
  • Antireflective Coating on Both Surfaces
  • Optimized for 45° Angle of Incidence
  • Broadband Wavelength Ranges in the UV, Visible, and NIR
  • Round and Rectangular Options


AR Coating Range: 600 nm to 1700 nm
25 mm x 36 mm x 1 mm


AR Coating Range: 700 mm to 1100 nm
Ø1" and 5 mm Thick

Related Items

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Optical Coatings Guide
Optic Cleaning Tutorial


  • 入射角45°用のARコーティング付き、広帯域な波長範囲でご用意:
    • 250 nm~450 nm、入射角45°で1.0%以下
    • 350 nm~1100 nm、入射角45°で2.0%以下
    • 400 nm~700 nm、入射角45°で1.0%以下
    • 600 nm~1700 nm、入射角45°で1.5%以下
    • 700 nm~1100 nm、入射角45°で1.0%以下
    • 1200 nm~1600 nm、入射角45°で1.0%以下
  • Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)の円形、または25 mm x 36 mmの長方形
  • 円形の補償プレートの背面には30 arcminのウェッジが付いており、ゴーストを最小化
  • UV溶融石英(UVFS)基板(透過曲線)

こちらのビームスプリッタ補償板はマイケルソン型やその他の干渉計に使用するように設計されており、光学エンクロージャの45°入射用のウィンドウにも適しています。長方形の補償板もウェッジ付き円形補償板も、その基板はともにUV溶融石英(UVFS)製です。ビームスプリッタと組み合わせて使用する場合、最良の結果を得るには両方の基板の材料と厚みが同じものをお選びください。光学エンクロージャの45°入射用ウィンドウとして使用する場合には、厚さ1.0 mmの長方形の補償板はスペースが限られている場所に適しており、ウェッジ付きの円形補償板はゴーストを抑制したい時に適しています。

どちらの補償板も両面に入射角45°用のARコーティングが施されているため、入射光に対して45°に配置するのが適切です。これに対し、当社のほかのARコーティングされたUV溶融石英製のウェッジ付きウィンドウフラットウィンドウは、コーティング面を入射光に対して垂直(0°の入射角)に配置するよう設計されています。25 mm x 36 mm x 1 mmの長方形の補償板の両コーティング面は互いに平行で、つや消し加工が施されている端面に対して垂直です。Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)の円形補償板の厚さは5 mmで、前面は端面に対して垂直ですが背面は30 arcminの角度があります。背面のわずかなウェッジにより反射光が入射光路からそれるため、反射光により発生するゴーストや干渉縞が抑制されます。

UVグレード溶融石英はN-BK7に比べて、より短波長のUV領域における用途に適しています。また、UV溶融石英はN-BK7に比べて、使用する波長範囲において屈折率が小さいうえに、均一性が高く、熱膨張係数も小さいという性質を備えています。コーティング無しのUV石英基板の表面では入射光の約4%が反射されます。入射角45°用のビームスプリッタ補償板に施された広帯域ARコーティングは、コーティングの波長範囲に依存しますが、平均反射率を1.0%~ 2.0%以下に抑えています。



Flat Window Selection Guide
Wavelength RangeSubstrate Material
180 nm - 8.0 μmCalcium Fluoride (CaF2)
185 nm - 2.1 μmUV Fused Silica
200 nm - 5.0 μmSapphire
200 nm - 6.0 μmMagnesium Fluoride (MgF2)
220 nm to >50 µmCVD Diamond Windows
230 nm - 1.1 µmUV Fused Silica, Textured Antireflective Surface
250 nm - 1.6 µmUV Fused Silica, for 45° AOI
250 nm - 26 µmPotassium Bromide (KBr)
300 nm - 3 µmInfrasil®
350 nm - 2.0 μmN-BK7
600 nm - 16 µmZinc Selenide (ZnSe)
1 - 1.7 µmInfrasil®, Textured Antireflective Surface
1.2 - 8.0 μmSilicon (Si)
1.9 - 16 μmGermanium (Ge)
2 - 5 μmBarium Fluoride (BaF2)
V-Coated Laser Windows
Wedged Window Selection Guide
Wavelength RangeSubstrate Material
180 nm - 8.0 µmCalcium Fluoride (CaF2)
185 nm - 2.1 μmUV Fused Silica
200 nm - 5.0 μmSapphire
200 nm - 6.0 µmMagnesium Fluoride (MgF2)
200 nm - 11 µmBarium Fluoride (BaF2)
250 nm - 1.6 µmUV Fused Silica for 45° AOI
350 nm - 2.0 μmN-BK7
600 nm - 16 µmZinc Selenide (ZnSe)
1.2 - 8.0 µmSilicon (Si)
2.0 - 16 µmGermanium (Ge)
V-Coated Wedged Windows

