
  • 25.4 mm x 76.2 mm Fluorescent Slides, and Ø1" Fluorescent Disks
  • Cage Alignment Plates for 16 mm, 30 mm, and 60 mm Cage Systems
  • Available in Five Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red 
  • Made of Cast Acrylic Substrate
  • Provides a Uniform Fluorescent Field Across the Surface Area


Set of All Five Colored Slides


Blue Alignment Disk with Target


Red Alignment Disk with Target


Green Alignment Disk with Hole in Disk Center


Yellow Slide


Orange 30 mm Cage Alignment Plate

Related Items

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  • 蛍光イメージングシステムの評価とアライメント向け
  • 様々な蛍光色素の近似スペクトルを有する5種類の蛍光スライド(「蛍光スペクトルグラフ」タブ参照) 
  • 25.4 mm x 76.2 mm、厚さ1.7 mmの蛍光顕微鏡用スライド
  • Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)、厚さ1.7 mm蛍光ディスク、ターゲット刻印、あるいはディスク中央に貫通穴付き
  • 厚さ1.7 mmの16 mm、30 mm、60 mmケージ用アライメントプレート、オレンジ色蛍光 


蛍光顕微鏡用スライドは厚さ1.7 ± 0.5 mmの26 mm x 76 mmスライドを保持するサンプルホルダに対応します。 スライドは単体、5個入りセット、あるいは5色のスライドセットでご用意しております。蛍光アライメントディスクは、当社のØ25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)固定式マウントレンズチューブまたは30 mmケージプレートを使用して取り付け可能です。ディスクは単体か5個入りセットでご用意しております。ケージ用蛍光アライメントプレートには同心円が刻印されており、当社のケージシステムの中央にアライメントされた中心穴が付いています。これらのドロップイン式アライメントツールは、単体で16 mm,、30 mmならびに60 mmケージシステム用にご用意しております。

25.4 mm x 50.8 mmまでサイズや形状のカスタマイズについては当社までお問い合わせください。 


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青色蛍光スライドFSK1に、365 nmファイバ出力型LED M365FP1からの光を照射した時の蛍光スペクトル。青色の蛍光ディスクADF1とADF6の蛍光スペクトルは、青色蛍光スライドFSK1と同じです。

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緑色蛍光スライドFSK2に、470 nmファイバ出力型LED M470F3(旧製品)からの光を照射した時の蛍光スペクトル。緑色の蛍光ディスクADF2とADF7の蛍光スペクトルは、緑色蛍光スライドFSK2と同じです。

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黄色蛍光スライドFSK3に、365 nmファイバ出力型LED M365FP1からの光を照射した時の蛍光スペクトル。黄色の蛍光ディスクADF3とADF8の蛍光スペクトルは、黄色蛍光スライドFSK3と同じです。

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オレンジ色蛍光スライドFSK4に、565 nmファイバ出力型LED M565F3からの光を照射した時の蛍光スペクトル。オレンジ色の蛍光ディスクADF4とADF9の蛍光スペクトルは、オレンジ色蛍光スライドFSK4と同じです。

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赤色蛍光スライドFSK5に、565 nmファイバ出力型LED M565F3からの光を照射した時の蛍光スペクトル。赤色の蛍光ディスクADF5とADF10の蛍光スペクトルは、赤い色蛍光スライドFSK6と同じです。


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蛍光スライドFSK1(青)、FSK2(緑)、FSK3(黄)、FSK4(オレンジ)、FSK6 (赤)の300 nm~700 nmにおける透過率グラフの比較。蛍光ディスクADF1/ADF6(青)、ADF2/ADF7(緑)、ADF3/ADF8(黄)、ADF4/ADF9(オレンジ)、ADF5/ADF10(赤)と、オレンジ色蛍光プレートSCPA2、CPA3、CPA4ならびにLCPA2では同じ色の蛍光スライドと同じ透過率となります。

