
  • Zoom Lenses Supporting Magnifications from 0.07 to 28
  • Compatible with Thorlabs’ sCMOS and CMOS Cameras
  • External C-Mount Threads or F-Mount Bayonet Mount


12X Zoom Lens


1.33X Extension Tube


1.5X Lens Attachment

Application Idea

6.5X Zoom Lens with 1.33X Extension Tube
and 1.5X Lens Attachment, Mounted on our
Scientific CMOS Camera

Related Items

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Zoom Lens Exploded
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  • マシンビジョンおよびその他のイメージング用途のモジュール式ズームレンズ
  • 6.5Xシステムの倍率:0.09~18.0倍(コアレンズは6.5X倍率調節範囲)
  • 12Xシステムの倍率:0.07~28.0倍(コアレンズは12X倍率調節範囲)
  • 作動距離 36~341 mm
  • 当社のCマウント2/3インチセンサーフォーマットカメラ用設計
  • Cマウント-SM1変換アダプタSM1A9またはSM1A10を使用するとSM1ネジ付き部品に取付け可能
  • 視野範囲 0.15~91 mm(詳細は「視野範囲」タブをご参照ください)


当社のモジュール式システムは、倍率0.7~4.5倍ズームレンズ(6.5Xズーム範囲)、または0.58~7倍ズームレンズ(12Xズーム範囲)からなります。加えて、倍率0.50、0.67、1、1.33、2倍のエクステンションチューブと0.25、0.5、0.75、1.5、 2.0倍のレンズアダプタも組み込み可能です。6.5Xシステムは、6.5X倍率調節範囲で、倍率0.09~18倍の正味倍率をご提供します。一方、12Xシステムは、12X倍率調節範囲で、倍率 0.07~28倍の正味倍率をご提供します。 この倍率調節(ズーム)は、レンズ鏡筒上にあるリセス加工された回転環でできます。これにより、V字型クランプにレンズを取り付けながら、倍率の調整を行うことが可能です。1度に取り付けられる倍率レンズは1つだけですので、ご注意ください。

このシステムの正味倍率M(M = 画像サイズ/対物サイズ)は、倍率レンズの倍率にズームレンズの倍率(現在の設定)とエクステンションチューブの倍率を掛け合わせたものと等しくなります。例えば、12Xズームレンズは、 0.58~7倍(12Xズーム範囲内)に設定することができます。その最大倍率の設定が7倍の12Xズームレンズを使い、さらに2倍のレンズアタッチメントと2倍のエクステンションチューブを取り付けた場合、システムの最大倍率は、2 x 7 x 2 = 28となります。各レンズの組み合わせで得られる最大および最小の倍率については、「仕様」タブをご覧ください。



Sizea (µm)
of Field
6.5X Zoom Lens
MVL6X025L (0.25X)MVL6X3Zc or
MVL6X12Z (6.5X)
MVL05A (0.5X)300 mm0.090.560.0060.01827.78 µm9.26 µm2.505.1913.89 mm1.54 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.120.753.336.95
MVL10A (1.00X)
MVL133A (1.33X)0.231.516.6513.91
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)0.352.259.7220.84
MVL6X05L (0.50X)MVL05A (0.5X)175 mm0.181.130.0110.03515.15 µm4.76 µm2.735.384.13 mm0.41 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.231.503.487.14
MVL10A (1.00X)0.352.255.3010.71
MVL133A (1.33X)0.473.037.0514.24
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)0.704.5010.6121.42
MVL6X075L (0.75X)MVL05A (0.5X)113 mm0.261.690.0170.0539.80 µm3.14 µm2.555.321.73 mm0.18 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.352.253.437.08
MVL10A (1.00X)0.533.385.2010.63
MVL133A (1.33X)0.704.546.9214.13
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)1.056.7510.3021.23
NoneMVL05A (0.5X)92 mm0.352.250.0230.0717.25 µm2.35 µm2.545.280.95 mm0.1 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.473.003.417.04
MVL10A (1.00X)0.704.505.0810.55
MVL133A (1.33X)0.936.056.7614.03
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)1.409.0010.1521.11
MVL6X15L (1.5X)MVL05A (0.5X)51 mm0.533.380.0340.1064.90 µm1.57 µm2.605.320.43 mm0.04 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.704.503.437.09
MVL10A (1.00X)1.056.755.1510.63
MVL133A (1.33X)1.409.086.8514.14
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)2.1013.5010.2921.26
MVL6X20L (2.0X)MVL05A (0.5X)36 mm0.704.500.0460.1424.90 µm1.57 µm2.545.290.24 mm0.02 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.946.003.417.05
MVL10A (1.00X)1.409.005.0810.58
MVL133A (1.33X)1.8612.106.7614.07
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)2.8018.0010.1521.15
Matching Pixel
Sizea (µm)
of Field
12X Zoom Lens
MVL12X025L (0.25X)MVL12X3Zd or
MVL12X12Z (12X)
MVL05A (0.5X)341 mm

