
  • Wavelength Ranges from 200 to 2700 nm
  • For Near-Gaussian Beams from Ø2.5 µm to Ø9 mm
  • Scanning-Slit and Knife-Edge Operating Modes


Post and Post Holder
Sold Separately


Application Idea

For a complete beam quality measurement system, integrate a beam profiler with an M2 measurement extension set. (Shown: BP209-IR2 and M2MS) 

Related Items

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Responsitivities of the BP209 Series
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  • デュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラは3種類ご用意しております。
    • 型番BP209-VIS/M:200 nm~1100 nm用
    • 型番BP209IR1/M:500 nm~1700 nm用
    • 型番BP209-IR2/M:900 nm~2700 nm用
  • ガウシアンに近い品質のビームに対する精密な解析
  • 空間パワー分布の2次元および疑似3次元での再構成
  • 単独の独立型測定ヘッド
  • CWレーザ光またはパルスレーザ光(≥10 Hz)の特性評価
  • 走査速度:2~20 Hz
  • パワー読み出しはユーザ校正可能(校正方法についてはマニュアルをご覧ください。)
  • ダイナミックレンジ:78 dB
  • 低ノイズ増幅器
  • PC接続:High-Speed USB 2.0
  • 取付アダプタ(下記参照)を用いると30 mmケージシステムに取り付け可能になります。

当社のデュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラは、ガウシアンに近いレーザービームの断面プロファイルを解析するのに適しています。お客様が設定したビーム断面のX軸とY軸に沿った強度プロファイルを、2 Hz ~20 Hz(ソフトウェアで設定可能)の走査速度で測定し、データを取得します。20 Hzの高速走査ではリアルタイムでの光学システムのアライメントが可能です。主に連続発振(CW)レーザービームへの使用を意図していますが、平均化処理をすることで繰返し周波数が10 Hz以上のパルスビームも測定することができます(詳細は「動作」タブをご覧ください)。これらの測定はビーム品質の評価、再構成されたビームプロファイルの精査、および長期安定性のモニタなどにご利用いただけます。

3種類すべてのデュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラの入射開口はØ9 mmで、入射したレーザービームに対して同じ幅の直交した2本のスリットで連続的に走査して測定します。 ソフトウェアを使用して、スリット幅の切り替え(5 µmまたは25 µm)、走査スリットモードまたはナイフエッジモードの選択、走査についてのオプション設定を行うことができます。異なるスリット幅や動作モードに関する機能や使用方法については、「動作」タブをご覧ください。

こちらの走査スリット型のビームプロファイラでは低ノイズのエレクトロニクス部品を使用し、そのダイナミックレンジは78 dBと広く、また直径2.5 µm~9 mmのビームを測定することができます。ビーム径はISO11146規格に従って測定され、多くの工業規格における規定(1/e2 (13.5%)幅、50%幅など)や、お客様が任意に設定したビーム径の規定で表示することができます。 ビーム形状がガウシアン形状ではない場合や、パルスビームのシングルショットを測定したい場合は、当社のCMOSカメラ型のビームプロファイラをお勧めいたします。

当社のソフトウェアBeamはこれらのビームプロファイラを制御するとともに、様々なユーザ設定、表示やデータ収集に関する選択などができます。ソフトウェアは「ソフトウェア」タブからダウンロードし、お手持ちのPCにインストールできます。ソフトウェアBeamを動作させているPCにビームプロファイラを接続すれば、その他のハードウェアや電源は必要ありません。High-Speed USB 2.0インターフェイスを使用して測定ヘッドとPCを接続しますが、必要なUSBケーブルはBP209シリーズパッケージに付属しています。データエクスポートに関する柔軟な選択機能や、National Instruments®社製ソフトウェアとのデータインターフェイス機能を使用すると、カスタム作成したデータ処理環境にビームプロファイラを容易に組み込むことができます。LabVIEW™、C、Visual C#、Pythonを使用して当社のビームプロファイラとインターフェイスさせるためのドライバ、ファイルの場所、リファレンスノートはユーザーマニュアルに記載されています。ユーザーマニュアルは型番横の赤いドキュメントアイコン()をクリックしてご覧いただけます。ソフトウェアの機能の詳細については、「ユーザーインターフェイス」タブまたはユーザーマニュアルをご覧ください。

走査スリット型ビームプロファイラを30 mmケージシステムに取り付けるための取付アダプタBPS209CSA/M (下記参照)をご用意しています。4つあるØ6 mm内孔には、当社のØ6 mmケージロッド(付属していません)が取り付け可能です。

プロファイラとそれに対応する波長の増設セット(下記参照)と統合することで、 BP209シリーズのビームプロファイラをベースにしたM2測定システムを構築できます。M2測定システムのすべての情報のほか、BP209シリーズビームプロファイラを使用したシステムの構成および購入に関するオプションについては「M²測定システム」のページでご覧いただけます。

Item #BP209-VISBP209-VIS/MBP209IR1BP209IR1/MBP209-IR2BP209-IR2/M
Beam Profiler Specifications
Wavelength Range200 - 1100 nm500 - 1700 nm900 - 2700 nm
Detector MaterialUV-Enhanced SiInGaAsExtended InGaAs
Aperture Diameter9 mm
Scan MethodsScanning Slits, Knife Edge
Slit Size5 µm and 25 µm
Minimum Beam Diameter2.5 µm
Maximum Beam Diameter9 mma
Scan Rate2.0 - 20.0 Hz (Continuously Variable)
Sampling Resolution0.12 - 1.24 µm (Depending on Scan Rate)
Power Range1 µW - 10 W (Depending on Beam Diameter and Model; See Plot Below Right)
Amplifier Bandwidth16 to 1000 kHz in 11 Steps (@ -1 dB)
Sample Frequency0.2872 - 2.0 MHz
Dynamic Range78 dB (Amplifier Switchable)
PD Reverse Bias Voltage0 / -1.5 V (Switchable)0 V
Signal Digitization15 Bit
DimensionsbØ79.5 mm x 60.0 mm (Ø3.13" x 2.36") Including Rotation Mount
Minimum Pulse Rate10 Hzc
Warm-Up Time for Rated Accuracy15 min
Displayed Parameters/FeaturesX-Y-Profile, Centroid Position, Peak Position, Pseudo 3D Profile, Beam Width Clip Level/Second Moment (4σ),
Gaussian Fit Applicable, Pass/Fail Test with Color-Coded Results
Compliant to NormISO 11146 (Beam Widths, Divergence Angle and Beam Propagation Factor)
Minimum System RequirementsWindows® 8.1 or Later, USB 2.0 High Speed Port, 4.0 GB RAM
M² Analysis System (M2 Extension Set Available Separately)
Compatible M² Extension Set(s)dM2MS or M2MS-ALM2MS
Compliant to NormISO 11146
Measured ParameterseM², Waist Width, Waist Position, Rayleigh Length, Divergence, Beam Pointing, Waist Asymmetry, Astigmatism
Operating Temperature5 °C to 35 °C
Storage Temperature-40 °C to 70 °C
  • BP209-VIS/Mのビームの誤差は、Ø9 mmビーム径に対して<10% です。BP209-IR2/Mのビーム径の誤差は、発散角<5°のØ9 mmビーム径に対して<20%です。
  • 寸法には底部のポストマウントと上部の調整ノブは含まれません。
  • M²測定用増設セット使用時は300 kHz
  • BP209シリーズの測定ヘッドとM2測定用増設セット(下記参照)を組み合わせることで、M2測定システムが完成します。
  • M² 測定用増設セット使用時


BP209 Series Operating Ranges
Click to Enlarge

ビームパワーの最大リミット値および最小リミット値を、1/e2 ビーム径の関数として表示しています。これらはナイフエッジモードおよび走査スリットモードによる測定のためのリミット値で、全パワーの測定には適用できないことがあります。 詳細は「動作」タブをご覧ください。 測定ヘッドを熱的ダメージから保護するために、1 Wを超える入射パワーに対して5秒以上の使用はしないでください。

Responsitivities of the BP209 Series
Click to Enlarge


高精度な測定を行うためには、Ø9 mm以下のビームを入射開口の中心に入射し、その全ビームを走査スリットで走査したのち、透過したすべての光パワーをフォトディテクタの受光面に入射させる必要があります。入射開口の前面から走査スリット、およびフォトダイオードの受光面までの距離については、下の対応するBP209の図と付属のマニュアルをご参照ください。これらの寸法をご参照いただくことにより、特に大きく発散するビームにおいて、入射光が入射瞳でクリッピングしたり、フォトディテクタの受光面よりも広がったりしないことを確認することができます。


Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge
BP209 Knife-Edge Technique
Click to Enlarge







Drawing of Laser Beam profiler
BP209 Series Operating Ranges
Click to Enlarge

ビームパワーの最大リミット値および最小リミット値を、1/e2ビーム径の関数として表示しています。これらはナイフエッジモードおよび走査スリットモードによる測定のためのリミット値で、全パワーの測定には適用できないことがあります。 測定ヘッドを熱的ダメージから保護するために、1 Wを超える入射パワーに対して5秒以上の使用はしないでください。

当社のソフトウェアBeamは、ビームプロファイラおよび関連するM2測定システムの制御と測定データの収集のために開発されました。「ソフトウェア」タブからダウンロードが可能です。ソフトウェアにはGUIが付属しており、アクティブなスリットペアの選択、走査モード、利得、平均化モード、走査速度など、走査および測定に関する詳細な設定が可能です。Xプロファイル、Yプロファイル、2次元再構成、3次元プロファイル、位置の時間変化、光パワーの時間変化、計算結果などのディスプレイウィンドウについては、その構成や表示を自由に調整することできます。このソフトウェアはM2ビーム品質やビームの収束/拡散の測定が可能なほか、2本の異なるレーザービームを重ねて光ビームパラメータのチューニング作業を支援するツールも組み込まれています。ファイルに保存する測定データと計算結果を選択し、長期間の測定中に得られるデータを順次保存するオプションを有効に活用してください。ソフトウェアの紹介と代表的な表示画面については「ユーザーインターフェイス」タブでご覧いただけます。 ソフトウェアの機能についての詳細はマニュアルをご覧ください。

