
  • Ultrastable Micropositioning Alignment with Five Degrees of Freedom Plus Rotation Adjustment
  • Usable with Single Mode, Multimode, and Polarization-Maintaining Fiber
  • Aspheric or Achromatic Lens
  • Models Available for 350 nm - 5 µm


Aspheric FiberPort,
FC/PC, 2.0 - 5.0 µm AR Coating


Achromatic FiberPort,
FC/PC and FC/APC, 
1050 - 1620 nm AR Coating


Aspheric FiberPort, 
SMA, 350 - 700 nm AR Coating



Related Items

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FiberPort Quick Links
Item #Lens TypeConnectorEFLs (mm)
FC/PC & FC/APC4, 7.5
PAF2P-Ax FC/PC10, 15
PAF2A-Ax FC/APC10, 15
PAF2S-Ax SMA4, 7.5
PAF2-x Molded
FC/PC & FC/APC2, 4, 4.6, 7.5
PAF2P-x FC/PC11, 15.3, 18.4
PAF2A-x FC/APC2, 4.6, 7.5,
11, 15.3, 18.4
PAF2S-x SMA2, 4.6, 7.5,
11, 15.3, 18.4

Click to Enlarge



  • 5自由度の調整とファイバ回転調整が可能
  • 低ヒステリシス(詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照.)
  • FC/PC、FC/APCならびにSMAタイプ
    • FC/PCとFC/APCタイプは、2.1 mmワイドキーと2.0 mmナローキーの両方に対応
    • SMA FiberPortは SMA905コネクタ用に設計
  • 非球面レンズまたはアクロマティックレンズ付き
  • シングルモード、マルチモード、および偏波保持ファイバに適した製品
  • 可視、近赤外、または中赤外域用のARコーティング付きをご用意(詳細は「セレクションガイド」タブ参照)

当社の小型で安定性が高いFiberPortマイクロポジショナは、光ファイバとの光結合(入射および出射)用として使いやすいプラットフォームです。コンパクトなサイズ、再現性の高い高分解能なアライメント機構、高い熱安定性*、および固定機構(詳細は「取扱い」タブ参照)といった特長により、このFiberPortはファイバとの結合およびコリメート用として短期用にも長期用にも適しています。各FiberPortは、下記の赤いアイコン () をクリックするとご覧いただける図面に記載された波長でコリメートされるよう、出荷前にアライメントされています。ヒステリシスならびに熱安定性については「グラフ」タブをご覧ください。

各FiberPortには、焦点距離が2.0 mm~18.4 mmのアクロマティックレンズまたは非球面レンズが取り付けられています。FC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMAファイバーバルクヘッド付きの製品をご用意しております。有効焦点距離が短い(≤7.5 mm)FiberPortとして、FC/PCならびにFC/APCコネクタ両方にご使用いただけるFCバルクヘッド付きのFiberPortがございます。5軸調整機能に短い焦点距離を組み合わせた場合、軸外への出射光は無視できるレベルに調整可能です。FiberPortの選択について詳細は「セレクションガイド」タブをご覧ください。

FiberPortを用いて光結合やコリメートを行う際、結合効率を高めるために当社のARコーティング付きファイバーパッチケーブル (シングルモードマルチモードまたは偏波保持)のご使用をお勧めいたします。これらのパッチケーブルは高出力光源からの光の後方反射を低減します。中赤外域で使用するFiberPortには、当社のフッ化物ファイバーパッチケーブルをお勧めいたします。

当社のアクロマティックFiberPortは、非常に小さな焦点距離の変化で広い波長領域にわたって光をコリメートします。そのため、光源の波長が変わった場合も再調整の必要が低減されます。アクロマティックFiberPortと、類似する非球面FiberPortの両方の焦点距離の変化は上記「セレクションガイド」タブからご覧いただけます。こちらのFiberPortは、有効焦点距離 4.5 m、 7.5 mm、10 mmまたは15 mmでご用意しております。各アクロマティックFiberPortの有効焦点シフトは、下の表でご覧いただけます。アクロマティックレンズの性能について詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

コネクタとファイバを固定したまま、内蔵されたレンズのアライメント調整を5つの自由度で行うことできます。5つの自由度とは、XY方向の直線移動調整、あおり調整(チップ&チルト)、およびチップ&チルト調整用ネジを同時に動かすことによるZ方向の調整を意味します。非球面レンズのXY方向の移動範囲は±0.7 mmで、分解能は1回転につき317 µmです。Z方向の移動範囲は±1.0 mmで、分解能は 1回転につき200 µmです。これに加え、前面プレートの皿ネジ3個を緩めて、偏波保持ファイバのアライメントのためにバルクヘッドを回転調整することもできます。アライメント終了後は、筐体側面にある固定用止めネジを締め付けてXYの位置を固定できます。また、Zθアジャスタの固定用カラーを使用してチップ&チルトの位置も固定できます。FiberPortの操作方法の詳細については「取扱い」タブをご覧ください。 

FiberPortには当社のFiberBenchアクセサリに対応する#2ザグリ穴が4つ付いています。当社ではFiberPortをØ12 mm~Ø12.7 mm(Ø1/2インチ)ポスト30 mmケージシステム、さらにHeNeレーザに使用できるアダプタも開発しました。詳細については「FiberPortの取付け」タブをご覧ください。


*推奨する動作温度は80 °C以下です。




Zθアジャスタの固定用カラーは、付属のスパナレンチを使用し、アライメント位置を固定します。このカラーは、シングルモードファイバのアライメントにも影響を与えることなく固定できます。 またZθアジャスターネジが移動しすぎるのを防ぎます。


PAF2 Design Improvements







130 TPIアジャスタ 




Click to Enlarge



Screw Size0-80
Hex Size0.05"
(1.3 mm)
Adjustment per Revolution317 µm 
Translation Range±0.7 mm

磁気レンズセルは、FiberPort本体側面の六角穴付きキャップスクリュ(上の写真の赤と青の表示)を用いて、チルトプレートとは独立してXY方向に移動できます。各アジャスタは簡単に識別できるようX、Yと表示されています。レンズのXY方向への移動範囲は±0.7 mmです。XとYのアジャスターネジの仕様については上の表をご覧ください。なおFiberPortを標準的なコリメート用または結合用として使用する場合は、移動範囲はわずかしか必要ありません。



Screw SizeM2 x 0.2
Hex Size0.05" (1.3 mm)
Adjustment per Revolution
200 µm
Translation Range±1.0 mm

各FiberPortを構成するレンズセルは、磁石でチルトプレートに付いています。このチルトプレートは上の写真の緑色で示されている3つのZθアジャスタで動きます。各アジャスタにはZθ1、Zθ2、Zθ3の表示があり、どのアジャスタが既に調整済みで、これからどのアジャスタを調整すべきなのかが判別しやすくなっています。各アジャスタを同じ増分量だけ回すと、FiberPortの光軸に沿ってZ軸方向に移動します。Z軸の移動範囲は±1.0 mmです。Zθアジャスターネジの仕様については上の表をご覧ください。




Screw Size0-80
Hex Size0.05"
(1.3 mm)




Screw Size0-80
Hex Size0.028"
(0.7 mm)




FiberPort Reflectance Curves
Click to Enlarge

各FiberPortのレンズには、-A (350~700 nmまたは400~700 nm)、-B (600~1050 nmまたは650~1050 nm)、-C (1050~1620または1050~1700 nm)、-D (1.8~2.4 µm)、-E (2.0 - 5.0 µm)のコーティングが施されています。


FiberPortの熱安定性は、環境温度を±10 °C変化させ、温度に伴う結合効率の変動を測定して評価しました。FiberBench FB-38にPAF2P-11Aを取り付けて測定しました。635 nm光源とシングルモードファイバを使用しました。 なお熱安定性は部品とシステムのセットアップに大きく依存しますのでご留意ください。
約5%の結合効率の変動は、このFiberBench/FiberPortシステム内のすべての部品の動きの結果です。この変動はビームスポットがファイバーコアに対して約0.5 µm移動したことに対応します。温度を変化させた後、最初の温度に戻したときの結合効率は、初期値の1%以内に戻っています。


Zθ調整の再現性は、Zθアジャスタを200~300 µrad移動させ、(0、0)の初期位置に戻すことで測定しました。測定は3回実施しました。ビームの動きを測定するために、FiberPortから出射されるビームをCCDビームプロファイラで受けています。 測定にはPAF2P-11Aを使用し、ビームの波長は635 nmでした。

FiberPort Calulator



  • 光源の波長
  • ファイバの種類(シングルモード、マルチモード、または偏波保持)
  • ファイバーコネクタ(FC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMA)
  • 必要とされるレンズの種類(アクロマティックまたは非球面レンズ)

これらの情報により、お客様のシステム構成に最も適したFiberPortを見つけ出すことが可能です。以下に記載するのは、光結合用のFiberPortを探すのに適した方法です。この例では結合するファイバとしてシングルモードファイバを想定しています。 シングルモードの場合は、FiberPortとファイバの適合性を判断するのに必要な計算がマルチモードよりも複雑で、主にファイバとレンズのNAを考慮する必要があります。




  • 波長:633 nm
  • ファイバ:P1-630A-FC-2
  • レンズに入射するコリメートビーム径:Ø3 mm

FC/PCシングルモードパッチケーブルP1-630A-FC-2の仕様から、波長が633 nmの時の1/e2モードフィールド径(MFD)は4.3 μmです。このMFDは、下記の式で計算される回折限界スポットサイズØspotと等しくなければいけません。

Fiberport Spot Size Equation


Fiberport Spot Size Example

当社は、様々なFiberPortを豊富に取り揃えています。ファイバーコネクタもARコーティング範囲の条件も合致するFiberPortの中で、16 mmに最も近い15.3 mmの焦点距離を持つ製品にFiberPort(型番PAF2P-15A)があります。また、このFiberPortの開口は、コリメートされたビーム径よりも大きくなっています。よって、これが与えられた初期パラメータ(つまり、シングルモードファイバP1-630A-FC-2、Ø3 mmのコリメートされたビーム径)に対して最も適した選択となります。






当社のFiberPort内のレンズには、-A (350~700 nmまたは400~700 nm)、-B (600~1050 nmまたは650~1050 nm)、-C (1050~1620または1050~1700 nm)、-D (1800~2400 µm)、-E (2000 - 5000 nm)のARコーティングが施されています。右のグラフは各ARコーティングの1表面当たりの反射率(典型値)を示しています。ARコーティング付きのレンズはそれぞれFC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMAコネクタ付きファイバに対応するFiberPortパッケージに納められています。FiberPortを選択する際は、ファイバ/コネクタ/FiberPortの正しい組み合わせを選択するよう注意してください。ARコーティングの情報と各FiberPortに対応するコネクタの情報は下記をご覧ください。ご質問などがございましたら当社までご連絡ください。

:Cコーティングの波長範囲の仕様は、1050~1620 nmから1050~1700 nmに改定されています。現在取り扱っているCコーティング付き光学素子には、全て改定後の仕様(1050~1700 nm)が適用されています。ドキュメント類の更新作業をすすめておりますが、光学素子によっては、旧仕様の波長範囲が記載されたままになっている場合があります。



Click to Enlarge

ファイバに集光されたコリメート光について、アクロマティックFiberPortに使用されるアクロマティック複レンズの性能と、同じ有効焦点距離を持つFiberPortの非球面レンズの性能を比較しました。レンズは波長580 nmの光がファイバに集光するようにアライメントされています。与えられた波長範囲において、アクロマティック複レンズではファイバ上に集光スポットを生成しますが、非球面レンズでは色焦点移動により光軸に沿って波長に伴う一連の焦点が生成されます。ファイバの位置は非球面レンズの焦点に固定されているため、スポットサイズは波長に依存して大きく変化します。しかし波長の変化とともにファイバの位置を適切に調整することにより、この影響を最小限に抑えることはできます。

Click to Enlarge

このグラフは、左のグラフと同じセットアップにおける焦点距離のシフト量を示しています。どちらのレンズの焦点距離(F)も580 nm付近では同様です。全体的に、475 nm~655 nm(580 nm付近以外)における非球面レンズの焦点移動は、アクロマティック複レンズと比較して約1桁大きくなっています。580 nmより短い波長ではビームはFより短い距離で集光され、580 nmより長い波長ではFより長い距離で集光されます。
FiberPort X-Y Adjustment




このVideo Insight(How-to動画)では、FiberBench上で2つのFiberPortをアライメントする方法を解説しています。なお、このデモではFC/PCコネクタを使用しています。FC/APCコネクタを使用する場合は、1つのFiberPortだけをFiberBench上に置いて、それぞれプリアライメントを行うことをお勧めします。これによりプリアライメント中にビームがもう一方のFiberPortを通過しなくて済みます。FC/APCコネクタに対して適切にアライメントされたビームは、もう一方のFiberPortを通過するときにクリッピングされるため、アライメント状態を適切に判断するのが困難です。




Divergence Angle Equation



コリメータPAF2-A4Aを460HPのようなシングルモードファイバと組みあわせ、MFD = 3.5 µm、f ≈ 4.0 mmとした場合、広がり角は以下のようになります。

θ ≈ (0.0035 mm / 4.0 mm)*(180/3.1416) ≈ 0.050°または0.875 mrad



Output Beam Diameter Equation



コリメータPAF2-A4A(f = 4.0 mm)とファイバ460HP(MFD = 3.5 µm)を組み合わせて450 nmの光を使用した場合、その出力ビーム径は以下のようになります。

(4)(450 nm)[4.0 mm / (π · 3.5 µm)] = 0.65 mm



Max Waist Distance Calculation



コリメータPAF2-A4Aを460HPのようなシングルモードファイバと組み合わせ、MFD = 3.5 µm、≈ 4.0 mm、λ = 450 nmとした場合、ビームウェストまでの最大距離は以下のようになります。

4 mm + (2 (4 mm)2 (450 nm) / (3.1416) (3.5 µm)2) = 378 mm.

FiberPort のケージへの取付けFiberPortのポストへの取付け
Cage Mounting ApplicationClick to EnlargeCP08FP(/M)は、30 mmケージシステム内の中央にFiberPortが取り付けられるように設計されています。CP08FP(/M)は、30 mmケージアセンブリの4本のERロッドに固定できます。付属の4つの#2-56のステンレススチール製の六角穴付きネジで、FiberPortをアダプタに取り付けます。CP08FP/MにはSM1内ネジが付いているので、当社の豊富な種類のØ25 mm~Ø25.7 mm(Ø1インチ)レンズチューブと併用が可能です。さらにポスト取付け用にM4のタップ穴もあります。HCP Application
Click to Enlarge
HCL Application
Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge
Cage Mounting Application
Click to Enlarge



  • NAはファイバの受光角を表す指標となり得るか?
  • MFDがシングルモードファイバにおいて重要な結合パラメータである理由とは?
  • NAによりシングルモードファイバからのビーム広がり角がわかるか?




