
  • Passive Low-Pass Electrical Filters
  • Rejection: 40 dB Minimum, 60 dB Typical
  • Terminates Directly into High-Impedance Test Equipment
  • 1 dB Cutoff Frequencies Available from 1 kHz to 15 MHz


DC to 10 kHz Low-Pass Filter

Application Idea

EF502 Used in Conjunction with a High-Impedance Oscilloscope and Amplified Photodetector


DC to 100 kHz Low-Pass Filter

Related Items

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Engraved EF120
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図1: EF1xxシリーズのインラインフィルタは、両端がメス型BNCコネクタとなっています。フィルタには型番、フィルタの種類、透過帯域、ならびに応答曲線が刻印されています。
Engraved EF501
Click to Enlarge

図2: EF5xxシリーズの同軸フィルタは、片端がオス型BNCコネクタ、もう片端がメス型BNCコネクタです。フィルタには型番、フィルタの種類、透過帯域、ならびに応答曲線が刻印されています。
Electrical Filters Selection Guide
Low-Pass Electrical Filters
High-Pass Electrical Filters
DC Block and Mains Hum Electrical Filters
DC Block Filter for RF
Engraved Back of OAP
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  • 5次の楕円フィルタ設計
  • 1 kHz~15 MHzまでの1 dB透過帯域の製品をご用意
  • 50 Ω負荷に対して駆動可能
  • 高インピーダンス機器に接続可能
  • 外部電源不要

当社のパッシブ型電気フィルタはBNC型貫通フィルタで、不要な信号ならびにノイズを40 dB以上ブロックすることができます。こちらのフィルタは、片端に低インピーダンスのソース、もう片端に高インピーダンスの機器と直接接続できるよう設計されています。一般的な50 Ω(低インピーダンス)ソースの例としては当社の増幅フォトディテクタが挙げられ、高インピーダンス機器の例としては1 MΩオシロスコープ端子、DAQボード、100 kΩオペアンプ入力端子などが挙げられます。 こちらのページでは様々なローパスフィルタをご紹介しております。当社ではハイパスフィルタDCブロックフィルタもご用意しています。


阻止帯域の周波数成分に対して優れた抑制を実現するために、当社の5次のローパスフィルタは高次の楕円フィルタとなっており、高周波信号の阻止特性に優れています。 下記の表では、3 dB、30 dB、40 dBの阻止帯域幅などを含む詳しい仕様をご覧いただけます。


当社では、インラインおよび同軸のBNCフィルタをご用意しています(右の図1と図2をご覧ください)。EF1xxシリーズは箱形のインラインフィルタで、両端はメス型のBNCコネクタです。このインライン設計は、2本のBNCケーブルの間で使用することを想定したものです。EF5xxシリーズは円筒形の同軸フィルタで、片端はオス型BNCコネクタ、もう片端はメス型BNCコネクタです。そのため、オシロスコープなどのデバイスにフィルタを直接取り付けることができます(上の写真をご参照ください)。インラインフィルタはサイズがより大きいので、測定デバイスに直接接続することはお勧めしておりません。 同軸フィルタよりもサイズが大きいのはフィルタの周波数と筐体内の電子部品のサイズが相反する関係にあるからです。

