
  • Grating Designed for Optimum Performance in the Visible
  • Four Groove Densities Available: 300, 600, 830, and 1200 Grooves/mm
  • Three Sizes Available:
    12.7 mm x 12.7 mm, 25 mm x 25 mm, and 50 mm x 50 mm


(25 mm x 25 mm)


(12.7 mm x 12.7 mm)


(50 mm x 50 mm)

Related Items

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Selection Guide
Transmission Gratings
Near IR
Volume Phase
Near IR
Reflective Gratings
Near IR
Mid IR
Common Specifications
Schott B270
Thickness3 mm Nominal
± 0.5 mm
± 0.5 mm


  • 可視域に適した性能
  • 分光器のような固定型回折格子用途に適した製品
  • Schott社製 B270ガラス基板
  • サイズの特注が可能

可視(VIS)域用透過型回折格子は、分光器のような固定型回折格子用途に適しています。入射光は回折格子の反対側に決まった角度で発散されます。 透過型回折格子は、アライメントエラーによる影響が少なく、アライメントエラーを最小限に抑えます。 ほとんどの場合、これらの回折格子の効率は同じ波長範囲で使用された場合、ブレーズド回折格子またはホログラフィック回折格子のような反射型回折格子の効率に匹敵します。

Grating Arrows
Click to Enlarge

上図: 回折格子の1つの側面には表面と平行にブレーズの方向を示す矢印があります。
下図: 回折格子の反対側の側面には表面に垂直透過方向を示す矢印があります。

透過型回折格子は、高い効率を維持するために溝の間隔は比較的広く開いている必要があります。 回折角が高い溝密度を伴って大きくなると、基板材料の屈折特性によって長波長における透過率が低くなり性能も低下しますが、 回折格子の分散特性は、小型の検出アレイを用いたコンパクトなシステムには適しています。 また、回折格子は偏光に比較的影響を受けません。 当社の可視光透過型回折格子は、4種類の溝間隔 と3種類のサイズからお選びいただけます。用途に適した回折格子の選択は「セレクションガイド」タブをご覧ください

回折格子は湿気や指紋、エアゾール、研磨性のある材質が僅かに触れただけでも簡単に損傷を受けます。 回折格子は必要な時だけ取り扱い必ず側面を持つようにしてください。 ラテックス製手袋や似たような保護カバーを着用して、指紋(皮脂)が回折格子表面に付着するのを防止してください。 クリーニングは清浄で乾いた空気または窒素ガス出埃を吹き払うだけにしてください。 溶剤のご使用は回折格子の表面に損傷を与える可能性があります。

当社では、クリーンルームで回折格子をシステムに組み込んでいます。 回折格子をサブシステムやシステムに組み込む場合には、当社までお問い合わせください。





回折格子は、透過型、反射型のどちらも回折格子内の繰り返し構造により異なる波長の光を分離します。この構造により、入射光の振幅、位相のいずれか、または両方が変化し、出射光に干渉縞が生じます。透過型の場合、細いスリットが狭い間隔で多数配置されていることにより繰り返し構造が実現されています。このマルチスリットにおける放射照度を波長と位置の関数として解くと、= 0°のときの全ての回折格子に当てはまる次のような一般式が得られます。

Grating Equation 1


この式は回折格子の式として知られています。この式では、間隔aの回折格子により、λに依存した離散的な角度(theta sub m)で光を偏向する様子を表しています。ここでは回折次数です。回折角theta sub m は、回折格子の表面垂線から測定した出射光の出射角です。(1)の式から、次数mが与えられると、異なる波長の光は異なる角度で回折格子を出ることが分かります。これは白色光源の場合は、波長特性が角度依存を持つ連続スペクトルとして表されることを示しています。

Transmission Grating



入射光は表面垂線からtheta sub iの角度で回折格子に入射します。次数mが大きくなると、出力角度(表面垂線からのtheta sub m角度)も大きくなります。入射角0°の場合の一般的な回折格子の式(1)を、幾何学的条件を考慮して変形すると、透過型回折格子の式は以下のようになります。

Grating Equation 2


ここで図1のように回折格子の表面垂線を基準として入射光と回折光の角度が反対側となるとき、は正(+)とします。この場合、格子垂線に対して同じ側であれば は負となります。

Reflective Grating



Grating Equation 3



反射型も透過型も0次光の場合には回折パターンがないため、通常の表面反射、または透過のように見えます。theta sub i = theta sub mとして(2)の式を解くと、得られる解はm=0のみで、波長や格子の間隔に依存しないことが分かります。この条件では波長に依存した情報が得らません。



