
  • Attaches to Microscope's Fine Focus Knob for Motorized Adjustment
  • Encoded Stepper Motor Driver
  • USB Controlled


MFC1 Controlling the Fine Focus of
a Nikon Ti Eclipse Microscope

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  • 顕微鏡の焦点微調整ノブに取り付けることでリモートでの焦点調整が可能
  • エンコーダ付きステッピングモータードライバ
  • スタンドアローン型ソフトウェアが付属(Windows®7 64ビット版)
  • 多光子共焦点イメージングシステム用のThorImage®LSソフトウェアと統合可能

顕微鏡用電動焦点コントローラMFC1はコンパクトなモジュールで、上の写真にあるNikon製Ti Eclipseのような市販の光学顕微鏡の電動焦点制御を可能にします。エンコーダ付きステッピングモータを顕微鏡の焦点微調整ノブに取り付けることにより、顕微鏡の全焦点調整範囲に渡りリモートでの調整ができるようになります。

MFC1は汎用的な設計であるため、市販されているほとんどの倒立顕微鏡や正立顕微鏡と組み合わせて使えます。モータの取り付けは簡単です。テープの剥離紙(赤)を剥がし、モータを焦点微調整ノブの中心に合わせて、モータをノブに押し付けてください。ベースにはM6スロットがあるので、ユニットを光学テーブルに取付けることができます。焦点微調整ノブの高さに合わせるために、モータの高さは調整可能になっています。調整するにはモータの側面にあるキャップスクリュを3 mm六角レンチで緩め、ユニットをポストに沿って上下にスライドさせます(高さ範囲については「仕様」タブをご覧ください)。付属の4個のクランプCL5を用いて顕微鏡ボディを固定し、MFC1の使用中に顕微鏡が動くのを防ぎます。

MFC1はコントローラ背面のMini USB接続コネクタを介して制御します(右の写真をご覧ください)。「ソフトウェア」タブでご覧いただけるように、ユニットにはモータ制御用のGUIソフトウェアパッケージが付属し、テキストボックスへの入力またはスライダ調整で制御できます。焦点調整が行われると、コントローラを用いたか手動で行ったかに係らず、その位置情報は記録されます。さらにこちらの顕微鏡焦点コントローラは当社のThorImage®LSソフトウェアでも制御できます。このソフトウェアは多光子ならびに共焦点イメージングシステムとともにご提供しています。また、LabVIEWソフトウェア開発キットを用いてカスタム仕様のイメージングソフトウェアに統合することもできます。

MFC1 Specifications
Stepper Motor
Motor Steps
Step Angle1.8°
Step Resolution16 Microsteps/Step
Gear Ratio5.18 : 1
Total Microsteps
per Revolution
Maximum Speed160 RPM
Encoder Resolution± 1 Microstep
Focus Controller Module
(W x D x H)
165.3 mm x 115.6 mm x 123.7 mm
(6.51" x 4.55" x 4.87")
Weight1.36 kg
Operating Power40 W
Operating Voltage24 VDC
Operating Current0 - 1.67 A
Computer ConnectionMini USB
Mechanical Drawing of MFC1 Focus Controller
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= モータのステップ数 x コントローラのマイクロステップ数 x ギア比

= 200 x 16 x 5.18 = 16576

線形分解能=焦点微調整ノブ1回転あたりの移動距離 / ステッピングモータ1回転あたりの総ステップ数

焦点微調整ノブの1回転あたりの移動距離が100 μmの標準的な顕微鏡の場合、線形分解能は1マイクロステップあたり6.03 nm、または1ステップあたり96.5 nmとなります。一般的に線形分解能は顕微鏡のバックラッシュにより制限されます。

 MFC1 Focus Controller Software

下記は顕微鏡用電動焦点コントローラMFC1用の最新版ソフトウェアへのリンクです。 ソフトウェアダウンロードページでは、グラフィカルユーザーインターフェイス(GUI)とともに、LabVIEWソフトウェア開発キット(SDK)とカスタム仕様のイメージングソフトウェアを使用して焦点コントローラを制御するためのサポート文書をご提供しています。

