNL18/Mの上に取り付けられます。 この2軸ステージセットは、単品(それぞれGN2/MとGNL20/M)としてお買い求めいただけます。


GNシリーズのゴニオステージには、取付け用に#2-56タップ穴が4個、M2.5 x 0.45タップ穴が4個、M3 x 0.5タップ穴が8個あります。このシリーズはベースプレートのM4タップ穴からポストに取り付けるか、M3スロット付き取付け穴を使ってMS12B/Mに取り付け可能です。

一方、GNLシリーズのゴニオステージには、取付け用にM2.5 x 0.45タップ穴が12個、M4 x 0.7タップ穴が16個あります。取付け穴の位置については、下記または「仕様」タブをご参照ください。当社のクランプアームPM3/MPM4/Mには、M4ネジが付いているので、ほとんどのゴニオステージに取付けることができます。このシリーズは、ベースプレートのM6スロット穴を利用して、M6タップ穴の付いた標準のブレッドボードおよびミニシリーズブレッドボードに取り付けが可能です。

: ゴニオステージに部品を取り付ける前に、型番横にある赤いアイコン (docs icon) の資料をご確認ください。取付け穴のタップ深さを超える取付具の使用はステージの損傷につながる場合があります。



Item #GN05(/M)GN1(/M)GNL10(/M)GNL18(/M)
Distance to Point of
Rotation from Top Surface
0.50" (12.7 mm)1.00" (25.4 mm)1.00" (25.4 mm)1.75" (44.5 mm)
Accuracy10 arcmin (0.167°)
Load Capacity0.25 lbs (0.113 kg)1.0 lb (0.45 kg)
Goniometer Dimensions
(W x D x H)
1.00" x 1.00" x 0.50"
(25.4 mm x 25.4 mm x 12.7 mm)
1.50" x 1.50" x 0.75"
(38.1 mm x 38.1 mm x 19.1 mm)
Base Plate Dimensions
(W x D x H)
1.00" x 1.85" x 0.20"
(25.4 mm x 47.0 mm x 5.1 mm)
Imperial Goniometers: 1.50" x 2.50" x 0.20"
Metric Goniometers: 38.1 mm x 62.7 mm x 5.1 mm
Base Plate Mounting FeaturesTwo #4 (M3) Clearance Slots and One 8-32 (M4) TapTwo 1/4" (M6) Clearance Slots
Body MaterialAnodized Aluminum


Item #GN2(/M)GNL20(/M)
Distance to Point of
Rotation from Top Surface
0.50" (12.7 mm)1.00" (25.4 mm)
Rotation±10° / ±15°±5° / ±10°
Accuracy10 arcmin (0.167°)10 arcmin (0.167°)
Load Capacity0.25 lbs (0.113 kg)1.0 lb (0.45 kg)
Goniometer Dimensions1.00" x 1.00" x 1.00"
(25.4 mm x 25.4 mm x 25.4 mm)
1.50" x 1.50" x 1.50"
(38.1 mm x 38.1 mm x 38.1 mm)
Base Plate Dimensions1.00" x 1.85" x 0.20"
(25.4 mm x 47.0 mm x 5.1 mm)
GNL20: 1.50" x 2.50" x 0.20"
GNL20/M: 38.1 mm x 62.7 mm x 5.1 mm
Base Plate Mounting FeaturesTwo #4 (M3) Clearance Slots and One 8-32 (M4) TapTwo 1/4" (M6) Clearance Slots
Body MaterialAnodized Aluminum

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バーニヤ目盛は、均等に分割された標準的な目盛(当社の回転マウント、ゴニオステージ、移動マウントに付いている目盛など)に対して、精密さを向上させるために一般的に使用されている目盛です。バーニヤ目盛は多くの精密測定器に使用されていますが、中でも良く知られているのはノギスやマイクロメータです。バーニヤ目盛を使用するときは、主目盛とバーニヤ目盛の2つの目盛を並べて使用します。バーニヤ目盛は、主目盛のN - 1目盛に対してN目盛が対応するように刻まれているため、その間隔は主目盛よりも若干狭くなります。そのため、主目盛の刻線とバーニヤ目盛の刻線とは一致しません。バーニヤ目盛の刻線で主目盛の刻線と最も良く一致するのは通常1本だけですが、それがバーニヤ目盛を読む要所になります。




