60 mmケージキューブ、蛍光フィルターセット用

  • Quickly Interchange Filter Sets with Repeatable Alignment
  • Mounts Ø2" Round Optics and 50.8 mm x 72.0 mm Rectangular Optic
  • 60 mm Cage System and Ø2" Lens Tube Compatible


60 mm Cage Cube for Fluorescence Filter Sets, SM2-Threaded Ports


Separate Inserts Available for 
Easy Exchange of Optics


Kinematic Cage Cube Base

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Cage-Compatible Filter Cube
Click to Enlarge



  • 蛍光フィルターセット(別売り)を保持するための60 mmキネマティックケージキューブ
  • 60 mmケージシステムSM2レンズチューブに対応
  • 2つの吸収フィルタ用ポートは、不要な戻り光を防ぐために3°傾斜
  • キューブインサート、ベース、およびカバープレートは単品でもご購入可能
  • 2つのキューブを接続する60 mmケージキューブコネクタも別売りでご用意(下記参照)
  • 60 mm直角プリズムミラー用ケージキューブに対応



インサートにはØ50 mmフィルタ用のポートが4つ付いています。励起フィルタおよび吸収フィルタは2通りの光路構成で取り付けられ(右の写真参照)、付属の固定リングSM2RRで保持します。取付けには当社のスパナレンチSPW604がご利用いただけます。吸収フィルタ用ポート(右の写真参照)は、不要な戻り光を減らすため、キューブの面に対して3°の傾斜が付いています。フィルターセットの管理のために、上部には取り付けられたフィルタやミラーのラベルを記載できるスペースがあります。 キューブインサートはキューブベースに対して1つの向きに挿入するよう設計されているので、キューブアセンブリ全体をセットアップ内で適切な向きに配置しておくことが重要です。

キネマティックキューブのベース部分の各面には、底部から高さ45 mmの位置に光軸を有するSM2ネジ付きポートが付いています。このポートには当社のSM2レンズチューブが取り付けられます。また、各ポートの周囲にある4つの#4-40タップ穴を用いて当社の60 mmケージシステムに組み込むことができます。キューブベースの底部にはM6タップ穴が3つ付いており、当社のØ25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)ポストあるいはØ38 mm(Ø1.5インチ)ポストに直接取り付けられます。ネジアダプタAE8E25E (AE4M6M)(別売り)を用いてM4ネジに変換すれば、Ø12 mm~Ø12.7 mm(Ø1/2インチ)ポストに取り付けることもできます。

#aProduct DescriptionQty.Photo
(Click to Enlarge)
1DFM1 - Kinematic
Fluorescence Filter Cube
1Dichroic Cage Cube
2Microscopy Filters1 SetMicroscopy Filters
3SM1B3 - Lens Tube Bellows1Bellows
4SM1ZM - Non-Rotating
SM1 Zoom Housing
1Zoom Housing
5Focusing Lens Inside
Zoom Housing
1Focusing Lens
6ST1XY-D - XY Translator
with Differential Drives
1XY Translator
7Precision Pinhole Between
XY Translator and Photodetector
1Precision Pinhole
SM1-Compatible Photodetector
  • 表内はインチ規格の部品の組合せ例です。



この構成で使用されている部品は、右表に掲載されています。SM1レンズチューブ Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)ポストは別売りとなっています。