0.070.870.0050.02533.33 µm6.67 µm2.335.8020.00 mm0.80 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)
MVL10A (1.00X)0.151.755.0011.67
MVL133A (1.33X)0.192.336.3315.54
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)0.293.509.6723.34
MVL12X05L (0.50X)MVL05A (0.5X)165 mm0.141.750.0090.05118.52 µm3.33 µm2.595.826.17 mm0.19 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.192.353.607.68
MVL10A (1.00X)0.293.505.3811.45
MVL133A (1.33X)0.394.667.2215.51
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)0.587.0010.7422.89
MVL12X075L (0.75X)MVL05A (0.5X)108 mm0.222.620.0140.07611.90 µm2.22 µm2.615.812.55 mm0.09 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.293.523.457.73
MVL10A (1.00X)0.445.255.2411.52
MVL133A (1.33X)0.586.986.9015.49
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)0.8710.5010.3523.05
NoneMVL05A (0.5X)86 mm0.293.490.0190.1019.26 µm1.67 µm2.685.821.39 mm0.05 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.394.693.427.74
MVL10A (1.00X)0.587.005.0911.55
MVL133A (1.33X)0.779.317.1315.54
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)1.1614.0010.1723.10
MVL12X15L (1.5X)MVL05A (0.5X)50 mm0.435.230.0280.1516.17 µm1.12 µm2.655.850.64 mm0.02 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.587.043.457.78
MVL10A (1.00X)0.8710.505.1811.60
MVL133A (1.33X)1.1614.007.1515.68
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)1.7421.0010.7423.34
MVL12X20L (2.0X)MVL05A (0.5X)37 mm0.586.980.0380.2024.50 µm0.83 µm2.615.790.35 mm0.01 mm
MVL067A (0.67X)0.789.383.427.79
MVL10A (1.00X)1.1614.005.0911.62
MVL133A (1.33X)1.5418.606.9315.43
MVL20A or MVL20FA (2X)2.3228.0010.1723.24
  • マッチングピクセルサイズとは、最小分解能が2ピクセルに相当するときのピクセルサイズです(マッチングピクセルサイズ=1/2(最小分解能xシステム倍率)。もし、マッチングピクセルサイズが、使用するカメラのピクセルサイズより大きい場合、システムの分解能は"レンズ制限"となります。 もし、マッチングピクセルサイズが、使用するカメラのピクセルサイズより小さい場合、システムの分解能は"カメラ制限"となります。
  • レンズのズーム設定をご参照ください。
  • 同軸照明ポート付きズームレンズMVL6X3Zは、ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントMVL6X15L(1.5X用)およびMV6X20(2X用)に対応しています。またMVL6X3Zは、MVL6X025L(0.25X用)、MVL6X05L(0.5X用)、MVL6X075L(0.75X用)の各ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントとお使いいただけますが、ビネットが発生することがあります。
  • 同軸照明ポート付きズームレンズMVL12X3Zは、ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントMVL12X15L(1.5X用)およびMV12X20L(2X用)に対応しています。またMVL12X3Zは、MVL12X025L(0.25X用)、MVL12X05L(0.5X用)、MVL12X075L(0.75X用)の各ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントとお使いいただけますが、ビネットが発生することがあります。

6.5X System Diagram

*同軸照明ポート付きズームレンズMVL6X3Zは、ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントMVL6X15L(1.5X用)およびMV6X20(2X用)に対応しています。またMVL6X3Zは、MVL6X025L(0.25X用)、MVL6X05L(0.5X用)、MVL6X075L(0.75X用)の各 ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントとお使いいただけますが、ビネットが発生する場合があります。

12X System Diagram

*同軸照明ポート付きズームレンズMVL12X3Zは、ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントMVL12X15L(1.5X用)およびMV12X20L(2X 用)に対応しています。またMVL12X3Zは、MVL12X025L(0.25X用)、MVL12X05L(0.5X用)、 MVL12X075L(0.75X用)の各ズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメントとお使いいただけますが、ビネットが発生する場合があります。

