
  • Continuously Variable Wave Plate with Uniform Retardance over Full Aperture
  • Models for Visible or IR Spectral Ranges
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Soleil-Babinet Compensator Drawing
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  • 全開口部にわたって均一なリターダンス
  • 連続可変リターダンス:0~2 π
  • 目盛付き回転リング/デジタルマイクロメータで再現性を補助
  • 45 °単位の回転止め
  • 365~800 nm または 740~1650 nmから選択


  • リターダンスの測定
  • 高分解能の偏光解析
  • 複屈折の補償


バビネソレイユ補償板では結晶石英素子が使われています。可視域(SBC-VIS)用、赤外域(SBC-IR)用として、それぞれ365~800 nm、740~1650 nmスペクトル範囲で設計されています。


オプションのSBC-COMMにはケーブルが付いているので、RS-232はPCに接続可能になります。GUIソフトウェアおよびLabVIEW VIをお使いいただくと補償板のリターダンスの校正や読み出しを簡単に行っていただけます。ソフトウェアのインストール用CDが付属しますが、このソフトウェアは「ソフトウェア」タブからもダウンロードいただけます。

付属のデジタル式マイクロメータにはØ9.5 mmの取付バレルが付いていて、移動量は25.4 mmです。この補償板をモータ駆動するために標準マイクロメータをDCサーボモータZ925Bに交換することもできます。詳細は当社までお問い合わせください。また、モータ駆動した補償板の代わりに当社の液晶可変リターダもお使いいただけます。


Wavelength Range365 - 800 nm740 - 1650 nm
Retardance Adjustment0 to 2π (Full Wave)
Clear ApertureØ10 mm
Beam Deviation<1 arcmin
Transmitted Wavefront Error<λ/4
Surface Quality40-20 Scratch-Dig
Digital Readout Resolution0.001 mm
Repeatability Valuesa@ 405 nm: 0.0016 waves
@ 633 nm: 0.001 waves
@ 800 nm: 0.0008 waves
@ 1064 nm: 0.0012 waves
@ 1550 nm: 0.0008 waves
Rotation360°, Continuous
Rotation Division Scale1° Increments
Detent Index StopsEvery 45°
Mounting Holes#8 (M4) Counterbore (6 Places)
  • 個々の値は異なる場合があります。



ソフトウェア バージョン 2.0.4

SBC-COMM RS-232インターフェイス用GUIおよびライブラリ

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  • デジタルマイクロメータからの位置情報の記録
  • デジタルマイクロメータDM713:LabVIEWおよびC#プログラミングリファレンス




SBC-COMM used to remotely control the DM713 digital micrometer
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図2:上のSBC-COMMパッケージは、デジタルマイクロメータ DM713に表示される位置データを記録するのにご使用いただけます。
The DM713 digital micrometer is used to actuate the SBC-VIS Soleil-Babinet compensator
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図1: バビネソレイユ補償板SBC-VIS(左)にはデジタルマイクロメータDM713(右)が付属しており、補償板のリターダンスを調整するのに使用されます。



DM713のみを使用した場合には、表示を読んで記録するという追加の手順が発生しますが、これは表示が見えないような暗い実験室内では面倒な作業になることがあります。それに対する1つの解決策は、RS-232 インターフェイスケーブルが付属する当社のSBC-COMMを使用することです。 当社では、DM713で距離を連続的に測定するためのプログラムを、Visual C#®およびLabVIEW®を用いて作成する方法を解説したソフトウェアアプリケーションノートを作成しています。アプリケーションノートは下のリンクよりダウンロードいただけます。




デジタルマイクロメータDM713: LabVIEWおよびC#プログラミングリファレンス

DM713 Digital Micrometer, supported by LabVIEW and C# programming references
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図3:デジタルマイクロメータDM713の測定値を読み取るためのプログラムを、Visual C#やLabVIEWで書くことができます。

デジタルマイクロメータDM713 (図3)と通信する方法を紹介したプログラミングリファレンスをご提供しています。1つはLabVIEW用、もう1つはVisual C#用です。どちらのリファレンスにも、プログラムを作成するまでを順を追って説明したセクションと、説明無しで全プログラムテキストを簡潔に記載したセクションが含まれています。


  • ドライバーソフトウェアのダウンロードとインストールの方法
  • DM713のCOMポートへの接続ケーブルと接続方法についての情報
  • DM713とのシリアル通信を行うための新VIの作成
  • DM713からのデータの連続受信
  • 変位データとその測定単位の表示
  • ボタンのクリックによるデータの記録

Visual C#プログラミングリファレンスの内容

  • DM713のCOMポートにPCを接続するための情報
  • DM713と連続的に通信するためにセカンダリスレッドを生成する方法
  • 変位データと単位を抽出するための受信データの操作手順
  • プログラムのGUIに変位データと単位を表示する方法
  • ボタンのクリックによる変位データのファイルへの記録