バーニヤ目盛は主目盛よりも10%小さくなっているので、バーニヤ目盛を主目盛の1/10だけ動かすと、バーニヤ目盛の次の刻線が一致します。ここで、測定値が1/10の精度を与えてくれるバーニヤ目盛の間にきてしまった場合はどうするのか、という疑問が生じます。図3ではこれについて説明しています。上述の通り、ポインタの刻線は75.6と75.7の間にあるので、大まかな読取値は75.6になります。よく見ると、バーニヤ目盛の7(青い矢印で表示)が主目盛とほぼ一致しているので、精密な測定値としては75.67になります。しかし、バーニヤ目盛の7は主目盛よりもわずかに上にあり、8(7のすぐ上)は主目盛よりもわずかに下にあります。このことから、図3の目盛は75.673 ± 0.002と読み取れます。この想定器では、読取誤差を約0.002とするのは適切です。

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 76.0
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 76.0
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 76.0
Click to Enlarge

図3:赤い矢印はポインタを示し、青い矢印は主目盛と一致するバーニヤ目盛の刻線を示しています。これは75.67と読み取れますが、より精密には75.673 ± 0.002と読むことができます。



バーニヤ目盛は、主目盛とバーニヤ目盛が単位を共有していない回転式の目盛でも使用できます。図4と図5では、主目盛には度(°)を単位とする刻線があり、バーニヤ目盛には5 arcmin(60 arcmin = 1°)毎の刻線がある場合について、2つの例をあげて説明しています。これらの図では、上が主目盛を表し、下の小さい目盛がバーニヤ目盛を表します。

図4では、ポインタは主目盛の341°の刻線と一致しています。これ以外に主目盛と一致しているバーニヤ目盛は±60 arcminだけであることに注目してください。バーニヤ目盛の0が主目盛の341°と一致しているので、図4から読み取れる値は341.00°になります。

バーニヤ目盛の0が主目盛の2本の刻線の間にある場合は、2通りの読み取り方ができます。1つ目の方法では、ポインタの左側で主目盛と一致しているバーニヤ目盛の刻線を読み取り、その値(単位はarcmin)をポインタのすぐ右側にある主目盛の値から引きます。例として、図5ではバーニヤ目盛のポインタは342°と343°の間にあります。バーニヤ目盛の左側の青い矢印を使用して読むと、343° - 15 arcmin = 342.75°になります。2つ目の方法は、バーニヤ目盛のポインタの右側にある青い矢印から読み取った値を、主目盛のポインタより左側の小さな値に加える方法です。図5の右側の青い矢印を使用して読むと、342° + 45 arcmin = 342.75°になります。


*逆バーニヤ目盛は目盛の間隔が主目盛よりも若干広く、主目盛のN + 1目盛に対してN目盛が対応するように刻まれています。

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 341.00°.
Click to Enlarge

図4: 主目盛の単位(度)とバーニヤ目盛の単位(arcmin)が異なる例。赤い矢印はポインタを示しています。この目盛では341.00°と読み取れます。
Figure 2: Vernier scale measuring 342.75°.
Click to Enlarge