Field of View (mm)a
0.5X Extension
Tube MVL05A
0.67X Extension
Tube MVL067A
1X Extension
Tube MVL10A
1.33X Extension
Tube MVL133A
2X Extension
Tube MVL20(F)A
6.5X Zoom Lens
MVL6X3Z or
MVL6X12Z (6.5X)
Field of View (mm)a
0.5X Extension
Tube MVL05A
0.67X Extension
Tube MVL067A
1X Extension
Tube MVL10A
1.33X Extension
Tube MVL133A
2X Extension
Tube MVL20(F)A
12X Zoom Lens
MVL12X3Z or
MVL12X12Z (12X)

  • 上記の視野範囲はセンサの対角線に沿って計測しました(水平 = 対角線 x 0.8、垂直 = 対角線 x 0.6)。
  • ズームレンズの倍率設定をご参照ください。
  • 0.9X以下のズーム設定でビネットが生じます。



LCD Screen Pixels
Click to Enlarge

スマートフォンのLCDスクリーン(326ピクセル/インチ)の画像 (倍率28倍、視野213 µm x 170 µm)
Damaged Fiber End
Click to Enlarge

セラミックフェルールに取付けられたコア径Ø50 µmのマルチモードファイバの損傷した端部の画像 (倍率28倍、斜光照明)
CCD Sensor Far
Click to Enlarge

カメラセンサと周辺回路基板の遠視野画像 (倍率2.32倍、視野2.56 mm x 2.05 mm、同軸照明)
CMOS Sensor Close
Click to Enlarge

カメラセンサと周辺回路基板の近接画像 (倍率約22倍、視野267 μm x 213 μm、同軸照明)