Posted Comments:
Drew Rone  (posted 2023-05-10 12:01:28.76)
Do you sell dichroic mirrors of the correct size for DFM2 cube?
jdelia  (posted 2023-05-11 01:49:21.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application.
Xindong Song  (posted 2022-12-29 17:36:36.003)
I seriously need DFM2L and DFM2LM to turn the beam left or right freely for my applications. Could you please make those models like what you did for the DFM1 series? Thank you.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-01-10 02:12:13.0)
Thank you for your feedback Xindong! This is indeed a good idea, as we do not have both turning directions available to our 60mm filter cubes! I have submitted this to our internal product development forum for consideration!
Michael Ashby  (posted 2021-01-25 11:17:19.767)
Do you sell dichroic mirrors of the correct size for DFM2 cube?
YLohia  (posted 2021-01-26 10:27:49.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application.
Yuh-Jen Cheng  (posted 2020-07-29 05:22:40.91)
Just curious. Is there really a difference between DFM1 and DFM1L? If I rotate DFM1 by 90 degrees, doesn't it become DFM1L?
YLohia  (posted 2020-07-29 10:57:28.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The cube insert is designed to be inserted in a single orientation with respect to the cube base, so it is not possible to simply rotate the insert by 90 degrees to obtain a 180 degree flip in the reflected beam path. We offer two versions due to a popular customer request for quick & easy switching of right or left orientations without disassembling the entire cage setup.
Hazen Babcock  (posted 2020-03-09 10:43:19.273)
It would be nice if you could make a version of this which had holes for the cage rods to go into. This would make it easier to join several of these together without needing lots of ERSCB adaptors. See for example KCB1 and KCB1C.
YLohia  (posted 2020-03-10 08:36:10.0)
Hello Hazen, thank you for your feedback. While the current design of the DFM1 filter cube does not have the required clearances for a Ø6 mm thru-hole for the cage rods, I have posted your request to our internal design forum for further consideration.
lukas.hille  (posted 2018-06-25 14:25:22.08)
Dear Thorlabs Team, it would be nice, if the cube or an additional mount could hold 3mm thick dichroics. The quality of 3mm thick dichroics is supperior compared to 1 and 2mm. I like this cube and its stability and flexibility. best regards Lukas
YLohia  (posted 2018-06-25 09:37:44.0)
Hello Lukas, the CM1-DCH allows for the mounting of dichroics up to 3mm thick.
gregory.futia  (posted 2016-12-02 14:43:20.163)
I designed a 3D printable storage box for the DFM1T1. The design files and STLs for printing are available on Thingverse. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1923215
tfrisch  (posted 2016-12-05 01:19:05.0)
Hello, thank you for your contribution on Thingiverse on behalf of our products. I hope our technical drawings were helpful in your application.
dkleckner  (posted 2015-10-21 14:54:35.817)
Could you please provide me with an estimated time-frame for the redesigned mount which would prevent overtightening? Will the new version share the same top half (so that it could be substituted later), or will both pieces be modified?
besembeson  (posted 2015-10-26 10:08:28.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: We don't have a firm release date yet but are working on this. I will follow-up with you.
kyleh  (posted 2015-09-23 10:53:43.4)
I am not convinced the little rubber pieces not causing distortion. I put my optic in, tightened it slowly and alternated sides, and it seemed fine at first. I put it back in the magnetic holder, and after about 15 minutes just sitting in the magnetic holder, it snapped my dichroic!! My dichroic is spec'd at 1.1 mm thickness as it says should work. It seems that sitting in the magnetic holder caused the holding to shift somehow? This is ridiculous! There has to be a better way to hold the dichroics in place for this holder without breaking my optics or bending them to cause aberrations as others have commented on.
besembeson  (posted 2015-10-07 10:32:15.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: Thanks for the feedback. We are actually redesigning this mount that will prevent any over-tightening during assembly. I will be in contact with you once we release this.
richard.j.smith  (posted 2015-08-17 04:22:31.287)
similar to comment below from dfogletree, i would like a left handed filter holder to fit in the standard holder, so i can switch between two configurations in my instrument. is this part available yet?
besembeson  (posted 2015-09-25 09:43:22.0)
Response from Bweh at thorlabs USA: This part is not available yet. For now, the only option, which of course doesn't have all the advantages of the DFM is to use an a C6W or C4W with a B4C or B3C and an FFM1 or B5C that provides the freedom to set output orientation.
dfogletree  (posted 2014-12-11 15:27:37.42)
We are using the turning mirror and dichroic kinematic cubes, these are very useful for directing light to different detectors. However at the moment, as far as I know, there are only "right handed" parts. Once the base in built into an optical system, I would like to be able to put either a right or left mirror/dichroic in the base. This would let me built more flexible systems. Or there could be a method to convert right to left by unscrewing the parts -- at the moment the chirality seems to be fixed.
cdaly  (posted 2014-12-18 04:26:48.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. We will discuss internally the possibility of adding another insert which can help steer the beam in the other direction without having to remount the cube entirely.
