
  • Continous 360° Motorized Rotation
  • 25 arcsec Minimum Incremental Motion
  • Rotational Velocity: 25 Degree/Second
  • Compatible with Our SM1 Lens Tubes and 30 mm Cage Systems




with a WPMH05M-633 Wave Plate

Related Items

Please Wait
Key SpecificationsaValue
Bidirectional Repeatability±0.1°
Max Rotation Velocity25 deg/s
Horizontal On-Axis Load Capacity1.5 kg (3.31 lbs)
Vertical On-Axis Load Capacity0.5 kg (1.10 lbs)
Achievable Incremental Motion (Min)25 arcsec
Repeatable Incremental Motion (Min)0.03°
Percentage Accuracy0.1%
Home Location Accuracy±0.2°
Range360° Continuous
  • 仕様の詳細は「仕様」タブをご覧ください。


  • メインダイヤル上に1° 単位の目盛
  • 回転速度:25°/s
  • 厚さ23 mmのコンパクトな設計
  • ホームリミットスイッチ
  • ポストに取付け可能(「取付」タブ参照)
  • SM1アクセサリに対応
  • 厚さ12.5 mm(1/2インチ)までのØ25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)光学素子に対応*
  • 推奨ドライバ: DCサーボコントローラ KDC101

PRM1/MZ8は小型の電動回転マウント(ステージ)で、Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)光学素子とSM1ネジ付き部品とお使いいただけます。角度の測定には、回転プレートに印されている1°単位目盛と併せてバーニヤ目盛も使用可能です。この回転ステージ/マウントには、ホームリミットスイッチも付いているため、回転位置を自動的にゼロ点に移動でき、従って角度の絶対位置の設定ができます。リミットスイッチは、複数回の360°連続回転が可能な設計となっています。

DCサーボコントローラ KDC101(別売り、下記参照)は滑らかな連続回転を行いますが、これはソフトウェアインターフェイスによる自動化も可能です。当社では単体でお買い求めいただくよりお得なステージ(マウント)PRM1/MZ8とコントローラKDC101、および電源KPS101*のセット(型番 KPRM1E/M)もご用意しております。

PRM1/MZ8には、長さ0.5 mのケーブルも付属しています。2.5 mの延長ケーブル(PAA632)は、別途お買い求めいただけます。


**これらのマウントは、Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)の光学素子に対して最適設計されています。少し小さいØ25.0 mmの光学素子に対してもご使用いただけますが、光学素子の偏心が重要ではない用途でのご使用をお勧めします。

Motor Specifications
Motor TypeDC Servo
Nominal Voltage6 V
No Load Speed6560 rpm
No Load Current7.43 mA
Nominal Speed1050 rpm
Nominal Torque (Maximum Continuous Torque)1.26 mN•m
Nominal Current (Maximum Continuous Current)0.156 A
Stall Torque1.54 mN•m
Starting Current 0.184 A
Maximum Efficiency65%
Terminal Resistance32.7 Ω
Terminal Inductance0.607 mH
Torque Constant8.38 mN•m/A
Speed Constant1140 rpm/V
Speed / Torque Gradient4450 rpm/mN•m
Mechanical Time Constant13.9 ms
Rotor Inertia0.298 g•cm2
Stage Specifications
Translation and Motion Parameters
Travel Range360° Continuous
Bidirectional Repeatabilitya±0.1°
Max Rotation Velocity25 deg/s
Min Achievable Incremental Motionc25 arcsecond
Min Repeatable Incremental Motiond0.03°
Percentage Accuracy0.1%
Home Location Accuracy±0.2°
Load Capacity
Horizontal On-Axis Load Capacity 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs)
Vertical On-Axis Load Capacity0.5 kg (1.1 lbs)
Dimensions131 mm x 23 mm x 83 mm
(5.18" x 0.91" x 3.26")
Weight0.21 kg (0.46 lb)
Cable Length0.5 m (1.6 ft)
  • 双方向から設定位置に戻る場合の再現性の平均値です。
  • ステージがある位置に移動した後、元の位置に戻す際、親ネジ機構のため移動量が小さくなることがあります。この損失はバックラッシュと呼ばれています。
  • ステージで移動できる最小ステップ量です。
  • ステージが標準誤差内で繰り返し行われる最小ステップ量です。




PRM1/MZ8には0.5 mのケーブルが付属しています。 2.5 mの延長ケーブル(PAA632)も別途お買い求めいただけます。

1Ground (Limit and Vcc)8Reserved For Future Use
2Reserved For Future Use9Ident Resistora
3Limit Switch10Vcc/Ident Resistor
4Reserved For Future Use11Encoder Channel B
5Motor (+)12Reserved For Future Use
6Reserved For Future Use13Encoder Channel A
7Motor (-)14, 15Reserved For Future Use
  • 当社のコントローラに接続されている際、ステージを識別するために使用します。

D型 オス




 Option 1 Option 2
 Option 3 Option 4


Cage System Rotation mount
PRM1(/M)Z8は、30 mm~60 mmケージプレートアダプタLCP02(/M)を2個、回転式ケージセグメントプレートCPU1(/M)を1個、ケージロッドER3を3個使用することによって、30 mmケージシステム 内でアライメントすることができます。これにより、光学アセンブリ内で電動回転マウントを作ることができます。PRM1(/M)Z8とCPR1(/M)を一緒に使用する場合の詳細については、右の動画をご参照ください。

PRM1(/M)Z8を使用したケージアセンブリの回転は、回転式ケージセグメントを使用することにより特定のセグメントに限定されます。PRM1(/M)Z8を30 mmケージシステムに組み込む方法については、左の画像をご参照ください。

「Unknown Stage」または「Phasing Error」の
  • KPRM1E: 143768
  • KPRM1E/M: 143906
  • PRM1Z8: 143086
  • PRM1Z8/M: 143681





  • 通信プロトコル
Software Download
Kinesis Software


Kinesisソフトウェアでは.NETコントロールを使用できるため、最新のC#、Visual Basic、LabVIEW™、あるいはその他の.NET対応言語を使用してカスタムプログラムを作成することができます。.NETフレームワークの使用を想定していないアプリケーションのために、ローレベルのDLLライブラリも含まれています。また、APIは各インストールに含まれています。中央シーケンスマネージャ(Central Sequence Manager)は、当社のすべてのモーションコントロール用ハードウェアの統合と同期の機能をサポートしています。



一部の製品はAPT™ソフトウェアパッケージでも操作が可能です。ソフトウェアに関する情報は、赤いアイコン(Docs Icon)内の資料に記載されています。APTソフトウェアの詳細については、こちらを参照してください。

Kinesis®ソフトウェアでは新しい.NETコントロールが使用でき、最新の最新のC#, Visual Basic, LabVIEW™、ほかの.NET対応言語を使用する開発者がカスタムにプログラムを作成することもできます。

このプログラミング言語はマルチプログラミングパラダイムやマルチプログラミング言語が使用可能となるよう設計されているため、複雑な問題が簡単かつ効率的に解決できます。型付け、命令型、宣言型、関数型、ジェネリック、オブジェクト指向、そしてコンポーネント指向が含まれます。 この共通のソフトウェアプラットフォームにより、1セットのソフトウェアツールを習得するだけで、あらゆるKinesisコントローラを簡単に組み合わせることができます。このようにして1軸システムのコントローラから多軸システムのコントローラまで、様々なコントローラを組み合わせ、全てを1台のPCのソフトウェアインターフェイスから制御することが可能となりました。


Kinesisモーションコントロールライブラリの構築の参考となる実行可能なプロジェクト機能拡張例については下のリンクをクリックしてください。なお、Quick Startのプロジェクト例の実行には別の統合開発環境(IDE)(Microsoft Visual Studioなど)が必要です。C#のプロジェクト例はKinesisソフトウェアパッケージに付属する.NETコントロールで実行可能です(詳細は「Kinesisソフトウェア」タブをご覧ください)。

C Sharp IconClick Here for the Kinesis with C# Quick Start Guide
Click Here for C# Example Projects
Click Here for Quick Start Device Control Examples
C Sharp Icon