Posted Comments:
Peter Szekely  (posted 2024-07-23 11:24:05.233)
Dear Madam/Sir, In case of MVL6X20L (2.0X) I think the resolving limit should be 3,62-1,175 x - if I am not wrong... Best wishes, p
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-07-29 11:12:47.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. Based on the resources we have available and the reasoning you provided, it is very likely this needs to be changed. I will review this with our marketing division, and this will likely be updated within the coming days.
Chad Brubaker  (posted 2024-03-14 14:14:31.427)
It seems as if the FOV tab needs to be updated for additional camera formats; there are at least 8 cameras that have a format >2/3". Specifically, I am looking at the following: LP126CU MVL20A MVL6X3Z MVLCMC I'd like to know the combinatorial specs of this set; most I can infer, but FOV specifically relies on chip format (which makes sense). I also want to make sure that I am not creating a mismatched configuration (other than being lens limited on my resolution; I expect that).
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-03-29 01:35:37.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry Chad. As of now we do not have data for formats > 2/3", though as you have pointed out, we do indeed carry various cameras with larger sensor formats. We definitely want to avoid vingetting when viewing images with these lenses on a larger format camera sensors. At the time of posting this, we are working to update the table with such information.
Ali Mohammed  (posted 2023-12-07 14:06:40.81)
I made the following set up for Flow cytometry. 1. Camera + 1x standard adapter + 6.5 Zoom lens + No lens Attachment + LEDRW40 2. Camera + 1x standard adapter + 6.5 Zoom lens+ 2X lens Attachment + LEDRW40 with the above two option I can see clear image but not cells as desire, I then order a MY20X-804 and made the this set up Camera + 1x standard adapter +6.5 Zoom lens + 20X 0bjective The challenge using the 20X objective it only allows a working distance of 20 mm and the LED light is not quite compatible and suitable to be attached at end considering the working distance. I tried lighting by holding the LED light, still can see anything. Two possibilities 1. Either the use of two adapters instead of one (idea adapter height (11.4mm) while combined would give a height (16.4mm).OR 2. I came across a document in NAVITAR web page Based on the information and images provided the zoom lens with internal co-axial zoom would be more suitable for the monitoring single cells. Even though a table providing the field of view matrix indicates both types of zoom lens are compatible with the objective and can give same performance. If read it correctly. Any advice or do you think we should use MVL12X3Z instead of MVL6X12Z Thank you
ksosnowski  (posted 2023-12-28 01:44:50.0)
Hello Ali, thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. It is not common to see an objective used on these particular lenses however Navitar does make similar zoom lenses specifically for use with microscope objectives. The illumination mode that works best depends strongly on the sample being imaged and whether contrast is required more at larger or smaller features. I have reached out directly to discuss your application in further detail.
Ruben van Gulik  (posted 2023-08-22 11:53:24.39)
Hi, I was wondering if there is any possibility of doing darkfield microscopy using this setup, for example by sliding a darkfield filter in the optical path.
ksosnowski  (posted 2023-08-25 01:55:13.0)
Hello Ruben, thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. We recently released an LED Ring Light: LEDRW40 which is designed for oblique illumination as is necessary for darkfield microscopy. There is no access to the fourier plane to place a DC blocking spatial filter however, and there is not a filter slot in the optic train. I have reached out directly to discuss this application in further detail.
Jonggu Han  (posted 2023-08-18 17:49:59.703)
Is there transmission curve of the camera lens and its components such as etension tube and Lens attachment?
jpolaris  (posted 2023-08-21 08:47:40.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Additional specifications and data can be requested by emailing us at techsupport@thorlabs.com. I have reached out to you directly with this data.
Prachet Jain  (posted 2022-07-13 18:34:02.797)
I would like to know if there is any way to know the focal length of the lenses based on the given specs?
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-07-19 02:20:13.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us Prachet. I think the information you seek can be found on the "Specs" and "Field of View" tabs above. I have reached out to discuss the specifics of your inquiries.
Victor Carozo  (posted 2022-02-16 14:02:21.107)
Dear, I have the 6X Zoom lens with coaxial illumination and the complete magnifying setup; however, I found an issue. First, the beamsplitter was sent loose, but on the first try, I saw something. After that, handling the tube, the beam splitter moved the position, and I did get the image back. Then, I noticed that the beampliiter could be threaded. So, I opened the MVL6X3Z and threaded the beampliterr in that position. But, to my surprise, I could not form an image. So, it seems that the fixed place is not correct. Any help will be appreciated.
jdelia  (posted 2022-02-28 04:36:43.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We can take back your zoom lens for an RMA. I have contacted you directly to help get this set up.
Jorge Monroy Ruz  (posted 2021-04-13 06:52:38.447)
Hi, I just got the 6.5X system with coaxial ilumination, and a 2X extension tube. I want to fix this vertically. What is the best solution to hold the Zoom lens verically and attach it to a C1511 on a 1.5 inch post?
YLohia  (posted 2021-08-27 02:07:13.0)
Hello, we do not have a direct way to mount this, as the options to mount this camera are limited, and even more limited in a vertical orientation. The best option would be to use the threading on the front of this camera (M25x.75) to mount this, in combination with one of our V-mounts, to stabilize the body. Are you planning on mounting this pointing up or down, and are you planning on having a camera attached to the back side?
Patrick Lee  (posted 2021-03-10 23:17:35.143)
Hi I wish to build an optics/ camera system with : a) field of view ~50 to 40mm b) magnification around -0.15x c) short work distance. Any suggestion ? Thank you
YLohia  (posted 2021-03-12 03:39:25.0)
Hello, any lens system for a specific set of requirements can be selected using the tables given on the "Specs" and "Field of View" tabs on this page. The Specs table gives a list of all possible combinations of our Machine Vision lenses/attachments and their respective magnifications and working distances while the Field of View table provides the field of view data for all combinations of these items. The selection will depend on what you define as "short working distance" and your camera sensor size.