dkleckner  (posted 2014-05-16 11:44:09.79)
I'm having a similar problem as n-lindquist and syim regarding optical aberrations. I tested the holder and found that even applying a small amount of tightening force causes significant distortion with such thin optics. Is there any quick fix for this problem? I'm considering removing the rubber pieces and attaching the filter with optical epoxy, but this would limit the usefulness of the filter holder.
besembeson  (posted 2014-05-21 04:25:05.0)
A response from Bweh at Thorlabs in USA: Thanks for your feedback. It could be that you over-tighten the screws. The dichroic mirror is clamped in place using a design that provides uniform pressure without causing deformation to the mirror, and is locked in place using two 4-40 screws locked by a 3/32" hex key. Only light force is required to mount the filter. We recommend screwing in both screws most of the way before final tightening with a balldriver. Let me know if this helps
nkaplin1  (posted 2013-09-03 14:48:31.513)
Can you clarify the size of the dichroic that this cube will accept. It is listed as holding 25.2x35.6mm and 25x36mm in two places on the product page. Will it accept the standard Zeiss and Nikon 25.5x36mm size?
pbui  (posted 2013-09-09 10:32:00.0)
Response from Phong at Thorlabs: Thank you for your post. The DFM cube should accept the standard Zeiss and Nikon size of 25.5 x 36 mm. If you have any further questions please contact Techsupport@thorlabs.com
syim  (posted 2013-05-14 21:45:07.743)
I have tried DFM/M for a home-built confocal microscopy. But I found my focused laser beam having severe aberrations. I believe the two small rubbers for dichroic beamsplitter give too much stress, since my collimated Gaussian beam turns to elliptical beam horizontally after about 50 cm. I tried my dichroic beamsplitter as well as a standard beamsplitter of Thorlabs (BSW20). My Nikon filter cube has no such problem (as you may know, it has a metal spring, instead of rubbers).
jlow  (posted 2013-05-14 11:56:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: It could be that the screws are being over-tightened. You just need to have the screws in finger-tight (just enough to hold the optic in place). Also, it would be good to screw in both screws a considerable amount before the final tightening. I will contact you to discuss about this further.
n-lindquist  (posted 2013-05-04 13:45:03.383)
I am using a 1.1 mm thick "laser flat" dichroic filter and noticed that some significant astigmatism is introduced when mounted in this DFMT1 cube vs your standard cage-cube dichroic filter holders. Could the DFMT1 bend the dichroic at all?
jlow  (posted 2013-05-09 16:43:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The DFM shouldn't be bending your optic. I will contact you directly to look into this issue you are having.
werley  (posted 2013-02-20 14:54:22.65)
The magnetic filter cube is very convenient and we are hoping to use it in several home-built microscopes in the lab, but there are a couple issues. First, it would be great if the cube could accept slightly larger dichroics (26x38mm) that are standard in some Olympus filter cubes. This would facilitate interchange between different microscopes. We are hesitant to make the switch if we can't use any of the dichroics we already own. Second, I don't like how the piece that unscrews from the DFMT1 to insert or remove the dichroic has a smaller clear aperture than standard for SM1. Could you not move the rubber cylinders so the press on the corners of the dichroic to fix it in place, and bore the holes out a bit further? Thanks.
cdaly  (posted 2013-03-06 09:09:00.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for using our web feed back. The DFM had been designed with the intention of keeping the product as compact as possible for use with our dichroic filters for fluorescence. I agree that this interoperability would be quite useful. I will bring up your recommendations in our internal forums and make sure that this is known to our engineers for possible revision.
tcohen  (posted 2012-12-06 16:26:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback! The DFM is designed to accept our line of fluorescence dichroics and our standard dichroic mirrors. For larger filters, we offer a solution with the use of either the CM1-DCH or the C4W with a B3C and FFM1. These have recently been updated to reduce deformation of the filter.
seamus.holden  (posted 2012-11-27 13:39:45.043)
I would very much like to use thicker dichroics (2mm) with this design. Thicker dichroics are very important for TIRF applications. Has there been any progress on this? - I see that this issue was last raised in March.
bdada  (posted 2012-04-23 16:48:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. We are discussing your request with our production team and will post an update soon.
user  (posted 2012-04-19 14:52:21.0)
Limiting the dichroic thickness to only 1 mm really limits what filters you can use. Can the design be modified to support thicker filters?
Kinematic Cage Cubes Selection Guide (Click Image to Enlarge)
TypeEmpty Cubes for
Fluorescence Filters
Empty Cubes for
Empty Cubes for
Right-Angle Optics
Beam-Turning Cubes with Pre-Mounted Prism MirrorsMultimode Fiber Optic
Filter Cube
16 mm Cage Cubes
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30 mm Cage Cubes
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60 mm Cage Cubes
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60 mmケージ用キネマティック蛍光フィルターキューブ