5 µmまたは25 µm幅のスリットによる測定
右の図は入射開口部とスリットの入った回転ドラムを含む測定ヘッドの構造です。ビームは測定ヘッドの前面に対して垂直に入り、Ø9 mmの入射開口部から回転ドラムに入射します。ドラム内のスリットは間隔をあけて配置されており、どのスリットも入射開口部の全幅をカバーするだけの幅があります。ドラム内には2組のスリットのペアがあり、どちらのペアも回転軸に対して1本が+45°、もう1本が-45°に設定されています。1組のスリット幅は5 µm、もう1組のスリット幅は25 µmです。それぞれの測定ヘッドにある2種類のスリット幅と2種類の動作モードにより、幅広いビーム径とパワーに対するプロファイリングが可能になっています。

ビーム径が20 µmまたはそれ以下の場合は25 µmスリットを使用して、ナイフエッジモードで操作してください。最小2.5 µmまでのビーム径については、この方法で測定が可能です。

走査スリットモードはビーム径が20 µm~9 mmのビーム測定に対してご使用いただけます。原則として、測定にはビーム径の1/4以下の幅のスリットを選択してください。両方のスリット幅がこの条件を満たす場合は、走査スリットの選択はビームパワーや用途の要求条件などに依存することになります。

走査スリット型ビームプロファイラが対応できる最大パワーならびに最小パワーは、1/e2ビーム径の関数として右のグラフにプロットされています。20 µmにおける黒の縦線は、ナイフエッジモードと走査スリットモードの切り替えをしなければならないビーム径を示しています。走査スリットモードにおいては、ビームパワーの最大リミット値はスリット幅5 µmで動作させたときに許容される最大パワーに対応します。5 µmスリットでは25 µmスリットよりも透過させるビーム量が少ないため、大きなパワーのビームを測定することができます。走査スリットモードにおけるビームパワーの最小リミット値は、ビーム径が約20 µm~100 µmの時は5 µmスリット、ビーム径がそれよりも大きい時は25 µmスリットを使用するとして求めています。スリットを100 µmで切り替えることにより、フォトディテクタに到達するビーム量を最大化しながら、一方ではスリット幅とビームサイズの適切な比も維持します。

以下に説明するように、ビームプロファイラを全パワーの測定に使用する場合は、これらのリミット値よりも小さな最大リミット値や大きな最小リミット値が適用される場合があります(下記参照)。 全パワーの測定値が適切なリミット値を外れる場合、ステータスボックス内にエラーメッセージが表示されます。しかしスリットを透過する光のパワーが図にプロットされたリミット内に納まるのであれば、スリットを使用したビーム形状の測定を実施することは可能です。


全パワーの測定を実行できるビームパワーの最大値と最小値が、上のプロット図のリミット値に届かない場合があります。グラフ内のリミット値はナイフエッジモードおよび走査スリットモードでの動作用として求められています。 走査スリットモードではビームパワーの一部がフォトディテクタに届きますが、ナイフエッジモードでは減衰されていない≤Ø20 µmの全ビームがフォトディテクタに届きます。 全パワーの測定時にフォトディテクタに到達する減衰された全ビームのパワーは、光が走査スリットを通過する場合に比べて、より小さな最大値とより大きな最小値の間になければならない場合があります。

BP209 Profiler with Rotation Mount
Click to Enlarge




BP209シリーズは、繰返し周波数が10 Hzを超えるパルスレーザービームのビームプロファイル測定にも使用することができます。ただし、シングルショットの測定が必要な用途には、当社のカメラ型ビームプロファイラをお勧めします。

繰返し周波数が100 MHzでパルス幅が100 fsよりも小さいフェムト秒レーザの場合のように、パルスの繰返し周波数が高くパルス幅が短い場合には、CW信号とパルス信号の解析には違いがありません。これはフォトダイオードの電流増幅器の帯域幅が制限されているためで、個々のパルスが分解できず、代わりに入射パルス列を効果的に平均化してCW信号を生成します。

パルスレートが約50 kHzまたはそれ以下の場合、適切に測定するにはソフトウェアで走査速度を設定してください。走査速度の設定可能範囲は1.5 Hz~20 Hzとなっているため、走査速度をパルスレートと同じ速さに設定することは多くの場合はできません。走査速度(周波数)の整数倍とパルスレートが若干異なるように設定し、Hold Maximum機能をEnableにして測定を行ってください。走査が1セット実施されると、ソフトウェアは走査中に測定されたピーク強度値を蓄積して平均化します。パルスレートが1回の走査で1つ以上のパルスを測定するのに十分な速度を有する場合、ソフトウェアは測定パルスのセグメントごとのピーク強度値を蓄積して平均化します。出力されるビームプロファイルは最終的に平均化された1セット分の測定値となります。走査速度(周波数)の整数倍とパルスレートが若干異なるように設定することで、1回の走査ごとにビームプロファイルの異なる部分の測定ができ、1セットの走査でビームプロファイルの全セグメントの測定値が得られます。


Beam Profiler General Window
Click to Enlarge



  • レイアウトの調整可能なGUI:別の測定結果を表示したウィンドウの
  • ビームプロファイルの2次元および3次元表示
    • ピーク、重心、断面プロファイルなどをオーバーレイ表示可能
    • 3次元表示は全方向回転が可能
  • ISO 11146に準拠したM²および広がり角の測定法
  • データのエクスポート:
    • 測定結果はWindowsからフォーマットを変えてエクスポート可能
    • 連続データ保存
  • 合否試験(Pass/Fail)用の合否パラメータのカスタマイズや固定、記憶が可能
  • 光パワーの校正により絶対パワー測定が可能
  • TSP01をサポートしているため、長時間測定中における温度ログの取得が可能




Beam Profiler 2D View
Click to Enlarge





Beam Stability
Click to Enlarge



Plot Position
Click to Enlarge



M² Measurements
Click to Enlarge

ビーム径とビームウエスト位置は、M²解析実行後に表示されます。 注: この機能は、M²解析システムがPCに接続されているときのみ有効です。


Divergence Measurements
Click to Enlarge

ビームの広がり角は、M²解析実行後に表示されます。 注: この機能は、M²解析システムがPCに接続されているときのみ有効です。


ソフトウェアパッケージBeamは、下のSoftwareのボタンをクリックすればダウンロードができます。LabVIEW™、C、Visual C#、Pythonを使用して当社のビームプロファイラと連動させる方法についてはマニュアル内の「programming references」をご覧ください。

System Requirements
Operating SystemWindows® 8.1 (32 Bit or 64 Bit), 10 (32 Bit or 64 Bit),
or 11 (for Beam Version 9.0 or Higher)
ConnectivityScanning-SlitUSB 2.0 High Speed Port
CameraUSB 3.0 High Speed Port
Monitor Resolution1024 x 758 Pixel (Min), ≥16 Bit Color Depth
Processor (CPU)Minimum≥3.0 GHz Intel Core
(i5 or Higher)a
RecommendedIntel Core 2 i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 (3.0 GHz Min) 
Memory (RAM)Minimum4.0 GB RAM
Recommended8.0 GB RAM
Graphics AdapterRequiredOpenGL (Specification GLX 1.3 Up)
MinimumRadeon: X100 Series ≥X850,
X1000 Series ≥X1600, HD Series ≥2400;
Geforce: 7 Series ≥7600,
8 Series ≥ 8500, 9 Series ≥9600;
Quadro: FX Series ≥FX770M
RecommendedRadeon: HD Series ≥7000;
Geforce: GTX Series ≥500;
Hard DriveMinimum2 GB of Available Disk Space
  • Intel Core i3プロセッサならびにIntelのモバイル向けプロセッサでは、要求を満たさない場合があります。


  • 設定パネル中央に全ての重要な情報を表示
  • 計算結果パネルはカスタマイズ可能
    • 測定パラメータは個別に非表示可能
    • 行の高さ調節が可能
    • Enhanced Beam Stabilityウィンドウでは、
  • アライメントウィザードを使用してM2測定システムM2MSの正確なアライメントが可能


Version 9.1.5787.615(2024年2月19日)


Software Download




Version 1.6 (2024年4月26日)

最新のファームウェアをダウンロードするには下のリンクをクリックしてください。 リンク先には、ファームウェアアップデートのインストールのための手引きも含まれています。

Software Download


  • BP209シリーズのビームプロファイラーヘッド(ダストカバー付き)
  • 高速USB 2.0 A to Mini-B接続ケーブル(3.0 m)
  • クイックスタートガイド