Diagram of multimode fiber showing incident angles and refracted and TIR rays
Click to Enlarge


Diagram showing the derivation of the relationship between NA and maximum acceptance angle for a multimode fiber
Click to Enlarge


開口数(NA) は、ほとんどのマルチモードファイバにおいて図1のように最大の受光角を表します。この関係性はシングルモードファイバにおいては適用することができません。

入射光の光線モデルで、開口数と最大受光角(θmax )の関係性を表します。最大受光角は、軸外の光源からの光を集光できるファイバの能力を示します。図1の上にある計算式は、異なる光源からの光線がファイバのコアに結合できるかを判断するために使用できます。

入射角が≤θmax  aの光線は、ファイバのコアとクラッド間の境界において全内部反射(TIR)します。これらの光線はファイバ内を伝搬していくので、コア内に閉じ込められたままとなります。

入射角がθmax  よりも大きい光線については、コアとクラッド間の境界で屈折し、部分的に透過するので、結果的に減衰していきます。

NA、θmax 、コアとクラッドの屈折率ncore nclad の関係性は、図2で表すことができます。この図では、コアとクラッド間の境界で全反射が生じる最も極端な条件を示しています。

図2の上にある計算式は、スネルの法則によるもので、境界の両側における光線の挙動を示します。なお、式の簡易化でsin(90°) = 1が使用されています。θmax の値を制限するのはコアとクラッドの屈折率だけです。

入射角が≤θmax のとき、入射光はマルチモードファイバの導波モードのどれか1つに結合されます。一般的に言えば、入射角が小さければ小さいほど、励起されるファイバのモード次数も小さくなります。次数が小さいモードは、強度をコアの中心近くに集中させます。次数が最も小さいモードは、端面に垂直に入射された光によって励起されます。







MFD of a single mode optical fiber
Click to Enlarge

図3:最大の結合効率でシングルモードファイバに結合するためには、光が軸上のガウシアンビームで、ウェスト位置がファイバの端面にあり、ウェスト径がMFDと等しくなる必要があります。ファイバの出射光もこれらの特性によりガウス分布に近い形状となります。シングルモードファイバにおいて、開口数(NA)の使用した光線モデルは、結合状態を決定するには不適切です。ここでは半径( ρ )におけるモード強度(I )プロファイルが示されています。





プロファイルは、径方向距離()プロファイルは、径方向距離( ρ )のガウス関数にほぼ一致します。MFDは、ファイバ長に沿って一定で、e-2とピーク強度の積に等しい強度の幅です。モードフィールド径(MFD)内は、ビームパワーの約86%が含まれます。




Kowalevicz A and Bucholtz F, "Beam Divergence from an SMF-28 Optical Fiber (NRL/MR/5650--06-8996)." Naval Research Laboratory, 2006.









は、広がり角または受光角(θSM )(単位:ラジアン)です。これは1/2ビーム角で、波長()に依存し、ビームのウェスト径はファイバのMFDに等しく設定されています(Kowalevicz氏。下記の参考文献をご参照ください)。

Rayleigh Range:
Beam Radius at Distance z:

図4:青い線は、シングルモードファイバからの出射光の広がり角(θSM )をNAを用いて計算した結果を示しています。赤い線は、ガウシアンビーム伝搬モデルを使用して計算されており、これにより、ビームスポット径の大きな誤差を回避することができます。

こちらのグラフではSM980-5.8-125からのビームをモデル化しています。NAは0.13、MFDは6.4 µmの値を使用しています。動作波長は980 nm、レイリー範囲は32.8 µmでした。



ガウシアンビームの広がり角は、光線として作用する光を想定して計算された広がり角度とは実質的に異なります。光線モデルを使用した場合、広がり角は sin-1(NA)となります。しかし、NAと広がり角の関係性は高次マルチモードファイバのみ有効です。

図4では、NAを使用して広がり角を計算すると大きな違いが生じる可能性を示しています。 ガウシアンビームでは、広がり角はビームパワーの86%を含む領域とされており、この領域の境界円における強度は、ピーク強度の1/e2となっています。

図4の右の式は、シングルモードファイバ端面から出射されるビームの広がり角を正確にモデル化するガウシアンビームの式です。計算に使用するファイバのMFD、NAならびに動作波長を含む値はグラフ下に記載されています。ビーム発散角は、 1/e2半径によって定義されたビームサイズの変化により算出されています。ビームサイズは、z < zRの距離においては非線形で、ファーフィールド(z >> zR)においてはほぼ線形に変化します。


Kowalevicz A and Bucholtz F, "Beam Divergence from an SMF-28 Optical Fiber (NRL/MR/5650--06-8996)." Naval Research Laboratory, 2006.

Content improved by our readers!