LabVIEWは、.Netコントロールを介してKinesisまたはAPTベースのコントローラとの通信に使用できます。LabVIEWでは、ツールとオブジェクトでフロントパネルとして知られるユーザーインターフェイスを構築した後、グラフィカル表記の関数を使ってコードを追加し、フロントパネルのオブジェクトを制御します。下記のLabVIEWチュートリアルでは.Netコントロールを使用してLabVIEW内KinesisまたはAPT駆動デバイス用の制御GUIを作成するための情報をご提供しています。 LabVIEWでコントローラを制御する基本的な方法や、LabVIEW GUIを用いてデバイスを操作する前に行うべき設定の手順についても解説しています。

Labview IconClick Here to View the LabVIEW Guide
Click Here to View the Kinesis with LabVIEW Overview Page
Labview Icon


バーニヤ目盛は、均等に分割された標準的な目盛(当社の回転マウント、ゴニオステージ、移動マウントに付いている目盛など)に対して、精密さを向上させるために一般的に使用されている目盛です。バーニヤ目盛は多くの精密測定器に使用されていますが、中でも良く知られているのはノギスやマイクロメータです。バーニヤ目盛を使用するときは、主目盛とバーニヤ目盛の2つの目盛を並べて使用します。バーニヤ目盛は、主目盛のN - 1目盛に対してN目盛が対応するように刻まれているため、その間隔は主目盛よりも若干狭くなります。そのため、主目盛の刻線とバーニヤ目盛の刻線とは一致しません。バーニヤ目盛の刻線で主目盛の刻線と最も良く一致するのは通常1本だけですが、それがバーニヤ目盛を読む要所になります。




バーニヤ目盛は主目盛よりも10%小さくなっているので、バーニヤ目盛を主目盛の1/10だけ動かすと、バーニヤ目盛の次の刻線が一致します。ここで、測定値が1/10の精度を与えてくれるバーニヤ目盛の間にきてしまった場合はどうするのか、という疑問が生じます。図3ではこれについて説明しています。上述の通り、ポインタの刻線は75.6と75.7の間にあるので、大まかな読取値は75.6になります。よく見ると、バーニヤ目盛の7(青い矢印で表示)が主目盛とほぼ一致しているので、精密な測定値としては75.67になります。しかし、バーニヤ目盛の7は主目盛よりもわずかに上にあり、8(7のすぐ上)は主目盛よりもわずかに下にあります。このことから、図3の目盛は75.673 ± 0.002と読み取れます。この想定器では、読取誤差を約0.002とするのは適切です。

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 76.0
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 76.0
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 76.0
Click to Enlarge

図3:赤い矢印はポインタを示し、青い矢印は主目盛と一致するバーニヤ目盛の刻線を示しています。これは75.67と読み取れますが、より精密には75.673 ± 0.002と読むことができます。



バーニヤ目盛は、主目盛とバーニヤ目盛が単位を共有していない回転式の目盛でも使用できます。図4と図5では、主目盛には度(°)を単位とする刻線があり、バーニヤ目盛には5 arcmin(60 arcmin = 1°)毎の刻線がある場合について、2つの例をあげて説明しています。これらの図では、上が主目盛を表し、下の小さい目盛がバーニヤ目盛を表します。

図4では、ポインタは主目盛の341°の刻線と一致しています。これ以外に主目盛と一致しているバーニヤ目盛は±60 arcminだけであることに注目してください。バーニヤ目盛の0が主目盛の341°と一致しているので、図4から読み取れる値は341.00°になります。

バーニヤ目盛の0が主目盛の2本の刻線の間にある場合は、2通りの読み取り方ができます。1つ目の方法では、ポインタの左側で主目盛と一致しているバーニヤ目盛の刻線を読み取り、その値(単位はarcmin)をポインタのすぐ右側にある主目盛の値から引きます。例として、図5ではバーニヤ目盛のポインタは342°と343°の間にあります。バーニヤ目盛の左側の青い矢印を使用して読むと、343° - 15 arcmin = 342.75°になります。2つ目の方法は、バーニヤ目盛のポインタの右側にある青い矢印から読み取った値を、主目盛のポインタより左側の小さな値に加える方法です。図5の右側の青い矢印を使用して読むと、342° + 45 arcmin = 342.75°になります。


*逆バーニヤ目盛は目盛の間隔が主目盛よりも若干広く、主目盛のN + 1目盛に対してN目盛が対応するように刻まれています。

Figure 1: Vernier scale measuring 341.00°.
Click to Enlarge

図4: 主目盛の単位(度)とバーニヤ目盛の単位(arcmin)が異なる例。赤い矢印はポインタを示しています。この目盛では341.00°と読み取れます。
Figure 2: Vernier scale measuring 342.75°.
Click to Enlarge