Posted Comments:
Ko Ko  (posted 2024-10-15 17:22:07.35)
Hello, I am facing issue from BP209-VIS/M. The beam profiler worked well untill last week but suddenly, it doesn't work. RDY LED does not light up, SW doesn't recognize beam profiler at USB window, Firmware update software also does not read the profiler. I have used another USB cable, re-install the SW but still doesn't work. Would there be anything I can try? Thanks.
hchow  (posted 2024-10-15 05:35:18.0)
Dear Ko Ko, thank you for your feedback. I will personally reach out to you to provide some troubleshooting steps. Thank you.
jihun choe  (posted 2024-10-04 09:55:03.757)
"I was using the beam profiler connected to the software without issues, but suddenly the rotating drum is not turning. I can hear sounds from inside the machine indicating that the rotating drum should be turning. What could be the reason?"
fmortaheb  (posted 2024-10-04 10:14:19.0)
Thank you very much for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to troubleshoot.
Yihuan SHI  (posted 2024-03-09 10:14:37.937)
你好, 我们的激光波长为2790nm,请问你们这款BP209-IR2/M能测光斑吗? 祝好!!!!
dpossin  (posted 2024-03-11 05:09:57.0)
Dear Yihuan Shi, Thank you for your feedback. I checked the responsivity of the diode used in BP209-IR2. Unfortunately the responsivity is not sufficient to still perform measurements @ 1790nm. I am reaching out to you to discuss this in more detail.
Yao Jiali  (posted 2024-02-04 14:43:41.35)
Hello, We used BP209-VIS/M and M2MS to measure the beam characteristics of the laser pulse focusing spot (Laser: 532nm,100Hz, 10ns). We would like to ask the following two questions: 1. Can BP209-VIS/M synchronize with the frequency of the laser through external trigger mode? 2. What is the range of beam fluence of pulsed laser that BP209-VIS/M can tolerate?Because when I keep increasing the laser fluence, it always indicates that the energy is low. Thanks.
dpossin  (posted 2024-02-07 08:59:15.0)
Dear Yao, Thank you for your feedback. 1.) The BP209-VIS does not provide an external trigger input. However pulsed lasers can be measured through the max hold function. There the software accumulates the peak intensities over a number of subsequent pulses leading to an averaged profile. Additionally the bandwidth needs to be adapted to the pulses and beam diameter. 2.) The max beam power is given for CW sources only. As a rule of thumb I would recommend to set the gain to max and attenuate the laser such that peak power is just below the max cw power we give according to the beam diameter. If there is no signal, the laser power should be gradually increased until a signal can be seen.
ByeongHak Ha  (posted 2023-12-27 07:11:05.73)
I purchased this beam profiler for 1543 nm laser (5 ns, 0.1 Hz, 4mJ) This beam profiler can detect this laser? I cannot access the manual of this model Can you send me one manual pdf? Thanks
fmortaheb  (posted 2023-12-29 07:52:40.0)
Thank you very much for contacting us. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
Karolina Stefańska  (posted 2023-11-16 11:35:53.557)
Hello, I wanted to share an issue I encountered with the Thorlabs Beam software version 9.0. When using the camera BC106N-VIS/M, I am not able to save the 2D image of the beam. Using any format (bmp/jpg/png/tiff), all that is saved is black rectangle. The 3D image of the beam can be saved. The previous version, 8.2, works with no problems for me with all image formats, so I use that one instead. Perhaps this is just the problem on my laptop, but maybe it is more general... Best regards, Karolina Stefańska
GBoedecker  (posted 2023-11-17 07:22:22.0)
Thank you for your feedback! This bug has been fixed in the next software version, that will soon be released on the website. I will contact you directly to send you the installer.
Andrew Chew  (posted 2023-09-06 19:12:29.323)
Hi, are there 64bit versions of the LabView VIs/drivers? The 64bit LabView I have doesn't function with 32bit drivers. Thanks
GBoedecker  (posted 2023-09-08 09:17:40.0)
Thank you for your feedback! I tested the Labview VIs and they were working fine. I will contact you directly for further assistance.
Conner Phillips  (posted 2023-09-01 11:45:15.24)
Greetings, Does the Extended InGaAs detector have a non-zero response below 800nm? The nomina is 900nm but the graph shows it going down to about 800nm, but can it be pushed even lower to say 650nm at the cost of SNR/integration time?
dpossin  (posted 2023-09-06 05:50:45.0)
Dear Conner, Thank you for your feedback. In general goes on the expense of SNR, thats right. I´ll check that internally and get back to you directly via mail.
Ryoichi Shibayama  (posted 2023-07-27 09:59:52.797)
同製品を使用させて頂いております。 20um以下のスポット光を測定したいと考えております。 説明書ではナイフエッジモードの使用が推奨されていると思うのですが、ナイフエッジモードでは Base Line Modeをマニュアルに設定するよう記載があります(英語取説 p75)。マニュアル設定にした場合、x/yスリットごとの補正値はどのように決める必要がありますでしょうか? スポット光の構成 [波長905nm, CW光源, 光量250uW程度]
hkarpenko  (posted 2023-07-31 04:58:26.0)
Dear customer, thank you for your feedback. Indeed, it is recommended to use the knife edge mode to measure small beams <20µm and the baseline correction has to be adjusted, if it is not set correctly. In the software you can see the baseline in the X and Y profile. According to that you can adjust the baseline correction. I will contact you directly to discuss this further with you.
Siobhan Ellzey  (posted 2023-07-21 05:51:48.277)
Dear thorlabs.com owner, Thanks for the well-presented post!
dpossin  (posted 2023-07-24 09:46:46.0)
Dear Siobhan, Thank you for your positive Feedback!
user  (posted 2023-07-14 15:43:17.383)
Hello, we are trying to create a program in python to control the BP209IR1. The goal is to collect beam data while scanning the beam (and beam profiler) across a preset area using motorized stages. The issue is that when attempting to build on the provided example code, specifically to use the provided functions get_slit_beam_width and get_slit_gaussian_fit, we are getting the error "Name Error: b'The given session or object reference is invalid." Everything was set up according to the manual and we are unable to find the cause of the error with the available resources. Please contact and thank you in advance for any additional assistance.
GBoedecker  (posted 2023-07-19 04:51:04.0)
Thank you for your feedback! I will contact you directly for detailed troubleshooting.
jiayu wang  (posted 2023-06-29 12:10:17.613)
There is no immediate indication of the changing beam as to stay in default mode of beam shape when used in the way of USB connection. This is a sudden change cause of the previous use was normal.
dpossin  (posted 2023-07-04 06:32:13.0)
Dear Jiayu, Thank you for your feedback. I am reaching out to you in order to provide further insights.
青向 许  (posted 2023-03-28 20:11:31.247)
user  (posted 2023-03-12 21:37:09.133)
Hello, We are trying to use the BP209-VIS/M to track the location of one continuous wave laser beam as it is displaced laterally over a small distance (~several microns). We notice that the calculated centroid and peak positions of the beam fluctuate too much to take the displacement measurement, and are wondering if this fluctuation is intrinsic to the beam profiler. Furthermore, we noticed that when we displace the beam quickly, the calculated positions do not seem to update as expected, even though the image in the 2D reconstruction has moved by tens of microns. We'd greatly appreciate any insight on these issues!
hkarpenko  (posted 2023-03-15 11:33:33.0)
Dear customer, thank you for your feedback. I will contact you directly to discuss this in more detail with you.
Jeffry Pendergrass  (posted 2023-02-23 14:51:01.227)
Hi thorlabs.com owner, You always provide clear explanations and step-by-step instructions.
wskopalik  (posted 2023-02-24 05:37:46.0)
Thank you very much for your friendly feedback! We are happy that you like our website and that the explanations and instructions are helpful for you.
Lalith Kumara  (posted 2023-02-21 02:06:19.127)
Hi, I need to know the working distance from the beam profiler head,.. do we consider the inside sensor distance in 5 ~ 9mm.
hkarpenko  (posted 2023-02-22 08:01:17.0)
Dear customer, thank you very much for your feedback. If I understood it correctly, you are looking for the distance of the photodiode to the scanning slit/focusing lens. This is shown in the manual chapter 11.8. I will contact you directly to discuss this more detailed with you.
Anlan Shen  (posted 2023-02-12 11:14:12.373)
Hi, I was wondering if this beam profiler model is suitable for the following beam: wavelength: 1064nm, pulse duration: 10ps, repetition rate: 200kHz, spot size: 200um, power: 60mw? Thanks in advance.
hkarpenko  (posted 2023-02-13 10:21:22.0)
Dear customer, thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately we did not test our beam profiler with pulsed lasers regarding the damage threshold, we can only give you an approach on how to savely use the beam profiler. I will contact you directly to discuss this further with you.
Ana Torrento  (posted 2023-01-27 11:27:34.24)
Hello, I have a beam profiler model BP109-IR. I can perfectly run it with the Thorlabs Beam software. However, I would like to drive it from a Linux PC (OS Linux Mint 20) using a Python script. Would you have a TLBP2 driver compatible with this configuration? Thanks a lot in advance. Best Regards.
hkarpenko  (posted 2023-01-27 10:52:57.0)
Dear customer, thank you very much for your feedback. I will contact you directly to discuss this issue further with you.
ys wang  (posted 2022-12-23 17:38:39.167)
Hi, I have a BP209IR-M beam profiler, and I want to get some measurement result(such as power, beam width, beam picture) through my own c++ program just as the GUI program you provided. I found a c sample program and programing manuel about TLBP2 interface, but the logic is hard to understand, can I only get one slit measurement once? If so, how can I get the whole beam? Best regards.
GBoedecker  (posted 2023-01-04 11:52:23.0)
Thank you for your feedback! The C example takes ten measurements and outputs the peak position and the centroid position of each. If you want to get a 2D reconstruction, you have to calculate for each point: Amplitude (x,y) = PowerIntensity_X(x) * PowerIntensity_Y(y) * GaussianFitIntensity_X(x) * GaussianFitIntensity_Y(y).
user  (posted 2022-12-14 10:30:44.377)
Hi, we are having a problem with our slit beam profiler: a round beam (single mode fibre output) is measured (gauss width) to be elliptical when using the 5 um slits whereas it is round when using the 25 um slits. Power and beam size are adequate (10 mW, e.g. 700 um beam width). With the 5 um slits the beam is 5 % smaller in the one direction and 5 % bigger in the other compared to the 25 um slits. roating the beam profiler does not change the measurement. Best regards
wskopalik  (posted 2022-12-15 04:41:51.0)
Thank you for your feedback! If rotating the beam profiler does not change the elliptical beam shape of the measured profile and the 25 µm slits show the expected round beam, then there is most likely an issue with the 5 µm slits. I will contact you directly so we can arrange an RMA for inspection and repair.
Carlos Perez  (posted 2022-12-06 11:40:18.013)
Hello, What is the distance between the entrance of the beam profiler and the detector? Regards, Carlos Perez
wskopalik  (posted 2022-12-07 03:21:46.0)
Thank you very much for your feedback! The distance between the front surface of the housing and the photodiode is 7.58 mm on the BP209-VIS(/M). The slits are a bit recessed inside the housing, so from the slits to the photodiode the distance is only 5.51 mm. I will contact you directly to provide further assistance.
叶 先生  (posted 2022-08-05 16:43:43.023)
user  (posted 2022-07-28 10:35:55.45)