Posted Comments:
Rachel Rae  (posted 2024-10-10 10:29:47.48)
would this model: PAF2-7B, be damaged by a power of 600mW with beam diameter 5um (a linear power density of 1200W/cm)? The beam would be from a supercontinuum source in the visible region. I would also like to use it with neutral density filter: NE13A-B. Would the filter be damaged by this power density?
EGies  (posted 2024-10-15 04:58:42.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have not officially tested the damage threshold of the lens used in PAF2-7B with a supercontinuum source. The damage threshold for this fiberport will be affected by both the AR coating and by the lens material used. I have reached out you directly regarding your specific application.
Ronny De La Bastida  (posted 2024-09-30 15:20:26.333)
Good morning, I am using the PAF2A-15C for coupling two telecom laser. But I looked that when you move the x screw for one direction the beam is moving but when you move x screw for the other direction the beam is not moving until you move the y screw. I checked the other similar couplers and there is not the same issue. Do you have any suggestion to fix it or why is happening that ? Kind regards, Ronny
EGies  (posted 2024-10-04 06:22:53.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The X adjustment screw pushes the lens cell (MLC) against a leaf spring when moving in the one direction. The leaf spring then provides a counterforce to push the lens cell in the opposite direction when you back off the screw. I have reached out directly to discuss troubleshooting steps.
user  (posted 2024-08-12 09:31:18.51)
Dear Thorlabs, in the "Calculations"-tab you gave a formula describing the maximum waist distance, at which a beam can still be considered collimated. Can you give me some context, where this formula is coming from (How you derived it, what literature it's coming from, or most importantly, what assumptions did you make for "maximum" wais distance.)? Thank you in adwance.
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-09-27 08:39:00.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs with this inquiry! In order to derive these equations, we used a familiar paper by Sidney A. Self, describing the propagation and focusing of gaussian beams. I have reached out to you directly to share the appropriate reference.
George Dubelaar  (posted 2024-07-04 14:59:10.99)
Dear Thorlabs, I want to try a fiberport (e.g. PAF2P-15A) to collimate the output of a PM-S405-XP fiber coupled to a 520nm laser. Please advise the best type of fiberport for this set-up, and let me know if it is possible that we can receive one of those to evaluate before we decide to use them in our instruments. Thanks for your help, George Dubelaar CytoBuoy bv optics dept.
jdelia  (posted 2024-07-09 02:16:18.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly via email to discuss your application. Ideally, you would want to make sure the connector type, the NA, and the AR coating are appropriate for your input fiber and laser source.
Sebastian Slaman  (posted 2024-06-17 16:48:24.803)
What is the maximum temperature these collimators are rated for?
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-06-28 11:51:01.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. The epoxies inside will begin to fail around 80-90°C. With higher temp epoxies the device will become unusable at ~120°C as this is the Curie Temp of the magnetic lens cell within the device. above this temp the lens will not be able to maintain a set position.
Viktor Dubec  (posted 2024-04-08 15:14:50.677)
Hello, what is the tolerance of the opening where the fiber is inserted? I have got following task: I want to use 50um core multi-mode fiber because my laser spot in the focus is around 40-50um. In can do the alignment easily and I get over 80% efficiency. But after I remove the fiber and insert it back, the alignment is lost. Is there any solution how to make this process repeatable without new alignment? Or is it impossible due to small mechanical dimensions and tolerances of the coupler and fiber? Thank you!
ksosnowski  (posted 2024-05-09 04:45:31.0)
Hello Viktor, thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. With the worst case tolerance of our SMA Fiberport and standard SMA905 connectors there could be up to 20um clearance in the bore of the bulkhead. Depending on the exact fiber and connector used, the concentricity there may also effect coupling on repeated insertions. Connectors with an orientation key like FC/PC may help repeatability of the insertion as well. I have reached out directly to discuss this application in further detail.
Francois Parnet  (posted 2024-01-30 10:14:40.54)
Hello, I can't find the distance between the FC/APC end tip of the pigtail inserted into the Fiberport and the lens. Only the length L between the FC/APC connector and the metal package is given. I need to know what is the excursion of +/-1mm for this PAF2A-18C component. Thank you
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-02-02 09:50:30.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. Looking at the lens used within this component, it seems that while the focal length is ~18.4mm, the working distance is closer to 17mm. With this fact, we design the fiberport such that the WD of the lens is coincident with the tip of the fiber when the Z translation is at its zero position. In this sense, this will allow +/-1mm travel to optimize collimation/coupling. I have contacted you directly to discuss this.
Craig Prater  (posted 2023-11-22 13:56:34.933)
So far, I am extremely disappointed with this product. I find the FiberPort devices to be extremely difficult to use and not stable over time. The most frustrating aspect is that I am seeing uncontrolled shifts in the relative position of the coupling optics to the fiber that has on at least five occasions has led to complete or almost complete loss of coupling of light into the fiber. On several occasions, I have been very close to maximizing the light coupling when there was a sudden loss of coupling even when I was nowhere close to the unit. After the loss of coupling, I find the new optimal coupling position and focus way off of the previous location, for example up to half a turn of the Z-theta adjustment screws. I have seen this behavior with two different FiperPort couplers I bought. (I am also confident that the problem is associated with the FiberPort couplers and not some other component in my optical system because I am coupling the same laser beam via a beam splitter into the two different FiberPorts and I will see one or the other coupler suddenly lose coupling, while the other is still coupling ok. So it is not any upstream optics. I also find the units very difficult to use because the heads of the adjustment screws are so small, it is very difficult to get an Allen wrench into the the adjusters, especially the z-theta two adjuster which is below the other two adjuster where it is difficult to see and difficult to access. I also find that the XY adjustments are not very smooth with lots of backlash and some cross-coupling. I bought these units to test for possible inclusion in an OEM product, but with my current experience, I can't imagine including these couplers in a product. At this stage I would like some guidance about other options that will be more robust for single mode fiber coupling.
jpolaris  (posted 2023-12-04 05:10:55.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Your feedback is valued, and I am sorry that you have been having a difficult time with our FiberPorts. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your setup and to explore possible reasons for the issues you are experiencing. Our FiberPorts are designed with stability (mechanical and thermal), repeatability, and functionality in mind. For this reason, I find your description of the issue surprising -- especially the part about you losing coupling while nowhere near the FiberPort. Single-mode coupling is notoriously tricky, so I have reached out to you to try to identify if the issues you are experiencing are procedural (alignment technique) or mechanical (faulty FiberPort) in nature. We provide a FiberPort alignment procedure located at the following link. Following this procedure helps ensure that you do not find yourself at local unstable coupling efficiency maxima. As you home in on the "true maximum" coupling efficiency, you will pass through these local maxima. When this happens, it is completely normal for the coupling efficiency to temporarily rise to a peak, then fall off dramatically. This process will continue until you've found the ideal adjustor positions. The alignment procedure can be found here:
Yuheng Huyan  (posted 2023-11-13 17:14:02.3)
Dear Thorlabs, Does the coupler performs the same for high power laser? Is the coupling efficiency power dependent? Best, YH
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-11-29 02:01:17.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. The effect you could potentially see would be thermal lensing, when using a high power laser and considering the coupling efficiency. Alternatively, you could potentially damage the lens inside or strip the anti reflective coating. I have contacted you directly to inquire regarding your optical setup, laser parameters, and eventual experimental requirements.
user  (posted 2023-07-07 14:49:47.403)
Hello, We recently purchased a PAF2S-2B. I would like to access to a Zemax file of the aspheric lens, such as to modelize further the beam. Is it possible to get one by email ? Thanks.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-07-13 01:58:35.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. Thankfully the lens inside this FiberPort is a stock asphere: 355151-B. The Zemax files can be found here:
ChangYi Lin  (posted 2023-06-05 19:31:03.607)
Dear Thorlabs, I would like to ask some questions about my multimode fiber laser. I need to use a 915nm CW fiber laser. Its NA is 0.22, core size is 200um, and connector is SMA905. Is it suitable with PAF2S-2B? What is the coupling efficiency? How to estimate the beam divergence angle after passing through PAF2S-2B? core size/focus = 200um/2mm=0.1rad? Thank you.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-06-12 01:39:25.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. In order to understand your application and intent, I have contacted you directly. For future technical/usage inquiries, please contact
Tobias Kuhnke  (posted 2023-03-13 13:39:49.083)
Dear Thorlabs, I am using multiple PAF2A-15C Ports for coupling 1310 nm SLED radiation in between single mode fibres with different base plates yielding 5 cm and 10 cm distance between the ports. During the alignment process we've found out that the coupling efficiency is highly dependent on an optimal z-value between the ports for higher working distances. Sub-optimal z-values will drag down coupling efficiency when working with higher working distance. One finds optimal z-values by subsequently increasing the working distance and adjusting z-theta for z-value. When z is optimal, a small change in x- and y-axis value will drop coupling effiency sharply.
jgreschler  (posted 2023-03-13 02:40:02.0)
Thank you for your valuable feedback regarding fiber coupling with our FiberPorts. I have reached out to you directly to suggest some tips and tricks to make the process of fiber coupling a little easier! We also have a video demonstration of one of our engineers bringing their efficiency to 80% here which is great to follow along with
zhang Aaron  (posted 2022-09-25 01:26:14.297)
FiberPort 产品型号为PAF2-5B 中近光纤连接器端的透镜破损,请问有替换元件吗
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-10-04 04:15:27.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us. If you have a broken component in one of your products, please reach out to to troubleshoot and identify the issue. I have reached out to you in this situation to troubleshoot your device.
YU DONG  (posted 2022-08-31 09:05:01.813)
What is the coupling efficiency of the coupler and the laser emission wavelength is 532nm.
Ilan Sher  (posted 2022-08-14 23:20:51.903)
Hello, I trying to couple laser to the PAF2A-11B collimator sitting on the HCP L-Bracket Mount to PM fiber. I noticed that the colimator is tilted even with all Ztheta screws is losen so the tiltplate supposed to be straight. How can i fix that tilt to make the coupling efficient? Thanks
jgreschler  (posted 2022-08-25 10:26:15.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly to discuss troubleshooting, and set up a return for repair on your unit of PAF2A-11B.
M Eskandari  (posted 2021-12-28 03:01:59.553)
Hello, I have bought a free space single-photon detector from MPD (, but now I'm going to modify it to a fiber-coupled version. I think by attaching PAF2P-15B and a simple mechanical adapter on the detector, I can direct the 810 nm light on the 50 um effective area of the detector. Is this part suitable? Regards
jgreschler  (posted 2022-01-04 11:22:46.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application further.
Yong Guk Kang  (posted 2021-12-07 23:47:26.143)
Hello, I am trying to catch and launch the free space SLD beam to the single-mode fiber. (780) the bandwidth of free space SLD beam is around 800~850nm, and its collimated beam diameter is 2.5mm. for best efficiency, which one should I use? PAF2A-A10B (output dia. 2.16 mm)or PAF2A-A15B(output dia3.25mm) ? regards,
jgreschler  (posted 2021-12-14 09:07:35.0)
Thank you for reaching out to Thorlabs. The parameter that will dictate whether your input beam clips the lens is actually the clear aperture (CA) of the system. In both items the CA spec is 4.5mm, which is more than enough for a 2.5mm input beam. Given your fiber's NA and MFD specs the PAF2A-A10B is the correct choice for this application, which is in agreement with the FiberPort calculator in the Selection Guide tab of this product page.
Paul D  (posted 2021-11-26 09:08:25.307)
Hi, We are currently using the PAF2-2A and it's a great product. Do you plan to release an achromatic FiberPort with a 2-mm focal length? The shortest focal length of your achromatic FiberPort (4mm) is too large for our optical system. Thanks
YLohia  (posted 2021-12-10 02:14:45.0)
Hello, thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we don't have any plans of releasing shorter focal length achromatic Fiberports in the near-future. That being said, we have noted your request and hope to look into a solution for this.
Bethany Foxon  (posted 2021-09-08 04:34:44.083)
Hello, do you have the ZMX file for the the PAF2-5A? Thank you
YLohia  (posted 2021-09-08 12:01:15.0)
Hello, we don't offer Zemax files for the entire FiberPort assembly but we are able to offer Zemax files for the component lenses used in the FiberPorts in most cases. The PAF2-5A uses the A390-A lens and its Zemax file can be found here:
jia gao  (posted 2021-06-21 10:35:12.59)
We used the fiber coupler to align four lasers with different wavelength. But adjusting the knobs on the mirrors and x y a on coupler. We successfully adjusted the efficiency for all four lasers to 50%. However, when we came to lab another day, the efficiency dropped dramatically to micro again… we wonder if it is due to the fiber coupler too sensitive? Should we lock the x y after setting.
YLohia  (posted 2021-06-28 10:18:24.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Please check the long term / temperature related drifts of your collimated beam going into the PAF. In the event of a positional drift of the beam, the coupling efficiency can drop significantly. It is recommended to lock the X-Y adjusters once alignment has been completed.
Kais Almarzouk  (posted 2021-05-20 18:09:45.25)
Do you have a Zemax copy of this item (PAF-X-18-B)? If you do can you email it to me. Thank you.
YLohia  (posted 2021-05-21 10:54:50.0)
Hello, I have reached out to you directly regarding this.
Jaemin Song  (posted 2021-05-19 00:36:21.53)
Hi, I am looking for a collimator for the range of wavelengths between 400nm and 900nm. So, I found PAF2S-A7A as one of my collimator systems. However, I am a little confused with the possible transmission and collimating range. The wavelength range of the AR coating is 400-700 nm, while the transmission range of materials(N-BAF10 / N-SF6HT) is starting from about 600 nm. Then, this collimator only be used within 600 ~ 700 bm wavelength. Am I right? please, check the AR coating and lens material of PAF2S-A7A. Thank you.
YLohia  (posted 2021-05-19 01:34:25.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The PAF2S-A7A can still be used for its specified wavelength range of 400 - 700 nm, but the internal transmission in the 400-600 nm range will be roughly 80-95%. If the loss due to transmission isn't too high for your application, the PAF2S-A7A can still be used.
Alex C  (posted 2021-05-11 11:32:45.257)
I’m currently working on a project using 2 Thor labs FIberPorts that seem to be discontinued, and one of them I can not find the serial number on your website is it possible to get the specifications for these? One the serial PAF-X-7-780 and the other is PAF-X-7-B. The -780 has a longer connection port. Any information/specifications would be greatly appreciated.
YLohia  (posted 2021-05-12 11:03:30.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The specs for PAF-X-7-B can be found here ( or here ( We don't have any item number PAF-X-7-780 in our system.
Vijay C  (posted 2021-03-22 22:31:27.1)
Hi, What is the difference between the item PAF2P-18C and PAF2A-18C. Since both looks same, I am confused to choose the right product for my application.
YLohia  (posted 2021-03-23 10:24:58.0)
Hello, the PAF2P-18C has FC/PC connectors while the PAF2A-18C has FC/APC connectors.
Jens Flügge  (posted 2021-03-09 05:28:03.527)
Ladies and Gentlemen, are the FiberPort Collimators also avalable for vacuum (10^-4 mBar range) ? Kind Regards
YLohia  (posted 2021-03-09 11:38:19.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee vacuum performance of these due to lack of test data. While we don't foresee a catastrophic event, outgassing is expected to cause problems. The grease used is Krytox LVP, which is vacuum compatible. Most components are 303 stainless steel. The only plastic is PTFE. The lenses are attached with F113 and Armstrong A-12, which may outgas significantly, but only small amounts are used. If you would like to attempt using the FiberPort in vacuum, we would suggest removing the aluminum tilt plate cover and the adhesive that attaches it. This would be entirely at your risk, as we cannot guarantee the performance for this application.
Greg Whitfield  (posted 2021-03-03 11:23:29.077)
I am interested in using the PAF2 fiber alignment positioner without a lens. Is this possible?
asundararaj  (posted 2021-03-03 03:48:31.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Quotes for custom items can be requested by clicking the red "Request Quote" button above or emailing your local Thorlabs Tech Support team. We have reached out to you directly to discuss the possibility of offering this custom.
user  (posted 2020-08-12 18:38:51.23)
I wanted to have a solution to couple the collimated light coming from a broadband source (like the SLS201L with the SLS201C collimator) into a SM fiber with an MFD of ~10um and NA=0.23. I understand that it would be challenging to couple all the wavelengths into a SM fiber. The best possible solution that I could see was with the achromatic fiberports (even if I will not be able to sample the entore beam size of the SLS201L source). What would you suggest?
nbayconich  (posted 2020-08-13 03:40:33.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. It is not recommended to attempt to couple light from a broadband light source such as the SLS201L into any type of single mode fiber. With or without a fiberport system, the coupling efficiency will be extremely low and not suitable for most applications. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
chi xu  (posted 2020-03-05 15:01:50.03)
What is the max laser power this fiber-port/coating can handle?@1550 nm
nbayconich  (posted 2020-03-05 03:40:35.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have not yet tested the pulsed or CW damage threshold for these particular fiberport lenses however, in most cases the maximum power that can be used will be limited to the fiber connector's epoxy. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
abhishek akn  (posted 2019-11-26 08:56:28.963)
Hello, Please let me know the damage threshold for PAF2A-18B fibreport collimator. I will be using it with 100mW FC/APC laser module with pulse repeatation 10MHz, 10ns pulse width.
nbayconich  (posted 2019-11-27 10:00:02.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have not yet tested the pulsed damage threshold for these particular lenses however given the low average power and low pulse energy density of your source, we would not expect your source to damage these lenses used in this fiberport collimator.
user  (posted 2019-08-09 07:46:04.487)
Hello. I need to lock the X Y position of the lens in the PAF2A-18B fibreport collimator. I understand the iteratice process of tightening the locking screw then the X and Y screws. The manual says it is locked when the X, Y and locking screws are "snug". Does this mean until you can no longer tighten the screws please? Would I need to tighten the X-Y tension screws as much as possible beforehand?
YLohia  (posted 2019-08-19 10:57:19.0)
Hello, The X,Y, and LOCK screws should be tightened as much as possible while still maintaining alignment. Over-tightening can damage the device as these are small screws in a precision device. You should be able to tighten to ~1.5 in-lbs before causing damage. The order of operation is with XY screws in position to achieve desired alignment before engaging lock screw. Use X, Y, and Lock screws to maintain alignment while generally tightening to achieve lock.
Paul Mason  (posted 2019-08-01 05:57:07.66)
Please confirm the PAF2-5B is supplied with a dust cover. If not please can you let me know the part number for a dust cover compatible with the PAF2-5B and the price of the dust cover. Many thanks Paul
YLohia  (posted 2019-08-01 11:32:19.0)
Hello Paul, these FiberPorts include a dust cap. Additional caps can be purchased from the website using part number CAPX1.
Ivan Skachko  (posted 2019-07-23 06:14:45.993)
Hi I used FiberPort Coupling Calculator with the following parameters: aspheric lens, MM fiber, 640nm, SMA, beam diam=2mm, NA=0.1. The calculator returns: "There may not be a FiberPort that meets your input parameters..." However I do not see why, for example, PAF2S-11B would not be a suitable choice for my situation. Is there something I am missing? I am trying to couple 2mm HeNe laser beam into SMA terminated FG105LVA-Custom Patch Cord from Thorlabs. Very Best Regards Ivan
tcampbell  (posted 2019-07-23 10:38:19.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Currently, the calculator looks for a FiberPort with an NA less than or equal to the value entered by the user. We will look into refining the parameters in the tool so that cases like yours do not return a null result. In the meantime, a member of our Tech Support team will reach out to you to help you decide on a suitable FiberPort.
Yu D  (posted 2019-07-05 15:36:22.7)
Whether the spatial light passes through the collimator can be coupled to a single mode or a fiber of about 100 um with less loss. If not, can you recommend the relevant device to us?
YLohia  (posted 2019-07-08 03:51:44.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The FiberPort couplers on this page are designed for high-efficiency coupling into single mode fibers. Multimode fibers can be used as well with even better coupling efficiencies.
user  (posted 2019-07-02 10:01:45.837)
Hello, can the PAF2-5B be used with a 1064nm Laser while achieving reasonable efficiency?
YLohia  (posted 2019-07-02 04:31:54.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. This depends on how you define "reasonable efficiency". If you're specifically worried about operating this slightly outside of the AR-coating range, you shouldn't see a major drop in performance. Please see our typical reflectivity curve for the -B coating here : The PAF2-5B is the same as the PAF2-5C, except for the coating on the lens used.
Lukasz Ambrozinski  (posted 2019-05-07 17:09:12.59)
Hello, Can PAF2 fiberPort couplers be used to couple 1053 nm laser beam of the diameter of 0.7 mm to this fiber ? Thank you, Lukasz
YLohia  (posted 2019-05-08 08:44:15.0)
Hello Lukasz, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Yes, the PAF2 FiberPorts can be used for this application (we would specifically recommend looking into the longer focal length units such as the PAF2S-18C in this case).
Tommy Nguyen  (posted 2019-03-27 19:22:59.65)
Dear Thorlabs, We are trying to dual-couple 488nm and 640nm lasers into a single mode FC-PC Polarization maintaining fiber (P1-488PM-FC-2). For this we were considering on using the PAF2-2A fiberport; however, we were wondering if it is possible to exchange the lens for different applicaitons. Is this possible? As another question, we are using the above fiber to collimate 488nm and 640nm light out of the fiber with a approximate desired beam waist of 3mm. This would require an effective focal length around 15mm. Do you have anything you reccomend?
YLohia  (posted 2019-03-28 09:39:00.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We strongly recommend the achromatic FiberPorts (such as the PAF2-A4A) for applications that require dual wavelength coupling into single mode fibers. Even a slight focal length shift between the wavelengths in cases such as this can result in noticeable coupling losses. That being said, we are able to swap out lenses, though this is something we would have to bring the item back in for (the lens replacement is not serviceable by the user). We are currently in the process of looking into expanding the achromatic FiberPort line and we hope to have longer focal lengths available in the future. Currently, however, you may be able to use the RC04FC-P01 reflective collimator with EFL = 15mm for your dual wavelength beam. We recommend using this with the K5X1 5-axis kinematic mount for proper alignment.
user  (posted 2019-03-21 18:08:11.367)
I am looking for a coupler to inject 325nm laser (bram diameter 1.2mm) into single mode fiber. However, the only fiber that I found from Thorlab (SM300) has NA much smaller than the one fof the couplers here. Can I still able to couple light into these fibers ? Thanks
YLohia  (posted 2019-03-25 10:02:15.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. You can still couple light into the SM300 fiber with one of these collimators. There will, however, be a noticeable loss in power due to this NA mismatch (fiber NA ~0.12 with coupler NA 0.15). If spatial mode profile isn't important to your application, we recommend looking into our multimode fibers that will offer you a higher NA and coupling efficiency.
ganzfei  (posted 2019-03-08 15:18:38.137)
I have bought your product PAF2-5A and I want to couple a laser beam into a fiber. The illustration said the efficiency can be 60 to 80% but I have tried many times the efficiency does not exceed 30%. Could you help me with this issue?
llamb  (posted 2019-03-13 08:07:06.0)
Thank you for your feedback. Please refer to the Selection Guide tab on this webpage to ensure you have chosen the correct FiberPort for your application. It is crucial to consider wavelength, fiber type, fiber core size, and input beam diameter. Then, be sure to refer to the Alignment Procedure tab on this webpage for additional tips. After pre-aligning your FiberPort so its tilt plate is orthogonal to the optical axis, we recommend using two mirrors and an iris to help steer your input beam to be on-axis into your FiberPort. I have reached out to you directly with additional tips and troubleshooting steps.
17888819024  (posted 2019-03-07 16:28:34.71)
In the selection guide,the method is about single wavelength.I want to transmit light of multiple wavelengths,but I do not know how to select the FiberPort.Please teach me.
YLohia  (posted 2019-04-05 03:05:45.0)
Hello, we have been in direct contact with you since the original posting. Most of the FiberPorts on this page (as of 4/2019) are designed for single wavelength applications. That being said, we do offer achromatic FiberPorts (PAF2-Axx series) that are designed for broad wavelength ranges. The achromatic design of the lenses used minimizes the chromatic focal length shift.
lebouquj  (posted 2019-03-05 19:36:13.853)
Hi, is it possible to buy only the bulkhead and the adjusters, but without the lens. That would be a very useful tool for custom free space launching. Thanks.
YLohia  (posted 2019-04-05 02:57:56.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Custom/special items can be requested by emailing or clicking the red "Request Quote" button above. We have reached out to you directly to discuss your application and requirements.
2014170094  (posted 2019-01-14 01:43:23.05)
We had bought some FiberPorts(PAF-X-2-C),but now we can't find this item in website.Would you please offer some information about it? Thank you for your attention.
mmcclure  (posted 2019-01-14 09:51:53.0)
Thank you for contacting us. We recently redesigned and improved all our FiberPort products. The PAF-X-2-C has been superseded by the PAF2-2C. However, information about the PAF-X-2-C can be found here: Should you have additional questions concerning your FiberPort, please reach out to our Thorlabs technical support team. We are happy to assist you!
laurent.brilland  (posted 2018-12-21 12:02:01.167)
Hello I have unfortunatly damaged the lens of the fiber port PAF2-4E. How can I proceed to replace the lens ? If I order a new lens, do you have a procedure to change it ? Best regards Laurent
YLohia  (posted 2018-12-21 09:53:21.0)
Hello Laurent, customers cannot change the lens in our FiberPorts. Please contact your local Thorlabs Tech Support team ( to set up a return for repair.
mskang  (posted 2018-12-02 20:12:46.783)
I am going to use TC12FC-780 of triplet collimator for repeatability of collimator. How is the repeatablily function of this PAF2P-11B comparing with triplet collimator? Is this PAF2P-11B having big difference for repeatability? because repeatability funcion is very important point.
nbayconich  (posted 2019-04-09 04:20:05.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. In terms of repeatability are you looking for insertion repeatability for the fiberport and triplet collimators or pointing error repeatability such as the graphs provided on our triplet collimator page below? At the moment we only have insertion repeatability test data for the fiberports but no pointing error repeatability to compare to the triplet collimators. In terms of repeatability for the PAF2 series fiberport collimators there are 3 possible sources of error. 1) Connector ferrule fit to bulkhead. 2) Movement of lens relative to fiber. 3) Movement of device relative to target. Please let us know specifically what type of repeatability you are looking for. I will reach out to you with some insertion lost repeatability testing our engineers have performed on our fiberport collimators.
laurent.brilland  (posted 2018-11-15 10:43:36.09)
Hello I'll need to use the device PAF2-4E but with the 8-12 µm Ar coating. Is it possible to change the lens ? (the 390036F seems ok ?) Best regards Laurent
YLohia  (posted 2018-11-15 10:14:10.0)
Hello Laurent, thank you for your inquiry. I will reach out to you directly to discuss the possibility of offering this.
mfernholz  (posted 2018-07-30 15:50:49.69)
Dear Madam or Sir, I recently acquired the predecessor of the PAF2-A4A, the PAFA-X-4-A. I happened to have lost the locking screw, which should be a 0-80, 0.050" screw. Unfortunately, neither the length, nor whether the end is coated in rubber was stated in the manual and hence replacement has been difficult (also, since this is an imperial screw and I work in Europe). Is there a way to supply me with a replacement for the locking screw of the PAFA-X-4-A (I assume the screws remained the same for the PAF2-A4A)? If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Best regards, Martin Fernholz
YLohia  (posted 2018-08-02 11:36:22.0)
Hello Martin, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. These are actually #0-80 x 1/4" socket head cap screws and are not rubber-coated. For quotes on any custom items or component parts, please contact your local Thorlabs Tech Support ( We will reach out to you directly with a quote for the replacement screws.
caozengle  (posted 2018-05-23 10:37:54.243)
Hi, I want to know if bulkheads of different models are exchangable. I have a PAF2P-11A (11 mm, PC) and a broken PAF-X-15-A (old model, 15 mm, APC), I simply changed PAF2P's PC bulkhead with the APC one and happily to found it works well. I want to know if APC (or PC) bulkheads of 11 mm and 15 mm models are exactly the same, also are APC and PC bulkheads exchangable with the same focal length.
nbayconich  (posted 2018-05-24 09:15:16.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Yes the bulkheads for the 11mm & 15mm FC/PC fiberports are the same type so these can be interchanged. The bulkheads of the 11mm & 15mm FC/APC fiberports can also be switched with one another. The bulkhead used in a fiberport will be determined by the focal length, all bulkheads in fiberports with focal lengths of 2-7mm are interchangeable. Fiberports with focal lengths of 11-18mm will use a different set.
saurabh.raj  (posted 2018-04-12 14:46:09.737)
What would be the best coupler for a fiber with FC/AFC end? I have searched your webpage, but can't find couplers for AFC fibers.
YLohia  (posted 2018-04-12 11:18:46.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. There is no such thing as an FC/AFC connector for fibers. Perhaps you mean FC/APC? If that is the case, we have many APC compatible couplers on this page. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application further.
user  (posted 2018-04-07 17:17:20.013)
I don't like that the new fiber port has both metric and SAE screws. It sucks to strip out a screw because I forgot they are different, and used the closest sized wrong allen wrench. It would be nice if there was consistent hardware, either all metric or all SAE.
nbayconich  (posted 2018-04-10 05:34:03.0)
Thank you for your feedback. Our apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused, please note that all adjusters for these fiberports use imperial hex keys.
TCampbell  (posted 2018-04-04 11:31:30.037)
A note from Tim at Thorlabs: As an update to the previous comment, please note that a new generation of FiberPort Collimators were released on March 20, 2018. For more information on the new design, please see the tabs above. We look forward to hearing feedback on the improved features!
david.lavan  (posted 2018-02-21 14:54:56.21)
This may be the worst product Thorlabs sells. Between arriving missing a spring, and being almost impossible to adjust to generate a signal with a SM fiber, it is a a sure fire way to turn thousands of dollars of lab time into vapor.
nbayconich  (posted 2018-03-01 02:48:36.0)