図5:赤い矢印はポインタを示し、青い矢印はバーニヤ目盛で読み取れる精密な数値を示します。 この目盛では342.75°と読み取れます。

Posted Comments:
user  (posted 2024-02-28 13:51:31.3)
Hi, I want to mount a GNL18 goniometer on an AP180 adjustable angle plate. Then, I want to mount a 30 mm cage system vertically on the goniometer, so that a CP44F cage plate can then be mounted atop. What is the best way of doing this? Thanks.
jdelia  (posted 2024-03-05 04:48:22.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have contacted you directly to clarify exactly what type of configuration you intend to construct.
user  (posted 2023-08-22 21:09:33.92)
Dear, I would like to position a goniometer above your MBT616D/M. Afterwards, I would like to mount some 1/2" post holder on the goniometer. How do you recommend to do it? Best regards, David
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-08-30 09:45:50.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. I have contacted you directly to discuss this application. For future application-based questions, please feel free to reach out to your local tech support team as they will be able to assist you more directly (Europe@thorlabs.com).
Deepak R  (posted 2023-05-18 15:35:44.27)
Require a 2 axis Manual Goniometer for microscopy applications. what is the resolution for the product GNL20/M as per our estimates we are looking for a resolution around 0.01deg Can you please comment specific to you product and if possible on what can be best expected using Goniometers..
jdelia  (posted 2023-05-24 08:53:18.0)
Thank you for reaching out. I have contacted you directly to discuss your application and whether our line of goniometers would be suitable for you.
Leevi Salonen  (posted 2022-06-14 08:05:06.687)
Solidworks file appears to have imperial dimensions even tough this product is supposed to be metric.
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-06-21 11:23:43.0)
Thank you for contacting us Leevi. After discussing this with you, we have confirmed that both the imperial and metric versions of the GNL20(/M) have distinct and correctly dimensioned Solidworks files, as well as auto-cad Pdfs.
Kok Chai  (posted 2020-11-03 09:23:23.23)
Can i have 3D CAD file for the Goniometer? Thanks.
YLohia  (posted 2020-11-03 09:38:13.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Solidworks and Step files can be accessed by clicking on the red document icon next to the part number.
Christian Oggenfuss  (posted 2020-07-28 05:54:07.913)
What is the rotation of the stage for each revolution of the adjuster? I guess it is related to the curvature of the stage. Can you add that radius in the specs and the rotation per revolution? Thank you
llamb  (posted 2020-07-30 09:17:24.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The angular change per revolution is not a constant linear value, because of converting a linear translation from the adjuster screw to a movement along the goniometer's arc. We will consider adding data to the website, and I will reach out to you directly with some approximate data for the time being.
Veronica Eyo  (posted 2020-06-23 11:15:58.21)
Hi i am interested in knowing more about your 2 stage Goniometer GNL20/M. I would like to get more insight to its specifications, like what is its load bearing capacity, what external controller and driver is used to drive it, What voltage is used to power it? Etc.
llamb  (posted 2020-06-26 08:25:18.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We recommend a load capacity of 1.0 lb (0.45 kg) for the manually driven GNL20(/M), and 0.50 lbs (0.227 kg) for the motorized GNL20(/M)-Z8. The GNL20(/M)-Z8 requires the KDC101 controller, which is powered by our KPS101 15 V, 2.4 A power supply.
yon.katz  (posted 2019-03-10 07:14:04.437)
Hi, I'm looking for for 2-axis goniometer with distance of 2" (~5cm) to point of rotation, can you supply such a goniomemter? Thanks, Yonatan.
llamb  (posted 2019-03-11 03:33:32.0)
Please contact techsupport@thorlabs.com for quote requests about custom products. I have reached out to you directly to discuss this particular request.
niels.verellen  (posted 2019-01-23 16:12:28.857)
Can you please tell me how much the GNL20/M goniometer weighs?
YLohia  (posted 2019-01-23 11:42:36.0)
Hello, this item weighs 220 g (0.48 lbs). This information is given in the AutoCAD drawings on the product page.
helmofon  (posted 2018-09-11 16:26:21.177)
can GN2 be divided into two separate stages? thank you