Blazed Grating
Blazed Grating




ブレーズド回折格子を使用した場合の0次光の反射を図4に示しています。 m = 0ではtheta sub iの角度で入射した光はtheta sub mで反射します。(3)の式により、得られる解はtheta sub i = –theta sub mのみです。これは平面における鏡面反射と似ています

Blazed Grating
Blazed Grating

図5に示すように、ブレーズド回折格子における鏡面反射はその表面構造により、平面における鏡面反射とは異なります。ブレーズド回折格子での鏡面反射theta sub rは、ブレーズ角に依存します。反射角が回折格子表面垂線に対してtheta sub iと同じ側にある場合、この角度は負として定義されます。簡単な幾何学的計算により下記(4)式が導かれます。

Grating Equation 2


図6はtheta sub i= 0°、すなわちビームが回折格子表面に垂直に入射した場合を示しています。この場合、0次反射光も0°の方向を向いています。(3)と(4)の式により、下記(5)式のようにブレーズ角の2倍の回折格子の方程式を得ます。

Grating Equation 2



リトロウ構成とはブレーズド回折格子における特定の配置を意味し、モノクロメータや分光計で重要な役割を果たします。この時、は回折効率が最大となる角度になります。この構成では光の入射角と回折の角度が同じtheta sub i = theta sub mであり、m > 0のため、下記(6)式が得られます。

Grating Equation 2


Blazed Grating

リトロウ角度Theta sub Lは、最大の光強度の次数(m = 1)、設計波長lambda sub Dならびに格子の間隔aによって決まります。リトロウ角度Theta sub Lは設計波長においてブレーズ角度gammaと同じであることは簡単に示されます。当社のブレーズド回折格子のリトロウ/ブレーズ角はすべて回折格子の仕様表に記載されています。

Grating Equation 2


垂直に入射した光に対する回折次数が大きくなるにつれ、波長に依存する角度間隔も大きくなることが分かります(theta sub i= 0°の場合、theta sub mmが増加すると増加します)。高次回折パターンの使用は、次数が低い回折パターンと比べて不利な点が2点あります。(1)次数が高くなると回折効率が減少すること、そして(2)以下で定義されるフリースペクトルレンジFree Spectral Range が狭くなることです。

Grating Equation 2





Holographic Gratings



回折格子パターンは、一定の距離間隔のラインの繰り返しaで構成されています。透過型回折格子の干渉パターンは図8に示すようにプレートの平面に対して垂直なため、あらゆる周波数の光がプレートを通ることができます。回折は入射光がDCGフィルムを通るときに起こります。そのために性能を決定する3つの要素は、フィルムの厚さ、バルクの屈折率(ブラグ面間の平均屈折率)、変調指数(ブラグ面間の屈折率の差)です。入射光は表面垂線から測定された角度theta sub iで回折格子に入射します。次数mが大きくなると、出力角度(表面垂線からのtheta sub m角度)も大きくなります。上述の回折格子の式は、体積型位相ホログラフィック回折格子では回折角を算出するのに用いることができます。なぜなら分散がライン密度に依存するからです。回折格子の品質は干渉縞のコントラストによって決定します。コントラストが弱いということは、回折効率が低いか、全く回折格子が形成されていないことを意味します。


Holographic Gratings




なお、分散は1 mmあたりの溝の数のみで決まり、溝の形状には影響されません。よって、ホログラフィック回折格子も刻線ブレーズド回折格子と同じ回折格子の方程式が使用可能です。


透過型回折格子は刻線回折格子と体積型位相ホログラフィック回折格子の2種類をご用意しております。 刻線回折格子は、透明な基板に繰り返し平行な構造をスクラッチまたはエッチングすることによって作られます。これらの回折格子は鋸歯の形状をしており、レプリケーションと呼ばれる工程でマスタからエポキシやプラスチックにインプリントして製造されています。体積型位相ホログラフィック回折格子は、2つのガラス基板の間に重クロム酸ゼラチン(DCG)フィルムが入っている構成となっております。これらの回折格子では、DCGフィルムに正弦波の回折パターンがにレーザ描画されています。詳細については「回折格子のチュートリアル」のタブをご参照ください。

Near IR
Volume Phase Holographic体積型位相ホログラフィック回折格子は、2つのガラス基板の間にDCGフィルムが入っている構成となっております。こちらのユニークな透過型回折格子はメンテナンスが容易で、高い1次回折効率のピークと、広い帯域幅で均一な性能を発揮します。