Thank you for your honest feedback. The design of these FiberPort collimators is outdated, and in an effort to make them more compact, significant crosstalk arose. We will be shortly releasing a new version of our FiberPort collimators, the new design will mitigate positioning errors from hysteresis, and over travel of the Z axis. Some improved features of our new FiberPort collimators will include M2X0.2 fine adjusters and will no longer have plunger screws to provide a counterforce against the adjuster screws but will contain retention springs to provide counterforce. I will reach out to you directly to discuss performance changes.
tanmaybhwmk3  (posted 2017-10-25 23:14:45.83)
What is the damage threshold for the product "PAF-X-7-A"? Can I use it for 800 mW CW 532 nm laser with Multimode fibre?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-10-30 12:11:44.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The maximum power that can be used in a FiberPort will depend on many factors. Whether it is used for collimating out of fiber or coupling into fiber, overfilling the lens or fiber will expose epoxy to high power, and that will likely be the limiting factor. I will reach out to you to discuss your application, but in general, it is best to align the system at low power and increase power only once the transmission is maximized.
user  (posted 2017-09-01 16:58:35.093)
Hello, I have a question concerning the waist at the collimator output and the MFD : I want to use a PAF-X-11-C and a P3-1064PM-FC. Using the given formula at 1064nm I get : d = 4*(1064nm)*11mm/(pi*7.7µm) = 1.9 mm Is this correct ? Can I take whatever fiber (i.e. MFD) I want ?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-09-15 10:12:20.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The calculation of beam diameter you give above looks correct for a diffraction model of the propagating light. The geometric model would give the diameter as roughly 2*f*NA of the fiber, and though these are not equivalent, they are both widely used definitions. The MFD of a fiber will be dependent both on the wavelength of the light and the core geometry, so changing the fiber will slightly change the above parameters. Please contact to discuss this in detail.
user  (posted 2017-09-01 15:33:48.323)
Hello, I will need 3 collimators : PAF-X-11-C PAF-X-5-C PAF-X-5-A but I need them vacuum compatible down to 10^-7 mbar, is this possible ? If not do you propose vacuum compatible collimators ?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-09-15 09:47:09.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We would love to discuss the needs of your application through We look forward to hearing from you.
inzenith  (posted 2017-06-21 17:56:35.43)
Hello, I need collimator or lens for collimating and focusing purpose (broadband wavelengths 400-1000) in Fiber Optics, What do you recommend?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-06-27 01:27:38.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. You may want to consider a reflective collimator for broadband performance. I will reach out to you directly about your application.
inzenith  (posted 2017-06-21 17:53:32.417)
Hello, I need collimator or lens for collimating and focusing purpose in Fiber Optics, What do you recommend?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-06-27 01:23:12.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. It looks like you have posted a duplicate request where you elaborate that your source is broadband. You may want to consider a reflective collimator. I will reach out to you about your application.
bw  (posted 2017-03-30 13:59:08.19)
What is the purpose of the captan tape on the fiber port's face? My intuition is to remove this prior to installation and use; however, there is no mention of it in your documentation and there is no illustration of the face side. It is good that you documented the alignment options; but if removing this tape ruins the port, that fact should also be documented.
tfrisch  (posted 2017-03-31 04:38:30.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. This tape can be removed. I have passed your feedback on to our Fiber Team.
diemel  (posted 2017-02-17 05:10:45.607)
Is there data available for the focal shift of the PAF-X-4-E?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-02-17 09:27:18.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly with details on the component lens (390036).
schaefer  (posted 2016-11-30 11:22:45.46)
Hi! I have a question about the fiber ports PAFA-X-4-A and PAFA-X-4-B: Can I just change the bulkhead to SMA to use it with SMA fibers? And if so can I buy those separately? thanks!
tfrisch  (posted 2016-11-30 01:55:28.0)
Hello, I have contacted you directly about the quantity of bulkheads you need. We will have a quote sent to you.
user  (posted 2016-10-17 17:28:15.953)
To couple out put of each HeNe into single mode fiber, can you put a list of suitable part numbers at somewhere in a tab also coupling ratio, too?
jlow  (posted 2016-10-18 04:17:49.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: This would depend on the beam size from your HeNe and also on the fiber that you are using. For a typical HeNe with around 0.8mm beam diameter and a typical SM fiber with about 4µm MFD, the PAFA-X-4-A would work. You can see the Selection Guide tab on how to choose the proper FiberPort. In terms of mounting the FiberPort and HeNe, it also depends on how you want to mount them (e.g. post vs. cage system). If you need help with this, you can contact us at
CChang  (posted 2016-07-05 14:25:42.837)
Dear Thorlab I have a question about the fiber-coupled adapter, like PAF-X-7-C. Is it possible to directly replace aspherical lens with 3 mm focus lens, rather than 7 mm FL standard lens ? I can not find the standard-like fiber-coupled adapter, for example, PAF-X-3-C, from Thorlab. Can I order the 3 mm effective length of lens and insert into PAF-X-7-C adapter and do alignment by myself. Thank you very much. Chih-Hsuan Chang
cpepe  (posted 2016-03-17 11:17:03.443)
I was wondering what is the expected coupling efficiency?
besembeson  (posted 2016-03-17 01:20:36.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: There are several factors that affect the coupling efficiency that you get. There is the type of fiber (single mode or multimode), your wavelength, the fiberport type, the input beam diameter, the experience level of the user. So it is hard to provide an expected efficiency. You can easily get high efficiency initially when coupling into a multimode fiber compared to a single mode fiber. You can also get high efficiency if the fiber port is selected properly to match your beam characteristics. Typically you will start low, and later get better efficiency as you have a better feeling of how small adjustments affect the coupling efficiency. We also have some great notes on fiber coupling with alignment setup under the "Selection Guide" and "Operation" tab: I will contact you to discuss your application.
michael-yorgidis  (posted 2016-02-23 14:59:11.017)
Hello, i wanted to ask if it is possible to order just the bulkhead with the SMA Connector. We have one of these devices (PAF-X-5-D) and want to use it with another glass fiber. best regards, Michael Yorgidis.
jlow  (posted 2016-02-29 11:42:52.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: Yes we can sell just the bulkhead. We will contact you directly for the quote.
lauri.kurki  (posted 2015-07-23 13:41:00.847)
Do you still sell the black-anodized protection caps? Such cap was delivered along with a FiberPort I bought a couple of years back, but it seems not to be included any more (I've bought 2 more ports recently)
cdaly  (posted 2015-07-30 02:57:22.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: We no longer ship the Fiberports with these black caps, but they are available upon request. We will contact you directly regarding this component.
frank.kuehnemann  (posted 2015-05-20 08:26:44.32)
Is it possible to get an achromatic fiber coupler with non-standard wavelengths ? We are looking for the 900-1300 nm range which is currently not covered by one lens. Thanks Frank
jlow  (posted 2015-08-25 11:45:51.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We have reflective collimators available at that will cover the wavelength range that you are looking for.
cacao23  (posted 2015-05-14 00:23:55.56)
How to calculate max waist distance? i hope to know the equation.
jlow  (posted 2015-05-14 11:25:55.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: You can find the calculation at
t.steinmetz  (posted 2014-10-21 22:02:28.55)
what is the damage threshold of these achromatic lenses?
jlow  (posted 2014-10-22 02:51:06.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: These achromats are cemented doublets and are generally not used for high power applications. It would have similar damage threshold to the regular cemented doublets we sell. I will contact you directly to provide more information on this.
scholten  (posted 2014-07-02 10:45:58.833)
Sorry if I missed this in your specs, but can you please let me know the range of angular (tip/tilt)? Thanks.
myanakas  (posted 2014-07-09 10:42:14.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. The range for the tip/tilt adjustment is approximately +/- 4 degrees, with a resolution of 1.32 degrees (23 mRad) per revolution. Based on this feedback we will be working to have this information available on the fiberPorts page by the end of the day.
gesuele  (posted 2014-06-10 06:37:45.557)
Dear Sirs Is it possible to buy a fiber port without the collimation/coupling lens? I would need it to couple directly into a spectrometer. Thanks Felice
besembeson  (posted 2014-06-12 11:41:36.0)
A Response from Bweh at Thorlabs Newton-USA: Thanks for contacting Thorlabs. It is possible to purchase the fiberport without the collimating/coupling lens but it is unclear to me if this will be useful for your application. In the fiberport, the bulkhead with fiber connector is locked to the fiberport body and this can't be adjusted under normal operations. It is the magnetic lens cell (MLC) that can be adjusted with 5 degrees of freedom. See the "Mechanism" tab at the following link please: I will contact you by email to clarify your application please.
martin.pfeiffer  (posted 2014-02-27 11:35:07.633)
Dear Sir or Madam, I am interested in the power damage threshold of your fiber ports with a D coating. I want to do fiber to free space coupling of max 5W of a thulium fiber laser emitting at 1.93um. Which fiber ports would be suitable? Thank you Martin Pfeiffer
pbui  (posted 2014-04-04 12:06:49.0)
We don't have any test data to show whether that power level is supported by our fiberports. However, generally, your fiber connector is more likely to be damaged before the fiberport would be damaged. If your fiber connector is capable of supporting your laser's power levels, then any of the -D coated fiberports should be able to support it as well.
ghoch  (posted 2013-10-21 07:32:09.717)
Wir haben von Ihnen die Fiber M42L05 - Ø50 µm, 0.22 NA, FC/PC-FC/PC Fiber und wollen hier einen 100mW Laser 473nm mit einem beam diameter 1,9mm x 1,4mm einkoppeln. Welcher justierbarer Connector ist da geeignet. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gerhard Hoch InnenOhrLabor UniKlinikum Göttingen email:
pbui  (posted 2013-10-28 15:04:00.0)
Response from Phong at Thorlabs: You should be able to use our Air-Spaced Doublet Collimators for coupling into the M42L05 fiber patch cord. Since you are working at a wavelength of 473 nm, you will need a custom aligned package. We will contact you directly with more details.
basili  (posted 2013-06-25 13:29:15.003)
There is a clear example provided for “Lens Selection Example - Choosing a FiberPort for Fiber Coupling” in the following link (under Selection Guide menu): however at the end of example there is a warning that “ lens NA should be smaller than the NA of fiber”. There is a contradiction with this statement and proposed solution. This example uses SM600 SMF patch cable which has NA =0.12-0.14 while the solution proposed to use fiberport PAF-X-15-B which has lens NA =1.6. In addition, all the fiberports in this webpage have NA greater than 1.4 while all SMFs have NA less than or equal to 0.14. Than would you please verify this for us. Also please let us know if there fiberport/lens with NA ≤0.12 for coupling light into SMF.
zwang  (posted 2013-06-18 00:04:10.2)
What does of Divergence in your fiberport table mean?
pbui  (posted 2013-06-20 15:33:00.0)
Response from Phong at Thorlabs: The Divergence spec is defined to be the angular measure of the increase in beam diameter with distance from the lens. We use the full angle divergence equation for a Gaussian beam in the calculations in the paraxial approximation.
rajduc  (posted 2013-02-19 20:16:08.913)
I too need Zemax files in ZMX format! Can I request from technical support directly for specific components, until ThorLabs deliberates whether they will provide both zar and zmx formats?
tcohen  (posted 2013-02-21 14:58:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for contacting us. Our technical support team is happy to provide .zmx or .zar formats on request to techsupport@thorlabs. We are also actively working on providing this on the website.
tcohen  (posted 2013-01-17 10:31:50.603)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: We have achromatic options available. We will contact you to discuss the performance based on your wavelengths.
tcohen  (posted 2012-10-07 11:04:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: We can provide the optic or the magnet/optic assembly separately as a special. If you plan to use the lens with another FiberPort we would need to ensure the bulkhead will sit at an appropriate distance. I see you didn’t leave any contact information. To obtain a quote and continue this discussion please contact us at
fdm  (posted 2012-10-06 07:16:59.0)
Is the lens used in PAFA-X-4-C available for sale separately? We already own a FiberPort but we would like to use this lens.
jlow  (posted 2012-09-27 14:19:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: You could possibly make a XZ translation mount out of our regular translation stages and then put the FiberPort fitted on the HCP on it for coarse XZ adjustment. I will get in contact with you directly to discuss about the travel ranges and other constraints that you might have in your application.
jyuan  (posted 2012-09-20 17:38:08.0)
I would like to couple a free-space laser to fiber, and am thinking of mounting PAFA-X-4-A to a XZ translation mechanism (to provide coarse X-Z adjustment before fine-tuning using PAFA-X-4-A). I think this would make the adjustment easier. But the problems is I am not able to find a suitable XZ stage to couple to PAFA-X-4-A, possibly through HCP. Could you give me some suggestions? Thank you!
tcohen  (posted 2012-08-17 12:04:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: The coupling efficiency depends on a few factors. When mounted to a FB-38 or FB-51 FiberBench, you should be able to get around 1dB IL. In your case, symmetry between the optics and fiber will allow favorable results in coupling. Please always ensure the cleanliness of your components. You didn’t mention whether there are optics or other components in the beam path. A sketch showing the PAF separation and other elements in the beampath would be helpful to continue this discussion and I will contact you to discuss your setup with you directly.
scottie730318  (posted 2012-08-15 19:14:38.0)
Dear Sir: I have bought two fiber ports (PAFA-X-4-C) to collimate and focus the light. The one is collimating the light from the Hi-1060 fiber. Another one is focusing the collimating light into the Hi-1060 fiber. The connector of single mode fiber (Hi-1060) is the FC/APC. I have already fine tune the fiber port of collimator and focusing to get the max. coupling efficiency. However, the loss between the two collimator/focusing fiber ports is about 2.1 dB. What value is the max. coupling efficiency? And How can I to improve the coupling efficiency? Thank you very much.
phkloth  (posted 2012-08-02 18:15:39.0)
What kind of beam diameter is meant in your selection guide. The 1/e or the 1/e^2? Thanks for your response.
jlow  (posted 2012-08-02 12:09:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The beam diameter is defined by 1/e^2.
tcohen  (posted 2012-05-29 10:22:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for contacting us! The max waist distance will increase as wavelength increases. However, it is also a function of the fiber used. Assuming the PAF-X-2-C is used at 1060nm with an input MFD of 10.4um, we have zmax = f + [(2)(f^2)(lambda)]/[(pi)(MFD^2)] ~ 27mm.
scottie730318  (posted 2012-05-27 02:33:30.0)
What distance is the max waist distance (PAF-X-2-C ) with about 1060 nm ?
tcohen  (posted 2012-05-08 09:49:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: We have our Zemax documentation on the web as .zar because this allows us to include more information than with a standard .zmx file. I have contacted you to provide the associated .zmx file.
martin.vogel  (posted 2012-05-07 19:06:40.0)
Hello, can you please repost the lens prescription in ZMX format? Zemax archive files (ZAR) are not read by most other optical design software. Many thanks
tcohen  (posted 2012-05-01 11:58:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback! We are looking into being able to offer this option. I will contact you to keep you updated in the process.
marcel.rattunde  (posted 2012-04-26 20:46:27.0)
is there a possibility to get a fiber port for the 1800 - 2400nm range (D coating) also for an SMA connector ? so far you have in this range only FC/PC or FC/APC couplers ?
jjurado  (posted 2011-08-19 09:34:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to willtalmadge: Thank you for contacting us. They are a few parameters to consider in order to choose the most appropriate fiberport. To determine the required focal length of the coupling lens, it is necessary to take into account the beam diameter of the input beam and the modefield diameter of the fiber, which is 3.5um (+/- 0.5um) at 515 nm for the 460HP fiber used in the P1-460A-FC-5 cable(see Fiber Coupling tab: It is recommended to focus your spot to approximately 70-80% of the core size in order to optimize the coupling efficiency. It is also important in most cases to match the numerical of both the lens and the fiber in order to prevent coupling into the cladding of the fiber. I will contact you directly for further support.
willtalmadge  (posted 2011-08-18 13:41:21.0)
I need some assistance selecting a fiber port that is optimally matched to the fiber cable P1-460A-FC-5 to be used for coupling a 514.5 nm free space laser into the fiber. A recommendation on which fiber port one would use would be best.
jjurado  (posted 2011-08-18 10:18:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to p.edmunds: We are currently working on an update to the manual of our fiberport collimators which contains detailed instructions for aligning and optimizing the collimation and coupling of light in fiber systems. This manual will be available on the web within the next week. I will contact you directly for further support.
p.edmunds  (posted 2011-08-16 14:34:12.0)
In a similar vein to the comments before, Ive found that the SHCS no longer respond linearly to changes made to the screws & indeed there seems to be a lot of hystereses involved. This has happened on several different fiberports that my group has bought-it seems as if they can only handle being aligned a couple of times. Is it really necessary to disassemble and put the fiberport back together again? Some more detailed instructions on this than are listed in the manual would be appreciated.
jjurado  (posted 2011-03-22 18:18:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to benju: Thank you for submitting your inquiry. The fiberport collimators/couplers have several advantages over a "microcage" system using the components you mentioned: - The fiberport allows for tip and tilt adjustability in addition to x, y and z (along the optical axis of the lens), which helps optimize coupling. An assembly using the SM1Z coupled to the HPT1 or CP1XY does not have this feature. - The majority of the mechanical components used in the fiberport are manufactured with stainless steel, which is more thermally stable than aluminum. - The components of the fiberport are built with tighter tolerances, which allow for precise positioning. - The fiberport can be locked to secure the adjustment settings. I will contact you directly for further assistance.
benju  (posted 2011-03-21 20:17:12.0)
Hi, could you please get back to me regarding the stability of the fiberport compared to e.g. an assembly of separate xy and z translator in a microcage system (e.g. SM1Z + CP1XY/HPT1)?
jjurado  (posted 2011-02-15 16:01:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to tangcheng: Thank you for contacting us with your request. The manual for the fiberports contains detailed instructions for disassembling and reassembling the device. You can use these instructions to gain access to the spring. After continuous use, it is possible for the spring to become damaged, over bent, or improperly seated. If necessary, we can replace the spring for you. You can find a copy of the manual via the following link:
tangcheng  (posted 2011-02-14 18:30:07.0)
I have similar problem of loss of spring tension. Could you send me the instructions on readjusting the spring? Thank you.
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-11-03 15:54:02.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to Scott and Iddo: Thank you for your feedback. It is possible that the leaf spring has lost tension. However, before making this assumption, I would suggest making sure that the locking screw located on the side of the fiberport is not threaded in, as it would limit the x/y travel of the lens. If loosening the locking screw does not help with the x/y travel, then you could disassemble the fiberport and readjust the leaf spring (or we could do that for you, if you prefer). I will send you instructions and pictures for doing this.
scott  (posted 2010-11-03 16:21:28.0)
I have a similar problem as the previous poster. I dont think the leaf spring is broken but the lens cell only moves over a fraction of the original x/y adjustment range. It seems as if either the spring has lost tension and cannot push the cell any further now, or the fraction of the cell inside the cage has increased over time. Is there any way to get the full travel range in x/y back as the collimator is pretty much unusable in its current state?
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-11-03 09:17:38.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to bmills: you can optimize the collimation by adjusting the three socket head cap screws (SHCS)located on the connector side of the fiberport. Adjusting all three screws allows you to control the distance between the tip of the fiber and the lens by +/- 0.4 mm. Please refer to the "Mechanism" tab for more information.
iddo.pinkas  (posted 2010-11-03 13:24:18.0)
Dear Sir/Madam, I have had this product for over a year. I believe that the counter spring on the XY controls has broken, as I dont have any continuous motion of either axis when trying to align the light into the fiber. Is there a way to replace this spring? Best regards, Iddo
bmills  (posted 2010-11-02 18:25:28.0)
Is the focus of the lens in the fiberport device adjustable? i.e. - is the collimation adjustable of you were collimating the light coming out of a fiber?
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-09-22 17:56:07.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to mdmalik01: Our fiberports are certainly compatible with the 460HP fiber and your 532 nm HeNe laser. The distance between the lens and the tip of the fiber can be adjusted in order to compensate for the chromatic focal shift of the aspheric lens used. I will contact you directly to discuss your application.
mdmalik01  (posted 2010-09-21 14:53:36.0)
I was looking at your fiber ports and thought they would be a good idea for our green HeNe laser, but the single mode fiber you offer (460HP) requires a f=2.93mm lens, which is not even an option for your fiber ports -- so my question is: how do you guys expect a customer to use both your fiber and fiber ports for anything that is green and has a 0.7mm 1/e^2 diameter? It looks like you are forcing us to go somewhere else for fiber launching in green.
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-09-10 17:37:44.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to tommy.e.drake: Yes we do. Click on the "D" (documents) icon next to the part number, and you can download the solidworks model for the fiberport. I will also send this file to you.
tommy.e.drake  (posted 2010-09-09 16:08:55.0)
Do you have a solid model for the PAF-SMA-7-A?
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-08-31 11:11:44.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: The body of all fiber ports are now manufactured with notches on all four corners to allow them to slide along the rods of the 30 mm cage system. We will update the photos on the web shortly. The SHCS acronym refers to the Socket Head Cap Screws. We will add the definition to the manual.
user  (posted 2010-08-31 06:44:14.0)
On these fibre couplers why dont you nip off the corners of the back plate so they can slide on you rail systems? As it is they have to be placed on the ends of the rails which removes a useful degree of freedom when building your systems. I can see no reason why not to do this. Another point is the documentation relies on the acronym SHCS which is not defined at the point of first use nor defined on the diagram. This is very annoying!
Adam  (posted 2010-03-30 11:20:58.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to Jim: We would suggest using this fiberport for coupling light into a 200um fiber. This fiberport can be used to help collect the light from 200um core fibers, but the light will not be well collimated. The light is not collimated well out of multimode fiber because the light behaves as a multimode point source and is not symmetric around the optical axis. This also makes it rather difficult to predict the diameter coming out of the fiber. I would like to get more information about the exact fiber you are using to see what information we can provide.
Jim.Thieser  (posted 2010-03-30 10:04:25.0)
Hi, i have a short question. Can I use this fiber port with a 200 µm fibre? and how large is the beam diameter outcoming of that fiber port with this fibre attached? thanks Best regards Jim Thieser
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-01-21 13:07:12.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlab to b.steel1: At this point in time, the correct information can be found on the website. We are working to get our stock up to V20 standards and the infomration in the catalog will be correct within the next month. I will email you directly to find out the exact fiberport you are working with.
b.steel1  (posted 2010-01-21 05:38:03.0)
The ranges of the AR coatings listed on the website and in the catalogue do not match. Eg, coating A is listed as 400-600nm on the website and 400-700nm in the catalogue. I am coupling a 633nm laser, and the website implies I should use coating B, but the AR coatings graph in the catalogue suggests coating A would be preferable.
klee  (posted 2009-10-23 18:24:56.0)
A response from Ken at Thorlabs to tnakai: We will be shipping these with a quick reference guide going forward. The full 16-page manual can be downloaded from this page.
tnakai  (posted 2009-10-23 03:06:33.0)
The vol.20 catalog still says the alignment instructions are included, but it has never happened so far.
apalmentieri  (posted 2009-09-18 21:07:57.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs: I am sorry for the confusion on the MFD. The MFD we provide is just an example of the type of fiber that can be used with the fiberport. The fiberports do not have to be used with the MFDs we specify, they can be used with other MFDs. I will make sure our Technical marketing department makes this more apparent on the website. As per your last sentence, you are correct that those three specifications depend on the fiber/fiberport combination. Please note that all of the specifications found on our website are based off of the MFD we specify for each fiberport.
mathieu.perrin  (posted 2009-09-18 16:46:45.0)
I really dont understand how you can define an Input MFD for these fiberports and think there is a bug in your specs. To be more specific, for part PAF-X-5-C (numerical aperture = 0.53), you quote an Input MFD of 10.4µm in your Spec tab. If I connect a large mode area fiber, such as LMA-35, which has a Mode Field Diameter of 26µm, I guess the MFD will be larger than 10.4µm. If instead I connect a fiber such as UHNA4, which has a Mode Field Diameter of 4µm, I would say the MFD will be smaller than 10.4µm. To me, the MFD will depend on the fiber used, but you specify an Input MFD value for the fiberports. So I figured it is the achievable beam waist for a beam incident on the fiberport lens. Due to diffraction, this should depend on the numerical aperture of the lens, but for part PAF-X-18-C (numerical aperture = 0.15), you quote the exact same Input MFD of 10.4µm, as for all fiberports with the C coating. I think there is a bug in your specs. I also have some trouble understanding the "Output Waist Dia." parameter, the "Max Waist Dist." parameter and the "Divergence" parameter of the fiberport, as they seem related to a particular fiberport+fiber combination.
klee  (posted 2009-09-11 16:14:36.0)
A response from Ken at Thorlabs to ieu.perrin: The Input MFD does not depend on the AR coating. It depends on the fiber used to emit a single mode (approximately a Gaussian intensity profile) from the fiber used at a particular wavelength to calculate the other values.
mathieu.perrin  (posted 2009-09-10 18:51:33.0)
The Input MFD (mode field diameter) depends only on the AR coating used. How is this quantity defined? If this is the waist of a gaussian beam focused by the lens, why is it independent of the numerical aperture?
Tyler  (posted 2009-03-25 14:21:08.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to oscar.frasciello: The coupling efficiency is dependent on many factors including things like the input beam diameter, wavelength of light, fiber type, etc, so it is not possible to provide an absolute number. The FiberPort alignment mechanism does not impose a limit on the coupling efficiency so if you would expect 50% coupling efficiency using a more traditional alignment stage then you can expect to get the same performance from the FiberPort. However, since the 5 adjustment axes are coupled, there is a knack to achieving optimum alignment. We will contact you via email to collect more information on your setup so that we can provide specific recommendations on how to proceed. If you have any further questions, please continue to submit them.
oscar.frasciello  (posted 2009-03-24 12:34:30.0)
Id like to know wich is the mean power loss for PAF-X-7-A fiberport coupling into a single mode fiber. Im not able to reach a power coupling of more than 10%. Thanks for support
rdrullinger  (posted 2009-02-18 10:28:26.0)
re the fiber collimator, PAF-x-xx, an exploded view with part labels would sure be useful. You obviously never had a user not previously in the know about these things go over your documentation.
Tyler  (posted 2009-01-26 12:19:31.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to dgray: A member of our technical support department contacted you with a quote, but the short answer is yes. In fact, there are instructions in the FiberPort manual about how to disassemble the FiberPort in case the user wishes to swap the aspheric lens element. If you have any further questions, please continue to submit them.
dgray  (posted 2009-01-14 04:34:03.0)
Can you supply the fiber aligment port without a lens infront?
jpang  (posted 2008-10-27 11:42:43.0)
IF question is when you adjust the 3 Z screws equally does the pointing vector change, this answer is "it depends". For FC straight polished fiber with lens properly XY positioned relative to the fiber and the lens not tilted the beam angular pointing vector will change only slightly. As you can imagine if you have lens off center but tilted you can steer the beam to a given center line point. Likewise you can have beam hit a point on a target with several different lens position combinations. The XY adjustment of 1/50 turn of the 0-80 screw results in very LARGE beam steering change so I assume this was not the question. If you are looking for a varifocus collimator in which only "collimation" divergence changes with a single adjustment then the fiberport PAF is not good for this requirement. For this you need straight or PC polished fiber sliding in a tube. So a kit could be a CFS-T-xx that is not bonded (fiber and lens tube not bonded), you could move fiber in and out to adjust divergence with very little beam deviation.
dgray  (posted 2008-10-23 10:12:54.0)
Fiberport collimators: as the lens is moved in this alignment, in practice does this change the pointing of the collimated laser beam with respect to the mounting flange?
Tyler  (posted 2008-10-17 15:21:12.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to lsandtrom: The travel range of the aspheric lens in the X and Y directions is ± 0.7 mm but when the FiberPort is used in a standard collimation/coupling application only a small portion of this translation range is used. The Z (optical axis) translation range is ± 0.4 mm for a given position of the plunge screws. The plunge screws can translate the + extreme of the travel range in the Z direction over a distance of 2 mm. Thank you for submitting your question. We have added this information to the product presentation under the "Mechanism" tab. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.
lsandstrom  (posted 2008-10-16 05:36:38.0)
How much can the internal lens be adjusted in x, y, and z from its nominal position?
Laurie  (posted 2008-04-16 08:57:56.0)
Response from Laurie at Thorlabs to unknown poster: All of our FiberPorts will function (i.e. work with no damage to the unit) with any fiber. However, we advice caution in choosing a fiber/connector/FiberPort Combination. Some FiberPorts will not be ideally suited for every fiber type and application. If you need technical assistance choosing the correct FiberPort for your application, please contact Customer Support at or call your local office (the number is located at the bottom of the page). Thank you for your interest in our products!
user  (posted 2008-04-16 08:09:27.0)
item description says "for SM/MM/PM". does one item work with all three or do i need to specify which fiber i use when ordering?
technicalmarketing  (posted 2007-11-06 15:16:42.0)
Yes, jweston, we have a typo concerning the units and will fix that. Thank you for the catch and your interest in our products.
jweston  (posted 2007-11-05 13:38:56.0)
TESTING units for input MFD should probably be micrometers like in the catalog !!?? regards, Anders Wallin
acable  (posted 2007-10-31 18:53:08.0)
Can you provide a photo of this device being used on an actual laser. It would also be better if the photo of the product was positioned next to the price box, you show 6 different photos of the FiberPort, only have 5 different models listed, which really seem to net down to 3 different models because one model is offered with 3 different wavelength ranges. Also why all the part numbers at the top of the page, you show 12 different part numbers but only offer pricing on 5.