mmcclure  (posted 2018-09-11 01:45:45.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The stages comprising the GN2 are bolted together and reinforced using pins. Because of this, we do not recommend attempting to disassemble the GN2 in order to use the stages separately.
danilo.lind  (posted 2018-08-06 14:18:15.74)
Hello, My name is Danilo Lind and I am devopment Enginner at ZF Friedrichshafen Ag. (Germany). I am trying to use a combination of the CR1_M and the GN05_M to develop a positionioning device for a test. I would like to remove the base Plate from the GN05_M and screw it directly in a adapter plate (as the two devices dont match) using the 4 screws provided to fix the Base plate. The problem is that I cant find the Information about the Thread of this screws. Could you please tell ?
YLohia  (posted 2018-08-07 09:06:15.0)
Hello Danilo, #2-56 x 3/16 socket head cap screws are used to secure the GN05/M mounting plate to the base plate, but please bear in mind we do not recommend removing the base plate from mounting plate. Doing so may compromise the precise adjustment achieved with the stage, which will then require recalibration or readjusting.
yichen_chuang  (posted 2016-02-17 23:11:07.903)
Hi, a bead and the lock screw went off when I tried to mount the GN1 to a post. Now the goniometer only rotates one way but the other direction we have to manually "push" it to rotate. Is there anyway we can fix it? (the bead was missing unfortunately...) thanks!
besembeson  (posted 2016-03-03 02:23:48.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: I will contact you to send this for repair.
j.fischer  (posted 2015-12-30 12:04:43.757)
Hi, I would like to use a GN05/M or GN2/M upside down, meaning that I would like to attach my load where the base-plate is right now and I would mount the GN2/M where now the load is supposed to be (likely using a custom baseplate). Is the baseplate removable? Can it be attached to the top surface, or is there another easy way to mount the top surface to another large surface (with custom bores and threads)?
besembeson  (posted 2016-01-04 02:11:11.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: Thanks for contacting Thorlabs. You can use this in the upside down configuration, with reduced load capacity. The base plate is connected to the mounting plate through four cap screws so it can be removed. The mounting plate only has threaded holes (around the central mounting area) so attaching this to the top plate (that also has threaded holes) is not recommended. I will contact you if a special adapter plate is needed.
mark.preddy  (posted 2014-07-31 17:04:38.28)
I'm considering this goniometer for a vacuum application but am concerned about the lubrication of the dovetails. The device appears to be anodized aluminum, if this is the case, would lubrication be necessary? If they are not aluminum, out of curiosity, what are they made of?
cdaly  (posted 2014-08-07 10:25:09.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry. The main body of the goniometer is made form anodized aluminum. The stage uses apiezon grease, which is vacuum compatible, but the micrometer does not. We may be able to provide one as a custom vacuum version without the micrometer, but due to the tight tolerances on these parts, we would not be able to strip the anodization and would need to make them from scratch.
alrun.thuemen  (posted 2014-05-07 12:05:12.29)
We use this Gonoimeter 6 times in our jig. And in some positions the restoring force is not strong enough. Is it possible to change the spring? If yes, do you have alternatives? Do you have think about caps in different colors for the srews. I think it could be very helpful for making instructions how to use jigs. Thx, Thümen
cdaly  (posted 2014-05-08 04:27:33.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry. There may be a possibility of replacing the spring in a custom version to increase the restoring force, but we would likely not be able to provide this at lower quantities. I will contact you directly to discuss this further with you. We would not be able to provide customer color coded actuator screws for the goniometers however.
mgez  (posted 2014-01-13 09:39:52.97)
Hi, We need to replace the goniometer spring in GNL 10/M and 18/M - Does it have a part no we can order ? where we can find/buy it? Thx, Motti Gez Lumio
jlow  (posted 2014-01-15 08:25:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We will contact you for a quote on the springs.
cbrideau  (posted 2013-06-24 21:06:17.773)