図5:赤い矢印はポインタを示し、青い矢印はバーニヤ目盛で読み取れる精密な数値を示します。 この目盛では342.75°と読み取れます。

Posted Comments:
user  (posted 2024-08-07 01:38:54.947)
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to use the PRM1Z8 without the KDC101 controller. I need the PRM1Z8 to rotate uniformly and continuously through 360 degrees. Can this be achieved using only the PRM1Z8? Thank you.
do'neill  (posted 2024-08-09 04:32:13.0)
Thank you for reaching out. The motor will need a controller of some kind to control it. In addition, as the PRM1Z8 was designed with the KDC101 and other controllers are outside our control, we can not off much direct support when using 3rd party controllers so we would recommend using the KDC101 to control this stage. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application with you.
user  (posted 2024-05-13 14:20:17.347)
Hello, I am a user using a PRM1Z8. It shows continuously "Error Code - 35002" and "Error Message - Motor Overcurrent". Please let me know how can I solve this errror.
spolineni  (posted 2024-05-17 09:10:06.0)
Thank you for your enquiry. Few factors can cause an overcurrent error due to the motor drawing high current. I will reach out to you personally to provide further assistance in troubleshooting.
Benjamin Zhang  (posted 2024-05-10 04:20:41.657)
do'neill  (posted 2024-05-22 08:07:14.0)
Thank you for your feedback. An example for running the KDC101 in Python can be found here - https://github.com/Thorlabs/Motion_Control_Examples/blob/main/Python/KCube/KDC101/kdc101_pythonnet.py I will reach out to you directly to discuss you application.
Gülçin Ş. Aşkın  (posted 2024-01-29 21:20:53.767)
Hello. I have two MTS25/M-Z8. One of them shows "Motor overcurrent" error in Home command. (Error code: 35002). Please let me know what can I check to resolve this issue.
lijiong shen  (posted 2023-06-22 21:03:44.16)
can I use python serial commands in Linux system to control this device?
do'neill  (posted 2023-06-29 10:37:05.0)
Response from Daniel at Thorlabs. Our software is not designed to be used with Linux. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
Andrew C  (posted 2023-06-07 14:43:54.427)
Hi, I keep getting overload errors when I am using the PRM1Z8 rotation stage. These errors occur whether I am using the Kinesis or APT software. Is there a remedy for this? Thanks.
Guseon Kang  (posted 2023-05-07 19:33:02.647)
Hello. I am a user using two PRM1/M-Z8. Either one shows "Motor overcurrent" error in Home command. (Error code: 35002). Please let me know what can I check to resolve this issue.
do'neill  (posted 2023-05-09 07:42:41.0)
Response from Daniel at Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to discuss this with you.
Lionel Windels  (posted 2023-03-22 13:46:03.607)
I'm getting really upset with this PRM1Z8 device. Always getting soon or later the overload message. With no load, with load, with labview program, with Kinesis program... what is going wrong. For such an expensive device, it is seriously problematic such a sensitive situation. It also can't handle precise steps, after 60°jog at 5° angle it moved down to 59.8, then overload.
JReeder  (posted 2023-03-24 11:47:03.0)
Thanks for your enquiry. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing some issues with your PRM1Z8. I am reaching out to you to assist you with this and to help with troubleshooting
Dima Cheskis  (posted 2023-01-18 00:41:21.293)
Dear Sir/Madam, I'm writing a PRM1/MZ8 rotation mount software tool using the KDC101 brushed motor controller. I succeeded in rotating the mount, but I didn't find a command to change the direction of movement. I'm using APT software. Could you help me with this problem? Best, Dima Cheskis. Dr. Dima Cheskis Physics Department Ariel University
DJayasuriya  (posted 2023-01-18 06:50:50.0)
Thank you for your enquiry. With APT you are able to change the 'wheel settings' that would change the directional sense. We have go in touch with you directly to troubleshoot your issue.
Jong-ryul Choi  (posted 2022-07-12 19:14:13.67)
Dear engineer in Thorlabs, Hello! Actually, I need to connect two rotation stages (PRM1/MZ8E) orthogonally (90 degrees). Using this, I want to create a sample stage that moves in two dimensions by driving two rotation stages simultaneously through a computer. For this, please tell me the parts that can connect the two rotation stages (PRM1/MZ8E) at 90 degrees.
cwright  (posted 2022-07-15 06:58:37.0)
Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Thank you for your query. The easiest way to do this would be to us an M6 to M4 adapter such as AP6M4M and the PRM1SP1 mounting plate adapter.
Jaume Meseguer Sánchez  (posted 2022-06-29 15:37:49.45)
Good afternoon, I wanted to get the position of the rotator using labview by dividing the encoder count by 34,555, which is the value you specify for linear motors in the labview Kinesis guide. However, it seems that it does not work for rotators. Which is the number which I have to divide the encoder counter? Thank you very much in advance! Best, Jaume
DJayasuriya  (posted 2022-06-30 10:50:17.0)
Thank you for your inquiry. For the PRM1-Z8 encoder count per deg. is 1919.6418578623391. You would be able to find this in our com. protocol : https://www.thorlabs.com/Software/Motion%20Control/APT_Communications_Protocol.pdf
Sylvain M  (posted 2021-11-23 11:25:47.637)
Hello, I am experiencing trouble with the motorized precision rotation mount PRM1/MZ8 connected with the controller KDC101. Yesterday I tried to connect it with the software Kinesis, downloaded from your website. No matter if I asked for a given position or a pitch, the rotation mount would turn indefinitely until I disconnect the device with the function "Disable' on Kinesis. I tried to use it again today, but since then, the device is not responding, neither with Kenesis nor manually. It looks stuck and cannot be moved. I also tried to connect it with another power supply (TDC001) but it didn't move either. What could be the origin of this problem and how could I fix it? Thanks in advance
YLohia  (posted 2021-12-23 11:56:08.0)
Thank you for your feedback. To clarify, are you unable to get the PRM working using Kinesis or the KDC controller? Could you please email us a photo/video of the PRM and how it behaves when connecting to the cube using Kinesis and manually using the controller KDC? It may be that the lead screw of the PRM might need some grease if its stuck. We have reached out to you directly to troubleshoot further.
George Brown  (posted 2021-09-11 18:31:20.787)
In an earlier feedback, you state that the encoder calibration for the PRM1Z8 is 1919.64 steps per degree. Can you explain how this strange number is derived from the mechanical parameters of the stage and encoder?
cwright  (posted 2021-09-14 03:45:47.0)
Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Thank you for your query. The encoder for the Z8 motor counts the rotation of the motor itself. There are 512 counts to this encoder. There follows a gearbox after. This then connects to a worm drive and a wormwheel which rotates the moving world. The relationship is then: EncCounts/degree = (EncCounts * Gearbox_ratio) / (360°/wheel_teeth/worm_threads)). I will email you to discuss this further.
ilya r  (posted 2021-03-25 11:24:46.1)
Hello, Could you, please, explain your definition of Minimum vs Repeatable Incremental Motion? Let's say, I am measuring an angular dependence of something by doing unidirectional rotation with minimum steps. On the plot that I obtain, will the angular positions have error of 0.03 degree or 25 arcsec? Or should I rather look at bidirectional repeatability? Also, when the step is completed, is the stage completely motionless, or it could experience rotational vibrations due to, for example, electrical noise in the servo motor? In the latter case, what it the range of those oscillations?
cwright  (posted 2021-03-26 11:50:40.0)
Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Hello and thank you for your query. The minimum incremental motion is the measured minimum incremental motion that the stage can achieve. It does not mean it is repeatable. This may be more useful when aligning a component as the smallest move that can be made is desirable regardless of repeatability. The repeatable incremental motion is the minimum incremental motion repeatedly achieved within the standard error and is more useful for applications such as such as scanning where you would need a uniform step size. I will reach out to you to discuss your application and determine which specifications are most relevant.
Huang LongCheng  (posted 2020-12-25 02:56:59.427)
Hello there, Here is an issue about trouble shooting of PRM1Z8 rotation motor. I found that when set the position by APT or Kinesis software, the real position is incorrect. For example, if i set the position to 25 degrees, the panel on software does show 25 degrees, but in fact the scale on the motor shows its position is at 20 degrees. Here are two points I'm looking for some helps: 1. How do I fix these problem in software or hardware? 2. Why is the motor behave like these, is there any comment?
DJayasuriya  (posted 2021-01-07 05:37:07.0)
Thank you for your inquiry. I have contacted you directly to get this issue resolved.
Xiaoguang Sun  (posted 2020-08-24 11:04:38.397)
I have PRM1/M-Z8 with KDC001, do you have Labview VIs and examples?
cwright  (posted 2020-08-27 05:37:30.0)
Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Hello Xiaoguang, we do have examples available which can be downloaded from the website at the following link: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=12675&tabname=Example%20VIs. You may be particularly interested in Kinesis - KDC101 - Move Absolute and Kinesis - KDC101 - No Front Panel. You just have to enter the details of your controller, such as the serial number. If you have any issues with these your local technical support team will be happy to help.
user  (posted 2020-03-25 12:18:07.457)
Hello, i have few PRM1/M-Z8 and MTS50/M-Z8, controlled by TDC001 and KDC001. until now, we used them with Labview, but we would like to use Python 3.x. Do you have basic examples or procedure on how to do it, or how to start ? Regards,
DJayasuriya  (posted 2020-03-26 08:17:31.0)
Response from Dinuka at Thorlabs: Thank you for your query. We will get in touch directly to get more information about your issue.
user  (posted 2020-03-03 03:21:44.85)
Hello, we have three PRM1/MZ8 that we are having problem with. One of them is mechanically not functioning and two of them has encoder issues. Could you reach us through my e-mail, thank you.
DJayasuriya  (posted 2020-03-03 05:44:47.0)
Response from Dinuka at Thorlabs: Thanks for your query. We will get in touch directly to get more information about your issue.
Diane R  (posted 2020-01-28 05:53:53.57)
Hi, I am looking to control the PRM1/MZ8 with a TDC001 using Python. Would you have any short example to provide? Thanks a lot.
AManickavasagam  (posted 2020-01-28 07:54:10.0)
Response from Arunthathi at Thorlabs: Unfortunately, we do not offer a documentation for the use of the TDC with Python. However, we have some examples for its superseded version that are based on the C API and .NET API that are included in the Kinesis software package. I have contacted you directly with the available examples.
user  (posted 2019-11-14 06:05:47.017)
Hi, Is it possible to control the PRM1/MZ8 with the controllor KDC101 using Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) through Matlab? ActiveX is just for Windows and it should in principle work through serial. Do you have a wrapper for that? Thanks!
cwright  (posted 2019-11-21 08:53:25.0)
Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Hello and thank you for contacting us. We do have a short example for using serial commands with Matlab and I will reach out to you directly about this.
abhishek akn  (posted 2019-11-06 02:49:16.683)