Near IR
Mid IR





回折格子の分解能は、2つの波長を空間的に分離する能力です。分解能はレイリの基準を回折最大値に適用することによって求められます。この基準では、1つの波長の最大値がもう1つの波長の最小値に一致する場合、この2つの波長は分解できる、としています。色分解能(R)はR = λ/Δλ = n*Nで定義されます。Δλは分解する波長差、nは回折次数、Nは照射されている範囲の溝の数です。エシェル回折格子では、高次の回折次数を利用するため、分解能が高くなります。




Posted Comments:
Anna Ruder  (posted 2024-05-06 16:51:43.08)
Hello, could you send me a downloadable Excel file with the transmission test data? In particular I'm looking for 300 and 1200 grooves/mm transmission data. Thanks
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-05-24 01:20:50.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this request. I have sent along the requested data to you.
David Scott  (posted 2024-01-01 19:28:57.99)
I am interested in one of your 25 mm visible transmission gratings but I am using it in an astronomy application. I was wondering if you have have any sort of circular mount that could be used in a telescope optical setup?? Thanks
jpolaris  (posted 2024-01-02 04:12:24.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Transmission gratings are typically mounted in kinematic mounts designed for rectangular optics. Our KM100C mount is a common choice for 25 mm gratings. Kinematic mounts allow for fine angle tuning, and in the case of KM100C, the adjuster resolution is 8 mrad per revolution over a total range of ±4°. This kinematic control is helpful when homing in on the optimal AOI. If you are only looking for a mount with a circular outer geometry that is designed to hold a square optic, we have an SM-threaded adapter for square filters (part number: SM1FH) that would accomplish this, but SM1FH does not offer kinematic control on its own. Additionally, there is concern about causing damage to the surface of the grating due to the clamping mechanism of SM1FH that is used to retain the square optic. I have reached out to you directly to discuss further.
Miguel León-Rodríguez  (posted 2023-05-04 08:47:10.68)
I need to know the high of the grove. Can you help me?, Thanks
jpolaris  (posted 2023-05-04 08:13:13.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. Additional data and specifications can be requested by contacting techsupport@thorlabs.com or by calling tech support at (973) 300-3000. I have reached out to you directly to discuss the specifications of these visible transmission gratings.
Jojo T.  (posted 2023-01-12 09:29:37.357)
Do you also have grisms?
jgreschler  (posted 2023-01-12 01:19:01.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. At this time grating prisms are not a part of our product catalogue.
Fabrizio Preda  (posted 2022-10-17 14:48:53.197)
This .stl file also seems to be wrong
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-10-24 08:47:09.0)
Thank you for finding the dimensional errors with our 3d model. We will be correcting it in the near future.
Fabrizio Preda  (posted 2022-10-17 14:47:33.937)
.stl file is wrong!
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-10-24 08:47:10.0)
Thank you for finding another dimensional error for these gratings. We will update the dimensions shortly.
Robert Holdsworth  (posted 2022-05-26 16:06:02.267)
The Solidworks and Step models are not 25 x 25 mm as they should be but are 12.5 x 25mm in the models which is incorrect
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-05-27 12:21:44.0)
Thank you for finding this web-error Robert. I have informed out web team, and they should be updated in the near future.
Linda Chai  (posted 2020-07-31 02:01:39.61)
I would like to know if the parallel light is incident the transmission grating perpendicularly, does the penetrating light (0th order) still exit the grating perpendicularly? By the way, the arrow is confusing. I would like to know how to use it correctly.
nbayconich  (posted 2020-08-03 02:27:14.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The 0th diffraction order will transmit through the grating at an angle equal to the incident angle upon the grating. The diffracted angle can be determined by the equation below which can be found in tutorials section also linked below. a*[sin(Θm) - sin(Θi)] = m*λ https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=1123&tabname=gratings%20tutorial Transmission gratings are intended to be used at normal incidence although if used at an angle it is best to use these gratings as shown below. https://www.thorlabs.com/images/TabImages/Littrow_Configuration_D1-780.gif The arrow mark on the side of your grating running parallel to the surface indicates the blaze direction.
Sebastian Harenbrock  (posted 2020-05-05 07:52:31.18)
Are there any square mounts for the 25x25mm grating that connect up to the SM1 lens tube system while being light tight? (Or the 50x50mm with SM2?) I notice somebody asked a similar question back in 2014 and was told that it was being looked into. Has there been anything new developed since then?
YLohia  (posted 2020-05-05 10:53:56.0)