焦点固定型FC、APC、SMAファイバーコリメータFixed SMA Fiber Collimatorこちらのファイバーコリメーターパッケージは、FC/PC、FC/APC、またはSMAコネクタ付きファイバからの出射光をコリメートするように、予めアライメントされています。各コリメーターパッケージは、405 nm~4.55 µmの波長で回折限界性能が得られるように工場で調整されています。設計波長以外でコリメータを使用することは可能ですが、色収差が生じるため最適な性能が得られるのは設計波長においてのみです。非球面レンズの実際の焦点距離は、色収差により波長に依存します。
エアスペース型複レンズ、大径ビームコリメータAir-Spaced Doublet Fiber Collimator大径ビーム(Ø5.3 mm~Ø8.5 mm)用として、FC/PC、FC/APC、SMAコネクタ付きエアスペース型複レンズコリメータをご用意しています。こちらのコリメーターパッケージは、FCやSMAコネクタ付きファイバからの出射光をコリメートし、設計波長で回折限界性能が得られるように工場で予めアライメントされています。
トリプレットレンズコリメータTriplet Fiber Collimator高品質なトリプレットコリメーターパッケージは、エアスペース型トリプレットレンズを使用しており、非球面レンズを用いたコリメータよりも優れたビーム品質が得られます。収差の小さいトリプレットを用いることの利点は、M2値として1(ガウシアン)に近い値が得られ、広がり角や波面エラーが小さくなることなどです。
マルチモードファイバ用アクロマティックコリメータTriplet Fiber Collimator高NAアクロマティックコリメータは、メニスカスレンズとアクロマティック複レンズを組み合わせることで、可視~近赤外スペクトル域において球面収差の少ない優れた性能を発揮します。高NAのマルチモードファイバ用に設計されているため、オプトジェネティクスやファイバーフォトメトリの用途に適しています。 
反射型コリメータReflective Fiber Collimator金属コーティング反射型コリメータは、90°軸外放物面(OAP)ミラーをベースにしています。レンズと違い、ミラーは広い波長範囲にわたり焦点距離が変化しません。この特性により、軸外放物面(OAP)ミラーを用いたコリメータは広い波長範囲に対応させるための調整が不要となるため、多色光を用いる用途に適しています。当社の反射型コリメータはシングルモードファイバからの光のコリメートには適していますが、シングルモードファイバへの結合には適していません。これらのコリメータにはUV強化型アルミニウムコーティングと保護膜付き銀コーティングの製品をご用意しており、それらにはFC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMAコネクタが取り付けられています。
コンパクト反射型コリメータCompact Reflective Fiber Collimatorこのコンパクトな反射型コリメータには、保護膜付き銀コーティングが施された90°軸外放物面(OAP)ミラーが組み込まれています。OAPミラーの焦点距離は波長に依存しないため、多色光用として適しています。 この固定式の反射型コリメータは、シングルモードファイバやマルチモードファイバからの出射光のコリメート用、およびマルチモードファイバへの光結合用として推奨しています。 これらのコリメータは当社の16 mmケージシステムに直接取り付けられます。 光入射用として、FC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMAコネクタの取り付けられた製品をご用意しています。
調整機能付き反射型コリメータAdjustable Reflective Fiber Collimator調整機能付き反射型コリメータは、保護膜付き銀コーティングが施された90°軸外放物面(OAP)ミラーをベースにしています。ファイバ-OAP間の距離が調整可能であり、またOAPミラーが波長によらず一定の焦点距離を有します。そのため、シングルモードまたはマルチモードファイバからの多色光をコリメートしたり、あるいは逆に多色光をそれらのファイバに結合したりすることができ、その際に最適化のための調整も可能です。これらの調整機能付きコリメータは15 mmの反射焦点距離を有し、FC/PC、FC/APC、またはSMAコネクタ付きの製品をご用意しています。
FiberPortFiberport Fiber Collimatorこちらのコンパクトで極めて安定なFiberPortマイクロポジショナは、FC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMAコネクタ付き光ファイバとの光の入出射用として、安定で使いやすいプラットフォームです。シングルモード、マルチモードまたは偏波保持ファイバと組み合わせて使用することができ、ポスト、ステージ、プラットフォーム、レーザなどに取り付けることができます。組み込まれている非球面またはアクロマティックレンズのARコーティングは5種類から選択でき、また5軸のアライメント調整(3つの移動調整と2つの角度調整)が可能です。コンパクトでアライメントの長期安定性に優れたFiberPortは、ファイバへの光の結合、コリメート、組み込み用途(OEM用途)などに適しています。
調整可能型ファイバーコリメータAdjustable Fiber Collimatorこのコリメータは、FC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMAコネクタに接続するよう設計されており、内部にはARコーティング付き非球面レンズが取付けられています。非球面レンズとファイバ先端との距離は、焦点距離の変化を補正したり、波長や対象までの距離に合わせて再コリメートしたりするために調整することができます。 
アクロマティックファイバーコリメータ、焦点調整可能large beam collimators焦点調整の可能な当社のアクロマティックファイバーコリメータは、20 mm、40 mmまたは80 mmの有効焦点距離(EFL) を有し、その光学素子のARコーティングは3種類の広帯域ARコーティングから選ぶことができます。また、接続用コネクタの種類としては、FC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMA905をご用意しています。4枚のレンズを使用したエアスペース型設計であるため、非球面レンズのコリメータに比べてビーム品質に優れ(1に近いM2)、波面誤差は小さくなっています。これらのコリメータは自由空間光のファイバへの結合や、ファイバからの出射光のコリメートなどにご使用いただけます。また、距離をとって配置した2つのコリメータを用いて光を結合させると、光が2番目のコリメータに入る前にそのビームを操作することが可能になります。
ズーム機能付きファイバーコリメータZoom Fiber Collimatorこちらのコリメータは、ビームをコリメートしたまま、6~18 mmの範囲で焦点距離を変えることができます。そのため、コリメートした状態でビームサイズを変更できます。このデバイスは、用途に適した固定のファイバーコリメータを探す手間を省けるという利点に加え、1つで様々な幅広い用途に対応することができます。FC/PC、FC/APCまたはSMA905コネクタが付いており、反射防止コーティングは3種類からお選びいただけます。 
シングルモードファイバーピグテール付きコリメータPigtailed Fiber Collimatorシングルモードファイバーピグテール付きコリメータは、長さ1メートルのファイバとそれに対して予めアライメントされたARコーティング付き非球面レンズとで構成されており、532 nm、633 nm、780 nm、850 nm、1030 nm、1064 nm、1310 nm、1550 nmの8波長用の製品をご用意しています。コーティング波長域内のどの波長でもコリメートできますが、設計波長からずれると結合損失が増加します。
偏波保持ファイバーピグテール付きコリメータ偏波保持ファイバーピグテール付きコリメータは、長さ1メートルのファイバとそれに対して予めアライメントされたARコーティング付き非球面レンズとで構成されており、633 nm、780 nm、980 nm、1064 nm、1550 nmの5波長用の製品をご用意しています。波長やコネクタについてはカスタム仕様も対応可能です。筐体の外側にはスロー軸と平行なラインが刻印されています。これは入射光の偏光面をアライメントする際の目安としてお使いいただけます。コーティング波長域内のどの波長でもコリメートできますが、設計波長からずれると結合損失が増加します。
GRINレンズコリメータGRIN Fiber CollimatorGRINレンズファイバーコリメータは、630~1550 nmの範囲内の様々な波長に対してアライメントされた製品をご用意しており、FCまたはAPCコネクタ付きもしくはコネクタ無しのタイプからお選びいただけます。この有効径Ø1.8 mmのGRINレンズコリメータは、ファイバへの後方反射光を抑えるためにARコーティングが施されており、標準のシングルモードファイバまたはグレーデッドインデックス(GI)マルチモードファイバに結合されています。 
GRINレンズGRIN Lensこの屈折率分布型(GRIN)レンズは630 nm、830 nm、1060 nm、1300 nm、または1560 nmの波長用にARコーティングが施されており、光ファイバから出射した光が自由空間の光学系を通過して再度別のファイバに入射するまでの各用途にご利用いただけます。また半導体レーザの出射光のファイバへの結合、ファイバからの出射光のディテクタへの集光、レーザ光のコリメートなどにも適しています。このGRINレンズは当社の ピグテール付きガラスフェルールやGRINレンズ/フェルール用スリーブと組み合わせてお使いいただくこともできます。
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FC/PC&FC/APCコネクタ用アクロマティックFiberPort (EFL = 4.0 mmまたは7.5 mm)