Dear Thorlabs team, I have a BC106-UV beam profiler and it works fine with the Thorlabs Beam software. However, I would like to be able to collect data from Matlab. As far as I understand, it can be done using .NET interface. I tried to write a wrapper, but I got stuck. Could you please provide me with a Matlab code for some basic functionality of the camera? By basic I mean connect, take a picture (and send it to Matlab), correct exposure (or switch on an autoexposure) and disconnect. Thank you in advance.
dpossin  (posted 2022-08-02 04:28:16.0)
Dear customer, Thank you for your feedback. I am reaching out to you directly in order to discuss this in detail.
dpossin  (posted 2022-08-02 04:28:16.0)
Dear customer, Thank you for your feedback. I am reaching out to you directly in order to discuss this in detail.
haison Chen  (posted 2022-07-11 18:18:27.96)
I want to test a lens beam at 2mm distance ,is the result right if I put the lens at the front of slit and distance 2mm?
hkarpenko  (posted 2022-07-14 08:57:46.0)
Dear Haison Chen, thank you for your feedback. I contact you directly to elaborate this issue with you.
user  (posted 2022-07-06 07:00:35.67)
Hi, is there a version of the Thorlabs Beam software for Ubuntu (20.04) available?
GBoedecker  (posted 2022-07-11 12:28:29.0)
Thank you for your feedback! We do not have a version of the Beam software for Ubuntu 20.04. I will contact you directly to discuss possible solutions.
成诚 刘  (posted 2022-06-15 18:17:35.88)
I have a BP109-IR. After using the BP109 firmware downloaded from the website to update the software yesterday, I cannot connect to the computer, and the BP109 device cannot operate normally after powering on. I would like to ask how to flash the BP-109 software back to the original firmware? Currently unable to find BP109 related firmware information on the official website, looking forward to your reply
fmortaheb  (posted 2022-06-28 10:43:31.0)
Thank you for contacting us. I will contact you directly to discuss this issue and possible solutions.
user  (posted 2022-06-06 16:14:03.143)
Dear Sir or Madam, I have a similar problem than the one presented in a previous feedback: """ user (posted 2021-03-10 13:23:31.843) Hi, We are having a problem with our device. the program (Thorlabs Bean 7.0) does not recognize the device suddenly (before 3 days ago, it was properly works). both Refresh the Device List and Refresh Stage List has no effect. When connect the device with laptop, the RDY LED is blinking in green. The manual say that it need to update the firmware, but the Firmware updater 1.3 does not recognize device, and un-active left window. I also checked it with my desktop, which installed the program from the beginning, following the manual. At that time, the RDY LED lights up green, no blinking. But it still not recognize in the program (Thorlabs Bean 7.0). In Firmware updater 1.3, it is recognized (activate left status window), but there are error at update progress in 30% with error message: The data can not be transferred to the device. Please let me know the troubleshoot in this case. """ Could we get in touch please? Thanks
fmortaheb  (posted 2022-06-09 04:55:56.0)
Thank you very much for contacting us! I will reach out to you directly to troubleshoot.
Jens Kießling  (posted 2022-05-06 06:54:00.993)
Dear Thorlabs team, we have a BC106-VIS, which is only specified down to 350 nm. We need to measure down to 300 nm and the beam profiler is working well, but the software blocks setting the analysis wavelength to below 350 nm. Is there any option to remove this software restriction? many thanks in advance Jens
dpossin  (posted 2022-05-10 04:17:13.0)
Dear Jens, Thank you for your feedback. I am reaching out to you directly to discuss your application.
suhong cai  (posted 2022-01-27 15:48:11.597)
Monique Wiertsema  (posted 2021-12-23 08:46:21.233)
Hi, Earlier I could connect the BP209IR to my PC, and also the software worked well. However, without changing anything, now I cannot change anything in the beam settings panel, because then the program fails and shuts down automatically. I do not know why. Previously, I could change the wavelength and scan rate without any problem. I already uninstalled the software, and re-installed it from your website. The beam profiler is listed in the device manager NI-VISA USB Device, having the name "Thorlabs BP2 Multi-Slit Beam Profiler". How can i fix this issue? Thank you for any help
wskopalik  (posted 2021-12-29 09:08:11.0)
Thank you for contacting us! It is unfortunately hard to tell what causes this issue without further troubleshooting. I will therefore contact you directly so we can find a solution for this issue.
Rodrigo Vicencio  (posted 2021-12-15 15:39:45.417)
Hi, I have three beam profilers (visible range) and we are quite curious about the codification of images. We need to know more information about the B&W images, which are exported in linear scale. Do they represent the amplitude or the intensity of the light field? We have this doubt due to an analysis we did which show that they could represent the amplitude of the electric field instead of intensity. A clarification of this is very welcome for us. Best regards, Rodrigo
fmortaheb  (posted 2021-12-23 08:57:47.0)
Dear Rodrigo, thank you for your feedback. I will contact you directly to discuss your questions in more detail.
Sudhir Ingle  (posted 2021-06-12 13:47:14.003)
Hello, Do you have a patent publication number for this product - Scanning-Slit Optical Beam Profiler? Can you please send us the number? Thanks and Regards Sudhir
mdiekmann  (posted 2021-06-17 02:51:43.0)
Thank you for contacting us. We do not have a patent for this device.
user  (posted 2021-03-24 05:23:13.72)
Hi, I would like to use the BP209-VIS for a highly non-Gaussian beam with a diameter of roughly 5micron. Is it possible to use the beam profiler for such an application and extract the profile for fitting and processing externally?
mdiekmann  (posted 2021-04-01 11:03:01.0)
Thank you for contacting us! The BP209-series is best suited for Gaussian or near Gaussian beams, most importantly, the beam needs to symmetric. As you opted not to be contacted, please reach out at europe@thorlabs.com to discuss your application in detail.
Hoseong Song  (posted 2021-03-17 11:09:18.66)
I am using your beam profiler. After firmware update(version Thorlabs firmware updater 1.3), No Beam Profiler recognized. Before firmware update, the device worked normally. What do I need to do to solve the problem?
MKiess  (posted 2021-03-23 07:17:46.0)
Dear Hoseong Song, thank you very much for your inquiry. Possibly the data was not written correctly to the EPROM during the update. For the firmware update, please use the Firmware Updater, which you can find under the following link: https://www.thorlabs.de/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=Beam&viewtab=1 In the "Read me" file available for download under this link, there is a step-by-step manual on how to proceed so that no errors occur.
user  (posted 2021-03-10 16:37:20.707)
Hello, I am the same person as the person who asked the question a below (posted 2021-03-10 13:23:31.843). There are few updates. First, I updated the firmware. When I changed the USB cable, it proceeded normally, and I updated it to the latest version, version 0.60. The problem is still not recognized by the Program (Thorlabs Beam 7.0). Also, there was a loud noise on device when updating the firmware. Please let me know the troubleshoot in this case.
MKiess  (posted 2021-03-15 10:40:13.0)
Thank you very much for your inquiry. The current firmware is the version 1.3. The latest firmware version for our Beam Profiler, can be found under the follwoing link: https://www.thorlabs.de/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=Beam&viewtab=1. For the best performance, if you want to use the Beam Profiler with the latest Beam software version, I recommend to use the latest firmware version.
user  (posted 2021-03-10 13:23:31.843)
Hi, We are having a problem with our device. the program (Thorlabs Bean 7.0) does not recognize the device suddenly (before 3 days ago, it was properly works). both Refresh the Device List and Refresh Stage List has no effect. When connect the device with laptop, the RDY LED is blinking in green. The manual say that it need to update the firmware, but the Firmware updater 1.3 does not recognize device, and un-active left window. I also checked it with my desktop, which installed the program from the beginning, following the manual. At that time, the RDY LED lights up green, no blinking. But it still not recognize in the program (Thorlabs Bean 7.0). In Firmware updater 1.3, it is recognized (activate left status window), but there are error at update progress in 30% with error message: The data can not be transferred to the device. Please let me know the troubleshoot in this case.
MKiess  (posted 2021-03-15 10:46:44.0)
Thank you very much for the inquiry. I have contacted you directly to discuss the details and to find a solution together with you.
Bénédicte Gaudron  (posted 2021-03-03 00:21:43.933)
Bonjour, J‘aimerai avoir un devis pour cet analyseur de faisceau Laser. Je vous en remercie par avance. Cordialement. B. Gaudron
soswald  (posted 2021-03-04 06:49:11.0)
Dear Bénédicte, thank you for your enquiry. Our sales team will reach out to you directly with the requested quotation.
Jiawei Chen  (posted 2020-11-19 13:16:33.7)
LabVIEW Examples
soswald  (posted 2020-11-19 08:00:11.0)
Dear Jiawei, thank you for your feedback. You can find a step-by-step guide on how to create a LabView VI for our beam profilers in the programming references: https://www.thorlabs.de/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=Beam&viewtab=2 ------> Programming Reference ------> Camera and Scanning-Slit Beam Profilers I have reached out to you directly in case you need further assistance.
OHOSUNG KWON  (posted 2020-11-09 03:58:07.187)
To connect to PC, I have a connection problem. I'm using NI-VISA 20.0. Is that problem?
MKiess  (posted 2020-11-09 11:15:24.0)
Thank you very much for your inquiry. This is no problem. What you need in additional software is National Instruments® VISA Runtime Engine 5.2 or higher. Version 5.4 is Included in the Software Package.
Kevan Bell  (posted 2020-10-19 11:54:20.093)
Hello, I have a question regarding your BP209-VIS scanning slit profiler. How well does it operate with nanosecond and picosecond pulsed lasers? You mention a minimum rep rate, does it still operate with these pulsewidths in the 50 kHz+ rep. rate regime? Kevan
MKiess  (posted 2020-10-20 10:17:10.0)
Dear Kevan, thank you very much for your inquiry. In general, camera beam profilers are better suited for measuring pulsed laser sources, but you can also use the BP209 for nanosecond pulses at fast repetition rates. At 50kHz, the scan rates have to be adjusted in the software to get the best results. To do this, you have to set the scan rate so that an integer multiple of the scan rate is slightly different than the pulse rate. Because, setting the integer multiple of the scan rate to differ slightly from the pulse rate ensures that each scan measures a different portion of the beam profile; the set of scans should include measurements of all segments of the beam profile.
user  (posted 2020-10-09 14:38:06.287)
Hello, I am using the Thorlabs Beam 7.0 software to measure the 2-D profile of our laser spot. When selecting "Profile X" or "Profile Y" to show the measured intensity profiles along the axes, I found the software only shows the profiles along the peak position. Is it possible to define which line to show (ie. centroid position) by users?
nreusch  (posted 2020-10-13 10:39:49.0)
Thank you for your feedback. While the x and y profile data are displayed in the windows named “Profile X” and “Profile Y”, the centroid position can be tracked in the window named “Plot Positions”. The plot positions window can be activated next to the x and y profile windows in the software menu bar and you can choose to show the centroid positions as well as the peak positions for x and y respectively.