Posted Comments:
Ted Young  (posted 2023-10-20 16:12:09.137)
How do we order this part with a credit card? My boss is trying to use the company credit card but it did not complete the transaction. This is for Google San Diego labs.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-10-27 11:48:15.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry! Please feel free to call your local sales number located on the contact page here: Alternatively, you can email (also listed on the contact page). Finally, you can use our live-chat service located on each product page.
Byungmoon Jin  (posted 2023-10-17 18:29:02.43)
I want to know the maximum allowable output current of EF110. I need to drive up to 500mA through the filter when operating.
ksosnowski  (posted 2023-10-17 04:29:10.0)
Hello Byungmoon, thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. These filters are rated for 10V max, and the output impedance is rated for 100 kΩ. The max current could be considered as 0.1 mA at DC or anywhere in the transparent or pass-band up to 500 MHz max. Please note that these filters are designed as voltage transfer systems, not to move high current.
Grace Redhyka  (posted 2022-10-17 16:01:35.68)
Is it possible to use this LPF to filter voltage (output from DAQ/Voltage source) to the load (DUT is semiconducting material, high impedance ≥ 100 kΩ) ?
ksosnowski  (posted 2022-10-17 03:55:02.0)
Thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. These filters are designed for high impedance loads over 100kOhm, however they are intended for low source impedance of 50 Ohm. I recommend checking your DAQ's manual to compare it's impedance as if this is higher it can cause issues in the filter performance.
Junho Lee  (posted 2022-05-18 12:33:05.197)
Hello, I would like to check frequency response performance (phase lag - frequency) On the website, only the frequency response to Amplitude(dB)-freuqency is shown. I would like to order EF502, EF124, EF508. Do you have enough products in stock? EF124(DC to 50 kHz) : 8 pcs EF502(DC to 100 kHz) : 12 pcs EF508 (DC to 1 MHz) : 8 pcs How long will it take to arrive in Korea (Republic of Korea, South)
ksosnowski  (posted 2022-05-23 02:33:06.0)
Thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. We cannot directly measure the phase delay directly for these units, but we do have sample data for the group delay (on each Spec sheet) which could be used to numerically estimate the phase delay. Alternatively, the ideal Network Transfer Function can be used to estimate the group/phase delay, but please note that the actual performance of the filters will be much better than the ideal transfer functions would indicate. In theory, one can fit a damping function to the ideal curve to match either the sample data on the Spec Sheet or the actual unit. In regards to lead time for these, our team at can directly address these questions.
user  (posted 2021-07-06 14:53:52.237)
Can LPF and HPF be cascaded and used as BPF?
cdolbashian  (posted 2021-07-12 09:45:12.0)
Thank you for contacting us at Thorlabs! These devices can technically be combined to create a bandpass filter, although impedence mismatches at input and output of these devices will lead to a performance which is not simply the sum of the two filters used. We have contacted you directly with additional information regarding your application.
wangkunpeng  (posted 2018-10-10 18:22:50.577)
Hello, we would like to know the max. allowed current of these filters, or specifically for EF502 and EF120.
YLohia  (posted 2018-10-10 11:26:53.0)
Hello, the filter is rated for 10V max, and the output impedance is rated for 100 kΩ. The max current could be considered as 0.1 mA at DC or anywhere in the transparent or pass-band up to 500 MHz max. Please note that these filters are designed as voltage transfer systems, not to move current.
melanie  (posted 2018-09-18 11:02:48.54)
Would you consider marketing a low pass filter that also includes DC block ? I notice you sell separate filters for each, but if I connected them in series I think there would be an impedance mismatch.
YLohia  (posted 2018-09-19 02:27:39.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your requirements and the possibility of offering this.
william.bowden  (posted 2018-07-03 11:39:04.52)
It would be helpful if you gave group delay rather that group delay variation. If you are using these in feedback application, it helps to know group delay. I am interested in the: EF501 EF526
YLohia  (posted 2018-07-17 03:10:55.0)
Response from Yashasvi at Thorlabs USA: Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, measuring the group delay directly is not quite straightforward, since any test system adds its own group delay and there is considerable uncertainty in knowing what components of the total delay are from the DUT as opposed to the test system itself. The ideal Network Transfer Function can be used to estimate the group/phase delay, but please note that the actual performance of the filters will typically be much better than the ideal transfer functions would indicate. In theory, one can fit a damping function to the ideal curve to match either the sample data on the Spec Sheet or the actual unit. The group delay can be theoretically calculated from the transfer function when S=iω (where i is the imaginary unit, and ω is the signal angular frequency. The phase delay is ϕ(ω)=arg(f(S)) where arg is the argument operator (returns the angle that the imaginary vector f(S) makes with the +x axis, e.g. arg(c)=arctan(Im(c)/Re(c)) where c is a complex number in the first quadrant). The group delay is then the familiar dϕ(ω)/dω. I have reached out to you directly with the ideal Network Transfer Functions for EF501 and EF526.
mkirchner  (posted 2017-02-14 12:28:05.11)
It would be good if you could include the phase response of these electrical filters along with the amplitude response. Some applications care about both the amplitude and phase properties.
tfrisch  (posted 2017-02-17 02:01:16.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly regarding the phase response of these filters.
coen  (posted 2015-10-29 13:34:59.363)
Dear Madame/Sir, I would be very interested in a low-pass filter with a cutoff of 10 kHz (anti-aliasing of audio signals). Would it be possible to modify the existing EF502? Kindest regards, Coen Elemans Dept of Biology, SDU Denmark
besembeson  (posted 2015-11-04 02:18:05.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: This will be possible. The housing may look different for such lower frequency cutoffs and we will also need to know an acceptable rejection level for your application. Our Sweden office will be in contact with you.
lamarche.louis  (posted 2015-04-10 14:09:55.26)
Hello, Could you send me an approximate analytic transfer function in the laplace domain for the EF256. I need to know if there will any ringing on my signal. Thank you for your help Regards. 450-652-8077
jlow  (posted 2015-04-27 01:40:40.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: Yes, we will send you the transfer function via e-mail.
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ローパスフィルタ、インライン、1 kHz~50 kHz

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こちらのフィルタのインラインパッケージには、 メス型のBNCコネクタが2つ付いています。

