マイクロメーターヘッド、移動量25 mmおよび1インチ

  • 1" (25 mm) Travel Range
  • 0.001" (10 µm) of Travel per Division
  • Spherical Tip Minimizes Positioning Alignment Errors
  • Available With or Without 5/64" (2.0 mm) Hex on the End


5/64" Hex

The PT1 translation stage includes a 150-811ST micrometer, which does not feature a hex on the end.

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Item #150-811ST150-811ST-H150-801ME150-801ME-H
Travel Range1.000"25.00 mm
Graduation0.001" per Division10 µm per Division
Distance per Rev0.025"0.5 mm
Barrel Diameter3/8" (9.5 mm)
HexN/A5/64" (2.0 mm)N/A5/64" (2.0 mm)
Load Capacity4 kg (Max)
Scale SurfaceHard-Chrome Plating


  • 標準のØ3/8インチ(Ø9.5 mm)取付けバレル
  • 高確度のクロムメッキ仕上げスピンドル
  • 刻み目付き調整ノブ
  • 確度の高いアライメントのための10 µm目盛が刻印
  • 2.0 mm(5/64インチ)六角溝付きの製品もご用意

マイクロメータ150-801MEおよび150-801ME-Hは移動量が25 mmで10 µm単位の目盛が刻印されています。また、150-811STおよび150-811ST-Hは移動量が1.0インチで0.001インチ単位の目盛が刻印されています。型番の末尾にHが付いている製品には2.0 mm(5/64インチ)の六角溝が付いているので、スペースに制限のある環境でもお使いいただけます。


Click to Enlarge


Posted Comments:
stan louie  (posted 2023-10-03 12:16:45.28)
How do you lubricate one of your micrometers that has seized?
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-10-18 04:51:13.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. Generally we would encourage you to keep these lubricated, perhaps with a lubricant from our page here: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=2519. I have contacted you directly to discuss this.
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-03-12 16:26:51.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs: Thank you for pointing this error out. We have confirmed the dimension of 6.35mm and will change the drawing on the website. We will also make sure the next version of the catalog does not have this error.
user  (posted 2010-03-12 13:01:41.0)
150-801ST (metric micrometer) overview and pdf show spindle diameter at 0.25" (6.0mm), but 0.25" is actually 6.35mm. 6.35mm is what is found on the downloaded SW model. Received part is found to have 6.50mm ! Need some consistency / accuracy here.
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+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
150-811ST Support Documentation
Lead Time
150-811ST-H Support Documentation
150-811ST-HCustomer Inspired! マイクロメーターヘッド、移動量1インチ、0.001インチ目盛付き、5/64インチ(2.0 mm)六角溝(インチ規格)
3 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
150-801ME Support Documentation
150-801MEマイクロメーターヘッド、移動量25 mm、10 µm目盛付き(ミリ規格)
3 weeks
150-801ME-H Support Documentation
150-801ME-Hマイクロメーターヘッド、移動量25 mm、10 µm目盛付き、2.0 mm六角溝(ミリ規格)
3 weeks
Last Edited: Sep 12, 2013 Author: Kate Osenbach