mk mk  (posted 2020-08-04 07:32:05.837)
Hi, could you please indicate the damage thresholds for ultrashort pulsed lasers? Let's say we have: -50 fs -50 um beam radius -100 MHz -2400 nm cental wavelength Then what would be the max. average power that can be incident on the extended beam profiler? Thank you for your help Best Maciej
dpossin  (posted 2020-08-04 09:54:50.0)
Dear Maciej, Thank you for your feedback. At an beam diameter of 50µm you can apply a maximum average power of 0.01 mW. See the corresponding graph here: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=804&Tabname=Specs. I am reaching out to you in order to provide further help.
Xiaoxian Guo  (posted 2019-11-29 12:53:21.657)
Hello, Is it possible to allow external software to obtain data directly from the beam profiler for further data processing ?
MKiess  (posted 2019-12-02 09:05:58.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. You can save the calculations in *.txt, *.csv or *.xls format in the corresponding beam software available for download on our webpage. Furthermore it is possible to write your own program for data acquisition. For this purpose we provide the instrument drivers, some tools for programming, as well as programmer references for the programming languages LabVIEW, C++, C# and Visual Basic, included with the software download. I've contacted you directly for further assistance
user  (posted 2019-10-29 23:04:16.937)
On the manual AD Saturation mean Displays the current saturation of the Beam Profiler's AD converter. I want to ask what is current mean?
dpossin  (posted 2019-11-01 06:02:33.0)
Dear Customer, Thank you for your feedback. Current in this context does not mean a physical value. For instance you could also use an expression like "present".
david.grant  (posted 2019-03-05 10:45:46.107)
I am intersted in a beam profiler at focus for a 7um spot at 1340nm and 0.5-10kHz repetition rate. Could you give advice whether this would be suitable.
MKiess  (posted 2019-03-12 04:44:40.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. With the BP209 series the beam profile of a beam with a diameter of 7µm and a wavelength of 1340nm can be measured. Pulsed laser beams can be measured at repetition rates greater than 10Hz. If the pulse frequencies are in the range of 50 kHz and less, the beam profiler does not analyze the beam as a CW signal, as is the case with very fast frequencies. Therefore, the scan rate settings must be configured in the software to achieve optimal measurements. This is done by setting the sampling rate so that an integer multiple of the sampling rate is slightly different from the pulse rate. When the Hold Maximum function is enabled, series of scans are performed and the software accumulates and averages the measured peak intensities in the scan set. I will contact you directly to discuss detailed software settings and whether the better choice for this application would be a Thorlabs' Camera Beam Profiler.
e.jaegle  (posted 2017-10-06 08:50:37.043)
I'm confused about the plane of measurement - the drawing in the manual says that it is located 2.1mm inside the profiler, but when we compare the distance at which our focused beam has its minimum diameter as measured by the profiler and by other means there seems to be a 2mm offset, as if the plane of measurement was actually at the profiler surface.
swick  (posted 2017-10-11 03:43:26.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The position where the rotating slit scans the beam is the measurement plane. It is located 2.1mm behind the aperture. I have contacted you directly for assistance.
user  (posted 2017-08-09 21:30:01.457)
Whenever I connect the beam profiler, everything else connected through USB automatically gets disconnected, and their softwares (including Thorlabs' very own Kinesis, which I could only think is just a joke). I thought my computer is out dated, I'm using a brand new high performance desktop, and many others in the lab are experiencing it. Thorlabs softwares are very unreliable and chat personnel not very helpful.
tschalk  (posted 2017-08-10 05:58:52.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. I am really sorry that you have experienced difficulties with our Software. I would recommend that you contact me at europe@thorlabs.com to discuss this issue in detail. I am sure that we can provide assistance in this case.
dengyang  (posted 2016-11-15 16:42:35.017)
Do you have a combined version of beam profiler which is able to cover wavelength range from 200nm to 1700nm? It is ok to switch the slits and detectors.
swick  (posted 2016-11-16 03:11:19.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your feedback. We will evaluate if we can offer a combined version with Si- and InGaAs photodiodes in the future. At the time our Scanning Slit Beam Profilers are covering operating wavelength ranges of 200 - 1100 nm (BP209-VIS) or 900 - 1700 nm (BP209-IR). For measuring beams at 200-1700nm both the BP209-VIS and the BP209-IR have to be used. We will contact you directly to provide assistance.
jari.nikkinen  (posted 2016-11-03 14:03:35.743)
We bought M2-measurent system with BP209, and separately later bought BC106 for it. We are now missing the mounting adapter for BC106. How do we get one?
swick  (posted 2016-11-04 04:22:57.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. I will contact you directly to provide a quotation for the BC106 mounting adapter.
janis.golubeckis  (posted 2016-10-28 16:51:19.71)
It appears that centroid is drifting around and it seems to be related to profilers internal vibration. Do you have a measurement stability spec?
swick  (posted 2016-10-31 06:17:26.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. We do not officially specify the stability of centroid detection but we are testing each device during quality control. The stability of the centroid is related to the Clip-Level, which should be set accordingly. I have contacted you directly for assistance and troubleshooting.
milankie  (posted 2016-08-23 13:36:56.767)
Can you provide the raw VISA commands for interacting with this device?
swick  (posted 2016-08-24 03:51:43.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. After installing the software of the Beam-Profiler, you can find a list with detailed information for all VISA commands at folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\TLBP2\Manual\TLBP2 I have contacted you directly to provide further assistance.
miljenko.suljic  (posted 2016-05-20 10:15:30.043)
Hi, I'm interested if this product would be suitable to characterise the following beam: Wavelength? 1060 nm; Spot size? 15-20 um; Laser power: max 1mW; Pulsed, frequency < 1 kHz; Pulse length: ~15 ns; Thank you in advance
shallwig  (posted 2016-05-23 03:16:21.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your interest in our products. I have contacted you directly to check if your beam features a Gaußian shape and is suitable to get measured by our slit beam profilers and to discuss if a camera beam profiler would be a better option.
hawthorne  (posted 2016-05-03 09:06:16.783)
What is the return policy on this device if we are unable to use it for a diagnostic in our lab?
shallwig  (posted 2016-05-04 03:12:04.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your interest in our beam profilers. If the device is not suitable for your application we can take it back. I will contact you to discuss your application and check if a LOAN unit is an option before you buy the device.
isabelle.riou  (posted 2016-04-20 11:08:46.15)
We are having the same problem as patrick.ledingham. The device is no longer recognised by the computer and the green LED no longer lights up. Did you found a solution?
shallwig  (posted 2016-04-20 07:23:09.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. I am really sorry for the problem you have with our beam profiler. I will contact you directly to check if this can be solved remotely or if we have to take the unit back for repair.
patrick.ledingham  (posted 2016-03-21 13:58:57.59)
We are having a problem with our device. Computers are no longer recognising it. The green LED labelled 'RDY' no longer lights up. Before this issue, the software was throwing an error that the firmware needed to be updated.
tschalk  (posted 2016-03-22 07:33:07.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. I am really sorry that you have experienced difficulties with our device. From my point of view it sounds like the profiler is defective. I will contact you directly with more detailed information.
cyj5595  (posted 2015-12-11 12:43:03.357)
I found that the R6030 runtime error can be resolved by changing Microsoft IME in some computer, however, another computer cannot. For this case, please uncheck "image protect service" at windows - start - msconfig - service tab
shallwig  (posted 2015-12-11 02:41:23.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your valuable feedback . This solution hopefully also helps other customers who face this problem.
hcn  (posted 2015-08-16 23:39:01.363)
My device keeps showing runtime error message even after changing Microsoft IME. How to resolve it in my case
shallwig  (posted 2015-08-17 09:29:53.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry and pleas apologize the problems you face with the beam profiler software. The runtime error r6030 can occur on Japanese and Chinese operating systems when Microsoft office is installed. This error is caused by changing the input method editor (IME) after installation of MSOffice 2010. In the manual on page 126 http://www.thorlabs.de/thorcat/21400/BP209-VIS-Manual.pdf you can find a screenshot showing how to resolve this by setting the IME back to standard Microsoft IME. I will contact you directly to troubleshoot this in more detail.
patrick.lu  (posted 2015-05-15 20:56:25.763)
I have a question about the optical measurement plane. In your CAD drawing it is 2.1mm inside the device, but I cannot tell if that is measured from the front or rear surface. We are producing a 4 micron diameter spot size using an objective lens. The working distance is pretty small, so I would like to know if it will be possible to position the lens close enough to the device to place the focal point at the plane of beam measurement. Also, will the device work if it is not placed upright? Our beam propagation is in the upwards vertical direction, so we would have to lay the BP209 face down on some kind of fixturing to allow the beam to be captured.
tschalk  (posted 2015-05-18 09:53:48.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The measurement plane is located 2,1mm inside the device measured from the front surface. For beam diameters below 20µm the knife edge mode has to be used. Detailed information about that mode can be found in the manual at section 4.3.8 Knife Edge Mode. The device can also be used in a horizontal position but you have to take care that you dont affect the rotating drum in order to avoid a damage of slits. I will contact you directly with more detailed information.
spreemanm  (posted 2015-04-07 10:45:46.69)
Is it possible to get a trigger out signal, or real time photodetector reading for synchronization of the measurements to other events?
shallwig  (posted 2015-04-13 03:23:40.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. At the moment it is unfortunately not possible to offer this device with a trigger output. We cannot offer a software trigger as a very precise determination of the slit position is not possible with our software. From the beam profilers housing design there is not enough space for integrating a hardware trigger. The built in encoders only have a limited accuracy in position determination thus the internal feedback circuit readjusts the rotation speed all the time. Therefore it is difficult to get out a trigger signal very precisely each time the slit crosses the beam. We have contacted you directly to discuss your application in more detail and to check if there is a possibility to implement a trigger in the future.