What is the 'minimum speed (in deg/sec)' for PRM1/MZ8? Unlike the stepper motor rotation stage, we don't see this parameter in the specs tab...
cwright  (posted 2019-11-07 10:17:34.0)
Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Hello Abhishek, unfortunately we do not have a minimum velocity specification for this stage. Such a specification is typically hard to pin down as the minimum achievable velocity for a stage can be significantly affected by the velocity fluctuations resulting from the PID loop and at very low speeds any imperfection in the lead screw or even build up of grease can affect the reliability of this velocity. For the stepper motor this is easier to specify given the capability of the controller. Typically however, at very low speeds, the slower you go the more unstable your movement.
norihiro matsusaka  (posted 2019-10-19 13:41:08.143)
Hi ”OVER LOAD” appears on the digital display. What does it mean?
AManickavasagam  (posted 2019-10-22 06:43:33.0)
Response from Arunthathi at Thorlabs: Thanks for your query. This would be associated with the input drive current. I have contacted you directly to troubleshoot and resolve this issue you have.
AManickavasagam  (posted 2019-10-22 06:43:33.0)
Response from Arunthathi at Thorlabs: Thanks for your query. This would be associated with the input drive current. I have contacted you directly to troubleshoot and resolve this issue you have.
andrey  (posted 2018-07-18 12:30:20.847)
What is this device accuracy? Specs says that bidirectional repeatability, backlash, home location accuracy are 0.1, 0.3 and 0.2 degrees? Is this true? How do you achieve 25 arcsecond (=0.007 deg) incremental motion precision with that repeatability? Did you mean 0.1, 0.3, 0.2 mdeg? What is the encoder accuracy?
bhallewell  (posted 2018-07-19 07:05:11.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: Thank you for your question. The Minimum Achievable Motion is not a repeatable value - this spec would instead be the Minimum Repeatable Incremental Motion which is specced as 0.03°. The Minimum Achievable Incremental Motion will be the smallest possible jog that could be achieved being the a description of the possible lower limit of incremental motion. The calculated resolution based on the encoder resolution is 2 arcsec based on the encoder resolution which will output 1919.64 EncCounts/degree.
f..e.jones-16  (posted 2017-08-22 14:02:35.067)
Dear Thorlabs I am having difficulty with selecting the motor in the activeX control icon, when i select it and get the list of options, the selection for the motor is not there. I've attempted all varieties of the software and none of them allow me to select the motor controller option. I'm running the 32-bit LabVIEW on a 64-bit computer.
bhallewell  (posted 2017-08-23 09:21:22.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: This will likely be due to an incompatibility between the version of APT you've downloaded & the version of your OS or LabVIEW. I would recommend an uninstall of your current software & instead installing the 'APT 32-bit Software for 64-bit Windows' option from the 'APT Software' tab in the link below. https://www.thorlabs.com/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=Motion_Control Please contact techsupport.uk@thorlabs.com if the problem persists.
dolerite  (posted 2017-05-25 17:33:27.63)
Dear Manager, After Installed APT Software. I tried to Active X of APT to make a program with Visual C++ to control KDC101. But It is impossible to insert "Active X" in the dialogue box because "MGMotor Control" is not listed in the list of Active X. Please let me know how to insert "Active X" supplied by APT software in the Visual C++ program.
tcampbell  (posted 2017-06-05 10:35:54.0)
You can find our video tutorials in the following link to clarify the steps for inserting the ActiveX control in your Visual C++ project. https://www.thorlabs.com/tutorials/APTProgramming.cfm If the Active X control doesn't exist in this, this may be due to installing a version of APT which isn't compatible with platform type of Visual Studio e.g. running 64-bit APT ActiveX controls within a 32-bit platform. A Tech Support representative has contacted you to assist you further.
samini  (posted 2016-12-05 17:49:03.893)
I have PRM1/MZ7 (& TDC001) devices. OS of my computer is windows 7 (64-bit). I try to recognized those devices in "APT config", but it didn't. I check that my computer recognized the devices. In the interface of APT config (stage tap), it did not show the S/Ns of those devices. Without recognizing in APT config, I tried to execute vi (labview) program. In that case, it is worked but inproperly. Namely, it is recognized as other device such as linear stage. So I can't control the devices as I want. How can I fixed this problem ? And I also use Kinesis program. In this case, Kinesis program works properly. But, in this case, adding DLL process in vi program has problem. When I insert "Thorlabs.MotionControl.Controls.dll" in step of "Select .NET Control", some pop-up message is arised such as - version is not matched. Because version of my labview is 2011. How can I properly control those devices in labview 2011 ?
bhallewell  (posted 2016-12-15 11:58:14.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: It may be worth checking the USB connection with the device in your OS device manager first to ensure the devices are connected successfully. I would advise ensuring that in APTConfig, simulator mode is un-checked & the dwell time is increased. It is good practise to check in APTUser if your devices are connected & working properly before running your LabVIEW program. The error message that you are seeing maybe a result of the version of software you have downloaded. Please ensure this matches the type of LabVIEW you are running & that this is for a 64-bit OS. I will contact you directly to make sure you're up & running.
alexander.hupfer  (posted 2016-11-11 06:56:07.95)
Can this products be used in soft vacuum?
bhallewell  (posted 2016-11-11 04:36:46.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: This stage is not designed for use in a vacuum environment.
zachary.wach  (posted 2016-09-26 12:29:04.777)
Can this product be utilized by LabVIEW?
bhallewell  (posted 2016-09-27 05:06:53.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: Hi Zachary - yes it can! Our free motion control software package called Kinesis can be found in the following link, along with a guide to making use of .NET framework controls within LabVIEW. https://www.thorlabs.de/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=Motion_Control
joos  (posted 2016-08-22 09:23:00.17)
My PRM1Z8 turns forever when homing so I can't "home" my device. The homing parameters are correct and it used to work before. The hardware limit switch looks fine (the half-ball of the moving piece touchs the small needle of the fixed piece). Can the contact between ball and needle be rusted for not using the device in a long time ? Help would be appreciated. Thanks. Maxime Joos
bhallewell  (posted 2016-08-23 03:11:06.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. This is most likely a fault with the limit switch assembly within the stage. I will contact you directly regarding repair of the device.
smee  (posted 2015-10-09 12:24:41.037)
Hi, I'm not sure which software I should install: the APT Software or the Kinesis? Which one is "better" considering the system load i.e. less CPU/RAM-usage; needs to install less drivers; runs faster? My system is Win7-32bit. Thanks
bhallewell  (posted 2015-10-09 09:58:07.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: Thank you for your email. The answer here is Kinesis. This is our recently released software package which in facts utilises the same drivers & FTDI communication protocol as our APT software. Kinesis however does hold improved functionality such as an advanced move sequencer & being able to stop & re-establish communications with motion control devices during runtime.
cjacobs  (posted 2015-03-06 11:10:59.677)
Referring my previous post regarding the stage identification working in APT but not in labview with our own cable. I have some new info. We must have used an old pin diagram which does not have pin 9 (ident). Our cable has lines 1,2,3,5,7,10,11,13,15). It will be difficult to redo the cables. Would it be possible to a) force the labview driver to the PRM1Z8 bypassing the ident feature? b) use the ident method used in APT c) put a ident resistor inside the dsub connector between pin 9 and 1 on the driver side. What value to use? I measure ~3875 Ohm. How accurate must this resistor value be? Please assist!
rcapehorn  (posted 2015-03-10 01:04:57.0)
Response from Rob at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry you are having issues using our product with your extension lead. As you have said, the issue is related to the ident resistor and the fact that you have not extended the pin 9 connection. I will email you directly with a solution.
cjacobs  (posted 2015-03-06 08:24:25.623)
Hi, we developed our own little labview VI with the labview drivers provided. All worked fine with the PRM1Z8 connected directly to the cube driver. Recently, we built our own extension cable with the DSUB pin-outs as provided in the manuals. Using the thorlabs APT software, everything detects 100% and works as expected. However, if we use our labview program, the PRM1Z8 is detected as a linear stage Z606(B). Any suggestion how to fix the problem?
user  (posted 2014-05-26 14:42:47.89)
Hi! Where can I download the software of the stage? Is there anything new? I am using aptuser 1.0.22 and for the config version 1.1.0 Is in a newer version the "bwait" function working? Many thanks for your help. Best regards, Cornelia
msoulby  (posted 2014-05-27 09:46:58.0)
Response by Mike at Thorlabs: The software can be downloaded from the following location http://www.thorlabs.de/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=APT this should install the latest software version. You should then run the APT firmware utility to update the firmware to the latest version. The bWait function does work correctly, if the bWait parameter is set to 'False', the method returns as soon as the moving sequence has been initiated. If bWait is set to 'True', then any move command returns only after the motors have finished homing. When a client application needs to perform a move sequence, it is more efficient programming practice to set bWait to 'False' and respond to the Move Complete event. This event driven approach allows a client application to service other tasks while the motors are moving. If you need any further help please provide us with an email address or contact us at techsupport.uk@thorlabs.com
cjacobs  (posted 2014-04-16 19:19:55.35)
Please update the product overview to clearly state that this rotates the whole cage and not the optic inside the cage system. The current sentence "Four #4-40 holes are provided so that the PRM1Z8 can be incorporated into a cage system" is misleading. The true operation is only clear once you look at the detailed photos in the mounting tab or in the documents. We bought this assuming it would rotate the optic inside the cage. Rotating the whole cage seem rather pointless. We probably would have bought it regardless as their is no alternative to automate rotation of an optic inside the cage - BUT it would have been nice to know this upfront!
msoulby  (posted 2014-04-17 04:14:24.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback, you are correct the PRM1MZ8 is not cage compatible and we will update the website to reflect this. Please accept our apologies for any confusion caused. We are currently developing a fully 30mm cage compatible motorised rotation stage to fill this gap in our product range and we expect this to be released towards the end of the year.