Can you please tell me how much the GN2 goniometer weighs?
pbui  (posted 2013-06-27 11:03:00.0)
Response from Phong at Thorlabs: The GN2 weighs 0.10 pounds.
user  (posted 2013-05-17 08:31:20.473)
Could you please suggest a method of affixing one of these goniometers to th RP01/M rotation stage?
cdaly  (posted 2013-05-21 13:19:00.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for using our web feedback. There's really no direct way to mount the two together. You could use a plate such as C1520/M which will attach to the top of the stage with an M6 threaded stud to give you a good mounting surface for the goniometer, but this is probably going to block the reference marking. Would it be possible to use the PR01/M instead? This has a large enough surface with appropriate mounting holes that the goniometer can be mounted directly to. We also have the TTR001 stage available with tip/tilt/rotation adjustment, though it would not have the full 360 degree range of the RP01.
tcohen  (posted 2012-09-13 13:14:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: The main scale has 1 degree graduations and the Vernier scale increments in 10 arcmin graduations as you noted. If the central line on the Vernier is aligned with a degree mark on the moving platform, this is read in degrees. The line on the Vernier scale that is aligned with one on the rotation dial is the value read in 10 arcmins to give a finer scale to read between the main degree graduations. I will contact you to discuss this and your calculation further.
huub.de.graaf  (posted 2012-09-13 09:53:49.0)
I am also struggling with the use of the goniometers. I assumed 1 line (marker) on the goniometer is equivalent to 10 arcmin. This however would mean that 6 full rotations of the goniometer creates a tilt of 25 deg (25*6*10= 1500 arcmin = 25 deg). Somehow I think this is not correct. Please give the correct scale factor.
jjurado  (posted 2011-08-09 18:36:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to tech: Thank you very much for your feedback. We will considering adding documentation with instructions on the use of the Vernier scale engraved on our goniometers to the website or to the final product. In the meantime, I will contact you with this information.
tech  (posted 2011-08-09 16:03:16.0)
Why dont you offer any instructions on how to use your goniometers? Specifically,instructions on how touse the vernier scales to obtain the stated accuracy? Just because I bought one of your stages doesnt mean I know how to use it. I assumed instructions would come with the device, but no. Obviously you guys are much more interested in selling your products than you are in making sure your customers know how to use the products.
bdada  (posted 2011-04-13 15:47:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs to Harald: The maximum load is limited by the pulling force of the springs inside. Therefore, it should be the same even when it is mounted upside down. If you have further questions, please email TechSupport@thorlabs.com
harald.hovland  (posted 2011-04-13 17:09:56.0)
I am interested in a product to mount a camera vertically and adjust it with reasonably good precision. The GNL20/M might be an option if i can mount the goniometer upside-down and hang the camera under the goniometer. The question is if the goniometer can be mounted this way and support this (negative) load. The camera with lens weights approx. 350 gram, and i could probably manage to produce an extra bracket weighing less than 100 g to be within the 1 lb stated. I assume the weight limit is stated for nominal (not upside-down) operation, though?
Greg  (posted 2011-01-13 08:22:38.0)
A response from Greg at Thorlabs to johannes.trapp: In order to change the adjuster, a bushing is needed with the same dimensions as the stock bushing. Unfortunately, we do not have any other bushings that will fit the GN2/M without a redesign of the product. We will contact you to discuss this further.
johannes.trapp  (posted 2010-12-21 09:00:01.0)
Hallo, is there a possibility to change the screws for the GN2/M in order to achieve a higher precision? If so, which screws are compatible? thanks
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-06-28 13:29:27.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to david.thompson: we offer thread adapters that may work for mounting different optics or other components onto the GNL10. For example, if you are looking to mount a prism, you can use our our PM1 and PM2 clamping arms, which have #6-32 threads. We could also discuss the design of a custom plate, although the use of such a plate would shorten the distance to the point of rotation of the stage. I will contact you directly to discuss your application a bit further.