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青色蛍光スライドFSK1 2枚の透過率グラフ。青色蛍光ディスクADF1とADF6は青色の蛍光スライドFSK1と同じ透過率となります。

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緑色蛍光スライドFSK2 2枚の透過率グラフ。緑色蛍光ディスクADF2とADF7は緑色の蛍光スライドFSK2と同じ透過率となります。

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黄色蛍光スライドFSK3 2枚の透過率グラフ。黄色蛍光ディスクADF3とADF8は黄色の蛍光スライドFSK3と同じ透過率となります。

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オレンジ色蛍光スライドFSK1 2枚の透過率グラフ。オレンジ色蛍光ディスクADF4とADF9、オレンジ色蛍光プレートSCPA2、CPA3、CPA4、LCPA2はオレンジ色の蛍光スライドFSK4と同じ透過率となります。 

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赤色蛍光スライドFSK6 2枚の透過率グラフ。赤色蛍光ディスクADF5とADF10は赤色の蛍光スライドFSK6と同じ透過率となります。

Posted Comments:
Jagdish A Krishnaswamy  (posted 2024-02-28 14:37:44.29)
Hello, This is from Adiuvo Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, a Chennai-based medical device startup. We are interested in the fluorescent microscope slides in Thorlabs's product line. However, could you please clarify if the fluorescence in these samples can be excited across a range of UV wavelengths. We are interested in testing specifically at wavelengths 365 nm, 395 nm, and 415 nm.
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-03-13 04:34:13.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. We plot the fluorescence responsivity data which we have for these slides within the 'Fluorescence Graphs' tab above. For some of these wavelengths which you have provided, I see we have some test data, though not for all of them. I have contacted you directly regarding the compatibility of these slides with your experimental endeavors.
Santhosh Mamidala  (posted 2023-09-11 10:40:46.357)
I am looking for calibration slides for Nikon Ti2-E widefield microscope to measure fluorescence intensity. Does this FSK5 set can be used for this purpose to measure in DAPI/TRITC/FITC/Cy5?
ksosnowski  (posted 2023-09-12 10:10:04.0)
Hello Santhosh, thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. Unfortunately, we do not batch-test these and we do not control for a specific tolerance of the fluorescence response of these slides. These are not intended for use as a spectral calibration reference but are rather for field of view, illumination consistency, and sample alignment assessment. The exact spectra varies between different physical units however which presents issues if used as a reference in this manner.
Andrea Nardi  (posted 2023-08-30 08:04:13.33)
Do you have any absorption spectrum of the slides?
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-08-30 09:16:34.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry! Unfortunately, all the data we have regarding these acrylic slides is presented on the various tabs above. We have not, at the time of posting, characterized full absorption spectra for each of these products.
user  (posted 2023-08-04 11:25:06.127)
Hello, I was wondering if you have spectra of the quantum efficiency of the slides?
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-08-04 12:18:35.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. All of the data we have regarding these test targets are presented on the overview and graphs tabs of this web presentation.
Yuri Sacha Correa Lopes da Silva  (posted 2023-06-07 14:40:46.55)
Could you guys make a version of that product to 1550nm? It would be very useful to use two to align the cavities I use.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-06-21 11:07:17.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry! We actually do make IR alignment tools, which can be found here:https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=3201 I have contacted you directly to discuss your particular application.
Arjan Tibbe  (posted 2023-03-10 10:43:40.417)
The fluorescence spectra listed on the website of the fluorescent microscope slides are not correct. Can you provide the real fluorescence spectra? Thanks
jgreschler  (posted 2023-03-16 04:38:25.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. Some part-to-part variation is to be expected with these products, the graphs provided are examples of previously tested items in the product line. I've reached out to you directly to review the data you collected and discuss whether or not it falls within the normal operating bounds for this product. If it does not we can issue you a tested replacement.
Alex Adams  (posted 2022-11-07 13:41:40.993)
Dear support, What are the fluorescence lifetime's of each slides ? Thanks, Alex
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-11-08 01:32:45.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us Alex, unfortunately these particular targets are intended for qualitative measurements and alignment purposes. While we tolerance their dimensional properties tightly, we do not have lifetime data for this fluorescent acrylic. All performance data we have is on the product page and different "graph" tabs.
Antonio Yu  (posted 2022-01-09 20:46:19.863)
Dear support, Could you please provide the life time of each slides ? Thanks. BR, Antonio
