可視域エアスペース型アクロマティック複レンズ、ARコーティング: 350~700 nm

  • Minimal Focal Shift Over the Design Wavelength Range
  • Superior Performance When Compared to Cemented Doublets
  • 1" Outer Diameter Aluminum Housing



Each mount includes an engraved arrow
indicating the direction of light propagation
required to collimate a point source.

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General Specifications
Coating Rangea350 - 700 nm
Design Wavelengths486.1, 587.6, 656.3 nm
Surface Quality20-10 Scratch-Dig
(to Prevent Scattering from
High-Power Sources)
Clear Aperture Ø20 mm
Irregularity per Surface<λ/4 at 633 nm
Focal Length Tolerance±1% at 587.6 nm
ReflectanceRavg < 0.5% (350-700 nm)
Housing Ø1" 6061-T6 Aluminum Barrel
  • 波長範囲350~700 nmにARコーティングが施されていますが、この複レンズの基板ガラスはUV域においては非常に低い透過率となっています。下記各製品毎の”Transmission Plot”の項目で、透過率のグラフをご確認いただけます。
Air-Spaced Doublet in a Lens Tube
Click to Enlarge



  • エアスペース型の複レンズであるため単レンズよりも優れた収差性能
  • 開口:Ø20 mm
  • Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)用レンズチューブ内に収まる25.4 mm (1インチ)の外径
  • 350~700 nm対応のARコーティング

このエアスペース型アクロマティック複レンズは、球面収差や色収差の補正に優れた性能を発揮する設計となっています。エアスペース型複 レンズは接着された複レンズと比較して、内部レンズの曲率面が同じである必要がない分、自由度が2つ増えます。このように設計に自由度があることで、接着された複レンズと比べていくつかの点において非常に優れた特性を実現します。詳細は「レンズの比較」タブ内に掲載されています。エアスペース型設計では、加工工程で接着剤を用いないので、レーザによる損傷に対して高い耐性があります。レンズ両面に350~700 nmの波長範囲でARコーティングが施されていますが、この製品のガラス基板はUV域(<400 mn)においてほとんど透過しません。各エアスペース型複レンズ製品の正確な仕様や透過率のグラフについては下記の各製品の表をご参照ください。

複レンズはアルミニウム製のバレル型マウントに取付け済みですが、バレル径とレンズ径の寸法公差を厳しい数値に設定することで、レンズの偏心を最小限に抑 えています。各マウントには、型番、ARコーティングの波長範囲、焦点距離および点光源をコリメートするための光の伝搬方向が刻印されています。マウントは、Ø25 mm~Ø25.4 mm(Ø1インチ)用レンズチューブ内に収まる25.4 mm(1インチ)の外径となっています(右の写真参照)。

注意: レンズをマウントから取外すことは、性能に影響が出る恐れがあるためお勧め致しません。

Optic Cleaning Tutorial
Optical Coatings and Substrates


350~700 nmレンズ

Cemented Item #aAir-Spaced Item #aWavefront Error PlotsSpot Diameter Plots
AC254-030-AACA254-030-A30 mm WFE30 mm Spot Radius
AC254-050-AACA254-050-A50 mm WFE50 mm Spot Radius
AC254-060-AACA254-060-A60 mm WFE60 mm Spot Radius
AC254-075-AACA254-075-A75 mm WFE75 mm Spot Radius
AC254-100-AACA254-100-A100 mm WFE100 mm Spot Radius
AC254-150-AACA254-150-A150 mm WFE150 mm Spot Radius
AC254-200-AACA254-200-A200 mm WFE200 mm Spot Radius
  • f=30 mmのレンズでは波面誤差はØ7 mm開口で、f=50 mmのレンズではØ15 mm開口で計算されています。他のレンズは、開口全体にわたって計算されています。
Plot Key
Cemented DoubletsAir Spaced
Air-Spaced DoubletsCemented Key
Diffraction Limit
Airy Disk