myanakas  (posted 2014-04-17 10:03:43.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: Thank you for pointing out this problem with our presentation. I will work to make it more clear as to how this product works. Though it is true that this product will rotate the entire cage system and not just the optic, we do offer the CPR1 Rotating Cage Plate Segment (http://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=7075) which might help solve the problem you are having. This will allow the cage segment between the CPR1 and the PRM1Z8 to have full 360 degree rotation while keeping the rest of the cage system fixed. However, it should be noted that there are only 4-40 tapped holes on the front of the rotation mount, so the PRM1Z8 cannot be placed in the center of a cage system.
h.aguiar  (posted 2014-04-16 11:12:59.943)
Is it possible to control this device through Matlab? Thanks in advance. Hilton
msoulby  (posted 2014-04-17 04:07:55.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: Yes it is possible to control this device through Matlab, I have contacted you directly with a short user guide on how to incorporate our motors into Matlab.
Arthur.Varkentin  (posted 2014-02-13 09:54:16.463)
Is it possible to combine this mount (PRM1/MZ8) with the angle plate MSAP90/M? My goal is to get a well defined arbitrary tilt angle for a sample which is located on the angle plate. The light goes from top to bottom.
msoulby  (posted 2014-02-17 06:29:53.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: The PRM1/MZ8 was primarily designed to hold 1” optics and SM1 threaded components. I have contacted you directly with a possible solution.
jason.hoelscher  (posted 2014-01-21 16:25:58.573)
Do you have motorized rotation mounts which afford higher rotation speeds (say at least 360°/s)?
msoulby  (posted 2014-01-21 10:32:41.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: At this time we do not currently have a rotation stage that can operate at these speeds. However we are currently developing a new rotation stage that will use brushless DC motors. We are aiming to have a maximum rotation speed of 1080deg/s. We recently demonstrated a prototype of this stage at a tradeshow and expect the final release to happen within the next few months.
user  (posted 2013-12-16 16:53:55.177)
Please can you tell me what temperature range the motor will work over?
msoulby  (posted 2013-12-18 04:09:16.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: We only recommend using the stage at ambient room temperatures. As it currently stands we do not test them nor have the ability to test them at temperatures outside this range. As a result we are unable to verify any operation at lower temperatures. However cooling down a stage to below the dew point will cause condensation to build up both on and inside the stage. This excessive moisture could potentially cause problems, and as outlined in the manual this should be avoided. From manual: “If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired. In particular, excessive moisture may impair operation. Spillage of fluid, such as sample solutions, should be avoided. If spillage does occur, clean up immediately using absorbent tissue. Do not allow spilled fluid to enter the internal mechanism.”
user  (posted 2013-08-14 14:32:03.443)
I am currently trying to use the PRM1Z8 as a rotatable sample holder. Is it possible to constrict the rotation angle between two fixed values (i.e. 0° and 30°) or at least rule out full rotations when homing? I've tried to change the maximum and minimum position in the instrument settings but that doesn't seem to do anything.
pbui  (posted 2013-08-20 18:11:00.0)
Response from Phong at Thorlabs: Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, APT does not feature the ability to limit the rotation angle between a specified range. However, you may be able to accomplish this in a third party programming environment such as LabVIEW. To avoid full rotations when homing, you can edit the Motor Drive settings that would determine which direction the stage would spin. You can also change the "Panel Display Rotation Move Mode" under the "Rotation Stages" tab to the Rotate Quickest setting. If you have any further questions, please contact techsupport@thorlabs.com
claudia.ruizdegalarretafanjul  (posted 2013-08-01 11:42:55.853)
I am trying to work with PRM1Z8 and I am completely UNABLE to run the installation software from the DVD under Windows 8 (I can do it with other IOS): the DVD is not recognized at all by my PC. Please help? Regards Claudia
jlow  (posted 2013-08-01 11:17:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We currently do not support Windows 8 yet. I apologize for this inconvenience.
kam233  (posted 2013-05-16 16:44:57.6)
I'm working with PRM1Z8 and TDC001, trying to interface with Matlab. Is it necessary to have the Gauges Blockset in Simulink to control it? If not, do you have any examples of Activex control in Matlab? Should I be using Simulink at all? There aren't many examples or helpful tutorials online that I can find. Thank you.
jlow  (posted 2013-05-21 15:22:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: You don't need Simulink. We have a short tutorial for importing APT into Matlab at http://www.thorlabs.com/tutorials/Thorlabs_APT_MATLAB.docx.
dipankar.sarkar  (posted 2013-05-08 06:15:29.13)
PRM1/MZ8E: is it possible to switch of/reduce the backlash movement? Thanks.
jlow  (posted 2013-05-09 11:28:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: You can change/turn off the backlash correction movement at the end of every move. This setting is designed to help reduce the natural backlash of the stage and ensure all positions are approached from one direction. This can be changed in the settings menu in APT User. I will contact you directly to provide a screenshot for the location of that setting.
ps2c11  (posted 2013-03-06 04:35:01.02)
Hi, I need to oscillate sinusoidally between two angles as requested by "steve.biedrzycki". From Thorlabs response to his question I suspect you had a potential solution to this problem. Would you be able to pass this information on to me too?
cdaly  (posted 2013-03-07 11:26:00.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for using our web feedback. It is not possible to move the stage at a non-constant velocity profile within the APT software without first ending a move to change the velocity. i have not come across any way in third party software like LabView that would all this to be done either.
teemu.hakala  (posted 2013-02-11 14:12:19.25)
Would it be possible to have an adapter plate to the PRM1 rotator? Plate should have SM1 threaded hole in the middle and threads/holes for 30 and 60mm cage systems. This would then be mounted to the backside of the rotator using the existing mounting holes on PRM1. This adapter would allow eg. having a fixed polarizer on one side of the rotator and rotating retarder on the other side.
jlow  (posted 2013-02-11 09:24:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: This adapter is not something that we have at the moment but I do see it as being quite useful. I will get in contact with you directly and discuss about possibly making this as a custom for you.
bruno.ono  (posted 2013-02-08 08:48:35.587)
I like to know why PRM1Z8 dont work with program Thorlabs APT USER. I updated the program and when tried to rotate the stage with APT USER, it do not rotates, but on the TDC cube 001, it work perfectly. The computer recognize the machine in USB port. thank you Bruno
jlow  (posted 2013-02-08 09:57:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: I apologize for the issue you are having with the PRM1Z8 and TDC001. I will contact you directly to troubleshoot this issue.
tcohen  (posted 2013-01-22 09:21:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: We have tested the radiated emission for a TDC001 when used with a Z8 motor (used inside the PRM1Z8E). Initial scans performed in a semi-anechoic screened room at a distance of 3m were sufficiently below the limit line that it was not considered necessary to move to an open area test site. I will send you our findings.
olsonaj  (posted 2013-01-14 14:58:44.337)
I called and talked with a rep about this, but wanted to confirm. I am hoping to put this about a meter away from an experiment which is sensitive to magnetic fields. Can you measure the steady state and transient (while moving) magnetic fields from this device both radial and axially? Thanks
jlow  (posted 2012-10-03 11:09:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The “Ident Resistor” pin is used to identify certain Thorlabs stages that are connected to our controller. There’s no index pulse for the PRM1Z8. There is only one limit switch on the PRM1Z8 and it is triggered when a silvered half-ball on the moving world makes contact with a corresponding notch on the fixed world. The default settings will ignore the limit switch during normal operation, however it will become active when the motor is being homed.
user  (posted 2012-09-28 17:50:31.0)
Can you tell me for what pin 9 "Ident Resistor" stands for? Does the rotational stage encoder have an "index" pulse for a home position? Thanks in advance.
tcohen  (posted 2012-08-15 10:08:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Grounding issues can cause the order to matter. Due to this we recommend following the connection procedure as outlined in the controller manual. First, please ensure that you close any APT software. Connect the TDC001 to the PC and only connect the power afterwards. After this, you can configure your motor and stage in APTConfig. If you have any other difficulties, our technical support team can assist you directly at techsupport@thorlabs.com.
korea  (posted 2012-08-14 10:32:15.0)
I tried to use APT configuration utility after connecting the controller to pc. In the 'stage' tab, followed by 'Motor' field doesn't give any serial number(It show only 'none'). Also, When I click APT user it pops up an error window saying that "Failed to load application setting. nconfiguration system failed to initialize" Pleae help me out this. Thanks in advance.
tcohen  (posted 2012-06-12 14:02:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Example VI’s for integrating into LabVIEW using the recommended TDC001 controller can be found on the distribution disk as well as on our “Software and Support” tab at http://www.thorlabs.com/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=APT. You can also follow along with our guide at http://www.thorlabs.com/images/TabImages/GuideToLabVIEWandAPT.pdf which explains how to start interfacing within LabVIEW. Information on all of the method controls can be found in the APT Server Help at your downloaded directly > Thorlabs > APT > Help > APT Server Help. I will contact you for further support.
tekavec  (posted 2012-06-09 14:01:51.0)
Do you have any example LabView VI's that control the PRM1Z8? I know there are the videos that show a few things with ActiveX, just wondering if you have anything else that could help me out. I'm trying to integrate moving the rotation stage into a another Labview program that I have. Thanks.
tcohen  (posted 2012-05-01 12:44:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs to Philipp: I will contact you to provide detailed troubleshooting instructions. For any others who may experience a similar issue: please first try changing the homing direction to forward in APT. If this does not work, please try changing the association to the PRM1/Z7 in “APT Config”, running the stage and switching back to the PRM1/Z8. If neither of these solve the problem, it is possible that the limit switch needs evaluation. Please contact us at techsupport@thorlabs.com for further troubleshooting.
philipp.bethge  (posted 2012-05-01 17:35:52.0)