jgreschler  (posted 2022-01-11 11:06:05.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. Additional specifications can be requested by contacting Technical Support. I have reached out to you directly to discuss this topic further.
Lothar Schmid  (posted 2021-06-30 09:50:51.8)
Hi Thorlabs team, I have a few questions regarding the fluorescent microscope slides, which I would like to use for intensity calibration of a fluorescent reader: * How reproducible is the fluorescence intensity from batch to batch? * Do the spectra change over time? * Do the slides show bleaching of fluorophores? * Is the fluorescence temperature-dependent, for a temperature range between 0 and 60 degC? Thanks, Lothar Schmid
cdolbashian  (posted 2021-07-20 08:28:30.0)
Thank you for your interest in Thorlabs products. These materials are, unfortunately, not characterized in this manner. All data we have for them is provided on the web page. I have reached out to your to discuss your application directly.
Gary Riggott  (posted 2021-02-17 12:53:43.627)
Hi- The results I've gotten with my fluorimeter do not match your reference spectra very well and I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on this. Blue Std: My result shows a broad peak from about 400 to 480nm that doesn't exist in the spectrum for the standard. Green Std: I get a broad peak from 480 to about 560nm with a max at 501. The reference shows a well-defined big peak at 499nm. Orange Std: I get a broad peak from about 580 to 610 with a max at 587. The reference shows a minor peak at 612, and I don't have anything there. Yellow Std: My only peak is at 366nm. The reference shows a major peak at 493 and a minor peak at 517. This is the worst agreement between measured and expected among any of the standards. Red Std: I get a peak at 566 and a broad peak from about 580-630, with a max at 598. The reference shows peaks at 472, a big one at 586 and a broad peak from 620-625. I have no peaks near 472nm. I welcome any input. If you could add a second "Run" or spectrum as you did with the %Transmission curves, that would be a huge help! Thank you, Gary
YLohia  (posted 2021-04-14 02:36:20.0)
Hello Gary, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. After going over the data you sent us and talking to our team here, it seems like the discrepancy that you are seeing ranges from 3 - 10 nm, which can be attributed to a lot-to-lot variation. These are not intended for use as a calibration spectra but are rather for field of view, illumination consistency, and sample alignment assessment.
Vincent Khau  (posted 2020-12-01 18:18:29.887)
Do you have data on the fluorescence variation from batch to batch for the blue fluorescence slide? Is there a certain tolerance that these slides are manfuactured to in terms of their fluorescence response? Thank you.
YLohia  (posted 2020-12-15 02:49:19.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, we do not batch-test these and we do not control for a specific tolerance of the fluorescence response of these slides.
Dmitry Gorbachev  (posted 2020-02-21 03:38:27.007)
Hello! I work with Frequency-Domain FLIM, and I used your fluorescent slides kit FSK5 to tune our FLIM camera. I want to know if it is possible to order the same set of slides from you, but larger? for example 10cm in diameter. Thanks a lot!
llamb  (posted 2020-02-25 02:12:46.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Yes, custom fluorescence slides are indeed feasible. We will reach out to you directly to quote this.
Nikola Krstajic  (posted 2019-07-12 09:39:00.04)
I work in near-infrared and fluorescence targets geared for ICG exc/emission (785nm exc) would really help me and all colleagues working in this are. I am 100% sure you would sell many. It is also not clear if your fluorescence targets work on 625nm excitation as your spectra show wavelengths below exc and this is really unusual (antistokes is an exception in fluorescence). Thanks a lot!
YLohia  (posted 2019-07-23 09:46:29.0)
Hello, thank you for your feedback. I have posted your request on our internal engineering forum for further consideration as a future product.
petur.hermannsson  (posted 2019-01-21 10:33:44.437)
Do you have numbers on the batch-to-batch consistency/uniformity of these slides, as well as the rate of photobleaching?
YLohia  (posted 2019-01-28 11:03:57.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have actually just updated our web presentation to include some information on the consistency between two runs, and this information can be found in the "Transmission Graphs" tab. That being said, unfortunately, we do not have information on the photobleaching at the moment.
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  • 蛍光スライドは青、緑、黄、オレンジ、赤の5色でご用意
    • 単体または5個入りセットでご提供 
    • FSK5は5色すべてのスライドが入ったセット
  • 25.4 mm x 76.2 mm、厚さ1.7 mm
  • 厚さ1.7 ± 0.5 mmの26 mm x 76 mmスライド用ホルダに対応 
  • スライドセットFSK5ならびに5個入りセットのご購入には刻印付きの保管ケースが付属 