有効焦点距離が≤7.5 mmのFiberPortは、FC/PCならびにFC/APCコネクタ両方にご使用いただけます。5軸調整機能に短い焦点距離を組み合わせた場合、軸外への出射光は無視できるレベルに調整可能です。

Item #EFLInput
Output 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist
DivergenceaEFL Shiftd
(Click for Plot)
Lens CharacteristicsLength Lg
CAeNAAR RangefMaterial
(Click for Plot)
PAF2-A4A4.0 mm3.5 µm0.65 mm378 mm0.875 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
1.8 mm0.22350 - 700 nmN-SK16 / N-LASF90.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-A4B4.0 mm5.0 µm0.87 mm350 mm1.250 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
1.8 mm0.22600 - 1050 nmN-LAK22 / N-SF6HT0.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-A4C4.0 mm10.4 µm0.76 mm150 mm2.600 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
1.8 mm0.221050 - 1620 nmN-SF66 / N-LASF410.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-A7A7.5 mm3.5 µm1.23 mm1323 mm0.467 mrad
PAF2-A7A Focal Shift
4.5 mm0.30400 - 700 nmN-BAF10 / N-SF6HT0.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-A7B7.5 mm5.0 µm1.62 mm1225 mm0.667 mrad
PAF2-A7B Focal Shift
4.5 mm0.30650 - 1050 nmN-BAF10 / N-SF6HT0.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-A7C7.5 mm10.4 µm1.42 mm521 mm1.387 mrad
PAF2-A7C Focal Shift
4.5 mm0.301050 - 1700 nmN-LAK22 / N-SF60.70" (17.7 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算:
      -AxA: 460HP @ 450 nm、 -AxB: 780HP @ 850 nm、 -AxC SMF-28e+ @ 1550 nm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義します。
  • 焦点距離の変化は、ARコーティングが施された波長範囲全体に対する数値
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2-A4A Support Documentation
PAF2-A4AAchromatic FiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f = 4.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.65 mm Waist
PAF2-A4B Support Documentation
PAF2-A4BAchromatic FiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f = 4.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø0.87 mm Waist
PAF2-A4C Support Documentation
PAF2-A4CAchromatic FiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f = 4.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.76 mm Waist
PAF2-A7A Support Documentation
PAF2-A7ACustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f = 7.5 mm, 400 - 700 nm, Ø1.23 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2-A7B Support Documentation
PAF2-A7BCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f = 7.5 mm, 650 - 1050 nm, Ø1.62 mm Waist
PAF2-A7C Support Documentation
PAF2-A7CCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f = 7.5 mm, 1050 - 1700 nm, Ø1.42 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
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FC/PCコネクタ用アクロマティックFiberPort(EFL = 10 mmまたは15 mm)