Posted Comments:
Benjamin Pohl  (posted 2023-11-10 12:28:56.623)
I am interested in a compensator without mechanical moving parts, e.g. based on a pockels cell. Is there a reason you don't have such a device? Best regards Benjamin Pohl
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-12-15 09:36:07.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry! We do indeed have some active electro-optical phase/polarization controllers. I have contacted you regarding our liquid-crystal and EO modulator products and their potential usage for your application.
Vladimir Zenin  (posted 2021-04-12 09:05:11.48)
I am wondering why the wavelength range is still limited to either VIS or NIR range? I can guess that the crystals in VIS are not thick enough, so they are not providing half-wave retardance for longer wavelengths. But what is a problem in operating SBC-IR in the visible range? Also, what are problems or limitations for longer wavelengths >1650 nm?
cdolbashian  (posted 2021-04-15 11:07:00.0)
Thank you for contacting ThorLabs. The Soleil-Babinet compensator is a phase retarder that uses a variable thickness birefringent material to control the retardance of the light passing through it. By changing the thickness of the material, a user can change the retardance such that they can achieve >1 full wave of retardation within the specified wavelength range. We split these devices in to two separate components to allow sufficient resolution for each range. One can indeed operate the NIR (longer wavelength) version with a visible (shorter wavelength) light source, but the full translation of the micrometer is tuned to induce > 1 full wave retardation of the longest wavelength of the NIR range. In this case, you will have effectively ~1/2 the resolution for a wave in the visible range, as the same translation of the crystal will change the phase difference by 2x as much. On the other hand, the visible compensator can also be used for longer wavelengths, but it will not necessarily be able to create the same range of phase shifts for the larger wavelengths, as it is designed for >1 wave in the visible (shorter wavelength) ranges . This same idea holds true for using the NIR compensator for wavelengths >1650nm, you will likely be able to get diminishing retardation as you move away from 1650, but the farther you go, you will be able to retard fractionally less of the wave.
nettony  (posted 2017-12-12 22:15:19.477)
Dear person in charge I just got SBC-IR, and it doesn't work for "45 Dentent Stops". The manual says, 'see Appendix C', but I cannot find such Appendix section from my manual and that from this website.
nbayconich  (posted 2017-12-19 08:48:47.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The SBC has knob on the top that can loosen the detent spring tension. I will reach out to you directly to help troubleshoot your problem. We have corrected the manual that has no references to the non-existent appendix.
evan.meyer.scott  (posted 2017-03-07 14:24:01.117)
I would like to know the transmission of the SBC-IR at 1550 nm please, not just the reflectance of the AR coatings.
tfrisch  (posted 2017-03-13 06:45:04.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Our stock compensators are uncoated so that they can be used over the whole defined wavelength range, so with 6 uncoated surfaces, the transmission would be roughly 78%. It looks like you are already in contact with our Technical Support Team about a quote for a coated version.
user  (posted 2016-03-17 10:36:38.58)
What kind of mount to you need for the SBC?
besembeson  (posted 2016-03-17 12:12:46.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: There are counter bore holes by the kinematic mount for #8 or M4 cap screws to connect the unit to our TR series post and post holders: http://www.thorlabs.us/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=1266 and http://www.thorlabs.us/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_ID=1268
user  (posted 2014-04-10 17:01:48.82)
Has the person who designed this ever heard anything about the laws of the lever? Works in principle, but the mechanical periphery is highly awkward!
besembeson  (posted 2014-04-10 01:37:53.0)
Response from Bweh E at Thorlabs:Hello, Thanks for contacting Thorlabs. I believe you are alluding to the actuator that sticks out of the SB Compensator? I can see your concern but we have tested this arrangement and we found that it doesn't affect the performance of the unit. If you think this is suitable for your application and you would like to probably get a loan unit to test this or you want an alternate actuator, please contact techsupport@thorlabs.com and we will gladly assist you regarding this.
Adam  (posted 2010-04-07 12:16:22.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to dgtlc: The crystals inside the SBC-VIS are not AR coated. We currently have not considered adding a VIS-NIR version to our catalog. I will recommend this to our engineering team as a customer inspired idea. Theoretically, the SBC-VIS should be useable up to 1064nm. At 800nm, the retardance is > 1.75 waves, so at 1064nm, the retardance will be > 1.3 waves. I will contact you directly with more information about the product.
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-03-02 16:48:39.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to a.bruni: I would like to get more information about your setup and how you intend to use the CCD camera. I will email you directly to get this information.
a.bruni  (posted 2010-03-02 13:56:31.0)
Dear, I am Eng. Bruni from Loccioni Group, I would like to have some information about your babinet compesator. I have to performed a polariscope using CCD Camera and light sorce, please send me same information if it is possible to use this compesator with a CCD camera. All the best Andrea
klee  (posted 2009-11-03 10:02:35.0)
A response from Ken at Thorlabs to teng3123: The optics in the SBC-VIS and SBC-IR are not anti-reflection coated. However, we can make them with AR coating as specials. Please let us know if you would like to have a quotation.
teng3123  (posted 2009-11-03 02:48:37.0)
Was the crystal inside the SBC-VIS anti-reflection coated? About 30% of the laser power was lost after passed through SBC-VIS.
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