近赤外(NIR)域エアスペース型アクロマティック複レンズ、ARコーティング: 650~1050 nm

  • Minimal Focal Shift Over the Design Wavelength Range
  • Superior Performance When Compared to Cemented Doublets
  • 1" Outer Diameter Aluminum Housing



Each mount includes an engraved arrow
indicating the direction of light propagation
required to collimate a point source.

Related Items

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Coating Range650 - 1050 nm
Design Wavelengths706.5, 855, 1015 nm
Surface Quality20-10 Scratch-Dig
(to Prevent Scattering from
High Power Sources)
Clear ApertureØ20 mm
Irregularity per Surface<λ/4 at 633nm
Focal Length Tolerance±1% at 855 nm
ReflectanceRavg < 0.5% (650-1050 nm)
HousingØ1" 6061-T6 Aluminum Barrel
Air-Spaced Doublet in a Lens Tube
Click to Enlarge



  • エアスペース型の複レンズであるため単レンズよりも優れた収差性能
  • 開口:Ø20 mm
  • Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)用レンズチューブ内に収まるØ25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)の外径
  • 650~1050 nm対応のARコーティング

このエアスペース型アクロマティク複レンズは、球面収差や色収差の補正に優れています。エアスペース型複レンズは接着された複レンズと比較して、内部レンズの曲率が同じである必要がない分、自由度が2つ増えます。このように設計に自由度があることで、同等の接着された複レンズと比べていくつかの点で優れた特性が実現されています。詳細は「レンズの比較」タブに掲載されています。エアスペース型設計では、加工工程で接着剤を用いないので、レーザによる損傷に対して高い耐性があります。この製品は、650~1050 nmの波長範囲で優れた性能を発揮します。

複レンズはアルミニウム製のバレル型マウントに取付け済みですが、バレル径とレンズ径の寸法公差を厳しい数値に設定することでレンズの偏心を最小限に抑えています。各マウントには、型番、ARコーティングの波長範囲、焦点距離および点光源をコリメートするための光の伝搬方向が刻印されています。マウントは、Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)のレンズチューブ内に収まるØ25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)の外径となっています(右下の写真参照)。


Optic Cleaning Tutorial
Optical Coatings and Substrates
下の型番横の赤いアイコン(資料)をクリックするとZemaxファイルをダウンロードいただけます。 また、こちらからは当社の全てのZemaxファイルの一括ダウンロードが可能です。

下の表には、同じ焦点距離を有するエアスペース型のアクロマティック複レンズと接着されたアクロマティック複レンズの理論上の性能を比較するグラフのポップアップ画面へのリンクがあります。 ここでは透過波面誤差とスポット半径が比較されています。各グラフの生データはこちらからダウンロードいただけます。

650~1050 nmレンズ

Cemented Item #aAir-Spaced Item #aWavefront Error PlotsSpot Diameter Plots
AC254-030-BACA254-030-B30 mm WFE30 mm Spot Radius
AC254-050-BACA254-050-B50 mm WFE50 mm Spot Radius
AC254-060-BACA254-060-B60 mm WFE60 mm Spot Radius
AC254-075-BACA254-075-B75 mm WFE75 mm Spot Radius
AC254-100-BACA254-100-B100 mm WFE100 mm Spot Radius
AC254-150-BACA254-150-B150 mm WFE150 mm Spot Radius
AC254-200-BACA254-200-B200 mm WFE200 mm Spot Radius
  • f=30 mmのレンズでは、開口はØ11 mmで計算されています。 他のレンズは、開口全体にわたって計算されています。
Plot Key
Cemented DoubletsAir Spaced
Air-Spaced DoubletsCemented Key
Diffraction Limit
Airy Disk