Item #EFLInput
Output 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist Distancea,cDivergenceaEFL Shiftd
(Click for Plot)
Lens CharacteristicsLength Lg
CAeNAAR RangefMaterial
(Click for Plot)
PAF2P-A10A10.0 mm3.5 µm1.64 mm2349 mm0.350 mrad
PAF2-A10A Focal Shift
>4.5 mm0.23400 - 700 nmN-BAK4/SF50.87" (22.2 mm)
PAF2P-A10B10.0 mm5.0 µm2.16 mm2175 mm0.500 mradPAF2-A10B Focal Shift>4.5 mm0.23650 - 1050 nmN-LAK22/N-SF6HT0.87" (22.2 mm)
PAF2P-A10C10.0 mm10.4 µm1.99 mm922 mm0.990 mradPAF2-A10C Focal Shift>4.5 mm0.231050 - 1700 nmN-LAK22/N-SF60.87" (22.2 mm)
PAF2P-A15A15.0 mm3.5 µm2.46 mm5277 mm0.233 mradPAF2-A4A Focal Shift>4.5 mm0.15400 - 700 nmN-BK7/SF20.87" (22.2 mm)
PAF2P-A15B15.0 mm5.0 µm3.25 mm4885 mm0.333 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
>4.5 mm0.15650 - 1050 nmN-LAK22/N-SF6HT0.87" (22.2 mm)
PAF2P-A15C15.0 mm10.4 µm2.85 mm2068 mm0.693 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
>4.5 mm0.151050 - 1700 nmN-BAF10/N-SF60.87" (22.2 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算:
     -AxxA: 460HP @ 450 nm、 -AxxB: 780HP @ 850 nm、 -AxxC: SMF-28e+ @ 1550 nm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義します。
  • 焦点距離の変化は、ARコーティングが施された波長範囲全体に対する数値
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2P-A10A Support Documentation
PAF2P-A10ACustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC, f = 10.0 mm, 400 - 700 nm, Ø1.64 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-A10B Support Documentation
PAF2P-A10BCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC, f = 10.0 mm, 650 - 1050 nm, Ø2.16 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-A10C Support Documentation
PAF2P-A10CCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC, f = 10.0 mm, 1050 - 1700 nm, Ø1.99 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-A15A Support Documentation
PAF2P-A15ACustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC, f = 15.0 mm, 400 - 700 nm, Ø2.46 mm Waist
Lead Time
PAF2P-A15B Support Documentation
PAF2P-A15BCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC, f = 15.0 mm, 650 - 1050 nm, Ø3.25 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-A15C Support Documentation
PAF2P-A15CCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/PC, f = 15.0 mm, 1050 - 1700 nm, Ø2.85 mm Waist
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FC/APCコネクタ用アクロマティックFiberPort(EFL = 10 mmまたは15 mm)

Item #EFLInput
Output 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist Distancea,cDivergenceaEFL Shiftd
(Click for Plot)
Lens CharacteristicsLength Lg
CAeNAAR RangefMaterial
(Click for Plot)
PAF2A-A10A10.0 mm3.5 µm1.64 mm2349 mm0.350 mrad
PAF2A-A10A Focal Shift
>4.5 mm0.23400 - 700 nmN-BAK4/SF50.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-A10B10.0 mm5.0 µm2.16 mm2175 mm0.500 mradPAF2A-A10B Focal Shift>4.5 mm0.23650 - 1050 nmN-LAK22/N-SF6HT0.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-A10C10.0 mm10.4 µm1.99 mm922 mm0.990 mradPAF2A-A10C Focal Shift>4.5 mm0.231050 - 1700 nmN-LAK22/N-SF60.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-A15A15.0 mm3.5 µm2.46 mm5277 mm0.233 mradPAF2-A4A Focal Shift>4.5 mm0.15400 - 700 nmN-BK7/SF20.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-A15B15.0 mm5.0 µm3.25 mm4885 mm0.333 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
>4.5 mm0.15650 - 1050 nmN-LAK22/N-SF6HT0.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-A15C15.0 mm10.4 µm2.85 mm2068 mm0.693 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
>4.5 mm0.151050 - 1700 nmN-BAF10/N-SF60.88" (22.4 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算:
     -AxxA: 460HP @ 450 nm、-AxxB: 780HP @ 850 nm、-AxxC: SMF-28e+ @ 1550 nm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義します。
  • 焦点距離の変化は、ARコーティングが施された波長範囲全体に対する数値
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2A-A10A Support Documentation
PAF2A-A10ACustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/APC, f = 10.0 mm, 400 - 700 nm, Ø1.64 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-A10B Support Documentation
PAF2A-A10BCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/APC, f = 10.0 mm, 650 - 1050 nm, Ø2.16 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-A10C Support Documentation
PAF2A-A10CCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/APC, f = 10.0 mm, 1050 - 1700 nm, Ø1.99 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-A15A Support Documentation
PAF2A-A15ACustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/APC, f = 15.0 mm, 400 - 700 nm, Ø2.46 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-A15B Support Documentation
PAF2A-A15BCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/APC, f = 15.0 mm, 650 - 1050 nm, Ø3.25 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-A15C Support Documentation
PAF2A-A15CCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, FC/APC, f = 15.0 mm, 1050 - 1700 nm, Ø2.85 mm Waist
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SMAコネクタ用アクロマティックFiberPort(EFL 4.0 mmまたは7.5 mm)

Item #EFLInput
Output 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist
DivergenceaEFL Shiftd
(Click for Plot)
Lens CharacteristicsLength Lg
CAeNAAR RangefMaterial
(Click for Plot)
PAF2S-A4A4.0 mm3.5 µm0.65 mm378 mm0.875 mrad
PAF2S-A4A Focal Shift
1.8 mm0.22350 - 700 nmN-SK16 / N-LASF90.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-A4B4.0 mm5.0 µm0.87 mm350 mm1.250 mrad
PAF2S-A4A Focal Shift
1.8 mm0.22600 - 1050 nmN-LAK22 / N-SF6HT0.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-A4C4.0 mm10.4 µm0.76 mm150 mm2.600 mrad
PAF2-A4A Focal Shift
1.8 mm0.221050 - 1620 nmN-SF66 / N-LASF410.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-A7A7.5 mm3.5 µm1.23 mm1323 mm0.467 mrad
PAF2S-A4A Focal Shift
4.5 mm0.30400 - 700 nmN-BAF10 / N-SF6HT0.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-A7B7.5 mm5.0 µm1.62 mm1225 mm0.667 mrad
PAF2S-A4A Focal Shift
4.5 mm0.30650 - 1050 nmN-BAF10 / N-SF6HT0.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-A7C7.5 mm10.4 µm1.42 mm521 mm1.387 mrad
PAF2S-A7C Focal Shift
4.5 mm0.301050 - 1700 nmN-LAK22 / N-SF60.87" (22.0 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算:
    -AxA: 460HP @ 450 nm、-AxB: 780HP @ 850 nm、-AxC: SMF-28e+ @ 1550 nm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義します。
  • 焦点距離の変化は、ARコーティングが施された波長範囲全体に対する数値
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2S-A4A Support Documentation
PAF2S-A4ACustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, SMA, f = 4.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.65 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-A4B Support Documentation
PAF2S-A4BCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, SMA, f = 4.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø0.87 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-A4C Support Documentation
PAF2S-A4CCustomer Inspired! Achromatic FiberPort, SMA, f = 4.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.76 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-A7A Support Documentation
PAF2S-A7AAchromatic FiberPort, SMA, f = 7.5 mm, 400 - 700 nm, Ø1.23 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-A7B Support Documentation
PAF2S-A7BAchromatic FiberPort, SMA, f = 7.5 mm, 650 - 1050 nm, Ø1.62 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-A7C Support Documentation
PAF2S-A7CAchromatic FiberPort, SMA, f = 7.5 mm, 1050 - 1700 nm, Ø1.62 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
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FC/PC&FC/APCコネクタ用非球面FiberPort (EFL ≦ 7.5 mm)

有効焦点距離が7.5 mm以下のFiberPortはFC/PCコネクタならびにFC/APCコネクタの両方にご使用いただけます。5軸調整機能に短い焦点距離を組み合わせた場合、軸外への出射光は無視できるレベルに調整可能です。

Item #EFLInput MFDa,bOutput 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist
DivergenceaLens CharacteristicsLength Lf
CAdNAAR RangeeMaterial
PAF2-2A2.0 mm3.5 µm0.33 mm96 mm1.750 mrad2.0 mm0.50350 - 700 nmD-ZLAF52LA0.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-2B2.0 mm5.0 µm0.43 mm89 mm2.500 mrad2.0 mm0.50600 - 1050 nmD-ZLAF52LA0.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-2C2.0 mm10.4 µm0.38 mm38 mm5.200 mrad2.0 mm0.501050 - 1620 nmD-ZLAF52LA0.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-4E4.0 mm14.80 µm1.17 mm162 mm3.700 mrad5.0 mm0.562.0 - 5.0 µmBlack Diamond-20.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-5A4.6 mm3.5 µm0.75 mm499 mm0.761 mrad4.9 mm0.53350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-5B4.6 mm5.0 µm1.00 mm463 mm1.087 mrad4.9 mm0.53600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-5C4.6 mm10.4 µm0.87 mm198 mm2.261 mrad4.9 mm0.531050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-5D4.6 mm13.0 µm0.90 mm164 mm2.826 mrad4.9 mm0.531.8 - 2.4 µmH-LAK540.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-7A7.5 mm3.5 µm1.23 mm1323 mm0.467 mrad4.5 mm0.30350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-7B7.5 mm5.0 µm1.62 mm1225 mm0.667 mrad4.5 mm0.30600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.7 mm)
PAF2-7C7.5 mm10.4 µm1.42 mm521 mm1.387 mrad4.5 mm0.301050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.7 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算:
    -A: 460HP @450 nm、-B: 780HP @850 nm、-C: SMF-28e+ @1550 nm、-D: SM2000 @1996 nm、-E: ZrF4 @3.39 µm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義。
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。 詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照。
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離。
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2-2A Support Documentation
PAF2-2AFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=2.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.33 mm Waist
PAF2-2B Support Documentation
PAF2-2BFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=2.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø0.43 mm Waist
PAF2-2C Support Documentation
PAF2-2CFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=2.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.38 mm Waist
PAF2-4E Support Documentation
PAF2-4EFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=4.0 mm, 2.0 - 5.0 µm, Ø1.17 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2-5A Support Documentation
PAF2-5AFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=4.6 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.75 mm Waist
PAF2-5B Support Documentation
PAF2-5BFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=4.6 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø1.00 mm Waist
PAF2-5C Support Documentation
PAF2-5CFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=4.6 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.87 mm Waist
PAF2-5D Support Documentation
PAF2-5DFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=4.6 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø0.90 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2-7A Support Documentation
PAF2-7AFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=7.5 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø1.23 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2-7B Support Documentation
PAF2-7BFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=7.5 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø1.62 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2-7C Support Documentation
PAF2-7CFiberPort, FC/PC & FC/APC, f=7.5 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø1.42 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
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FC/PCコネクタ用非球面FiberPort (EFL ≧ 11 mm)