当社の蛍光顕微鏡校正用スライドは、蛍光イメージングシステムの空間的な校正用途向けに設計されています。各スライドの大きさは25.4 mm x 76.2 mmで、厚さは1.7 ± 0.5 mmです。スライドセットFSK5と5個入りセットには埃よけになるプラスチック製の保管ケースが付属しております。ケースの上部には右の写真のように当社ロゴと型番が刻印されています。25.4 mm x 50.8 mmまでのサイズや形状のカスタマイズについては当社までお問い合わせください。

これらのスライドは厚さ1.7 mmまでの26 mm x 76 mmスライドを保持するサンプルホルダに対応します。なお、当社の4ポジションスライドホルダC4SH01にはご使用になれませんのでご注意ください。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
FSK1 Support Documentation
FSK1Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Blue, 1.7 mm Thick
FSK1-P5 Support Documentation
FSK1-P5Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Blue, 1.7 mm Thick, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
FSK2 Support Documentation
FSK2Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Green, 1.7 mm Thick
3-5 weeks
FSK2-P5 Support Documentation
FSK2-P5Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Green, 1.7 mm Thick, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
FSK3 Support Documentation
FSK3Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Yellow, 1.7 mm Thick
3-5 weeks
FSK3-P5 Support Documentation
FSK3-P5Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Yellow, 1.7 mm Thick, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
FSK4 Support Documentation
FSK4Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Orange, 1.7 mm Thick
3-5 weeks
FSK4-P5 Support Documentation
FSK4-P5Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Orange, 1.7 mm Thick, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
FSK6 Support Documentation
FSK6Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Red, 1.7 mm Thick
3-5 weeks
FSK6-P5 Support Documentation
FSK6-P5Fluorescent Microscope Slide, Red, 1.7 mm Thick, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
FSK5 Support Documentation
FSK5Fluorescent Microscope Slides, Set of 5 Colors
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当社の蛍光アライメントディスクは蛍光イメージングシステムのアライメント用に設計されています。各ディスクの直径はØ25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)、厚さ1.7 ± 0.5 mmのアクリルキャスト材製です。各ディスクには2つの同心円が配置されたターゲットが刻印されています。25.4 mm x 50.8 mmまでのサイズのカスタマイズについては当社までお問い合わせください。

こちらのディスクは右の写真のように当社のØ25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)固定式マウントレンズチューブ30 mmケージプレートに取り付け可能です。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
ADF1 Support Documentation
ADF1Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Blue
ADF1-P5 Support Documentation
ADF1-P5Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Blue, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF2 Support Documentation
ADF2Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Green
3-5 weeks
ADF2-P5 Support Documentation
ADF2-P5Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Green, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF3 Support Documentation
ADF3Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Yellow
3-5 weeks
ADF3-P5 Support Documentation
ADF3-P5Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Yellow, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF4 Support Documentation
ADF4Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Orange
3-5 weeks
ADF4-P5 Support Documentation
ADF4-P5Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Orange, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF5 Support Documentation
ADF5Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Red
ADF5-P5 Support Documentation
ADF5-P5Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Red, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
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Click to Enlarge