y.s.yong  (posted 2015-03-13 15:33:25.343)
I would like to program the beam profiler to switch to knife-edge mode while scanning it along the beam propagation direction. Could you please publish the necessary Labview routine needed to get the Gaussian beam widths read-out under knife-edge mode, as well as the routine needed to switch it back to scanning-slit mode?
shallwig  (posted 2015-03-16 07:56:31.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. With the current driver version on our homepage it is not possible to switch between knife-edge and scanning-slit method. We are working on a Beta version of a new driver where these features will be implemented. This version is supposed to go online in about 3-4 weeks. I will send you by mail a Labview example for the knife edge mode which will also allow you to create an application to switch between knife edge and scanning slit method. I will contact you directly to discuss your project in more detail.
user  (posted 2015-03-02 15:07:14.1)
I downloaded the ThorlabsBeam_v6.0.783.2494, try to run ThorlabsBeamviewLabviewSample.vi, but said Qtcore4.dll is missing. where to find this file?
tschalk  (posted 2015-03-04 06:23:39.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The Qtcore4.dll should be located in the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thorlabs\Beam - Beta. Please contact europe@thorlabs.com if you dont find it there or if you have any additional questions.
user  (posted 2015-02-12 14:16:38.29)
Where can I find the Labview vi for BP209-IR?
tschalk  (posted 2015-02-13 04:27:44.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. After the installation of the Beam Software you can find the LabVIEW VIs at the following location on your computer: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\instr.lib\TLBP2. I will contact you directly with further details.
tebeech  (posted 2014-11-25 16:08:40.06)
Hello, I would like to separately purchase the mounting adapters for the BP209 that come as part of the M2MS purchase. Is this possible? Thank you, thomas
shallwig  (posted 2014-11-26 06:42:47.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. We will contact you directly and provide you with a quote for this part.
acb  (posted 2014-11-25 09:50:25.183)
The LabVIEW files does not contain an example of a M^2 measurement. I can see that Stefan from ThorLabs are working on a M^2 driver - for LabVIEW perhaps? I would very much appreciate this feature.
shallwig  (posted 2014-11-25 06:13:55.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. We are still working on programming an M2 driver which will also include a Labview example of an M2 measurement. We will be able to provide this driver in the first quarter next year. I will contact you directly and inform you as soon as this update is available.
johanna.tragardh  (posted 2014-10-08 18:11:20.103)
Hi, 1) Is there example code available for the BP104 for labview? The installed files seems to be only for BP2xx (I can find the subvi:s for BP104, no problem, but not the sample code). 2) Could you consider in the next release of the software to include the possibility of plotting a time trace of the beam width along with the position, power etc. ? Thanks!
shallwig  (posted 2014-10-09 06:15:26.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. For the discontinued BP104 we unfortunately have no Labview example code available, only for the BP2xx series. At the moment we are programming a new M2 driver which will also have an example code for the BP1xx beam profilers. To your second question. With our latest Beam software version (6.0) you can already plot the power, position and beam stability versus time. In one of our next versions we will also implement the possibility to plot a time trace of the beam widths. I will contact you directly and provide you with information about when both, a new software and the M2 driver will be available.
borisinstereo  (posted 2014-09-10 16:43:41.92)
Please consider shipping this product with a 90-degree elbow USB connector. This reduces the depth of the instrument by a couple of inches, making it a lot easier to insert into a setup.
shallwig  (posted 2014-09-11 06:14:19.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your feedback. We will discuss internally with the responsible product engineers which connectors we could offer here. I will contact you directly to discuss the needs for you application in detail.
kuw4214  (posted 2014-05-20 09:44:56.54)
I need the beamprofiler for the below laser spec. 1) Current power : 200~240VAC, 50/60Hz 2) Consumption power : 2.3KVA 3) Crystal material : Nd:YAG 4) Wavelength : 532?, 1064? 5) Pulse width(Pulse Duration) ?) 532?/1064?(Q-Switched) : 5? ?) 1064?(Non-Q) : 330? 6) Output energy (Beam) ?) 532? : 50~900mJ (50mJ ~ 200mJ?? 10mJ increment, 200mJ ~ 900mJ 25mJ increment) ?) 1064? (Normal) : 100~2000mJ (100mJ ~ 500mJ 25mJ increment, 500mJ ~ 2000mJ 50mJ increment) ?) 1064? (Long) : 100~3200mJ (100mJ ~ 500mJ 25mJ increment, 500mJ ~ 3200mJ 50mJ increment) ?) Laser grade : Class 4 7) OPTIC POWER ?) 532? : 900mJ ?) 1064? (Normal) : 2000mJ ?) 1064? (Long) : 3200mJ 8) PEAK POWER : 400 ?/? 9) Frequency : 1? ~ 10? 10) Spot size : 2? ~ 10?(1? increment) Please check this inquiry and let me have the quotaiton and products information. Best regards. Paul Kim.
tschalk  (posted 2014-05-21 09:36:39.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. Because of the low rep rate of your laser source a slit beam profiler is not suited for your application. We can offer a CCD camera beam profiler BC106N-VIS which is also able to determine the profile of a single pulse. Please note that damage threshold data is currently not available for our beam profilers. For use with pulsed lasers, we recommend the following procedure as a guideline for determining a safe upper limit: Set the beam profiler to the maximum integration time (i.e., set the exposure to 1 s). Slowly increase the power until your signal reaches approximately 50% of the intensity as shown in the Profile window of the Beam software package. Multiply this power by a factor of 10. This is the safe upper limit of the mean pulse power for the beam profiler. I will contact you directly to discuss your application.
user  (posted 2013-11-22 15:52:26.423)
I am measuring the profile of a diode laser. It has a lot of secondary lobes that are wrecking the fit. Can I threshold the fit to get a better reading?
tschalk  (posted 2013-12-02 03:45:51.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. In this case, it could be helpful to use the Baseline Correction. It would be great if you could contact me at europe@thorlabs.com to discuss your application.
xgsun  (posted 2013-07-25 09:13:00.407)
I am trying to measure the beam profile of the out of a optical fiber. the waist is located ~1mm from the fiber tip. I tried to put the fiber tip as close to the drum surface as possible. But I can get to the wasit. Is the slit located behind the drum surface ~2mm?
tschalk  (posted 2013-07-26 08:16:00.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. You can find the detailed information about the dimensions in the manual (https://www.thorlabs.de/Thorcat/21400/BP209-VIS-Manual.pdf) in section Slit and Photodiode Position. There you can see that the slit is located 2.07mm behind the surface of the beam diameter. I will contact you with more detailed information.
jvigroux  (posted 2013-02-26 04:17:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry. The reading values depends on the parameters setting of the beam profiler, so that based on the setting used in your program, it might be that the software will give different results. I will contact you dircetly to help with the troubleshooting.
jlow  (posted 2012-10-05 09:12:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The distance from front surface to the photodiode is 7.40mm for the BP104-IR and 6.90mm for the BP109-IR. The tolerance is about 0.20mm. You can also find out more about the slit and photodiode position for our BP series beam profilers in Section of the manual.
minseog  (posted 2012-10-05 06:35:40.0)
I have BP104-IR and BP109-IR. In M2 measurement the the waist position is displayed as the result. But how can we know the exact focal length of the beam propagated? I think I need to know the exact Ge sensor position or distance from the front surface of the BP109-IR. Waiting for your quick reply.
jlow  (posted 2012-08-16 09:16:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: You should be able to use the drivers with Visual Basic (VB). Unfortunately we do not offer a VB example program and we would not be able to provide support for this. You can use more than one beam profiler in the same computer but you would need to run two instances of the software (if you use our software).
ux7516  (posted 2012-08-13 11:02:42.0)
I want to use BP109. I has the questions. 1) Can I use Visual Basic6? 2) Can I use two BP109 in a computer?
jvigroux  (posted 2012-06-14 07:46:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry. There is a priori no absolute time interval within which the beam profiler necessarily needs to be calibrated. This will largely depends on the use that is made of it and the environment within which it is used. We recommend however sending the device about once year to ensure the best possible functionality.
ebrud  (posted 2012-06-12 13:01:12.0)
Hi, we had BP-109-IR, could you inform me as soon as possible does this device need regular factory calibration after some usage period or no? If yes, in which period does it need calibration and do you calibrate when we sent it to you? Thanks in advance.
jvigroux  (posted 2012-04-27 09:44:00.0)
a response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry! This problem might be related to the fact that the NI runtime engine is not installed on your computer. I will contact you to troubleshoot this issue.
danielle.wuchenich  (posted 2012-04-26 18:41:06.0)
Just bought a BP109-IR profiler. The Thorlabs Beam Application (4.0, Build 128, Qt 4.7.1) works fine, although the "Start NI Network Variables" option under the Control drop-down menu is greyed out. When running the included sample VI from Labview, cannot connect to the profiler. Running Labview 2009. Please advise if you need more details and how to fix Profiler/LabVIEW error.
jvigroux  (posted 2012-03-20 08:06:00.0)
A response form Julien at Thorlabs: This error is very surprising. I suspect that the problem is related to the higher power that is being used. I will contact you directly as some further information would be required in order to find out what the exact origin of the problem is.
hbal9604  (posted 2012-03-19 20:15:15.0)
Our lab has purchased the following laser beam profiler from Thorlabs: BP104-IR We are trying to use this item to profile a laser beam with a wavelength of 1550 nm. The unit we are using to produce the laser beam is an amplifier from NP Photonics, which enables us to output powers ranging from 40 mW to about 5 W. I have been attempting to use the BP104-IR to perform this profiling. However it seems that the beam computer software 'crashes' when I attempt to use the BP104-IR for powers greater than 65 mW. The profiler does work for powers below 65 mW, however if we exceed this threshold, the following error occurs: "The Beam Profiler device has been removed. Please reconnect the Beam Profiler, refresh the device and select the device again" I have been unable to resolve this issue by consulting the operation manual, and there fore am seeking technical support and advise to overcome this issue. Please get back to me ASAP regarding this issue Thank you