Posted Comments:
Tony Hainsworth  (posted 2023-07-10 15:48:22.277)
Hi, This looks like a good optic to use to introduce a visible pointing laser - 532nm - into a 1064nm beam. Will there be a useful reflectivity (>50%?) at this wavelength?
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-07-13 02:22:27.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us Tony. All of the transmission and reflection data can be found on the overview tab above each listed product. I have reached out directly to assist you in locating said data.
user  (posted 2018-08-28 13:15:54.01)
Is the LIDT for these plates similar to that of these windows? https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=3983 Are the 700-1100nm and the 650-1050nm coatings similar with regards to LIDT? Thanks
YLohia  (posted 2018-08-30 02:33:45.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. You are correct -- the LIDT of this would be similar to that of our standard B coatings. That being said, we have not performed conclusive damage threshold testing for these windows.
user  (posted 2017-12-17 22:40:44.863)
A 3mm half inch version to match the BSW25 beamsplitter would be nice :-)
nbayconich  (posted 2017-12-20 05:12:40.0)
Thank you for your feedback. I have forwarded your request to our R&D team for future consideration. We can provide custom versions of these compensation plates. If you need custom sized optics please contact us at techsupport@thorlabs.com.
Window Selection Guide (Table Sorted by Wavelength)
Substrate and Window TypeWavelength RangeAvailable AR CoatingsReflectance over AR Coating RangeaTransmission DataReflectance Data
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2):
Flat or Wedged
180 nm - 8.0 μmUncoated-
Raw Data
-D Coating, 1.65 - 3.0 µmRavg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
UV Fused Silica:
Flat, Wedged, V-Coated Flat,
or V-Coated Wedged
185 nm - 2.1 μmUncoated
(Flat or Wedged)
Raw Data
-UV Coating,
245 - 400 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-
Raw Data
-C3 Coating,
261 - 266 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C6 Coating,
350 - 450 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-A Coating,
350 - 700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-
Raw Data
-B Coating,
650 - 1050 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-
Raw Data
-C Coating,
1050 - 1700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-
Raw Data
Flat or Wedged
200 nm - 5.0 μmUncoated-
Raw Data
-D Coating, 1.65 - 3.0 µmRavg < 1.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E1 Coating, 2.0 - 5.0 µmRavg < 1.50%, Rabs < 3.0%
(per Surface, 2.0 - 5.0 µm);
Ravg < 1.75%
(per Surface, 2.0 - 4.0 µm) at 0° AOI

Raw Data

Raw Data
Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2):
Flat or Wedged
200 nm - 6.0 μmUncoated-
Raw Data
Barium Fluoride (BaF2):
Flat or Wedged
200 nm - 11 µmUncoated
(Wedged Only)
Raw Data
-E1 Coating, 2 - 5 µmRavg < 1.25%; Rabs < 2.5% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
UV Fused Silica, for 45° AOI:
Flat or Wedged
250 nm - 1.6 µmCoating for
250 nm - 450 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOIinfo
Raw Data
Coating for
350 nm - 1100 nm
Ravg < 2.0% at 45° AOIinfo
Raw Data
Coating for
400 nm - 700 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOIinfo
Raw Data
Coating for
600 nm - 1700 nm
Ravg < 1.5% at 45° AOIinfo
Raw Data
Coating for
700 nm - 1100 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOIinfo
Raw Data
Coating for
1200 nm - 1600 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOIinfo
Raw Data
Potassium Bromide (KBr):
250 nm - 26 µmUncoated--
300 nm - 3 µmUncoated-
Raw Data
Flat, Wedged, V-Coated Flat,
or V-Coated Wedged
350 nm - 2.0 μmUncoated
(Flat or Wedged)
Raw Data
-A Coating,
350 - 700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-
Raw Data
-C7 Coating,
400 - 700 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C10 Coating,
523 - 532 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C11 Coating,
610 - 860 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-B Coating,
650 - 1050 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-
Raw Data
-C13 Coating,
700 - 1100 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
C14 Coating,
1047 - 1064 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C15 Coating,
523 - 532 nm &
1047 - 1064 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C Coating,
1050 - 1700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI-
Raw Data
Zinc Selenide (ZnSe):
Flat or Wedged
600 nm - 16 µmUncoated-
Raw Data
-D Coating, 1.65 - 3.0 µmRavg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E4 Coating, 2 - 13 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 3.5%; Rabs < 6% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E2 Coating, 4.5 - 7.5 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E3 Coating, 7 - 12 µm
(Only Wedged)
Ravg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
-G Coating, 7 - 12 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 1% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
Silicon (Si):
Flat or Wedged
1.2 - 8.0 μmUncoated-
Raw Data
-E1 Coating, 2 - 5 µm
(Only Wedged)
Ravg < 1.25%; Rabs < 2.5% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
-E Coating, 3 - 5 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 2% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
Germanium (Ge):
Flat or Wedged
1.9 - 16 μmUncoated, 2.0 - 16 μm-
Raw Data
-C9 Coating, 1.9 - 6 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 2% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E3 Coating, 7 - 12 µmRavg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
  • 1面あたりの反射率。各ウィンドウは両面にコーティングが施されています。
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Profile of Rectangular Plate
Click to Enlarge

