
  • Mounts Ø1/2" Optics
  • Design Allows Optic to be Reinserted with High Degree of Repeatability
  • Ideal for Application in Laser Cavity


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Single Point/Stop for
Precise Mirror Positioning


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  • 角度調整範囲 ±2°
  • アジャスタにより 13 mrad/rev
  • ミラー中心の高さ: 14.7 mm
  • 取り外した光学部品の再設置用に刻印が付いた裏面
  • 黒色アルマイト加工
  • M4取付け穴でポストに取付け可能

この多機能ミラーマウントは、外周の約1/4はミラーのエッジが剥き出しになる設計で、高い再現性で光学素子を再挿入できるように、前面プレートの背面側からØ12.7 mm(Ø1/2インチ)ミラーを装着します。 上の拡大図に示されているマウント前部の単接触点はキネマティックストッパでミラーの表面を押さえ、そしてナイロンチップ付き止めネジ(セットスクリュ)で固定します。 ミラーの裏側に印をつけていただき、回転させてマウント背面側にある目印と合わせることで、ミラーを再現性よく設置できます。 このマウントには、3/16”-100 TPIアジャスタが付いています。 六角アジャスタHKTS-5/64を一時的な調整ノブとして使用可能で、青銅製止めナットLN19100を用いて、ご希望の取付位置が確定した後に、アジャスタを固定することができます。

これらのマウントは、狭い空間での使用にも適しています。ミラーマウントの片側は光路を妨げないように機械加工されています。 背面装着型のマウントは、アライメントを崩さずにミラーを取り外すことができるので、レーザ共振器に適しています。

低ドリフトおよび低歪みが必要となる用途には、Polaris™低歪みミラーマウントをご用意しています。 このマウントは、ミラーのエッジが剥き出しになる設計です。 また、安定性の高いPolaris™シリーズのミラーマウントをはじめ、この他にも2アジャスタ付き、3アジャスタ付きのミラーマウントを多数取り揃えています。

Posted Comments:
user  (posted 2024-06-20 09:13:32.017)
Do you produce the 3.8mm thick optic to fit in here? I only found the 3.2mm
jdelia  (posted 2024-06-28 08:11:53.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We do offer a variety of Ø1/2" mirrors that have a thickness of at least 3.8 mm. Since you did not leave an email address, I unfortunately cannot reach out to you directly to discuss our options and which ones may work for your application. If you would like to discuss this, you may reach your local tech support team at techsupport@thorlabs.com
sjackel  (posted 2017-11-26 03:40:47.343)
What is the minimum thickness optic that can be mounted in the KM05FL
nbayconich  (posted 2017-12-05 03:35:11.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The minimum optic thickness for these optical mounts is 3.8mm.
gregor.kupka  (posted 2014-01-27 19:19:53.377)
Hello Madam, Hello Sir, I am looking for a Ø1/2" optic mount like the "KS05 Ø1/2" Precision Kinematic Mirror Mount" with thee adjusters, but with these notch like the KM05FL. --> so in principal a KM05FL with thee precise adjusters. Would it be possible to combine these parts? Best regards Gregor
jlow  (posted 2014-01-30 02:15:33.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: I will contact you about quoting this. We also have the POLARIS-K05F6 which might be of interest to you as well.
kedves  (posted 2013-11-29 18:43:49.653)
Dear Thorlabs, Do you offer rear-loaded mirror mounts with high degree of repeatability for 1" optics too? As far as I remember, there used to be such a product in your selection. With Thanks, MK
cdaly  (posted 2013-12-04 03:54:17.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry. We do have a few options for 1" mirrors which are rear loaded. The KM100CP from the rear in order to keep the front face of an optic centered over a post. The D-shaped mirror mount KM100D(L) could be used as well. Though it is not strictly read loaded, the optic is mounted via the front face as well and this would provide access to an unobstructed edge as with the KM05F(L/R). The last option would be the POLARIS-K1F6, which is rear loaded as well, and has higher precision actuator screws than the first two options, while providing a low distortion and thermal stability.
tcohen  (posted 2012-09-20 12:13:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs to Marcel: Thank you for your feedback! We can often make vacuum compatible versions of our products. It would be great to discuss your application with you in order to be able to offer these solutions and also get your feedback on whether there is anything missing in our catalog that would be useful for you working in vacuum. I will contact you directly to discuss this.
m.snels  (posted 2012-09-19 04:39:23.0)
I've always used your mirror mounts for laboratory use and I'm very satisfied with them. Now I need mirror mounts for use under vacuum. Do you sell mirror mounts and related items (xyz mounts) for use under vacuum, that is with low outgassing ? Best regards Marcel Snels
Adam  (posted 2010-04-23 15:34:20.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to jmills: Thank you for the product suggestion. I will forward this information to our mechanical engineers as a customer inspired new product idea. If it gets adopted, we will let you know.
jmills  (posted 2010-04-22 15:22:51.0)
Would be nice to offer a kinematic mount where the mirror protrudes over the edge of the mount a little more. There is still a 0.160 space between two round mirros when the mounts are position in a 90 degree inclusive angle. Imagine using two mirror mounts on the leg of an inteferometer where a small beam splitter is used.
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