bdada  (posted 2011-12-26 09:19:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs: I am sorry to hear about the problem you experienced with the BP104-IR2 beam profiler. We will contact you to set up the return and replacement of the unit.
ppa.jacquet  (posted 2011-12-22 16:24:19.0)
We just bought an 104-IR2. We got a warning for too high power even without any beam reaching the profiler. The power is below 10 mW with a beam of ~1 mm diameter at around 900 nm.
jvigroux  (posted 2011-12-06 12:41:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: this type of measurement is in principle possible but there will be several points to carefully consider in order to ensure the best possible measurement accuracy. For instance, you will need to ensure that the beam power is strongly reduced to avoid damage. Also, due to the large tuning range of this system, you will only be able to measure a portion of the spectral range with a given beam profiler. Finally, the fact that the laser is pulsed will tend to increase the measurement time for a given profile. We would be happy to further discuss all those points and help you in your choice of beam profiler. Please feel free to contact us any time at techsupport@thorlabs.com
user  (posted 2011-12-06 10:11:16.0)
Hi, we have a Ekspla NT242 pulsed laser (7ns pulse, 1kHz). Can the focus shape be measured with this scanner?
jvigroux  (posted 2011-05-12 11:46:00.0)
A response form Julien at Thorlabs: The slit is used as a mask and the intensity going through this mask is measured by the photodiode. The measurement results thus provides the beam profile along the two scanning axes at the position of the slit.
xiaokangs  (posted 2011-05-11 13:50:25.0)
Is the beam size measured at the slit position or at the photodiode?
tor  (posted 2011-01-04 15:16:05.0)
Response from Tor at Thorlabs to v-nr: 1) Power density of pulses is too high; this may cause damage to the slit. We recommend using wedge filters to attenuate excessive power. 2) BP10x series is not recommended for such asymmetric beam profiles; however, please be guided by the minimum width for power density reasons.
v-nr  (posted 2010-12-13 16:31:05.0)
1). How should I determine the allowed input power in case of pulsed lasers? We use 1.06 µm 45-100 kHz source with 150-200 ns pulse duration, so the peak power is 50-150 times higher then the average power. The beam diameter is usually 600 µm. Should I keep the peak power below 1 W, or it is safe to use any source with average power less then 1 W ? Is it safe to refer to the profiler’s readings when analyzing the usable power level? 2). How should I use the power ranges diagram in case of extremely elliptic beam, e.g. 8:1? Which upper power limit should I take – the one that corresponds to the minimum width, or the one that corresponds to the maximum width? Thank you in advance.
n.andermahr  (posted 2010-10-25 12:58:35.0)
Do you have a demo.vi for LabView customization?
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-10-26 03:42:45.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to n.andemahr: A small example program is included in the drivers download of the BP beam profilers. You can find it in the functions palette > Intrument I/O > Instrument drivers > BP1. You can also find more information on page 88 of the manual (http://www.thorlabs.com/Thorcat/13500/13571-D02.pdf)
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-09-20 17:28:05.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: Thank you very much for submitting your feedback. We are currently implementing correct measures to improve the performance of our slit scanning beam profilers. Please contact us at techsupport@thorlabs.com for more details.
user  (posted 2010-09-20 12:12:56.0)
Useful product for its price but the Rotation Mount is not firm enough. The Scanning Head can move too much inside the Rotation Mount. We have had to set our rotational position and then glue the Head in the Mount, which is not optimal but works. Otherwise values vary by too much for beams that diverge quickly.
klee  (posted 2009-12-14 16:37:36.0)
A response from Ken at Thorlabs to aditya.suresh: The beam profiler itself does not measure the M2 values. You should take a look at our Complete M2 Analysis Sets (M2SET-VIS or M2SET-IR) instead. You can click on the "Beam Quality Analyzer" under the Related Products above.
aditya.suresh  (posted 2009-12-10 18:31:48.0)
can you let us know if we can use this system to measure M2 values for beam outputs from a fibre? Thanks, A
kenlee  (posted 2009-12-10 11:58:30.0)
A response from Juergen from Thorlabs to bear020121212: 1) You ask, if rotation speed of the drum with slits is influencing the m² result? No, it should not, if the BP10x device settings were made correct. Please explain more detailed, why you are asking that. 2)No, in the SW you can observe either 2D profiles (in real time) or you can watch the virtual (calculated) 3D profile - a slit scanning beam profiler cannot deliver a genuine 3D profile, becaúse the slits are scanning the beam under +45° and -45° angle simultaneously.
bear020121212  (posted 2009-12-10 10:13:51.0)
Is the rotating of slit influence the measurement result of the M square factor of the laser? Could I use this beam profile to observe the 3D or 2D beam distribution simultaneously?
jhartmann  (posted 2009-11-12 17:46:20.0)
A response from Juergen from Thorlabs to c.j.lee: The BP10X beam profilers are based on a rotating drum with scanning slits. The source of electrical signal is a photodiode, locate behind the slits inside the drum. As for this, X and Y 2D profiles are real time profiles, as they represent the photodiode current vs. time. The X and Y scans can be saved, which make sense of course only for Gaussian or close to Gaussian beam profiles. A beam profile in 3D in this case can be calculated only, its not a real picture, but just a virtual image - this is the reason why 3D profile cannot be exported as a number or array of data: There is only 1 value changing in time, and this time is formed by human eye to a consistent picture while its actually only a sequence of dots. Analogy: old CRT TV images... "quite messy beams" is clearly NOT a suitable application for any scanning slit beam profiler (not only made by Thorlabs). We offer a camera beam profiler, where the beam profile is represented in a real 3D picture, based on a CCD camera - pixel coordinate and its intensity. The item # is BC106-VIS or -UV. Unfortunately, there is no IR version available due to a lack of IR sensitive CCD image sensors (Si is becoming transparent above 1000nm) So, in order to resolve your issue, Id like to ask you about details on your laser: - type of laser - CW or pulsed? - wavelength - power? - beam diameter? - expected beam shape? - what beam parameters you want to characterize?
c.j.lee  (posted 2009-11-12 09:27:43.0)
We have already purchased the IR version of the beam profiler, but the software has disappointed us somewhat. It appears to be impossible to extract a complete image as an array of values (or as an image, for that matter) from the program. Instead, the program produces a screen shot of the window. I have read the manual and found nothing that looks appropriate. That is, to put it mildly, absolutely pathetic for any use other than generating publicity for Thorlabs. It is especially useless if you are dealing with beams that are quite messy, because you cannot adequately control how the beam parameters are analyzed and the x-y center cuts might not be appropriate. Is there someway to extract this data? Other than to cut out the appropriate part of each screen shot and run them through an image analysis program?
jens  (posted 2009-06-02 20:27:02.0)
A reply from Jens at Thorlabs: the issue here is that your repetition rate is in the same range as the drum scanning frequency. The example in the manual describes repetition rates of the light srouce in the kHz range. With that the drum will see several pulses while it is scanning which will allow it to calculate the beam shape. In your case a CCD based profiler will be the better option. I will contact you directly to discuss next steps and ask our development to add more details regarding the lower limit repition rate to the manual.
stcpe  (posted 2009-06-02 10:22:11.0)
Please, advise, how to synchronize BP109-UV with 10 Hz 18 ns laser. Reading users manual doesnt help, as its imposible to reach necessary parameters using provided software.
Tyler  (posted 2009-04-13 14:46:46.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to lok.eg: The beam profiler can be used to measure 60 fs pulses for repetition rates above 10 Hz. The damage threshold is dependent on the beam diameter. Because of the short pulse duration, the amplifier will only be sensitive to the average power of the beam, which should be kept below 1 W. Please see the specs tab for how the operating power range is dependent on the beam diameter. Thank you for considering the BP109-UV beam expander. As an alternative you may wish to consider our camera based beam profiler (BC106-UV).
lok.eg  (posted 2009-04-03 05:11:13.0)
Is it possible to use BP109-UV with 60 fs pulses? (10 Hz or single pulse; 266, 400, 800 nm; 4 mm) Whats the highest power allowed then?
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Key Specifications
Item #a BP209-VIS(/M)  BP209IR1(/M)  BP209-IR2(/M) 
Wavelength Range200 - 1100 nm500 - 1700 nm900 - 2700 nm
Detector MaterialUV-Enhanced SiInGaAsExtended InGaAs
Aperture Diameter9 mm
Scan MethodsScanning Slits, Knife Edge
Slit Sizes5 µm and 25 µm
Beam Diameter Range2.5 µm - 9 mm
  • ミリ規格とインチ規格の違いはベースプレートのタップ穴のネジ規格のみです。
+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
BP209-VIS Support Documentation
BP209-VISデュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラ、200~1100 nm、Ø2.5 µm~Ø9 mm(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
BP209IR1 Support Documentation
BP209IR1Customer Inspired! デュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラ、500~1700 nm、Ø2.5 µm~Ø9 mm(インチ規格)
BP209-IR2 Support Documentation
BP209-IR2デュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラ、900~2700 nm、Ø2.5 µm~Ø9 mm(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
BP209-VIS/M Support Documentation
BP209-VIS/Mデュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラ、200~1100 nm、Ø2.5 µm~Ø9 mm(ミリ規格)
BP209IR1/M Support Documentation
BP209IR1/MCustomer Inspired! デュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラ、500~1700 nm、Ø2.5 µm~Ø9 mm(ミリ規格)
Lead Time
BP209-IR2/M Support Documentation
BP209-IR2/Mデュアル走査スリット型ビームプロファイラ、900~2700 nm、Ø2.5 µm~Ø9 mm(ミリ規格)
3-5 weeks
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Wavelength Range250 - 600 nma400 - 2700 nma
Beam Profiler CompatibilitybBC207UV(/M)c
Internal Translation StageTravel Range100 mm
Velocity (Max)500 mm/s
Effective Translation Range200 mm (Total)
±100 mm (from Focal Point)
Lens Focal Length250 mm
Optical Axis Height70 mm
(Without Additional Feet)
M² Measurement Range≥1.0 (No Upper Limit)
Typical M² Accuracy±5%
(Depends on Optics and Alignment)
Minimum Detectable Divergence Angle< 0.1 mrad
Applicable Light SourcesCW, Pulseda
Typical Measurement Time15 - 30 s
(Depends on Beam Shape and Settings)
General Specifications
Size300 mm x 175 mm x 109 mm
(Without Beam Profiler)
Weight4.2 kg
(Without Beam Profiler)
  • 使用するビームプロファイラによって異なります。
  • M2MSは旧モデルのビームプロファイラBC106x、BP10xにもお使いいただけます。プロファイラBC106に対応する取付用アダプタのご購入については当社までお問い合わせください。
  • カメラ型ビームプロファイラBC207UV/M、BC210CU/Mの波長範囲は245~400 nmです。
  • カメラ型ビームプロファイラBC207VIS/M、BC210CV/Mの波長範囲は350~1100 nmです。
  • スリット走査型光ビームプロファイラBP209と組み合わせて
  • 250~600 nmまたは400~2700 nm用ミラー付き
  • カメラ型BC207およびBC210C*シリーズならびにスリット走査型BP209シリーズのビームプロファイラ取付用アダプタが付属
  • アライメント用レーザが付属