Posted Comments:
Tomer Cohen  (posted 2020-05-24 13:36:02.033)
Hello, Please provide external dimensions tolerances of the Doublet, i would like to implement the lens in my system and tolerance value is ambiguous. Thanks in advance
YLohia  (posted 2020-06-02 01:18:36.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Are you requesting the outer diameter tolerances for the housing or the actual lenses themselves? If it's the latter, please note that we do not recommend disassembling the lens from the housing as that can affect the performance. I have reached out to you directly to clarify these points.
kz  (posted 2018-09-21 10:23:46.773)
I am planning to use the ACA254-050-B doublet with pulsed IR laser, pulse length is 33 ns and laser power is 20 W (pulse energy is 0.64 mJ). I was wondering if the doublet I am planning to use can withstand such laser power? I did not find any information about LIDT for the doublet. Please, verify for me that this doublet can be used. Best regards, Kirill Zhuravlev
nbayconich  (posted 2018-09-28 01:44:09.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have not performed LIDT tests on these items. We will need to know more information about your source such as the beam diameter, and wavelength to determine if the pulsed energy density is suitable for these lenses. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
Xiaomin.Nie  (posted 2017-04-10 00:14:31.313)
when I download zemax file of ACA254-030-B and check chromatic focus shift, I found very large shifts (-94um@0.7um and 84um@1um). Should I do something instead of opening and file and checking chromatic focus shift directly? Could you please explain a little bit?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-04-27 01:55:32.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I see you are already communicating with a member of our Tech Support Team about this focal shift. We can continue the discussion by email.
barry.luther-davies  (posted 2017-03-14 19:31:00.173)
Is there a reason why you do not offer air spaced achromatic doublets with c-coating for 1050-1700nm?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-03-15 08:51:17.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have been able to offer air spaced achromats for 1050-1700nm in the past, so I will reach out to you directly about your requirements.
chad.e.ogden  (posted 2014-09-24 18:24:53.56)
I purchased 3 of the ACA254-100-B doublets in January 2014. I found that the optical axis of the doublet was far off enough from the mechanical axis of the cell that when I built a small telescope with them in an SM1 lens tube, it had severe coma, even after centering the lens cell with 3 shims. I disassembled the doublets and inspected the fit tolerances, to see if I could shim the optics within the cells to improve the alignment of the optical axis to the cell. The fit was tight enough that I could not slide a 1 mil shim in the gap, but the upper lens did have a little bit of wiggle room. When I carefully reassembled the doublet, I found that almost all of the coma had vanished. I hypothesize that perhaps the cell was assembled without the proper care. If it was held at an angle while tightening the retaining ring, the twp optics could seat slightly off-center. I found that by carefully disassembling each cell and reassembling it, I was able to dramatically reduce the coma in each case. I also noticed that the spacer ring between the two optics has a bevel on one side only, only noticeable under magnification. Doubtless this is intended to seat inside the concave optic. Due to the small size of this bevel, it would be very easy for the assembler to install the ring upside-down without noticing, which could prevent the optics from auto-centering as the retaining ring is tightened. I recommend that you check your assembly process, because the doublets I received were not performing to the design parameters due most likely to erroneous assembly.
jlow  (posted 2014-10-02 03:07:12.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: Thank you very much for the detailed feedback about the air-spaced doublets. As you had mentioned in your feedback, the tolerance of the lenses to the inner diameter of the housing are held pretty tightly. This was done in order to limit the amount aberrations in the system. Obviously this is not enough and a good alignment process is required. As a result from your feedback, we have identified some areas to improve our assembly process and we will be testing these during production in an interferometric setup to verify good alignment.
clarafly  (posted 2014-01-03 13:29:02.59)
Why don't you offer -C version of these air-spaced doublets?
tcohen  (posted 2014-01-03 12:20:31.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Our production team is constantly engaged in new product designs and so we choose the most popular versions to release first. As we receive feedback and see demand, we continue to fill out the line. Thanks for taking the time to post your inquiry. As a large part of our catalog is shaped by our customers' feedback, we appreciate these inquiries to keep us continually moving towards manufacturing what our customers need.
tvandersar  (posted 2013-12-02 21:35:58.59)
I think it is very strange that, according to your graphs, all 2.54cm diameter air-spaced achromatic doublets (except the 200mm) actually have larger focal shift than the cemented achromatic doublets. Could you please comment?
tcohen  (posted 2014-01-03 12:19:25.0)
Response from Thorlabs: The Air-Spaced Achromatic Doublets were designed to provide diffraction limited performance at discrete wavelengths for high powered applications. The slightly higher focal shift is a by-product of the design. However, we are currently working on new air-spaced designs to provide the same optical performance while maintaining or reducing the focal shift.
user  (posted 2013-10-27 17:14:01.063)
In terms of focusing a laser beam, what is the difference between the Air-Spaced Doublets and the Aspheric Lenses? Thank you
tcohen  (posted 2013-10-29 13:12:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for contacting us. The Air-Spaced Doublets are achromatic, so they provide diffraction limited performance for more broadband sources than an aspheric lens would, which is only corrected for spherical aberrations. Your actual spot size will depend on your wavelength spread, diameter and incoming collimation quality so to provide further details it would be best to discuss it particular to your source. I don’t see that you left any contact info, so to discuss this further, please contact us at Techsupport@thorlabs.com.
zczeng  (posted 2013-06-05 13:49:51.133)
with the lens comparasion information, the scale bar of the Aberration Information is not the same. and for A coating, the lens with small focal length have big focus spot than long focal length, please check it.
sharrell  (posted 2013-06-17 15:24:00.0)
Response from Sean at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. After internal discussion, we have decided to remove the aberration plots from our website, as they seemed to have caused more confusion than they have helped our customers understand the optic performance. Our decision is supported by the fact that spherical aberration is practically the sole contributor to the error in these systems. Spherical aberration is manifested and better communicated in both the spot size and wavefront error plots that we are continuing to provide. For your second question, as the NA of the lens increases, it becomes more difficult to manage spherical aberration. This leads to larger spot sizes for lenses with shorter focal lengths. In reviewing your feedback, we also noticed that the sopt size and wavefront error plots had been plotted with the lens refocused at each wavelength; we are working on getting these plots updated with the lens held at a static location and I will update this post when those plots are available.
jlow  (posted 2012-09-26 13:17:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: These thermally conductive tape are also electrically conductive.
luolcc  (posted 2012-09-26 12:10:59.0)
Is it okay to apply on conductor? i.e. is the tape insulating on the surface?
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-11-29 09:34:47.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to tmpest1: the operating temperature range of the TCDT1 and TCDT2 double-sided tape is -30 to 125 degrees Celsius.
tmpest1  (posted 2010-11-29 01:30:07.0)
Tyler@Thorlabs "Unfortunately we dont know the working temperature range of this thermal tape" Do you have temperature ratings for this double-sided tape since that was written 2 years ago? I just require "normal" temperatures 0-130C.
Tyler  (posted 2008-11-05 16:09:05.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to denisel: Unfortunately we dont know the working temperature range of this thermal tape. However, we will send you a sample to test in your setup. If you dont mind, please post your findings about how this thermal tape performed in your cryostat.
denisel  (posted 2008-11-04 02:47:50.0)
Would like to find out ratings of this tape at low temperatures? Does it still maintain holding and thermal conductivity say at 77K?
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エアスペース型アクロマティック複レンズ、650~1050 nm