当社の多光子または 共焦点イメージングシステムをお持ちの場合は、付属のThorImage®LSソフトウェアパッケージでMFC1を制御することも可能です。このときはMFC1を当社の標準的な顕微鏡システムに簡単に統合することができ、全てのイメージングプロセスを1つのソフトウェアパッケージで操作できます。


Version 2.4 (2016年10月13日)


Software Download


  • USBケーブル(Mini B-Aタイプ)
  • 電源と電源コード
  • 接地ケーブル
  • クランプCL5 4個
  • 取付け用ハードウェア
    • 1/4"-20キャップスクリュ、長さ1/2インチ、6個
    • M6キャップスクリュ、長さ12 mm、6個
    • M6フラットワッシャ、6個
  • GUIソフトウェア(CD)
  • コントローラのマニュアル

Posted Comments:
Kevin Aptowicz  (posted 2024-05-21 07:58:31.213)
I recently purchased a MFC1 and would like to have more control over it then is provided by the GUI. It seems like I should be able to run commands in Matlab (perhaps via serial communications), but the documentation that comes with the device is outdated. For example, the link provided to download the interface for communication with the MFC1 (www.trinamic.com) is no longer valid. In addition, the firmware manual provided is not up to date and the directions don't match the current version of the software (provided is version 1.02, but current version is 4.3). I would like technical assistance to understand the documentation that is provided (downloaded software) and what I should be using to interface with the MFC.
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-06-24 03:32:55.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry! I have contacted you directly to share our documentation and discuss the features which you are inquiring after.
Sudhir Sharma  (posted 2023-08-29 01:26:35.767)
Please confirm if MFC1 is compatible with Olympus IX73 microscope. Also confirm if Joystick is also available for MFC1.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-08-30 10:29:17.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry Sudhir. The joystick control is not available for the MFC1. Due to the way this component connects to any given microscope, the only conditions dictating compatibility would be the height of the adjustment knob from the base of your microscope as well as the diameter of the adjustment knob. I have contacted you directly to discuss the specifics of these requirements.
Braulio Cardenas Benitez  (posted 2022-08-10 10:19:57.473)
I'd like to know if this device can be controlled via Matlab commands (both sending commands and registering the position). Also, would you happen to have the settling time for a microstep increment? I'd also like to know if this stepper can be used to move back and forth between two angular positions (in a sawtooth kind of fashion). Thanks!
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-08-18 02:49:29.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us Braulio. Unfortunately we do not have direct support for matlab. In our SDK, we have support for serial communication, Labview, and C++. I have contacted you directly to discuss these options.
Alex Kloth  (posted 2020-06-22 09:47:11.967)
Hi, I would like to use this item to motorize focus control on an old Olympus BH2. Would this item be suitable for this application in your experience? Please let me know as soon as possible.
YLohia  (posted 2020-06-22 11:19:36.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The MFC1 features a universal design that is compatible with most commercially available inverted and upright microscopes. The base incorporates 1/4" (M6) slots, which can be used to mount the unit onto an optical table. The adhesive tape should work on practically any focusing knob, including the one on the IX-71. It is, however, the user's responsibility to center the tape on such large area knobs such that the rotation axes of the MFC1 and the focusing knob are matched/colinear.
hwkim  (posted 2018-06-21 00:29:48.093)
Is MFC1 (Motorized Microscope Focus Controller) compatible with Olympus Inverted Microscope (IX-71)?
YLohia  (posted 2018-06-26 04:36:16.0)
Response from Yashasvi at Thorlabs USA: Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The MFC1 features a universal design that is compatible with most commercially available inverted and upright microscopes. The base incorporates 1/4" (M6) slots, which can be used to mount the unit onto an optical table. The adhesive tape should work on practically any focusing knob, including the one on the IX-71. It is, however, the user's responsibility to center the tape on such large area knobs such that the rotation axes of the MFC1 and the focusing knob are matched/collinear.
user  (posted 2018-04-13 10:31:55.917)
Hi, I imagine the alignment of the motor rotation axis with the focus knob rotation axis is critical for this to work. Can you comment on how easy it is to achieve correct alignment when attaching them together. Do Thorlabs have an alignment protocol to help?