user  (posted 2020-08-04 20:46:51.303)
How does the coaxial illuminator feeds into the optical path, a 50/50 beam splitter? I’m concerned about transmission losses from this combining element on the collected light from the object being imaged for an extremely low fluorescence application.
nbayconich  (posted 2020-08-06 10:45:37.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The MVL12X3Z uses a 50:50 beamsplitter for the coaxial illumination port. I will reach out to you directly to discuss the transmission properties through these zoom lenses.
Vijay Patel  (posted 2020-07-11 01:58:17.227)
Hello sir I want to see 40 micron hole with the help of a camera and zoom lense assembly so plz suggest me assembly for this
YLohia  (posted 2020-07-13 10:34:34.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have been in direct communication with you regarding this.
user  (posted 2020-05-04 11:05:53.957)
Hello,I have a similar question for a long distance inspection microscope to look inside a cryostat. I'm currently building a new setup for STM measurements at low temperature. I need some optics to place the tip of my STM on top of a 40um-wide membrane inside my cryostat, at a minimum working distance of 200mm. I know already that magnification and working distance are conflicting requirements, for this reason I don't ask for extreme resolution, but something that allows me to recognize the membrane and put the tip on top. I have already one of your CCD Camera ( HD, 1/3" format, 1280x1024, CS-Mount ) Could any of your products be good for this purpose? Thanks and best regards,
YLohia  (posted 2020-05-06 11:37:28.0)
Hello again, any lens system for a specific set of requirements can be selected using the table given on the Specs tab on this page. This table gives a list of all possible combinations of our Machine Vision lenses/attachments and their respective magnifications and working distances. For your application, the only possible working distance for your requirement that we can offer to you is 341 mm using the MVL12X025L, MVL12X12Z, and MVL20FA. This will yield a maximum magnification of 3.50, which would make your 40 um object a 140 um image. This should likely offer sufficient resolution for camera's ~4 um pixel size.
user  (posted 2020-04-23 11:10:37.36)
Hello, I would like to build a long working distance setup (WD ~200mm) and high magnification (>24x) in the visible range, to look inside a cryostat. Could you give me some hints? I'm really new in the field. Thanks in advance!
YLohia  (posted 2020-04-29 11:33:47.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, we currently do not have a suitable solution for your application. The combination of lenses to produce your required >24X magnification are MVL12X20L, MVL12X12Z, MVL20A, but they will limit the working distance to 37 mm.
Mario Sanchez  (posted 2020-04-17 08:43:14.207)
Hello, This is Mario, from ITAINNOVA (Zaragoza, Spain). I usually work with Digital Image Correlation and, currently, I have to perform some small scale measurements. I have a 5 mpx CCD camera and a set of lenses (8, 23 and 60 mm + adaptor tubes) But I think that this configuration isn't enough to perform small scale measurements due tue the high lens distortion. I am interested in the High-Magnification zoom lenses system for machine vision. Please, could you give me some information about that? advantages/disadvanteges with respect to long distance microscope, price, etc. Thank you in advance. Kind Regards, Mario
asundararaj  (posted 2020-04-29 11:38:05.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The choice of a zoom lens would depend on the Field Of View you require as well as the Camera. We recommend going through our selection table and make a selection based on your requirement - https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=6708&tabname=field%20of%20view. I have reached out to you directly to discuss options based on your specific parameters and requirements.
Gyeongtae Kim  (posted 2020-04-02 05:38:27.277)
Hi, I have plan to build macroscope. A camera I will use is sCMOS (340M-usb). I'll use it to image mouse brain ( covering 3~10 mm diameter region of brain) and consider both fluorescence (GFP) and NIR (730nm for intrinsic imaging). Would you recommend suitable lens for the macroscope?
YLohia  (posted 2020-04-03 11:53:20.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. For your requirements of 1/3 camera format, 3-10 mm FOV, 200 um resolution, and working distance > 100 mm, we recommend the following components: MVL6X075L lens attachment, MVL6X12Z zoom lens, MVL067A extension tube. This will result in a working distance of 113 mm, FOV 17.04 mm (max) and 2.67 mm (min), and a resolving limit of 6.28 µm to 19.60 µm. More information on selecting components can be found by looking at the tables presented in the Specs tab and the Field of View tab.
Maurizio Ruggiero  (posted 2019-10-18 05:18:23.647)
Hi, I need your advise. I am interested in acquisition of a fluorescence image. The sensible area is 1,5mm x 250um x120um, so to have a good image, I selected Quantalux or Kiralux camera, MVL6X3Z, MVL6X20L and MVL133A. With this configuration at the distance of 36mm I have good focus and close-up of the sensible area, is it correct?do I need anything else? thanks in advance.
YLohia  (posted 2019-10-22 09:10:24.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Yes, this selection will work for your sample size and target resolution. I have reached out to you directly to discuss your application further.
user  (posted 2019-08-28 10:30:05.433)
Hello, is it possible to have focus length more than 20 mm while with a zoom from ~1x to ~20x? What else do I need to add to this system below? Thanks! "6.5X Zoom Lens with 1.33X Extension Tube and 1.5X Lens Attachment, Mounted on our 1500M-CL Scientific CCD Camera"
YLohia  (posted 2019-08-28 11:14:37.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. When you say "focus length" are you referring to the working distance of the lens or the fine focus travel? The focal length for these lenses is not specified by the manufacturer, Navitar. All of the combinations of the lenses and attachments are given in the "Specs" tab. All working distances are > 20mm. If you require more than 20x of magnification, you will have to use the MVL12X12Z instead of the MVL6X12Z.
Jae-muk Lim  (posted 2019-08-01 00:42:39.213)