hi I have exactly the same problem as anne.hildenbrand: --> Hi, I am using a rotation stage PRM1/MZ8E with a TDC001 controller. Since I used manually, I am having problems homing the stage. It rotates and never stop. I try with other TDCOO1 cubes and the problem is the same. Can you help me ? Thanks in adavance. please contact me as well cheers philipp
james.beedell  (posted 2012-04-12 12:31:23.0)
Hi, Please can you tell me what temperature range the motor will work over and how long the cable that connects it to the control box is? Are different lengths available? Thanks.
tcohen  (posted 2012-03-21 11:04:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for contacting us. We have not captured MTBF data on this product and your results will be dependent on both your definition (out of specification or failure) and the environment of use. For example, some of the things that could fail are the motor, bearings and gearing. The bearings will depend on the duty cycle as well as the environment and the gearing wear will be dependent on load. I have contacted you to discuss your use and further discuss the MTBF.
jeulin  (posted 2012-03-16 03:35:54.0)
Hi. What is the MTBF of the stage PRM1/MZ8?
tcohen  (posted 2012-02-29 10:15:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs to Anne: Thank you for your feedback. This is either due to the homing settings or the physical limit switch. I have contacted you directly for troubleshooting.
anne.hildenbrand  (posted 2012-02-28 09:06:18.0)
Hi, I am using a rotation stage PRM1/MZ8E with a TDC001 controller. Since I used manually, I am having problems homing the stage. It rotates and never stop. I try with other TDCOO1 cubes and the problem is the same. Can you help me ? Thanks in adavance.
bdada  (posted 2011-06-20 17:31:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs: Thank you very much for your feedback. There are a couple things that you can check. Does the second computer have the APT software package installed completely? Does the hardware show up in the windows device manager? In the APT config setting of the second computer, make sure that you uncheck the "enable simulation mode". If you use a different PRM1-Z7 on the second computer, was the serial number set correctly in your program? Please contact TechSupport@thorlabs.com if you need to continue troubleshooting this issue.
greg  (posted 2011-06-20 10:25:46.0)
I have written a Labview vi to control the PRM1-Z7 and have tried to build an exe. to deploy on another computer. However the exe cannot recognise the motor on the other machine any reason for this or pointers to why this is happening? Customer Email: greg@novelpolymers.com This customer would like to be contacted.
jjurado  (posted 2011-05-13 09:31:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: Thank you very much for your feedback. We will modify the technical drawings to show the distances from the optical axis to the mounting holes of this rotation mount. Will will upload the drawing to the web once the changes have been made. In the meantime, please contact us at techsupport@thorlabs.com if you have any further questions or comments.
user  (posted 2011-05-05 17:57:20.0)
Unless I am reading the drawing wrong, it seems that the AutoCad PDF for the PRM1Z8 does not have the distances from the optical axis to the mounting points labeled. This is actually the most important dimension, I think...
miguel.araque  (posted 2011-02-10 13:14:02.0)
Hi, We are having problems homing our stage: it just goes on spinning until we tell it to stop via APT-user. Full-stop also takes a while to reach (10 sec or so). We tried all possible combinations of limit switches/HW switches and homing directions to no avail. We tried with other TDC001 cubes, as we have three, and the problem persists. Any feedback would we welcome.
jjurado  (posted 2011-02-02 14:44:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to jripoll: Thank you very much for submitting your inquiry. The BSC101 is not compatible with the PRM1Z8 rotation stage for two reasons: (1) It is designed for stepper motor actuators. The BDC101 is the recommended controller for high-current DC servo actuators. (2) The high current output of the BSC/BDC series controllers exceeds the electrical input parameter of the Z8 actuators. The recommended controller is the TDC001. We will update our website to make this information clearer.
jripoll  (posted 2011-02-02 05:44:47.0)
Can I control the PRM1Z8E with the high current BSC101 controller?
tor  (posted 2011-01-10 11:40:38.0)
Response from Tor at Thorlabs to Will: The actual rotation of the stage would need to be measured independently in order to accurately determine the angular displacement from encoder counts.
willtalmadge  (posted 2010-12-23 04:54:47.0)
In the specifications it says that there are 34,304 encoder counts per output shaft rotation. Im having trouble finding out how to convert output shaft revolutions to the stage angular displacement. Im familiar with the pitch value of 17.87. However, if I assume that is 17.87 degrees / shaft-rev I dont seem to get useful velocities in counts/sec to send to the TDC001 when instructing it to home. Plus that seems like a rather large value if I assume the shaft is a worm drive. Ive read the LM628 documentation so Im familiar with how velocity is supposed to be calculated in counts/sample. Could someone perhaps clarify this so I can be converting velocity values is deg/sec to counts/sec in an accurate manner?
tor  (posted 2010-11-12 16:54:42.0)
A response from Tor at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry. While we have not tested this, our engineer indicates that this may be possible using MoveVelocity and stopprofiled commands. I will send command details to you directly.
steve.biedrzycki  (posted 2010-11-11 15:06:08.0)
I need to do a sinusoidal variation between two angles. Is it possible to cycle between two positions without pausing with a non-linear velocity profile? What factors limit the cycle rate?
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-09-23 17:47:19.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to michaelorger: The PAA632 extension cable is compatible with the PRM1-Z7 rotation mount.
michaelorger  (posted 2010-09-23 11:49:53.0)
Does the PAA632 work with the Z7 rotation mount? If not, is there an extension cable available for the Z7? Thanks
user  (posted 2010-05-06 12:32:01.0)
A response from Oli at Thorlabs to Thomas: Yes, Absolutely. You just need to set the limit switch settings to either ignore or home only and the display mode to continuous. Then it should work fine.
thomas.juffmann  (posted 2010-05-06 11:49:08.0)
Hi, can I run the prm1z8 continuously in one direction (more than one revolution?)? cheers.
user  (posted 2010-05-05 08:41:47.0)
A response from Oliver at Thorlabs: It may be that you have not correctly configured the motor and driver in APT config, or the stage may have an error. Please feel free to contact me at techsupport.uk@thorlabs.com to disscuss the problem further.
user  (posted 2010-05-04 18:49:04.0)
i think my problem is similar to lundeen below - i have this system and using the APT software gives unrepeatable position readouts. where can you put in a lookup table on the APT software? and can you account for this drift in the stage position? it seems like a lookup table wont solve this.
ohoward  (posted 2009-11-30 10:50:20.0)
A response from Oliver at Thorlabs to jeff.lundeen: The encoder output of the motor is used to give you the position output. An effective pitch that takes into account the gearing of the worm drive is used. To find the encoder count you divide the position by the pitch (17.87) and multiply the result by the encoder counts per rev (512). The encoder simply measures the rotation of the motor, not of the stage. If you have sufficient measuring equipment you can calibrate the actual turn of the stage with the encoder count (or position output). Once you have created this lookup table APT config allows you to associate this calibration file with the stage.
jeff.lundeen  (posted 2009-11-23 18:18:06.0)
I have the PRM1Z8 and the TDC001 controller. Does the user have access to the encoder output? How is the actual position determined? Unlike the linear motors, there is no encoder settings in the APT user software for the PRM1Z8, so it is not clear what role the encoder plays? e.g. can we calibrate the rotate vs encoder counts and then use this for more accurate movement (as is done in the linear motors)?
klee  (posted 2009-10-26 17:42:32.0)
A response from Ken at Thorlabs to shalin.mehta: Unfortunately, we do not have any motorized rotation stage that can be used in the 60mm cage system.
shalin.mehta  (posted 2009-10-26 04:10:16.0)
I need to use a motorized rotation mount inside a 60mm cage system. I want to mount a 1" optic in a light-path consisting of cage system and need to rotate the optic through computer. Is there a way of assembling above (or another) motorized rotation mount in 60mm cage system? -Shalin
klee  (posted 2009-08-12 14:34:10.0)
A response from Ken at Thorlabs to wu47: Yes, you can use LabView to control PRM1/MZ8E. There are video tutorials available on our website. http://www.thorlabs.com/tutorials/APTProgramming.cfm
wu47  (posted 2009-08-12 13:41:37.0)
can I use labview to control PRM1/MZ8E?
jens  (posted 2009-06-02 20:03:30.0)
A reply from Jens at Thorlabs: the 0.5 degree step size will not be a problem for the motorized PRM stage, so I am not entirely sure if you are referring to another degree of freedom like adding tip/tild in addition to the rotation. That would require a combination of the rotation stage with another element on top of it. As for the low temperature condensation could be a concern but we will not to check the requirements in detail. I will contact you directly to discuss all possible solutions.
topasnadm  (posted 2009-06-02 10:07:25.0)
Do you have something similar to PRM1Z8 for which one can get 0.5 degree change in angle? It has to be motorized and go to low temperatures as well (approx 0F). Thank you.
Tyler  (posted 2008-10-22 11:11:20.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to odd.england: The PRM1-Z7 is DC motor driven rotation stage and requires a DC Servo Motor driver with a computer interface in order to be controlled by a computer. The TDC001 is one of our DC servo motor drivers. It has a USB interface that comes with a fully functional graphical software interface and Active X controls for those that want to program their own interface. For assistance choosing the best driver for your application please contact our technical support team. Thank you for your interest in our motorized rotation stage.
odd.england  (posted 2008-10-21 14:14:36.0)
hello, I was wondering if the PRM1-Z7 hooks directly up to a PC and if i were to hook it up to a PC, would i need the Servo Motor Controller? cheers.
Laurie  (posted 2008-10-07 09:04:10.0)
Response from Laurie at Thorlabs to milan.vrastil: Thank you for your feedback. We have measured the accuracy of the angular position of the PRM1 to be 0.1 degrees. By this, we mean the sum of all uncertainties of the device including stiction/friction, influence of elastic deformations, windup and design resolution (not including backlash since we are only considering one direction of rotation).
milan.vrastil  (posted 2008-09-30 00:48:00.0)
What is accuracy of angular position of PRM1?
Tyler  (posted 2008-06-19 11:15:30.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to lsandstrom: The linear play of the rotating platform in the housing is +/- 0.00075" (19 um) worst case and +/-0.00025" (6um)best case. As a result the worst case eccentricity of a spot located one inch from the center of rotation would be 0.00075. I hope that this answers your question; if not, please post again. We appreciate your feedback.
lsandstrom  (posted 2008-06-17 07:12:15.0)
What is the PRM1 wobble and eccentricity specification?