Hello Sebastian, thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, this product has still not been developed. I have posted your request on our internal engineering forum to push the development of this along. Currently, we do, however offer similar adapters https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=4890, though these would not offer a light-tight solution.
liangze pan  (posted 2020-04-26 09:33:52.45)
I would like to know whether your company accept a conservation for a 50mm*50mm 1200 grooves/mm transmission grating with a groove angle that can improve the diffraction efficiency centered at 526nm and 351nm, since the corresponding diffraction efficiency of the product showed in the website doesn't meet our requirement.
YLohia  (posted 2020-04-27 11:50:23.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly to discuss the possibility of offering a custom item.
Markus G  (posted 2019-10-22 17:03:54.14)
Hi - could you please clarify what kind of grating your transmission gratings are? (1) What is the spec for the transmitted wavefront distortion (which is important for spectrometer applications)? (Is the substrate float glass, or polished substrate? how flat?) (2) suppose they are blazed (hence plotted efficiency is diffraction into +1 order only, correct)? (3)I assume they are not etched into glass (in which case they should be cleanable), but replicated into a polymer, is that correct? Thanks, Markus
nbayconich  (posted 2019-11-07 12:45:47.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. While we do not specify flatness, we can state that it is typically λ/4 or better. I am unable to provide any data regarding the wave front error at this time. Regarding your other questions our visible transmission gratings are designed for 1st order diffraction and only monitored for 1st order performance. The visible grating design consists of polymer on float glass substrate, however we do not suggest direct contact of the grating surface for cleaning and advise to use compressed canned air as opposed to any optical wipes.
Arumugam Govindaraji  (posted 2019-07-29 07:11:41.047)
Hello, I would like to know what is the period of the grating. and also is it possible to know the angle of transmission for a particular wavelength. kindly let me know this information. Best Regards!
tcampbell  (posted 2019-07-29 11:08:02.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. You can find the period of the grating by taking the inverse of the groove density in grooves/mm. Information on transmission angle can be found on the Gratings Tutorial tab.
Alex Krylov  (posted 2019-05-18 06:32:35.223)
Hello! Please tell me, at what temperatures is it possible to use the GT50-08 diffraction grating? Will this grating work at about 80 degrees centigrade? Thanks!
Sebastian Harenbrock  (posted 2019-04-26 12:12:26.113)
Would you have a downloadable Excel file with the transmission test data? In particular I'm looking for the 300 grooves/mm transmission data.
YLohia  (posted 2019-04-26 03:01:02.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have reached out to you with this data.
v.l  (posted 2019-01-21 15:07:44.39)
Hi, would the efficiency curves change with the incident angle? It would be useful to see the zeroth order effiency as well. Best regards, vl
nbayconich  (posted 2019-02-25 08:43:31.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The Intended AOI of these transmission gratings is zero degrees and the absolute efficiency plots provided are also taken at 0 degrees angle of incidence. Changing the incident angle up to 15 degrees will have a minimal impact on the efficiency. As you move further away from a zero degree AOI the diffraction limit will decrease in wavelength as you increase AOI. I will reach out to you with more information regarding the absolute efficiency of these gratings for different diffraction orders.
liuyang9412  (posted 2017-04-15 23:08:03.17)
I currently found it promising if I would have a visible grating with lower groove density, such as 150 grooves/mm. To this end, it is possible for Thorlabs to provide this custom-inspired gratings or just customized? - Yang Liu from China
tfrisch  (posted 2017-04-28 03:04:37.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
roman.wieser  (posted 2014-06-06 11:03:30.203)
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, we are looking for diffraction gradings or transmission gradings. We need other dimensions then written on your web pages. Dimensions are 5mm x 160 / 320mm. You are able to deliver such sizes and if yes with how much grooves it will be possible. And logically how expensive it will be. kind regards Roman Wieser
besembeson  (posted 2014-06-12 08:43:04.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs Newton-USA: Thanks for contacting Thorlabs. We do offer customized solutions for these gratings. I will follow up with you by email to get your complete specifications for a quotation.
dsablowski  (posted 2014-02-10 18:19:46.167)