60 mm Cage-Compatible Fluorescence Filter Cube Mechanical Drawing
Click for Details

DFM2(/M) Compatible Filters
ExcitationØ50 mm9.0 mm
EmissionØ50 mm6.0 mm
Dichroic50.8 mm x 72.0 mmMin: 2.0 mm
Max: 3.0 mm
  • 蛍光フィルターセット取り付け用キネマティックキューブ、60 mmケージシステム対応
  • 各SM2ネジ付きポートの周囲には60 mmケージシステム対応のケージロッド取り付け用タップ穴が4つ
  • 底部にポスト取付け用M6タップ穴が3つ

60 mmケージシステム用キネマティック蛍光フィルターキューブは、ポスト取り付けも可能なキューブベースと、蛍光フィルターセット(付属していません)を取り付ける脱着可能なキューブインサートから構成されています。

取付け可能な光学素子のサイズについては右表をご覧ください。フィルターキューブ内に光学素子を取り付ける方法は上の「概要」タブ内の動画をご覧ください。長方形のダイクロイックミラーを取り付ける際には、光学素子の厚さが3.0 mmを超えていないことを確認してください。


フィルターキューブの4つ全ての側面にはSM2ネジ付きポートが付いており、当社のØ50 mm~Ø50.8 mm(Ø2インチ)レンズチューブが取り付けられます。SM2ネジ付きポートは、60 mmケージシステムのØ6 mm ケージロッドを取り付けるための4つの#4-40タップ穴の中心に位置し、その光軸高さは45.0 mmです。


+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
DFM2 Support Documentation
DFM2Customer Inspired! キネマティック蛍光フィルターキューブ、60 mmケージ対応、右向き反射、1/4"-20タップ穴(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
DFM2/M Support Documentation
DFM2/Mキネマティック蛍光フィルターキューブ、60 mmケージ対応、右向き反射、M6タップ穴(ミリ規格)
3-5 weeks
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60 mmケージ用キネマティック蛍光フィルターキューブインサートおよびベース

DFM2T1 Compatible Filters
ExcitationØ50 mm9.0 mm
EmissionØ50 mm6.0 mm
Dichroic50.8 mm x 72.0 mmMin: 2.0 mm
Max: 3.0 mm
  • お手持ちのフィルタやミラーに交換するための空のキネマティックベースおよびインサート
  • アライメント済みの実験セットアップ内で、蛍光フィルターセットや反射方向を素早く変更するのに便利
  • キューブベースの各SM2ネジ付きポート周囲には#4-40タップ穴が4つ
    • 底部にポスト取付け用M6タップ穴が3つ
  • ビーム経路を遮らないカバープレートもご用意


取付け可能な光学素子のサイズについては右表をご覧ください。 フィルターキューブ内に光学素子を取り付ける方法は上の「概要」タブ内の動画をご覧ください。長方形のダイクロイックミラーを取り付ける際には、光学素子の厚さが3.0 mmを超えていないことを確認してください。


キューブベースDFM2B/Mの4つ全ての側面にはSM2ネジ付きポートが付いており、当社のØ50 mm~Ø50.8 mm(Ø2インチ)レンズチューブが取り付けられます。SM2ネジ付きポートは、60 mmケージシステムのØ6 mm ケージロッドを取り付けるための4つの#4-40タップ穴の中心に位置し、その光軸高さは底部から45.0 mmです。


+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
DFM2B Support Documentation
DFM2Bキネマティックケージキューブベース、60 mmケージ対応、1/4"-20タップ穴(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
DFM2T1 Support Documentation
DFM2T1キネマティックケージキューブインサート、60 mmケージ対応、蛍光フィルターセット用、右向き反射
3-5 weeks
DFM2C Support Documentation
DFM2Cケージキューブベース用カバープレート、60 mmケージ対応
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
DFM2B/M Support Documentation
DFM2B/Mキネマティックケージキューブベース、60 mmケージ対応、M6タップ穴(ミリ規格)
3-5 weeks
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60 mmケージキューブコネクタ

Click to Enlarge

ケージキューブコネクタDFM2-CCを用いて2つの60 mmケージ対応直角プリズムミラー付きキューブを接続 
  • 2つの60 mmケージ対応直角プリズム用キューブや蛍光フィルターキューブを並列接続
  • キューブベースで接続したまま、キューブインサートは取り外しや交換が可能
  • ケージキューブ取付け用に#4-40ネジ(1/16インチ六角)が8個付属

ケージキューブコネクタDFM2-CCは、右の写真のように2つの60 mmケージ対応キネマティックキューブを接続させることができます。コネクタは、ケージキューブのケージロッド取付け穴に、付属の#4-40ネジ(1/16インチ六角レンチ付属)を用いて取り付けます。DFM2-CCの2本のピンをケージキューブのSM2ネジポート付き面のドリル穴に取り付けることでアライメントが保持されます。蛍光フィルターや直角プリズム用キューブインサートは、キューブの底部が接続したままでも取り外しや交換が可能です。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
DFM2-CC Support Documentation
DFM2-CC60 mmケージ用キューブコネクタ
3-5 weeks