当社では手動式および電動式の回転マウントと回転ステージを豊富にご用意しております。回転マウントの内孔はØ12 mm~Ø12.7 mm(Ø1/2インチ)Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)、またはØ50 mm~Ø50.8 mm(Ø2インチ) の光学素子取付け用に設計されております*。また回転ステージには、様々な部品やシステムが取り付けられるようにタップ穴が配置されております。電動式は、DCサーボモータ、2相ステッピングモータ、あるいはElliptec™共振ピエゾモータにより駆動されます。いずれも360°の連続回転が可能です。 

*下表のマウントは、Ø12.7 mm、Ø25.4 mm、Ø50.8 mmの光学素子に対して最適設計されています。Ø12.0 mm、Ø25.0 mm、Ø50.0 mmなどの少し小さい光学素子に対してもご使用いただけますが、光学素子の偏心が重要ではない用途でのご使用をお勧めします。


Rotation Mounts for Ø1/2" Optics
Item #MRM05(/M)RSP05(/M)CRM05PRM05(/M)aSRM05KS05RSCT104
Click Photo
to Enlarge
FeaturesMini SeriesStandardExternal SM1
(1.035"-40) Threads
Micrometer16 mm Cage-Compatible±4° Kinematic Tip/Tilt Adjustment Plus RotationCompatible with 30 mm Cage Translation Stages and 1/4" Translation Stagesb
Additional Details
  • こちらのマウントはPRM05GL5/M(回転マウントPRM05/Mと偏光プリズムマウントSM05PM5のセット)に含まれております。
  • CT104は当社のアダプタープレートMS103/Mを用いることで、移動量6.4 mm(1/4インチ)の移動ステージに取り付けられます。
  • CT104は30 mmケージシステム用移動ステージCT1A/M に対応します。

Rotation Mounts for Ø1" Optics
Item #RSP1(/M)LRM1RSP1D(/M)DLM1(/M)CLR1(/M)RSP1X15(/M)RSP1X225(/M)PRM1(/M)a
Click Photo
to Enlarge
FeaturesStandardExternal SM1
(1.035"-40) Threads
Adjustable ZeroTwo Independently Rotating CarriagesRotates Optic Within
Fixed Lens Tube System
Continuous 360° Rotation
or 15° Increments
Continuous 360° Rotation
or 22.5° Increments
Additional Details
  • こちらのマウントはPRM1GL10/M(回転マウントPRM1/Mと偏光プリズムマウントSM1PM10のセット)に含まれております。 

Rotation Mounts for Ø1" Optics
Item #LM1-A &
Click Photo
to Enlarge
FeaturesOptic Carriage Rotates Within Mounting Ring30 mm Cage-Compatiblea30 mm Cage-Compatible
for Thick Opticsa
30 mm Cage-Compatible
with Micrometera
±4° Kinematic Tip/Tilt Adjustment Plus RotationSix-Axis
Kinematic Mounta
Additional Details
  • こちらのマウントには回転ダイヤルにM3穴が4つ付いており、プリズム取付け用プラットフォームK6A1/Mを取り付けられます。

Rotation Mounts for Ø2" Optics
Item #RSP2(/M)RSP2D(/M)PRM2(/M)LM2-A &
Click Photo to Enlarge
MicrometerOptic Carriage Rotates Within Mounting Ring60 mm Cage-Compatible±4° Kinematic Tip/Tilt Adjustment Plus RotationSix-Axis Kinematic Mount
Additional Details
Rotation Drive Mechanism and Adjustment RangeManual, 360° ContinuousCoarse: Manual, 360° Continuous;
Fine: ±7° Micrometer
Manual, 360° Continuous
Optic MountingInternally SM2-Threaded CarriageInternal SM2 Threads
in LM2-A
Internally SM2-Threaded Carriage
Maximum Accepted Optic Thickness0.51" (13 mm)0.54" (13.7 mm)0.48" (12.2 mm)0.46" (11.7 mm)0.52" (13.2 mm)0.47" (12 mm)0.53" (13.4 mm)
Post Mounting8-32 (M4) Tap8-32 (M4) Tap in LM2-B8-32 (M4) TapFour Counterbores for 8-32 (M4) Cap ScrewsSix Counterbores for 8-32 (M4) Cap Screws
Cage System CompatibilityN/AFour 4-40 (M3) Taps on Rotation Dial
with 60 mm Spacing
N/AFour Bores for
Ø6 mm Cage Rods
with 60 mm Spacing


Manual Rotation Stages
Item #RP005(/M)PR005(/M)MSRP01(/M)RP01(/M)RP03(/M)QRP02(/M)
Click Photo
to Enlarge
Continuous Rotation Mount
FeaturesStandardTwo Hard Stops
Additional Details