david.thompson  (posted 2010-06-27 17:33:08.0)
I just bought two of these. I didnt look carefully enough at the mounting holes. My lab is basically standardized on 1/4-20. So most of my mounts will not interface easily with these goniometers. Can you recommend an adapter plate? It would be great if that were listed as a possible accessory on this page.
ghegenbart  (posted 2008-06-26 09:27:59.0)
The GNxx/M series products have M3 mounting holes. Please add information on the pitch to the drawings. Both M3-0.20 and M3-0.25 are common, so it may happen that a user has M3 screws that dont fit and he is wondering why.
bob  (posted 2008-01-21 10:34:53.0)
Dear Sir, This appears to be some thing that We are looking for. May I request you to send us a little more detailed Brochure, for Prism measurements. a. Please confirm whether it is possible to have a digital readout hooked to the above Angles measurement of Prism . b. Will it be possible to have a computer Interface with the said instrument. Please reply even if the accesories are to be procured from else where since we are looking for a total set up with a digital readout and computer interface. In case This instrument is compatible for the accessories mentioned above then perhaps that is what we are looking for. You may suggest also about the vendors who could supply the digital readouts and computer interface suitable and compatinle to your instrument. We are trying to measure the refractive Angles and not mearly reflective angles whcih may please be noted. We shall be obliged for an early reply. Best regards. BOB
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Item #GN05(/M)GN1(/M)GN2(/M)
Distance to Point Rotation from Top Surface0.50" (12.7 mm)1.00" (25.4 mm)0.50" (12.7 mm)
Rotation±15°±10°±10° / ±15°
Accuracy10 arcmin (0.167°)
Load Capacity0.25 lbs (0.113 kg)
Goniometer Dimensions (W x D x H)1.00" x 1.00" x 0.50"
(25.4 mm x 25.4 mm x 12.7 mm)
1.00" x 1.00" x 1.00"
(25.4 mm x 25.4 mm x 25.4 mm)
Base Plate Dimensions (W x D x H)1.00" x 1.85" x 0.20"
(25.4 mm x 47.0 mm x 5.1 mm)
Base Plate Mounting FeaturesTwo #4 (M3) Clearance Slots and One 8-32 (M4) Threaded Hole Below the Stage
+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GN05 Support Documentation
Lead Time
GN1 Support Documentation
GN1ゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離1インチ、±10º 調整(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
GN2 Support Documentation
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GN05/M Support Documentation
GN05/Mゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離12.7 mm、±15º 調整(ミリ規格)
GN1/M Support Documentation
GN1/Mゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離25.4 mm、±10º 調整(ミリ規格)
3-5 weeks
GN2/M Support Documentation
GN2/M小型2軸ゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離12.7 mm、ゴニオステージ2台&ベース(ミリ規格)
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Item #GNL10(/M)GNL18(/M)GNL20(/M)
Distance to Point of Rotation from Top Surface1.00" (25.4 mm)1.75" (44.5 mm)1.00" (25.4 mm)
Rotation±10o±5o±5o / ±10o
Accuracy10 arcmin (0.167°)
Load Capacity1.0 lb (0.45 kg)
Goniometer Dimensions (W x D x H)1.50" x 1.50" x 0.75"
(38.1 mm x 38.1 mm x 19.1 mm)
1.50" x 1.50" x 1.50"
(38.1 mm x 38.1 mm x 38.1 mm)
Base Plate Dimensions (W x D x H)Imperial Goniometers: 1.50" x 2.50" x 0.20"
Metric Goniometers: 38.1 mm x 62.7 mm x 5.1 mm
Base Plate Mounting FeaturesTwo 1/4" (M6) Clearance Slots
+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GNL10 Support Documentation
GNL10大型ゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離1インチ、±10º 調整(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
GNL18 Support Documentation
GNL18大型ゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離1.75インチ、±5º 調整(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
GNL20 Support Documentation
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GNL10/M Support Documentation
GNL10/M大型ゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離25.4 mm、±10º 調整(ミリ規格)
GNL18/M Support Documentation
GNL18/M大型ゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離44.5 mm、±5º 調整(ミリ規格)
3-5 weeks
GNL20/M Support Documentation
GNL20/M大型2軸ゴニオステージ、回転中心までの距離25.4 mm、ゴニオステージ2台&ベース(ミリ規格)