To whom it may concern, Hello. I am jae-muk Lim, in Hanyang Univ. (South Korea) I'm making a finite system with MVL12X3Z . After several attempts, they were made using only the lenses inside the zoom lens and other objective lens. The bottom lens was removed, and I want to calculate the magnification theoretically and compare it to what is seen in the actual CCD. So I think the bottom lens will affect the magnification, and if I can see the specifications of the lens, I think I can calculate it in reverse.
YLohia  (posted 2019-08-01 10:50:13.0)
Hello Jae-Muk, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. What specifications are you looking for? All information is listed in the "Specs" tab on this page.
Nitesh Gupta  (posted 2019-06-13 06:17:37.86)
What is the working distance if we use MVL12X12Z(zoom lens) with a MVL20A(Extention tube) without using the magnifying lens attachment
YLohia  (posted 2019-06-14 09:49:56.0)
Hello, working distances for all scenarios (including ones without lens attachments) are given in the "Specs" tab. For your particular application, the working distance will be 86 mm.
sorinnicolae.sauca  (posted 2017-09-26 16:18:41.017)
Good day, I am Dr Sauca, from IFF Company. I need a high magnification system for 2-10 micron polymeric microcapsules. It would be useful the system DCC1240C color CCD camera, MVL20A extension tube, MVL12X12Z zoom lens, and MVL12X20L? What type of light do I need? Thank you, Sorin
tfrisch  (posted 2017-10-20 10:23:04.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly about setting up a transillumination or dark-field illumination.
timothee.labouret  (posted 2017-02-23 10:53:13.217)
Hi, I am very interested in a high magnification system (highest mag) listed here. I want to use it with a high-speed camera that I have from another supplier. I have technical questions regarding both compatibility and features of this kind of system. Please contact me on my email address. Thank you.
tfrisch  (posted 2017-03-06 09:06:16.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have asked our Technical Support Team to reach out to you about the compatibility and features of this magnification system.
sylvain.hermelin  (posted 2016-12-02 10:27:10.077)
Dear Sir or Madam, We are interested in a MVL6X12Z + MVL20A or MVL20FA for imaging down to 380-350nm. Is it possible to have the transmission curve for this setup? Thanks, Regards
tfrisch  (posted 2016-12-05 11:26:31.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. While we don't have any formal data on the performance of these lenses in the UV, the transmission does drop off sharply in the UV. I would not recommend them for use in 350-380nm. I will reach out to you directly.
ilhan.kahraman  (posted 2016-04-06 14:52:14.837)
Dear, I have the galilean telescope which magnificating 4,5 times, I want to the optical zoom system which object height keep at different object distance with same object height in image plane. My telescope, at 1 km distance 2m height objective's at the image plane height object appr. is 2mm and same object at 30 m distance at the image plane object height appr. is 40mm. I need optic zoom system which make image plane same object height(at 10mm). Could you support in this topic. How I can select the correct zoom system(my camera have 12mm width and 10mm height aperture) Best regards
besembeson  (posted 2016-04-06 10:57:58.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: I will contact you directly to discuss this please.
dgutierrez  (posted 2016-02-05 15:37:20.13)
Hello, My Name is Diego, working at Institute of Science Materials of Barcelona (ICMAB). I am very ineresting in taking an image of some structures(100-40 um). The distance between the structures and the lens-camera is arround 8cm. I think your CMOS camera, MVL12x3Z and OSL2 will be very good for me. However, I am not sure about the adapters. I think all the components that I need to work are: DCC1645C, MVLCMC, MVL12X3Z, SM1V05, OSL2, SM1LTRR, SM1A1, SM1T2. am I correct or I miss someting? Thanks
besembeson  (posted 2016-02-10 10:24:31.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: Yes that is correct with additional components. You will need to add an extension tube, such as the MVL20A which will help in bringing the image to focus and an (optional) magnifying adapter such as the MVL12X20L. So a recommended arrangement will be the DCC1645C, MVLCMC, MVL20A, MVL12X3Z, MVL12X20L. For the light source through the coaxial illumination port, you will also need the OSL2, AD5LLG and LLG0538-6 or LLG0538-8. You may not need the SM1V05, SM1LTRR, SM1A1, SM1T1.
kimbym  (posted 2014-03-19 03:34:35.797)
I'd like to observe the fluorescence of sample with tMVL6x12Z zoom lens mounted in a CCD camera. Is possible to connect the filter cube such as DFM/M to the zoom lens ? If possible, how can they connected ? or if not possible, I'd like ask how flurescence imagigng system is fabricated to observe the fluoscence image. Our FOV is around 10~20mm.
besembeson  (posted 2014-03-27 01:12:05.0)
Response from Bweh E at Thorlabs: Yes you can connect this to the DFM/M. One way to do this, depending on which end you would prefer to use, will require the MVLCMC and SM1 adapter to C-mount adapter (SM1A12) or you will need an SM1A18 and a lens tube coupler such as SM1T2. You may consider having cage plates such as the CP02 and cage rods like the ER05 (four will be needed) to increase stability. I will send you drawing of the MVL6X12Z to understand why I suggested the SM1A18.
vincent.thominet  (posted 2013-12-05 14:19:42.03)
In the Specs table, there is a x2 factor between the resolving limit values versus NA for the 6.5X Zoom Lens and for the 12X Zoom lens. Which one is correct? [Minimum Feature Size = 1/(3000 x NA)]for the 6.5X Zoom Lens and [Minimum Feature Size = 1/2 x 1/(3000 x NA)]for the 12X Zoom Lens Best regards Vincent
jlow  (posted 2013-12-16 05:11:20.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: Thank you for pointing this out. The formula, Minimum Feature Size = 1/(3000 x NA), is correct. We will correct the numbers for the 12X table on the website.
ulmanis  (posted 2013-08-20 14:51:29.39)
Dear Sir/Madam, I am interested in the 12x high-magnification zoom lens system for an application in a laser absorption imaging setup. In this matter I would like to ask, if the optics used in these systems are anti-reflection coated and if you could send me a graph of the transmission versus the wavelength for the 12x system. Kind regards, Juris Ulmanis Quantum Dynamics of Atomic and Molecular Systems Physikalisches Insitut Universität Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 226 69120 Heidelberg Germany Tel: +49 6221-54 19480 http://www.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/Forschung/QD/
tcohen  (posted 2013-08-22 15:00:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs to Juris: Thank you for contacting us. Yes, there is an AR coating and I have sent you a typical curve. The transmission peak is ~87% for 550nm.
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LEDRW40 Attached to a Zoom Lens
Click to Enlarge