Item #aEF110EF112EF114EF120EF122EF124
1 dB Passband WindowDC to 1 kHzDC to 2 kHzDC to 5 kHzDC to 10 kHzDC to 20 kHzDC to 50 kHz
3 dB Rejection> 2.05 kHz> 2.76 kHz> 6.61 kHz> 15.2 kHz> 27.2 kHz> 68.4 kHz
30 dB Rejection> 3.1 kHz> 4.27 kHz> 9.95 kHz> 24.5 kHz> 41.6 kHz> 102.1 kHz
40 dB Rejectionb> 4.1 kHz> 6.20 kHz> 11.14 kHz> 27.2 kHz> 45.4 kHz> 109.5 kHz
Frequency Response Curve
(Click for Graph)
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Source Impedance (Typical)50 Ω
Load Impedance (Typical)c≥ 100 kΩ
Input Voltage (Maximum)±10 V
Storage Temperature-20 to 70 °C
  • 値はすべて25 °Cでの測定値です。
  • 各フィルタの性能は500 MHzまで測定されています。
  • このフィルタは1 kΩ未満の終端抵抗で動作可能です。しかし終端抵抗が小さいと通過帯域が狭まるため、性能は保証されません。
+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
EF110 Support Documentation
EF110Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤1 kHz Passband, In-Line BNC Feedthrough
EF112 Support Documentation
EF112Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤2 kHz Passband, In-Line BNC Feedthrough
EF114 Support Documentation
EF114Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤5 kHz Passband, In-Line BNC Feedthrough
EF120 Support Documentation
EF120Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤10 kHz Passband, In-Line BNC Feedthrough
EF122 Support Documentation
EF122Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤20 kHz Passband, In-Line BNC Feedthrough
EF124 Support Documentation
EF124Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤50 kHz Passband, In-Line BNC Feedthrough
3-5 weeks
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ローパスフィルタ、同軸、100 kHz~15 MHz

こちらのフィルタの同軸パッケージには、 オス型とメス型のBNCコネクタが1つずつ付いています。

Item #aEF502EF504EF506EF508EF510EF516EF501EF526
1 dB Passband WindowDC to 100 kHzDC to 240 kHzDC to 500 kHzDC to 1 MHzDC to 1.7 MHzDC to 4.5 MHzDC to 10 MHzDC to 15 MHz
3 dB Rejection> 139 kHz> 310 kHz> 640 kHz> 1.35 MHz> 2.3 MHz> 6 MHz> 12 MHz> 21.5 MHz
30 dB Rejection> 199 kHz> 475 kHz> 1 MHz> 2.1 MHz> 3.4 MHz> 9.5 MHz> 20 MHz> 34 MHz
40 dB Rejectionb> 220 kHz> 515 kHz> 1.1 MHz> 2.3 MHz> 3.6 MHz> 10.5 MHz> 22 MHz> 37 MHz
Frequency Response Curve 
(Click for Graph)
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Click for Plot
Raw Data
Source Impedance (Typical)50 Ω
Load Impedance (Typical)c≥100 kΩ
Input Voltage (Maximum)±10 V
Storage Temperature-20 to 70 °C
  • 値はすべて25 °Cでの測定値です。
  • 各フィルタの性能は500 MHzまで測定されています。
  • このフィルタは1 kΩ未満の終端抵抗で動作可能ですが、終端抵抗が小さいと通過帯域が狭まるため、性能は保証されません。
Filter Tube
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+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
EF502 Support Documentation
EF502Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤100 kHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
EF504 Support Documentation
EF504Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤240 kHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
EF506 Support Documentation
EF506Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤500 kHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
EF508 Support Documentation
EF508Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤1 MHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
3-5 weeks
EF510 Support Documentation
EF510Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤1.7 MHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
EF516 Support Documentation
EF516Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤4.5 MHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
3-5 weeks
EF501 Support Documentation
EF501Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤10 MHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
EF526 Support Documentation
EF526Low-Pass Electrical Filter, ≤15 MHz Passband, Coaxial BNC Feedthrough
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ECM100を使用してØ12.7 mmポストに取り付けられたEF123

こちらのアルマイト加工されたアルミニウム製クランプを用いると、上記のインラインフィルタを固定することができます。クランプはデバイスの側面にスナップオン式で取り付けられ、側面の2 mm六角固定ネジでフレクシャーロックを締め付けることができます。ECM100は幅25.4 mmの面に、ECM125は幅31.8 mmの面に取り付けます。

各クランプの底面にはM4ザグリ穴があり、Ø12 mm~Ø12.7 mm(Ø1/2インチ)ポストやM4タップ穴のある面に取り付けられます。クランプはインラインフィルタを取り付ける前にポストなどに取り付ける必要があります。フィルタ筐体をクランプに固定するとザグリ穴は使用できなくなります。

クランプEPS125を用いると2つのインラインフィルタをコンパクトに接続することができます。このクランプは各デバイスの幅31.8 mmの面に取り付けます。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
ECM100 Support Documentation
ECM100アルミニウム製サイドクランプ、幅25.4 mmの小型デバイス筐体用
3-5 weeks
ECM125 Support Documentation
ECM125アルミニウム製サイドクランプ、カスタムデバイス用小型筐体、幅31.8 mm用
EPS125 Support Documentation
EPS125プラスチック製クランプ、上下取付け可能、幅31.8 mm用、2個セット
3-5 weeks