Posted Comments:
user  (posted 2024-07-16 10:44:04.55)
You cannot market a lens that is AR coated 350-700 as a 350-700 optic if the base material does not transmit 350.
ksosnowski  (posted 2024-07-17 11:46:16.0)
Thank you for sharing this feedback with us. While the AR coating design band extends to 350nm and is the same as our other -A coated optics, we mention on the page above that there is limited to no transmission in the range <400nm. There are also transmission plots on this page to view the typical performance of each doublet. The design wavelengths for these doublets are 486.1, 587.6, and 656.3 nm. We have some similar doublets like ACA254-100-UV with UV design wavelengths, a -UV AR coating and better internal transmission in UV.
Christian Goerke  (posted 2023-03-28 16:47:27.99)
I am missing a download option for the transmission data in the table. Can you provide one?
ksosnowski  (posted 2023-05-01 03:37:33.0)
Thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. We have contacted you directly to share a data table format for these plots.
user  (posted 2021-08-26 23:46:56.397)
Missing axial color plot, I need for ACA254-200-A
cdolbashian  (posted 2021-08-31 03:47:34.0)
Thank you for contacting us here at Thorlabs. I have contacted you directly with this data.
ludoangot  (posted 2016-01-29 14:47:39.4)
From the plots comparing the cemented and air-spaced doublets it appears that for f=150 and 200mm, there is no clear advantage (from an optical performance perspective) to using an air-spaced doublet over a cemented one. Is there any advantage for these 2 focal lengths in using an air-spaced doublet over a cemented one for imaging application?
besembeson  (posted 2016-02-03 04:41:27.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: For general imaging applications, performance will be very similar for these two doublets. However, if you have a high power level application, the air-spaced doublets will be better suitable.
scottie730318  (posted 2014-04-30 16:51:32.23)
The transmission Plot of ACA254-100-A shows that high transmission cover the wavelength from 300 nm to 700 nm. Can the transmittance at wavelength between 300 nm t0 350 nm be believed?
jlow  (posted 2014-05-01 08:44:01.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: It seems that we made a mistake on these graphs. We will be updating the transmission curves on this page shortly. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
user  (posted 2013-10-01 09:39:19.1)
Could you check the spot radius plots? The plots seem to show larger spot sizes at shorter focal lengths, with sub micron spot sizes available from 150mm and 200mm focal length lenses.
tcohen  (posted 2013-10-01 21:06:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: These plots were calculated to show the quality of the design using RMS spot radius with respect to the centroid. The performance of the actual lenses will still be limited by diffraction. Some lenses that are theoretically borderline on the diffraction limit can end up being not diffraction limited depending on manufacturing tolerancing. Plotting the theoretical values such as this allow us to see the design and the margin below the diffraction limit. Although the diffraction limit will increase with increasing focal length and with decreasing beam diameters, these lenses will typically have theoretical rms spot sizes that decrease with increasing focal lengths and decreasing beam diameters. In terms of the RMS spot size shown in these plots, yes, we should expect to see smaller spot sizes for longer focal length lenses. However, I believe you were noting the point that if they are diffraction limited, in reality the actual diffraction limited spot size will be larger for longer focal lengths, which is correct. We are discussing how to make these plots more understandable. Thanks for your feedback!
curtis.volin  (posted 2013-02-20 13:02:50.053)
Can you publish zmx files for these lenses? The ZAR files published for some of them are useless in other versions of zemax than were used to create them. My attempts to create my own ZMX files from the data in the table are failing. The specs for ACA254-050-A give a lens with 30mm EFL. I could assume the table is shifted and this is the prescription for ACA254-030-A, but I don't trust the glass table, either.
tcohen  (posted 2013-02-21 14:58:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback! You are correct. There was a clerical error in the table and we are updating this right now. Supplying both .zar and .zmx is an active project. In the meantime, we can supply these files on request to techsupport@thorlabs.com. I will contact you directly to provide the .zmx versions.
tcohen  (posted 2012-11-13 10:23:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for contacting us. We will update our presentation with these files. In the meantime, I will send you them directly.
dbarker2  (posted 2012-11-09 14:49:54.147)
Is it possible to get Zemax files for the -A coated doublets?
sharrell  (posted 2012-08-01 12:12:00.0)
Response from Sean at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. You are correct that the focal shift units should be mm. We are in the process of updating those graphs. The link that is present in your feedback is for our -A coated achromats, while these air-spaced doublets feature our -B (650-1050 nm) coating. There is a curve for our -B cemented doublets here: http://thorlabs.com/NewGroupPage9.cfm?ObjectGroup_ID=259 that agrees with the curve on this page. If you are interested in air-spaced doublets with our -A coating (400-700 nm), we will be adding these lenses to our product line within the next two months.
user  (posted 2012-08-01 10:35:58.0)
The focal shift data presented here seems inconsistent with the data published elsewhere (http://thorlabs.com/NewGroupPage9.cfm?ObjectGroup_ID=120). Should the focal shift units be mm? Besides the units, there also appears to be a discrepancy in the values.
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エアスペース型アクロマティック複レンズ、350~700 nm

Item #f
Air Gapc
ACA254-030-A3019.98-27.32-20.49-40.687.765.001.2315.221.3Air-Spaced Doublet Drawing

a.左のレンズの中心厚さ(Reference Drawing参照) b. 右のレンズの中心厚さ(Reference Drawing参照) c. レンズ間のエアスペース

Item #Transmission Plota, bLeft Lens MaterialcRight Lens MaterialcImage Space NADesign RMS Wavefront Error
  • 網掛けの範囲はこのレンズのコーティング範囲を示しています。
  • 波長範囲350~700 nmにARコーティングが施されていますが、この複レンズの基板ガラスはUV域においては非常に低い透過率となっています(詳細は各製品のTransmission Plotのリンクをクリックいただくとご覧いただけます)。
  • 「Left」および「Right」の方向は、Reference Drawingのアイコンをクリックしてご覧いただけるレンズの向きをご参照ください。
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
ACA254-030-A Support Documentation
ACA254-030-AAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 350-700 nm, f=30 mm
3-5 weeks
ACA254-050-A Support Documentation
ACA254-050-AAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 350-700 nm, f=50 mm
3-5 weeks
ACA254-060-A Support Documentation
ACA254-060-AAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 350-700 nm, f=60 mm
3-5 weeks
ACA254-075-A Support Documentation
ACA254-075-AAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 350-700 nm, f=75 mm
3-5 weeks
ACA254-100-A Support Documentation
ACA254-100-AAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 350-700 nm, f=100 mm
3-5 weeks
ACA254-150-A Support Documentation
ACA254-150-AAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 350-700 nm, f=150 mm
ACA254-200-A Support Documentation
ACA254-200-AAir-Spaced Achromatic Doublet, AR Coating: 350-700 nm, f=200 mm
3-5 weeks