  • 6.5Xのズーム範囲(コアレンズの倍率は0.7~4.5倍)
  • 0.006~0.142のシステムNA
  • 2/3インチセンサーフォーマットカメラ用設計
  • エクステンションチューブ(下記参照)が必要

当社の6.5Xズームレンズは、倍率0.7~4.5倍の可変倍率をで、6.5Xの倍率調整(ズーム)範囲をご提供します。MVL6X12Zは、広い作動距離範囲に対して12 mmの高精度焦点移動が可能です。一方、MVL6X3Zは、同軸照明ポートに沿って、3 mmの高精度焦点移動が可能です。同軸照明ポートには当社のファイバ出力光源OSL2またはOSL2IRと、Ø5 mm 液体ライトガイドに取付け可能です。これらのズームレンズは、当社のリングライトLEDRW40に直接取付けられます。右の写真はMVL6X12Zを用いた取付け例です。

6.5Xズームレンズは、エクステンションチューブ(下記参照)と共に使用する必要がありますのでご注意ください。6.5Xズームレンズ用レンズアタッチメント(下記参照)も取付け可能です。ズームレンズのネジ側にはM25 x 0.75内ネジと1.093"-32外ネジが付いています。当社の6.5Xズームレンズは、固定式クランプC1512/MまたはキネマティックV字型クランプC1513/Mを使用して容易に取付けが可能です。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
MVL6X12Z Support Documentation
MVL6X12ZCustomer Inspired! 6.5X Zoom Lens with 12 mm Fine Focus
3-5 weeks
MVL6X3Z Support Documentation
MVL6X3ZCustomer Inspired! 6.5X Zoom Lens with 3 mm Fine Focus and Coaxial Illumination Port
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  • 0.25~2倍の倍率を付加
  • 当社の6.5Xズームレンズに取付け可能
  • M25 x 0.75外ネジ付き