Manual Rotation Stages
Item #XRNR1(/M)XRR1(/M)PR01(/M)CR1(/M)XYR1(/M)OCT-XYR1(/M)
Click Photo
to Enlarge
FeaturesFine Rotation Adjuster and
2" Wide Dovetail Quick Connect
Fine Rotation Adjuster and
3" Wide Dovetail Quick Connect
Fine Rotation Adjuster and
SM1-Threaded Central Aperture
Fine Pitch Worm GearRotation and 1/2" Linear XY Translation
Additional Details
  • ステージをネジスロットで取り付けた場合、75.7 mmアリ溝を使用して他のステージまたはアクセサリに重ねて取り付けた場合よりも高くなります。
  • ステージOCT-XYR1/MにはプレートXYR1Aが付いています。このプレートを取り外すとステージXYR1/Mと同様の取付け機能となります。


Motorized Rotation Mounts and Stages with Central Clear Apertures
Item #DDR25(/M)PDR1C(/M)PDR1(/M)PDR1V(/M)PDXR1(/M)
Click Photo
to Enlarge
FeaturesCompatible with
SM05 Lens Tubes,
16 mm Cage System, &
30 mm Cage System
Compatible with
16 mm Cage System
Compatible with
SM05 Lens Tubes &
30 mm Cage System
Also Compatible with
SM05 Lens Tubes &
30 mm Cage System
Compatible with
SM05 Lens Tubes &
30 mm Cage System
Additional Details

Motorized Rotation Mounts and Stages with Central Clear Apertures
Item #K10CR1(/M)PRM1Z8(/M)aDDR100(/M)ELL14HDR50(/M)
Click Photo
to Enlarge
FeaturesCompatible with SM1 Lens Tubes & 30 mm Cage SystemCompatible with
SM1 Lens Tubes,
16 mm Cage System,
30 mm Cage System
Compatible with
SM1 Lens Tubes,
Open Frame Design for
OEM Applications
Compatible with
SM2 Lens Tubes
Additional Details
  • こちらのステージはKPRMTE/M(電動回転ステージPRMTZ8/MとK-Cube DCサーボモーターコントローラ KDC101)に含まれております。
Motorized Rotation Mounts and Stages with Tapped Platforms
Item #PRMTZ8(/M)aELL18(/M)b
Click Photo
to Enlarge
FeaturesTapped Mounting Platform for Mounting Prisms or Other OpticsTapped Mounting Platform, Open Frame Design for OEM Applications
Additional Details
  • こちらのステージはKPRM1E/M(電動回転ステージPRMT1Z8/MとK-Cube DCサーボモーターコントローラ KDC101などのセット)に含まれております。
  • こちらのステージはELL18K/M(インターフェイスボード、取付け用ブラケットならびにPC制御用コントローラがセット)に含まれております。
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PRM1/MZ8には0.5 mのケーブルが付属しています。 2.5 mの延長ケーブルPAA632も別途お買い求めいただけます。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PRM1Z8 Support Documentation
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAA632 Support Documentation
PAA632APT DCサーボモータ用ケーブル、Z9シリーズ用、DE15オス型-DE15メス型、2.5 m
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PRM1/MZ8 Support Documentation
PRM1/MZ8Ø25.4 mm電動回転ステージ (ミリ規格)
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KPRM1E/Mは、電動小型ステージPRM1/MZ8と、K-Cube™ DCサーボモーターコントローラKDC101を組み合わせた製品です。 このコントローラをご使用になると、ソフトウェアインターフェイスを介した自動制御により滑らかで連続的な動作が得られます。 KPRM1E/Mのセットには電源KPS101*が付属します。

KPRM1E/Mには長さ0.5 mのケーブルも付属します。 長さ2.5 mのエクステンションケーブル(PAA632)も個別にお買い求めいただけます。


+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
KPRM1E Support Documentation
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
KPRM1E/M Support Documentation
KPRM1E/MØ25.4 mm電動回転ステージ、DCサーボモーターコントローラ&電源付き(ミリ規格)
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回転プラットフォームには、複数のアクセサリがあります。中央の開口には、標準SM1内ネジが付いているので、多くの光学素子が取り付けられます。 4つの#4-40穴によって、PRM1/MZ8をケージシステム内に組み込むことが可能です。他のネジ付き取付け穴によって、アクセサリを追加したりポストに取り付けたりすることができます。

アクセサリープレートPRM1SP1/Mは付属のM3ボルト2つによって、回転式上部プレートに固定することができるので、当社の標準3 mm溝用アクセサリ(光学マウント、ダイオードホルダ、ファイバーチャックなど)を使うことが可能です。このプレートを使用した場合、デッキ高はトータルで28 mmとなります。



ベースプレートPRM1SP3はPRM1SP2 と同じ設計で、デッキ高が57.5 mmの製品です。上記のPRM1SP1/Mと使用した場合、デッキ高は62.5 mmとなり、当社の3軸ステージ(NanoMaxMicroBlockRollerBlock)に対応します。


ベースプレート PRM1SP2を使って、デッキ高29 mmの安定した取付けを行なうことができます。上記のPRM1SP1/Mと使用した場合、デッキ高は34 mmとなります。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - インチ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PRM1SP1 Support Documentation
3-5 weeks
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PRM1SP2 Support Documentation
3-5 weeks
PRM1SP3 Support Documentation
3-5 weeks
SM1RR Support Documentation
SM1RRSM1固定リング、Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mmレンズチューブおよびマウント用
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ミリ規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PRM1SP1/M Support Documentation
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K-Cube™ DCサーボモーターコントローラ

photo of power supply adaptersClick to Enlarge
  • 前面パネルに電動ステージやアクチュエータ制御用の速度ホイールとデジタル表示画面
  • 2つの双方向トリガーポート(外部機器からの信号読み取りや外部機器の制御用)
  • 付属のUSBケーブルでPCに接続
  • Kinesis®ソフトウェアに完全対応
  • コンパクトな設置面積:60 mm x 60 mm x 49.2 mm
  • 電源は付属しません(下記参照)

当社のK-Cubeブラシ付きDCモーターコントローラKDC101は、1台のモータの回転軸を手動またはPCで制御します。上面のコントロールパネルには速度ホイールがあり、位置のプリセットに加えて、順方向ならびに逆方向のジョグ動作と双方向の4段階速度制御が可能です。上面パネルのデジタル表示にはバックライトが付いており、メニュー選択により暗くしたり消灯したりすることが可能です。ユニット前面には双方向のトリガーポートが2つあり、5 Vの外部ロジック信号を読み取ることや、5 Vロジック信号を出力して外部機器を制御することができます。それぞれのポートの機能は独立に設定することができます。



+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
KDC101 Support Documentation
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photo of power supply options
Click to Enlarge

  • 電源(単体)
    • KPS201: K-Cubes™ 、T-Cubes™ 用、3.5 mmジャック付き
  • 電源供給と通信機能を備えたUSBコントローラハブ
    • KCH301: 3台までのK-CubeまたはT-Cube用
    • KCH601: 6台までのK-CubeまたはT-Cube用

電源KPS201の出力電圧は+15 VDC、最大電流は2.66 Aで、3.5 mmジャックで1台のK-CubeまたはT-Cubeに電力を供給します。標準的な壁コンセントに接続して使用します。

USBコントローラーハブKCH301およびKCH601は次の2つの機能を有しています。1つはハブ機能で、最大3台(KCH301)または6台(KCH601)までのK-CubeまたはT-Cubeをサポートします。もう1つは電源機能で、標準的な壁コンセントに接続するだけで必要な電力の供給を行います。ただし、ハブが供給できる最大電流は10 Aです。お使いになる全Cubeの必要電流が合計で10 A以上にはならないことをお確かめください。 また、このハブに取り付けられたすべてのT-CubeやK-Cubeに対して、1本のUSBケーブルで接続することができます。


+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
KPS201 Support Documentation
KPS201K-Cube&T-Cube単体用電源、15 V、2.66 A、3.5 mmジャック付き
KCH301 Support Documentation
KCH301USBコントローラーハブ&電源、K-CubeまたはT-Cube 3台用
3-5 weeks
KCH601 Support Documentation
KCH601USBコントローラーハブ&電源、K-CubeまたはT-Cube 6台用