こちらの増設セットは、お手持ちの当社製ビームプロファイラ(カメラ型およびスリット走査型)を利用して、全自動M²測定システムを構築できるよう設計されています。M2MS-ALの内部ミラーの波長範囲は250~600 nm、M2MSについては400~2700 nmとなっております。入力ポートにあるマグネット付きマウントにより、付属のARコーティング付きレンズ(下の枠内参照)が簡単に交換でき、お使いになるレーザ光源用に最適化されたシステムが構成できます。

ビームプロファイラと集光レンズは定位置に固定されます。M²の測定には、移動範囲200 mm、最高速度500 mm/sを特長とする移動ステージとそれに取り付けた可動式レトロリフレクタを使用して光路長を変更します。

M2 System Alignment Laser各増設キットにはClass 1のアライメントレーザが付属します。

M²測定システムの側面にはUSB 2.0ハブが内蔵されており、ハブにはビームプロファイラ用のポート、USB接続温度・湿度コントローラTSP01などのデバイス用のポート、PC接続用mini USBポートが含まれています。システム内の移動ステージもこのハブを経由してPCと通信します。BC207およびBC210CシリーズのビームプロファイラはUSB 3.0を使用しているため、M2MS(-AL)システムでご使用いただく場合は、付属のUSB 3.0ケーブルを用いてPCに直接接続する必要があります。M2測定システム用増設セットはソフトウェアパッケージThorlabs Beamで制御します。このパッケージは、当社のビームプロファイラの制御にも使用され(「ソフトウェア」タブをご覧ください)、ビームに関連する様々な測定を正確に行うことができます。

M2測定システムの筐体は、底部4隅にある高さ0.5 mmの脚で支えられています。ゴム製ダンピング脚RDF1が1セット付属します。裏面には5個のM6タップ穴があり、4隅近くのタップ穴を利用して4本のダンピング脚で支える構成、または3本で支える構成に使用されます。


*2023年8月8日以前にご購入いただいたM2測定システム用増設セットでBC210C シリーズのカメラ型ビームプロファイラを使用するには、適合するアダプタが必要です。ご希望の場合は当社までお問い合わせください。


焦点距離250 mmのレンズを簡単脱着式プレートCXY1QFに取り付け済み

  • LA4158-UV(245~400 nm対応のARコーティング付き)
  • LA1461-A(350~700 nm対応のARコーティング付き)



焦点距離250 mmのレンズを簡単脱着式プレートCXY1QFに取り付け済み

  • LA1461-A(350~700 nm対応のARコーティング付き)
  • LA1461-B(650~1050 nm対応のARコーティング付き)
  • LA1461-C(1050~1700 nm対応のARコーティング付き)
  • LA5255-D(1650~3000 nm対応のARコーティング付き)



  • アライメント用レーザ
  • USB 2.0ケーブルMini Bタイプ、3 m
  • USB 2.0ケーブルMini Bタイプ(Angled)、0.5 m
  • 15 V、3.0 A電源
  • 1.3 mm(0.05インチ)六角レンチ
  • 3 mmボール(六角)ドライバ
  • レール用クランプ 4個
  • M4キャップスクリュ 6個
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
M2MS-AL Support Documentation
M2MS-ALM²測定用増設セット、250~600 nm
Lead Time
M2MS Support Documentation
M2MSM²測定用増設セット、400~2700 nm
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走査スリット型ビームプロファイラ取付用30 mmケージアダプタ

  • 走査スリット型ビームプロファイラBP209シリーズを30 mmケージシステムに取付用
  • SM1ネジ付き内孔

アダプタBP209CSA/Mは、当社のBP209シリーズ走査スリット型ビームプロファイラを30 mmケージシステムに接続するアダプタです。アダプタのSM1ネジ付き内孔により、当社のØ25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)レンズチューブ、または固定リングSM1RR(付属していません)で固定した厚さ3.6 mmまでのØ25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)光学素子が取り付け可能となります。4つのØ6.0 mmケージロッド(付属していません)用の穴には、ロッドの固定用に2.0 mm六角の固定ネジ(セットスクリュ)が付いています。

BP209CSA/Mを走査スリット型ビームプロファイラに取り付けるには、まず、ビームプロファイラのY走査軸を+60°または-60°回転させたあと、逆さまにすると、底部の取付けプレートにアクセスできます。アダプタBP209CSA/Mに付属する2.0 mm六角レンチを使用して、長さ5 mmのM3 x 0.5六角穴付きボルト4本を取り外します。ビームプロファイラの底部プレートを完全に外し、代わりにBP209CSA/Mを取付け、先ほど取外したネジで固定します。

*2022年7月以前に製造されたデュアル走査型ビームプロファイラBP209シリーズの底部プレートは、長さ5 mmのM3 x 0.5プラスネジ4本で固定されています。こちらのネジを取り外すには#1プラスドライバ (付属していません)が必要です。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
BP209CSA Support Documentation
BP209CSABP209シリーズビームプロファイラ取付用30 mmケージシステムアダプタ、#8-32&1/4"-20取付穴(インチ規格)
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
BP209CSA/M Support Documentation
BP209CSA/MBP209シリーズビームプロファイラ取付用30 mmケージシステムアダプタ、M4&M6取付穴(ミリ規格)