注: 図は原寸比ではありません。
Common Specifications
Substrate MaterialUV Fused Silicaa
Dimensions25 mm x 36 mm x 1 mm
Dimensional Tolerance±0.1 mm
Clear Aperture>22.5 mm x 32.4 mm
Surface Quality40-20 Scratch-Dig
Transmitted Wavefront Error<λ/4 at 633 nm
Parallelism<3 arcmin
  • 基板の仕様の詳細はリンクをクリックしてご覧ください。
Wavelength Range of AR Coating250 nm - 450 nm350 nm - 1100 nm400 nm - 700 nm600 nm - 1700 nm700 nm - 1100 nm1200 nm - 1600 nm
Average Reflectance Over Coating Rangeinfo
<1.0% at 45° AOI
<2.0% at 45° AOI
<1.0% at 45° AOI
<1.5% at 45° AOI
<1.0% at 45° AOI
<1.0% at 45° AOI
45° AOI Transmittance and  Reflectance Datainfoinfoinfoinfoinfoinfo
Raw Data for All PlotsBCP41RBCP42RBCP43RBCP44RBCP45RBCP46R
Compatible BeamsplittersUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS Plate
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
BCP41R Support Documentation
BCP41RCustomer Inspired! 25 x 36 mm UVFS Beamsplitter Compensator Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 250 - 450 nm, t = 1 mm
3-5 weeks
BCP42R Support Documentation
BCP42RCustomer Inspired! 25 x 36 mm UVFS Beamsplitter Compensator Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 350 - 1100 nm, t = 1 mm
3-5 weeks
BCP43R Support Documentation
BCP43RCustomer Inspired! 25 x 36 mm UVFS Beamsplitter Compensator Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 400 - 700 nm, t = 1 mm
BCP44R Support Documentation
BCP44RCustomer Inspired! 25 x 36 mm UVFS Beamsplitter Compensator Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 600 - 1700 nm, t = 1 mm
3-5 weeks
BCP45R Support Documentation
BCP45RCustomer Inspired! 25 x 36 mm UVFS Beamsplitter Compensator Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 700 - 1100 nm, t = 1 mm
3-5 weeks
BCP46R Support Documentation
BCP46RCustomer Inspired! 25 x 36 mm UVFS Beamsplitter Compensator Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 1200 - 1600 nm, t = 1 mm
3-5 weeks
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Profile of Rectangular Plate
Click to Enlarge

注: 図は原寸比ではありません。
ARコーティングに加え30 arcminのウェッジがあることによって、前・背面で反射した光の相互作用が引き起こす不要な干渉効果(ゴーストなど)が削減できます。ウェッジのある面から反射した光は発散します。
Common Specifications
Substrate MaterialUV Fused Silicaa
Diameter Tolerance+0.0 mm/ -0.2 mm
Thickness5 mm
Thickness Tolerance±0.1 mm
Wedge Angle of Back Surface30 arcmin
Wedge Tolerance±10 arcmin
Clear Aperture>Ø22.86 mm
Surface Quality20-10 Scratch-Dig
Surface Flatness<λ/10 at 633 Over Clear Aperture
  • 基板の仕様の詳細はリンクをクリックしてご覧ください。
Item #BCP4110BCP4210BCP4310BCP4410BCP4510BCP4610
Wavelength Range of AR Coating250 nm - 450 nm350 nm - 1100 nm400 nm - 700 nm600 nm - 1700 nm700 nm - 1100 nm1200 nm - 1600 nm
Average Reflectance Over Coating Rangeinfo
<1.0% at 45° AOI
<2.0% at 45° AOI
<1.0% at 45° AOI
<1.5% at 45° AOI
<1.0% at 45° AOI
<1.0% at 45° AOI
45° AOI Transmittance and  Reflectance Datainfoinfoinfoinfoinfoinfo
Raw Data for All PlotsBCP4110BCP4210BCP4310BCP4410BCP4510BCP4610
Compatible BeamsplittersUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS PlateUVFS Plate
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
BCP4110 Support Documentation
BCP4110Customer Inspired! Ø1" UVFS Beamsplitter Compensation Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 250 - 450 nm, t = 5 mm
BCP4210 Support Documentation
BCP4210Customer Inspired! Ø1" UVFS Beamsplitter Compensation Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 350 - 1100 nm, t = 5 mm
3-5 weeks
BCP4310 Support Documentation
BCP4310Customer Inspired! Ø1" UVFS Beamsplitter Compensation Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 400 - 700 nm, t = 5 mm
BCP4410 Support Documentation
BCP4410Customer Inspired! Ø1" UVFS Beamsplitter Compensation Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 600 - 1700 nm, t = 5 mm
3-5 weeks
BCP4510 Support Documentation
BCP4510Customer Inspired! Ø1" UVFS Beamsplitter Compensation Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 700 - 1100 nm, t = 5 mm
3-5 weeks
BCP4610 Support Documentation
BCP4610Customer Inspired! Ø1" UVFS Beamsplitter Compensation Plate, 45° AOI AR Coating: 1200 - 1600 nm, t = 5 mm
3-5 weeks