
  • Detachable Kinematic Front Plate Accepts Ø1" Optics
  • Rare Earth Magnets Provide Sufficient Coupling Force
  • Repeatability Better than 15 µrad


#8 (M4) Counterbore Mounting Holes

Rare Earth Magnets


Additional Plates for KS1R

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  • 取り外し可能なキネマティック前面プレート
  • 4対の希土類磁石によって前面プレートと背面プレートを結合
  • 15 μrad以下の再現性
  • 右手および左手方向に取付け可能
  • 黒色アルマイト加工が施されたアルミニウム製

KS1R はキネマティックベースプレートと汎用キネマティックミラーマウントの機能性を組み合わせた製品で、マルチパスのビームのステアリングにお使いいただけます。 脱着式前面プレートには3つの長さ21.6 mmのロック可能な1/4"‑80 微調整ネジが付いていて、複数のプレートを1枚の共通ベースプレートを使って個別に調整することができます。光学素子は、先端がナイロン製の止めネジ(セットスクリュ)で固定します。マウントの全ての六角ソケットは2 mmボール(六角)ドライバまたは六角レンチが使用できるので組み立てが簡単です。 また、アクチュエータは、六角アジャスタHKTS-5/64を使用して調整することができます。4対の希土類マグネットによって、前面プレートと背面プレートをしっかりと固定します。

KS1Rには、1枚のベースプレートと1枚のキネマティック前面プレートが入っています。追加の前面プレートKS1RFは、別途お買い求めいただけます。前面プレートにはそれぞれ別の光学素子を取付けることができ、特定の場所に設置することができます。 個々に光学素子を配置できるので、全体をアライメントしなおすことなく、光学素子を交換することが可能です。

Posted Comments:
Aidan Brooks  (posted 2021-09-09 14:52:51.227)
Dear Thorlabs, How much would it be to do a 2" version of the KS1R mount? Many thanks, Aidan Brooks.
YLohia  (posted 2021-09-09 03:37:39.0)
Hello, custom parts can be requested by emailing techsales@thorlabs.com. We will discuss the possibility of offering this customization directly.
Philipp Hanke  (posted 2020-12-01 10:26:44.127)
Is there an equal solution for 2'' optics? Best regards Philipp
YLohia  (posted 2020-12-02 10:14:31.0)
Hello Philipp, unfortunately, we don't offer a 2" version of this at the moment. The being said, you could use the components on this page (https://www.thorlabs.de/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=3774) and post-mount on a pitch/yaw stage for the same functionality.
laurent Milord  (posted 2019-09-11 06:18:59.133)
Hello, I can not reach the 15µrad repetability. I place the KSR1; I adjust the tip tilt to have auto-collimation of a laser using a mirror. I remove and replace the plate and got a deviation up to 38 mrad !! The mechanical stability is not good at all. Please contact me so we can figure the problem. Thank you, Laurent
YLohia  (posted 2019-09-30 08:41:23.0)
Hello Laurent, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Based on our direct correspondence, it appears that this repeatability issue is caused by the one of the magnets having been popped out of place.
user  (posted 2014-09-09 04:34:56.467)
How long is the hex adjustment screw? Thank you.
sharrell  (posted 2014-09-10 08:27:28.0)
Response from Sean at Thorlabs: The hex adjustment screws are 0.85" (21.6 mm) long. This information can be found on the pdf drawing of the KS1RF pdf drawing, but I will add it to the text of the webpage as well.
andreas.brand  (posted 2013-03-08 18:10:45.797)
Hi, does this come with metrix hex screws? kind regards Andreas
jlow  (posted 2013-03-12 16:32:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The KS1R comes with hex adjustment screws that uses 5/64" hex key.
ted.borger  (posted 2012-10-26 15:11:55.967)
It would be much more useful for me if the KS1R had the adjustors with knobs, possibly in the non optic side in a more traditional setup.
tcohen  (posted 2012-11-07 21:26:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. By keeping the actuators on the front plate, we are able to have kinematic adjustment for different optics and attach multiple plates to the same fixed back plate. We can offer knobs or alternatively an item that has a 5/64 hex key fixed to a removable knob. I will contact you to discuss this further.
daviet  (posted 2011-12-13 17:58:25.0)
Hi, My name is Alex, i work for a company called NT-MDT, based in Ireland, we're designing scanning probes microscopes. We are currently designing a new unit using a laser and we would be very interested in using some your prodcuts, for example the KS1R or 12031-E0W. When i am trying to download a step file or solidwork file, the dimensions are not matching the pdf file, especially the mounting holes. Would it be possible from your side to send me on the correct 3D file? Please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail address at daviet@ntmdt.ie or by phone at +353 (0) 61 33 33 22. Hope to hear form you soon. Best regards, Alex.
bdada  (posted 2011-12-14 11:12:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs: Thank you for informing us of the inconsistencies in the model. We will upload a revised version to our website and send you a copy. Thank you again for your feedback.
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