Item #EFLInput MFDa,bOutput 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist
DivergenceaLens CharacteristicsLength Lf
CAdNAAR RangeeMaterial
PAF2P-11A11.0 mm3.5 µm1.80 mm2841 mm0.318 mrad4.4 mm0.20350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-11B11.0 mm5.0 µm2.38 mm2630 mm0.455 mrad4.4 mm0.20600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-11C11.0 mm10.4 µm2.09 mm1115 mm0.945 mrad4.4 mm0.201050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-11D11.0 mm13.0 µm2.15 mm921 mm1.182 mrad4.4 mm0.201.8 - 2.4 µmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-11E11.0 mm14.80 µm3.21 mm1203 mm1.345 mrad4.0 mm0.182.0 - 5.0 µmBlack Diamond-20.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-15A15.3 mm3.5 µm2.52 mm5490 mm0.227 mrad5.0 mm0.16350 - 700 nmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-15B15.3 mm5.0 µm3.33 mm5082 mm0.325 mrad5.0 mm0.16600 - 1050 nmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-15C15.3 mm10.4 µm2.92 mm2151 mm0.675 mrad5.0 mm0.161050 - 1620 nmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-15D15.3 mm13.0 µm3.00 mm1775 mm0.850 mrad5.0 mm0.161.8 - 2.4 µmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-18A18.4 mm3.5 µm3.01 mm7936 mm0.190 mrad5.5 mm0.15350 - 700 nmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-18B18.4 mm5.0 µm3.98 mm7347 mm0.272 mrad5.5 mm0.15600 - 1050 nmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-18C18.4 mm10.4 µm3.49 mm3107 mm0.565 mrad5.5 mm0.151050 - 1620 nmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2P-18D18.4 mm13.0 µm3.60 mm2564 mm0.707 mrad5.5 mm0.151.8 - 2.4 µmD-ZK30.87" (22.0 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算:
    -A: 460HP @450 nm、-B: 780HP @850 nm、-C: SMF-28e+ @1550 nm、-D: SM2000 @1996 nm、-E: ZrF4 @3.39 µm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義。
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。 詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照。
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離。
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2P-11A Support Documentation
PAF2P-11AFiberPort, FC/PC, f=11.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø1.80 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-11B Support Documentation
PAF2P-11BFiberPort, FC/PC, f=11.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø2.38 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-11C Support Documentation
PAF2P-11CFiberPort, FC/PC, f=11.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø2.09 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-11D Support Documentation
PAF2P-11DFiberPort, FC/PC, f=11.0 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 μm, Ø2.15 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-11E Support Documentation
PAF2P-11EFiberPort, FC/PC, f=11.0 mm, 2.0 - 5.0 µm, Ø3.21 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-15A Support Documentation
PAF2P-15AFiberPort, FC/PC, f=15.3 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø2.52 mm Waist
PAF2P-15B Support Documentation
PAF2P-15BFiberPort, FC/PC, f=15.3 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø3.33 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-15C Support Documentation
PAF2P-15CFiberPort, FC/PC, f=15.3 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø2.92 mm Waist
Lead Time
PAF2P-15D Support Documentation
PAF2P-15DFiberPort, FC/PC, f=15.3 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø3.00 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-18A Support Documentation
PAF2P-18AFiberPort, FC/PC, f=18.4 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø3.01 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-18B Support Documentation
PAF2P-18BFiberPort, FC/PC, f=18.4 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø3.98 mm Waist
PAF2P-18C Support Documentation
PAF2P-18CFiberPort, FC/PC, f=18.4 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø3.49 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2P-18D Support Documentation
PAF2P-18DFiberPort, FC/PC, f=18.4 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø3.60 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
Back to Top

FC/APCコネクタ用非球面FiberPort(EFL 2 mm~18.4 mm)

Item #EFLInput MFDa,bOutput 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist
DivergenceaLens CharacteristicsLength Lf
CAdNAAR RangeeMaterial
PAF2A-2A2.0 mm3.5 µm0.33 mm96 mm1.750 mrad2.0 mm0.50350 - 700 nmECO-5500.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-2B2.0 mm5.0 µm0.43 mm89 mm2.500 mrad2.0 mm0.50600 - 1050 nmECO-5500.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-2C2.0 mm10.4 µm0.38 mm38 mm5.200 mrad2.0 mm0.501050 - 1620 nmECO-5500.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-5A4.6 mm3.5 µm0.75 mm499 mm0.761 mrad4.9 mm0.53350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-5B4.6 mm5.0 µm1.00 mm463 mm1.087 mrad4.9 mm0.53600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-5C4.6 mm10.4 µm0.87 mm198 mm2.261 mrad4.9 mm0.531050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-7A7.5 mm3.5 µm1.23 mm1323 mm0.467 mrad4.5 mm0.30350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-7B7.5 mm5.0 µm1.62 mm1225 mm0.667 mrad4.5 mm0.30600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-7C7.5 mm10.4 µm1.42 mm521 mm1.387 mrad4.5 mm0.301050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.70" (17.9 mm)
PAF2A-11A11.0 mm3.5 µm1.80 mm2841 mm0.318 mrad4.4 mm0.20350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-11B11.0 mm5.0 µm2.38 mm2630 mm0.455 mrad4.4 mm0.20600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-11C11.0 mm10.4 µm2.09 mm1115 mm0.945 mrad4.4 mm0.201050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-11D11.0 mm13.0 µm2.15 mm921 mm1.182 mrad4.4 mm0.201.8 - 2.4 µmH-LAK540.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-11E11.0 mm14.80 µm3.21 mm1203 mm1.345 mrad4.0 mm0.182.0 - 5.0 µmBlack Diamond-20.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-15A15.3 mm3.5 µm2.52 mm5490 mm0.227 mrad5.0 mm0.16350 - 700 nmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-15B15.3 mm5.0 µm3.33 mm5082 mm0.325 mrad5.0 mm0.16600 - 1050 nmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-15C15.3 mm10.4 µm2.92 mm2151 mm0.675 mrad5.0 mm0.161050 - 1620 nmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-15D15.3 mm13.0 µm3.00 mm1775 mm0.850 mrad5.0 mm0.161.8 - 2.4 µmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-18A18.4 mm3.5 µm3.01 mm7936 mm0.190 mrad5.5 mm0.15350 - 700 nmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-18B18.4 mm5.0 µm3.98 mm7347 mm0.272 mrad5.5 mm0.15600 - 1050 nmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-18C18.4 mm10.4 µm3.49 mm3107 mm0.565 mrad5.5 mm0.151050 - 1620 nmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
PAF2A-18D18.4 mm13.0 µm3.60 mm2564 mm0.707 mrad5.5 mm0.151.8 - 2.4 µmD-ZK30.88" (22.4 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算
    -A: 460HP@450 nm、-B: 780HP@850 nm、-C: SMF-28-J9@1550、D: SM2000@1996 nm、-E: ZrF4@3.39 µm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義します。
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2A-2A Support Documentation
PAF2A-2AFiberPort, FC/APC, f=2.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.33 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-2B Support Documentation
PAF2A-2BFiberPort, FC/APC, f=2.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø0.43 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-2C Support Documentation
PAF2A-2CFiberPort, FC/APC, f=2.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.38 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-5A Support Documentation
PAF2A-5AFiberPort, FC/APC, f=4.6 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.75 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-5B Support Documentation
PAF2A-5BFiberPort, FC/APC, f=4.6 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø1.00 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-5C Support Documentation
PAF2A-5CFiberPort, FC/APC, f=4.6 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.87 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-7A Support Documentation
PAF2A-7AFiberPort, FC/APC, f=7.5 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø1.23 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-7B Support Documentation
PAF2A-7BFiberPort, FC/APC, f=7.5 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø1.62 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-7C Support Documentation
PAF2A-7CFiberPort, FC/APC, f=7.5 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø1.42 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-11A Support Documentation
PAF2A-11AFiberPort, FC/APC, f=11.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø1.80 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-11B Support Documentation
PAF2A-11BFiberPort, FC/APC, f=11.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø2.38 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-11C Support Documentation
PAF2A-11CFiberPort, FC/APC, f=11.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø2.09 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-11D Support Documentation
PAF2A-11DFiberPort, FC/APC, f=11.0 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø2.15 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-11E Support Documentation
PAF2A-11ECustomer Inspired! FiberPort, FC/APC, f=11.0 mm, 2.0 - 5.0 µm, Ø3.21 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-15A Support Documentation
PAF2A-15AFiberPort, FC/APC, f=15.3 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø2.52 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-15B Support Documentation
PAF2A-15BFiberPort, FC/APC, f=15.3 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø3.33 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-15C Support Documentation
PAF2A-15CFiberPort, FC/APC, f=15.3 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø2.92 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-15D Support Documentation
PAF2A-15DFiberPort, FC/APC, f=15.3 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø3.00 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2A-18A Support Documentation
PAF2A-18AFiberPort, FC/APC, f=18.4 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø3.01 mm Waist
PAF2A-18B Support Documentation
PAF2A-18BFiberPort, FC/APC, f=18.4 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø3.98 mm Waist
PAF2A-18C Support Documentation
PAF2A-18CFiberPort, FC/APC, f=18.4 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø3.49 mm Waist
PAF2A-18D Support Documentation
PAF2A-18DFiberPort, FC/APC, f=18.4 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø3.60 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
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SMAコネクタ用非球面FiberPort(EFL 2 mm~18.4 mm)

Item #EFLInput MFDa,bOutput 1/e2
Waist Diametera
Max Waist
DivergenceaLens CharacteristicsLength Lf
CAdNAAR RangeeMaterial
PAF2S-2A2.0 mm3.5 µm0.33 mm96 mm1.750 mrad2.0 mm0.50350 - 700 nmECO-5500.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-2B2.0 mm5.0 µm0.43 mm89 mm2.500 mrad2.0 mm0.50600 - 1050 nmECO-5500.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-2C2.0 mm10.4 µm0.38 mm38 mm5.200 mrad2.0 mm0.501050 - 1620 nmECO-5500.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-4E4.0 mm14.80 µm1.17 mm162 mm3.700 mrad5.0 mm0.562.0 - 5.0 µmBlack Diamond-20.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-5A4.6 mm3.5 µm0.75 mm499 mm0.761 mrad4.9 mm0.53350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-5B4.6 mm5.0 µm1.00 mm463 mm1.087 mrad4.9 mm0.53600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-5C4.6 mm10.4 µm0.87 mm198 mm2.261 mrad4.9 mm0.531050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-5D4.6 mm13.0 µm0.90 mm164 mm2.826 mrad4.9 mm0.531.8 - 2.4 µmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-7A7.5 mm3.5 µm1.23 mm1323 mm0.467 mrad4.5 mm0.30350 - 700 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-7B7.5 mm5.0 µm1.62 mm1225 mm0.667 mrad4.5 mm0.30600 - 1050 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-7C7.5 mm10.4 µm1.42 mm521 mm1.387 mrad4.5 mm0.301050 - 1620 nmH-LAK540.87" (22.0 mm)
PAF2S-11A11.0 mm3.5 µm1.80 mm2841 mm0.318 mrad4.4 mm0.20350 - 700 nmH-LAK541.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-11B11.0 mm5.0 µm2.38 mm2630 mm0.455 mrad4.4 mm0.20600 - 1050 nmH-LAK541.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-11C11.0 mm10.4 µm2.09 mm1115 mm0.945 mrad4.4 mm0.201050 - 1620 nmH-LAK541.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-11D11.0 mm13.0 µm2.15 mm921 mm1.182 mrad4.4 mm0.201.8 - 2.4 µmH-LAK541.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-11E11.0 mm14.80 µm3.21 mm1203 mm1.345 mrad4.0 mm0.182.0 - 5.0 µmBlack Diamond-21.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-15A15.3 mm3.5 µm2.52 mm5490 mm0.227 mrad5.0 mm0.16350 - 700 nmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-15B15.3 mm5.0 µm3.33 mm5082 mm0.325 mrad5.0 mm0.16600 - 1050 nmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-15C15.3 mm10.4 µm2.92 mm2151 mm0.675 mrad5.0 mm0.161050 - 1620 nmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-15D15.3 mm13.0 µm3.00 mm1775 mm0.850 mrad5.0 mm0.161.8 - 2.4 µmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-18A18.4 mm3.5 µm3.01 mm7936 mm0.190 mrad5.5 mm0.15350 - 700 nmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-18B18.4 mm5.0 µm3.98 mm7347 mm0.272 mrad5.5 mm0.15600 - 1050 nmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-18C18.4 mm10.4 µm3.49 mm3107 mm0.565 mrad5.5 mm0.151050 - 1620 nmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
PAF2S-18D18.4 mm13.0 µm3.60 mm2564 mm0.707 mrad5.5 mm0.151.8 - 2.4 µmD-ZK31.04" (26.5 mm)
  • これらの数値は下記を使用して計算:
     -A: 460HP @ 450 nm、 -B: 780HP @ 850 nm、 -C: SMF-28e+ @ 1550 nm、-D: SM2000 @1996 nm、-E: ZrF4 @3.39 µm
  • 入射光のモードフィールド径
  • Maximum Waist Distanceは、ガウスビームのビームウェストが生じる位置の、レンズからの最大距離と定義します。
  • 開口
  • ARコーティングの波長範囲。詳細は「グラフ」タブ参照
  • 取扱い」タブの図の通り、ファイバーコネクタのバルクヘッド先端からFiberPortフランジの面までの距離
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
PAF2S-2A Support Documentation
PAF2S-2AFiberPort, SMA, f=2.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.33 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-2B Support Documentation
PAF2S-2BFiberPort, SMA, f=2.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø0.43 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-2C Support Documentation
PAF2S-2CFiberPort, SMA, f=2.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.38 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-4E Support Documentation
PAF2S-4EFiberPort, SMA, f=4.0 mm, 2.0 - 5.0 µm, Ø1.17 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-5A Support Documentation
PAF2S-5AFiberPort, SMA, f=4.6 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø0.75 mm Waist
Lead Time
PAF2S-5B Support Documentation
PAF2S-5BFiberPort, SMA, f=4.6 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø1.00 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-5C Support Documentation
PAF2S-5CFiberPort, SMA, f=4.6 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø0.87 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-5D Support Documentation
PAF2S-5DFiberPort, SMA, f=4.6 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø0.90 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-7A Support Documentation
PAF2S-7AFiberPort, SMA, f=7.5 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø1.23 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-7B Support Documentation
PAF2S-7BFiberPort, SMA, f=7.5 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø1.62 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-7C Support Documentation
PAF2S-7CFiberPort, SMA, f=7.5 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø1.42 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-11A Support Documentation
PAF2S-11AFiberPort, SMA, f=11.0 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø1.80 mm Waist
PAF2S-11B Support Documentation
PAF2S-11BFiberPort, SMA, f=11.0 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø2.38 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-11C Support Documentation
PAF2S-11CFiberPort, SMA, f=11.0 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø2.09 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-11D Support Documentation
PAF2S-11DFiberPort, SMA, f=11.0 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø2.15 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-11E Support Documentation
PAF2S-11EFiberPort, SMA, f=11.0 mm, 2.0 - 5.0 µm, Ø3.21 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-15A Support Documentation
PAF2S-15AFiberPort, SMA, f=15.3 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø2.52 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-15B Support Documentation
PAF2S-15BFiberPort, SMA, f=15.3 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø3.33 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-15C Support Documentation
PAF2S-15CFiberPort, SMA, f=15.3 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø2.92 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-15D Support Documentation
PAF2S-15DFiberPort, SMA, f=15.3 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø3.00 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-18A Support Documentation
PAF2S-18AFiberPort, SMA, f=18.4 mm, 350 - 700 nm, Ø3.01 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-18B Support Documentation
PAF2S-18BFiberPort, SMA, f=18.4 mm, 600 - 1050 nm, Ø3.98 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-18C Support Documentation
PAF2S-18CFiberPort, SMA, f=18.4 mm, 1050 - 1620 nm, Ø3.49 mm Waist
3-5 weeks
PAF2S-18D Support Documentation
PAF2S-18DFiberPort, SMA, f=18.4 mm, 1.8 - 2.4 µm, Ø3.60 mm Waist
3-5 weeks