llamb  (posted 2018-04-23 10:23:58.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. While we do not have an alignment guide, aligning the focus knob with the motor axis is a relatively easy and done by manually adjusting the controller's height along the two vertical posts. The adhesive tape on the MFC1 will help as well. Feel free to email us at techsupport@thorlabs.com if any other tips are needed.
espen.hartveit  (posted 2017-10-18 08:35:52.767)
To the Thorlabs support team: I have two questions concerning the MFC1: 1) What exactly is it that clamps the motor onto the fine focus knob of the microscope? Pressure and a pice of tape with glue? This is a bit unclear, and therefore worrisome. 2) Once the MFC1 has been mounted / attached to the fine focus knob of the microscope, and the unit is switched on, can you still control the microscope focus manually? There is typically a fine focus knob on the other side of the microscope, but are you "allowed" to turn it if it would imply rotating the motor by force? Thank you. Best regards, Espen Hartveit
tfrisch  (posted 2017-12-06 01:54:58.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. For your first question, the adhesive is sufficient to hold on to the fine focus knob as long as the MFC1 is well aligned to the rotation axis of the knob. For your second question, you can still adjust the fine focus with the knob on the other side manually. There will be slightly more resistance to rotation, but it will not damage the MFC1 to fine adjust on the other side. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
nkaddy  (posted 2016-12-14 10:47:05.163)
I have the same application as "apsavitsky". I was wondering if this could be run in a feedback loop through KPA101? If not, what alternatives do you have?
tfrisch  (posted 2016-12-16 10:53:00.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Though we don't have a packaged solution for a feedback mechanism, I will reach out to you with the guidance we can give.
apsavitsky  (posted 2016-11-01 10:50:49.483)
as far as I see MFC1 is "just" motorization of the focus knob. In order to maintain the focus for several hours (compensate the drift) automatically, I need a feedback from the stage, which is then used to control that servo motor. Do you have something that will provide that feedback? Kind regards, Alex
tfrisch  (posted 2016-11-01 02:45:03.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly about your application.
nguyenta2  (posted 2016-04-29 15:20:19.63)
Regarding MFC1, when I opened LabView sample ZStepperPositionTest.vi, the LabView informed that all SubVI such as Find Devices, Setup Position, etc. are not executable. I went to each Call Library Function Node to correct the library path and the LabView informed that "the library selected is not valid for the current platform". Currently, I use LabView 2015 32-bit. Is the library 64-bit?
besembeson  (posted 2016-05-04 09:07:31.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: I will contact you regarding this.
alepore  (posted 2014-10-25 01:09:00.867)
Test Email
stephane.supplisson  (posted 2014-10-01 11:57:06.99)
Concerning the motorized microscope focus controller (MFC1), I would to know whether you can still use the coarse and fine focus knob on the other side when the motor is ON?
jlow  (posted 2014-10-09 10:38:57.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: When you use the MFC1, it is still possible to focus using the coarse and fine focus knob on the other side. When you do that, the changes you make manually are not recorded by the motor.
user  (posted 2013-09-19 21:18:28.357)
Is there any ActiveX module to control this unit? Also, I couldn't find any manual for this item.
sharrell  (posted 2013-09-25 09:55:00.0)
Response from Sean at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately a manual is not available for this product. A preliminary SDK with some documentation is available; if you would like this file, please contact us at techsupport@thorlabs.com and we'll be able to provide this directly.
sharrell  (posted 2012-10-16 08:33:00.0)
Response from Sean at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback! We are always looking for ways to update our webpages to make them more useful for readers. In response to your feedback, we have discussed some improvements to this page internally, and I will update the content shortly. If you find any other pages you feel could use improvement, please let us know through the Feedback tab.
user  (posted 2012-10-14 00:59:46.017)
I don't think the overview really tells us about what it does. The writer assumes the reader knows what a focus controller is. Perhaps it can be improved so potential users can understand whether it's useful in their applications.
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