+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
MVL6X025L Support Documentation
MVL6X025LCustomer Inspired! 0.25X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 6.5X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL6X05L Support Documentation
MVL6X05LCustomer Inspired! 0.5X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 6.5X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL6X075L Support Documentation
MVL6X075LCustomer Inspired! 0.75X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 6.5X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL6X15L Support Documentation
MVL6X15LCustomer Inspired! 1.5X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 6.5X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL6X20L Support Documentation
MVL6X20LCustomer Inspired! 2.0X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 6.5X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
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  • 12Xのズーム範囲(コアレンズのズーム範囲は0.58~7倍)
  • 0.005~0.202のシステムNA
  • 2/3インチセンサーフォーマットカメラ用設計
  • エクステンションチューブ(下記参照)が必要

当社の12Xズームレンズは、0.58~7倍の可変倍率を持っており、12Xの倍率調整(ズーム)範囲をご提供します。MVL12X12Zは、広い作動距離範囲に対して12 mmの高精度焦点移動が可能です。一方、MVL12X3Zは、同軸照明ポートに沿って、3 mmの高精度焦点移動をご提供します。同軸照明ポートには当社のファイバ出力光源OSL2またはOSL2IRと、Ø5 mm液体ライトガイドに取付け可能です。


+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
MVL12X12Z Support Documentation
MVL12X12ZCustomer Inspired! 12X Zoom Lens with 12 mm Fine Focus
3-5 weeks
MVL12X3Z Support Documentation
MVL12X3ZCustomer Inspired! 12X Zoom Lens with 3 mm Fine Focus and Coaxial Illumination Port
3-5 weeks
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  • 0.25~2倍の倍率を付加
  • 当社の12Xズームレンズに取付け可能
  • 1.093"-32外ネジ付き


+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
MVL12X025L Support Documentation
MVL12X025LCustomer Inspired! 0.25X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 12X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL12X05L Support Documentation
MVL12X05LCustomer Inspired! 0.5X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 12X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL12X075L Support Documentation
MVL12X075LCustomer Inspired! 0.75X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 12X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL12X15L Support Documentation
MVL12X15LCustomer Inspired! 1.5X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 12X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
MVL12X20L Support Documentation
MVL12X20LCustomer Inspired! 2.0X Magnifying Lens Attachment for 12X Zoom Lens
3-5 weeks
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  • 当社の6.5Xまたは12Xレンズチューブで使用
  • 6.5Xおよび12Xの両システムに取付け可能
  • 0.5~2倍の倍率を付加
  • 2/3インチセンサーフォーマット カメラ用設計
  • MVL20FAはFマウントバヨネットマウント付き


+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
MVL05A Support Documentation
MVL05ACustomer Inspired! 0.50X Extension Tube for 6.5X and 12X Zoom Lenses
3-5 weeks
MVL067A Support Documentation
MVL067ACustomer Inspired! 0.67X Extension Tube for 6.5X and 12X Zoom Lenses
3-5 weeks
MVL10A Support Documentation
MVL10ACustomer Inspired! 1.00X Extension Tube for 6.5X and 12X Zoom Lenses
3-5 weeks
MVL133A Support Documentation
MVL133ACustomer Inspired! 1.33X Extension Tube for 6.5X and 12X Zoom Lenses
3-5 weeks
MVL20A Support Documentation
MVL20ACustomer Inspired! 2.00X Extension Tube for 6.5X and 12X Zoom Lenses
MVL20FA Support Documentation
MVL20FACustomer Inspired! 2.00X Extension Tube for 6.5X and 12X Zoom Lenses with F-Mount Bayonet Mount
3-5 weeks
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  • Cマウント内ネジ付きのカメラと当社のエクステンションチューブを接続
  • Cマウント外ネジ付き
  • エクステンションチューブ取付けは3つの六角ネジ(1/16" 六角レンチ)により実施
  • アダプタSM1A9またはSM1A10と併せて使用することで、ズームレンズを当社のSM1ネジ付きオプトメカニクスに組込み可能

アダプタMVLCMCを使用することで、一般的なCマウントカメラに当社のズームレンズを組込むことが可能です。 このアダプタは、Cマウント外ネジが付いており、標準的なCマウント17.526フランジ焦点距離に対して正確なレンズ間隔をご提供します。 さらに、アダプタSM1A9またはSM1A10を併用することで、このページに記載のズームレンズを、当社のSM1ネジ付きオプトメカニクスに組込むことができます。

+1 数量 資料 型番 - ユニバーサル規格 定価(税抜) 出荷予定日
MVLCMC Support Documentation
MVLCMCCustomer Inspired! Cマウントアダプタ、6.5Xおよび12Xシステム用エクステンションチューブ用
3-5 weeks