Hey, it would be very useful to have round sized gratings, which fit to your tube system! Or rectangular mounts which fit to the tube system. Additionally some more angled optics mounts which fit to the center wavelength of each grating. This would help to implement gratings to optical set-ups.
besembeson  (posted 2014-02-12 04:15:03.0)
Response from Bweh E at Thorlabs: Thanks for the suggestions. We will be looking into such mounts. We may be able to offer a special circular grating to you. I will follow-up with you by email to discuss your requirements for such circular gratins.
jeffreyb  (posted 2013-09-24 13:46:32.203)
Hi, I have been using these gratings to make direct view, low-dispersion spectrographs. I couple the grating to the hypotenuse of 30 60 90 prism made from SF2 (ZF1 in china) The blaze angle of this grating nearly matches the 30 deg apex angle of a Littrow prism. You do not offer a SF2 prism (you used to have it in your catalog as a "Littrow dispersing prism") so, I had them made in China for ~$100 each. The hypotenuse face is 50mm x 50mm and un-coated (this face matches the grating size). The entrance face is anti reflection coated. I use an index matching grease to couple the grating to the prism (optical epoxy would be better). I would think that you could market such a grism assembly for ~$600-$900 maybe more......given that the component parts would cost ~$300 or so. Just having a high dispersion material (ZF1 or SF2) 30 60 90 prism would be very useful for those who would want to make the grism. A short tutorial could be made to demonstrate the principle of the grism...
cdaly  (posted 2013-10-10 16:08:00.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. We greatly appreciate you suggestion, which I will share with our optical engineers. I will contact you directly to discuss this further.
tcohen  (posted 2012-11-13 17:47:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Gratings are very easily damaged on contact. They should be handled only on the sides and stored in the supplied case when not in use which suspends the grating. Cleaning should only be attempted by lightly blowing off dust with clean, dry air or nitrogen.
mathieu.perrin  (posted 2012-11-13 07:54:29.123)
Hello, I own the 830 mm-1 transmission grating. Can it be cleaned and how?
tcohen  (posted 2012-06-15 11:20:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback! We are adding a photo to the overview tab explaining what the arrows are and we are revising our diagrams in our grating tutorial. We will also link the tutorial to this page and I have contacted you with this information on using your grating.
jcanseco  (posted 2012-06-11 01:07:45.0)
On the side surface of the grating, there is a long arrow. I assume this indicates the direction of the grating blaze. Do I have align the input beam in the same direction as arrow, or opposite to the arrow? In other words, should the propagation direction of the input beam follow the direction that the arrow is pointing at or go against it? Thank you.
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+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GT13-03 Support Documentation
GT13-03Visible Transmission Grating, 300 Grooves/mm, 17.5° Groove Angle, 12.7 mm x 12.7 mm
3 weeks
GT25-03 Support Documentation
GT25-03Visible Transmission Grating, 300 Grooves/mm, 17.5° Groove Angle, 25 mm x 25 mm
GT50-03 Support Documentation
GT50-03Visible Transmission Grating, 300 Grooves/mm, 17.5° Groove Angle, 50 mm x 50 mm
Lead Time
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+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GT13-06V Support Documentation
GT13-06VVisible Transmission Grating, 600 Grooves/mm, 28.7° Groove Angle, 12.7 mm x 12.7 mm
3 weeks
GT25-06V Support Documentation
GT25-06VVisible Transmission Grating, 600 Grooves/mm, 28.7° Groove Angle, 25 mm x 25 mm
3 weeks
GT50-06V Support Documentation
GT50-06VVisible Transmission Grating, 600 Grooves/mm, 28.7° Groove Angle, 50 mm x 50 mm
3 weeks
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+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GT13-08 Support Documentation
GT13-08Visible Transmission Grating, 830 Grooves/mm, 29.87° Groove Angle, 12.7 mm x 12.7 mm
3 weeks
GT25-08 Support Documentation
GT25-08Visible Transmission Grating, 830 Grooves/mm, 29.87° Groove Angle, 25 mm x 25 mm
GT50-08 Support Documentation
GT50-08Visible Transmission Grating, 830 Grooves/mm, 29.87° Groove Angle, 50 mm x 50 mm
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+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
GT13-12 Support Documentation
GT13-12Visible Transmission Grating, 1200 Grooves/mm, 36.9° Groove Angle, 12.7 mm x 12.7 mm
3 weeks
GT25-12 Support Documentation
GT25-12Visible Transmission Grating, 1200 Grooves/mm, 36.9° Groove Angle, 25 mm x 25 mm
3 weeks
GT50-12 Support Documentation
GT50-12Visible Transmission Grating, 1200 Grooves/mm, 36.9° Groove Angle, 50 mm x 50 mm
3 weeks