貫通穴付き蛍光アライメントディスクは蛍光イメージングシステムのアライメント用に設計されています。各ディスクはアクリル製で、直径は25.4 mm、厚さは1.7 ± 0.5 mmです。Ø1.5 mm穴は各ディスクの中央に開けられています。 25.4 mm x 50.8 mmまでのサイズのカスタマイズについては当社までお問い合わせください。 

こちらのディスクは右の写真のように当社のØ25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)固定式マウントレンズチューブまたは30 mm ケージプレート(右の写真参照)に取り付け可能です。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
ADF6 Support Documentation
ADF6Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Blue
3-5 weeks
ADF6-P5 Support Documentation
ADF6-P5Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Blue, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF7 Support Documentation
ADF7Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Green
3-5 weeks
ADF7-P5 Support Documentation
ADF7-P5Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Green, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF8 Support Documentation
ADF8Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Yellow
3-5 weeks
ADF8-P5 Support Documentation
ADF8-P5Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Yellow, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF9 Support Documentation
ADF9Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Orange
3-5 weeks
ADF9-P5 Support Documentation
ADF9-P5Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Orange, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
ADF10 Support Documentation
ADF10Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Red
ADF10-P5 Support Documentation
ADF10-P5Customer Inspired! Fluorescent Alignment Disk, Ø1.5 mm Hole, Red, 5 Pack
3-5 weeks
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fluorescing alignment plate
Click to Enlarge

30 mmケージシステム内のアライメントプレートCPA3
  • オレンジ色アクリルキャスト材蛍光プレート、16 mm30 mm60 mmケージシステム用
  • 対応するケージシステムの中央にアライメントするガイドラインならびにØ1 mmまたはØ5 mm貫通穴付き
  • 蛍光イメージングシステム用ドロップイン式アライメントツール


各プレートは厚さ1.7 mmのアクリルキャスト材を切断しています。またケージアセンブリの中心にはアライメントされたØ1 mmまたはØ5 mmの貫通穴があります。各貫通穴の周りには同心のアライメント用リングが刻印されています。製品は当社の16 mm、30 mm、60 mmケージシステム用にそれぞれご用意しております。25.4 mm x 50.8 mmまでのサイズ、色のカスタマイズについては当社までお問い合わせください。

Item #ColorThrough Hole DiameterAlignment Ring DiametersCompatible Cage SystemThicknessTransmission 
(Click for Graph)
SCPA2Orange1 mm (0.04")3 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm, and 9 mm16 mm1.7 mm ± 0.5 mmNo
CPA31 mm (0.04")4 mm, 7 mm, 10 mm, and 13 mm30 mm
CPA45 mm (0.20")7 mm, 10 mm, and 13 mm30 mm
LCPA21 mm (0.04")7 mm, 12 mm, 17 mm, 22 mm, and 27 mm60 mm
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
SCPA2 Support Documentation
SCPA2Customer Inspired! 16 mm Cage Fluorescent Alignment Plate, Ø1 mm Hole, Orange
3-5 weeks
CPA3 Support Documentation
CPA3Customer Inspired! 30 mm Cage Fluorescent Alignment Plate, Ø1 mm Hole, Orange
CPA4 Support Documentation
CPA4Customer Inspired! 30 mm Cage Fluorescent Alignment Plate, Ø5 mm Hole, Orange
LCPA2 Support Documentation
LCPA2Customer Inspired! 60 mm Cage Fluorescent Alignment Plate, Ø1 mm Hole, Orange
3-5 weeks