Ytterbium-Based Femtosecond Fiber Laser

A Windows®-based software package is provided to give the user control of the laser while providing system feedback on the amplifier seed spectrum, system power levels, interlock status, and other diagnostics built into the laser system. More information on the software can be found in the FSL1030X1 manual.

  1. Software: The GUI for Computer Control of the FSL1030X1 Femtosecond Fiber Laser
DescriptionThe FSL1030X1 software package includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for computer operation of the femtosecond fiber laser.
Filesize5.6 MB
Only download from trusted sources, like Thorlabs, and always scan files before executing.

System RequirementsWindows 10
30 MB Disk Space
5 GB Memory
Ethernet or USB Port