Item #f
Air Gapc
ACA254-030-B3019.98-26.89-20.19-37.317.799.261.2419.520.2Air-Spaced Doublet Drawing
  • 左のレンズの中心厚さ(Reference Drawing参照)
  • 右のレンズの中心厚さ(Reference Drawing参照)
  • レンズ間のエアスペース
Item #Transmission PlotdLeft Lens MaterialeRight Lens MaterialeImage Space NADesign RMS
Wavefront Error
ACA254-030-BPlotN-SSK2N-SF570.334 <2λ
ACA254-050-BPlotN-SSK2N-SF570.204 <λ/8
ACA254-060-BPlotN-SSK2N-SF570.167 <λ/8
ACA254-075-BPlotN-SSK2N-SF570.134 <λ/10
ACA254-100-BPlotN-K5N-SF570.100 <λ/15
ACA254-150-BPlotN-K5N-SF570.067 <λ/20
ACA254-200-BPlotN-K5N-SF570.050 <λ/20

d. 網掛け部分はこのレンズのコーティング範囲を示しています。
e. 「Left」および「Right」の方向は、Reference Drawing欄のアイコンをクリックしてご覧いただけるレンズの向きをご参照ください。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
ACA254-030-B Support Documentation
ACA254-030-BAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm, f=30 mm
3 weeks
ACA254-050-B Support Documentation
ACA254-050-BAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm, f = 50 mm
3 weeks
ACA254-060-B Support Documentation
ACA254-060-BAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm, f = 60 mm
3 weeks
ACA254-075-B Support Documentation
ACA254-075-BAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm, f = 75 mm
3 weeks
ACA254-100-B Support Documentation
ACA254-100-BAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm, f = 100 mm
3 weeks
ACA254-150-B Support Documentation
ACA254-150-BAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm, f = 150 mm
3 weeks
ACA254-200-B Support Documentation
ACA254-200-BAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm, f = 200 mm
3 weeks